HOME EDITION PRICE five CEKTS tHB CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY AUGUST 2S. 1937 VOLUMNE 17 No. 35 NTOOLLEGE PLANSlGREATmNING USHE^CLOSE SUCCESSFUL MEETING Growth Of Local School Has A m az e d Whole Educational World With nine new buildings and an athletic field in .process of completion and with applications pouring in, the'North Carolina College, headed iby Dr- James E. Shepard, looks forward to the largest enrollment, and the most sut'cessful school year in its his tory;. The W37-38 term of the local college will open September 21, according to an announcement made by'it-s president this week. There‘will be Several new' addi tions to the faculty. In th« *.le- partnient of , business ai^d com merce ^ill 'be Dt. V. V • Oak who recently Received his PhD degree from Clark Universitji_ Miss Cl^e Vee Harris of Louisville, Ky. W'iil al»o be added to the bu.si- ness dcpai'tment as assatant to the president and associated with the Department of French, will be Dr. A; Henninburg wha has ibeen connected with the faculty of "P^u^egee Institute,. In the» Department^of Biology will be Prof. R. W. Mitchell, a native of North Carolina, a grad uate of Shaw and Cornell Uni* vei’sities. EVenta 'of interest at the collcge this year will include an addi'ess by Clyde Hoey on December 5 at which time the dedication of the n,ew iiuditori- urij will taJte place. The follow ing evening Roland Hayes, noted tenor will sing. Other interestiiig speakers and artist will also ap pear at thetcollege during'next school year. iDurham, N. C.—(C)—^The edu- j cational world has been amazed at I the sudden “come back” on a big-1 ger and better than ever scale of J. the North Carolina College. Viai-1 tors to Durham this summer have' gasped at the *fact before their | very eyes that nine buildings are I going up at one tjme—three major j buildings which have a total cost of 1280,000„ and six teachers cot-| tages, five of which are costing $39,»C0, and one alMte costing $12,COO. - ’ Everybody Wondering “How” Everybody is wondering ‘how' was it done, aiitfl Dr. James E. Shepar37 the veteran president who started out 27 years ago with bis National Religious Training Scho9l { and Chatauqua, merely smiles and , says the college wilf fill a greait' need jn the educational Negro^n North C^olina. Just how the Federal Govern ment tame to give |127,000, is for administrative knowledge only, but there are the buildinsrs going up, with brick being placed and carpenters’ hammers ringing, NEW PRESIDENT OF BUSINESS LEAGUE L. E. Austin New Head Of State Ushers The 13 th annual the Nortft Carolina Inter-Deno- minntional usheVs aaaociation closed a most successful meet ing here last Sunday afternoon. The pro^am included addresses of welcome from Mayor W. F. Carr. Prof. J. W. Davidson, Dr; A. S.* Norris and Mrs. C. A; Greenwood': Responses were de livered by- Joseph P, Williapis of Kinston,. Miss A. B. Miller, Miss_ Alma Sellars and_^ Mrs. Ruth Morgan. ’ The election of dffieers was .^held Saturday afternoon at -he W. G4*^Pear^|» .school auditorium L. E. Austin,' ieditor of the Caro lina Timps was elected president for the, next two ye^s. Vice- ! Presidents elected were C, A. l^mgaton of Raleigbt W. 3L Hawkins of Winston Salem, A; JJ. Clark of Chapel Hill, C. C. meeting of r But we claim that the Thirteenth, Annual Session of tht North Car olina Intedenominatiohal Ushers Association has proven the oppo-. site. We fee} that this has been the most profitable and enjoyable convention yet held and this is ep»cssing it lightly. ' Rain Halts Title Battle Scheduled For Thursday At Yankee Stadium SUCCUMBS THURSDAY C. C. SPAULDING, president of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, became the successor to Dr. R. R. Moton as president of the National Ne- The new buildings are an audi- gpo iB*usiness League which closed Our reception i. And entertain ment have been of the royal type'. Our sessions have been well atten.. ded and our deliberations bave been both inspiring and inStruct- I ive. The spirit of the master has permeated the ASfflt*efS“*i(nd dele gates alike, f tnus demonstrating^ that Christian brotherhood can an must be greater thaih demonn- inational ties. We. have learned to j love and respect each other irres pective on denominational con- ii^tions,. Seeking at all times to^ I to help the man larthest* down, ^*nd whereas we can consciencious- Craig of Chapel Hill was relectcjd ^.ly subscribe to the above f^ts and seciT^tary of the Finance mittee,. James W- Doak was c- lected to the office of treasurer. pgrMPTON LAKES, N. J.— When Joe Louis climbs jnto the rttig at the Yankee Stadium Mon day night to battle Tommy Farr, ' fji.i'tish champion, he will earn the distinction of being the youngest of all recognized heavy • Essential Facts CoBe«r»i*t Th* Joe LoMis-Tommjr F»rr BoMt PRINCIPALS—Joe LouU, cf Detroit", the worlds heavyweight champion vs.- Tommy Farr,of Wales, British Empire heavy weight champion. weight title holders to engage in j OF ®OUT—Scheduled a bout in defense of the honor. Thursday, August »6th.. but jy subi [ to tne The meeting this year wa s the largest attended in the hi.story Com-1 to the royal treatments received here, therefore jbe it resolved. A. That a rising vote of thanks be given for the following: To the IKirham city Union for toribm, which will. c^t 1^100,000, and will contain seats, and unusually fine decor&tions will grace its interior. Governor'Clyde Hoey will himself deliver the dedi catory address on December 3, and Roland Hayes will be the first concert artist to appear in the new building on December 5. The new library Is being built according to plans and standards Contracts for more th^n ?30,- ^he Amerkan Library Asaoda- 000 worth of furnishings and It will cost about ^»,000. equipment for the new buildings ^ were let this week.-The comple-' tion of the new building program its 3i5th annual session in Atlan ta, Ga.' this week. ' Regarding Ndgrp Operated Busi ness.” Mrs.' P9&k tated that from her experience, the business men among Negroes are not sufficient ly active in cultivating the proper attitude of the Negro housewife 'toward their businesses. Mrs. Continued on page eigiiit of the association. Goldsboro was , the invitation ^o Fiold our session the meeting place MIRS. ADA DANIELS, of 111 Chestnut Street who died Thurs day night at IB o’clock. Mrs. Daniels was a member of the Primitive (Baptist church where her funeral will be preach ed on the first iSunday in Sept. She is survived iby one son, One big reason for this, of cour.se, is that Joe was younger than any of his predecess back to the time of John L. Sullivan, and including the great' John L. when he won the title. But if the new champion had followered th custom so prevalent m recent years, of taking a long rest >e- fore risking his crown, even that early winning would not mean so much. Joe is setting a new style by en^ging in a title bout less than thi-ee months after hav ing gained the top hoiiofg. Louis Favored Louis was a 10-1 choice in the betting odds late today and vory little money "had been placed on th’e Welshman. Many'^fans are of the opinion that Farr is no ma+.ij for tho bomber and that the bout won't last long. However, Tom’s ilue- to' rain was postponed until Monday August 30th. SCENE OF BOUT — Yankee Stadium, New York City. TIME OF MAIN BOUT—Not later than 10 p. m. LENGTy OF BOUT— Fift««ea round® to A uec4sion. ^ PTtO M OTER S. — Twentifth Century Sporting Club and” Milk Fund for IDabies—Mike Jacr-bj, president; Tom Mc.4^rdlc, mafcF*- maker. f p*0BA*i£ BBeeirts- fsifu 000; ATTENDANCE^40,C»o‘’’' / OFFICIALS — Referee en^ judges, to (be named by Bosirig Commission brfore bout. PROt»A®LE WEIGHTS—Louis 198 pounds,' Farr 204 pounds. DIVISION OF RiECEIFTS— Louis 40 per cent; Far 10 per In Durham, on^ of the Fest sites of them all. 2. For the quality and^ quantity of foo3 placed at our disposal as w611 as the cozy and comfortable Mr. Pi'esident, Ladies and Gen-ibe^s upon which to rest, tlemen. We, the committee. In re-J S. For the prevelige of holding selected as for 1938. Resolutions read by. the com mittee on resolutions were as follows; Otis Daniels^ one grand-daughter | style is considered so awEwarJ after Federal and Statoa *axes are deducted. Milk fund t-j receive 10 per cent of net. f FIGHraRS’ SECONDS— For friends." Something more than physical Louis—Julian Black, John Rox- Mrs, Ruth Wylie;* two •brothar.s, ^ that it is clever, and there’? no William Daniels and Louis Dan- telling what may happen, iels, a host of other relatives and sbjlltlons beg leave to make the “following report. Number Thirteen and Friiay are considered by some to be unlucky. businrss meetings in W. G. Pear son School Auditorium and the prlvelige to wqrship at Sti Marks ConHnued on page eight THIS TIME ESCAPED CON VICT CAPTURES BLOQD- HOL'^-D fitness will be operating in Joejborpugh a^d Jack Biackbum. For Louis’s behalf Monday at ti.e Farr—^Broadrifcfe iBbb according to contract is set for November 1©. Ftom all indica tions most of the new structures will be ready for occupancy on that date. > The North Carolina CoUjge will offer this year a course iji Home Economics. This* depa-t, ment is ibeing transferred from the Winston Salem Teachsr's 'College. One of the new build ings will be used for instruction in the home economics dcpai^t-. script which are to be preserved will b3 included in the constructitn. The new Boys Dormitory will conta'n the last woKi in facilities for college lif?. The building is costing $10,000, and will be the envy of alumni who may feel they “gr^uattd too soon." Gro'vth of College . .Just a few years ago there was a flurry in the state legislature concerning the state making fur ther appropriations trf the college. 4- Durham citizens arose in protest, J TlfWrt After this y?ar tbie local "’^nd on the strength of that pro- college will be the only scfiool in * test, the then Governor Gardner the state' where-a d?gree in home [ appointed a committee to investi- econonucs-.for teachers in hijTh gate the Institution. The com- schools may be oibtained. I Continlued on page eight J IS NEW BUSINESS LEAGUE HEAD GROUP OF NORTH CAROLINIANS AT rHE NATIONAL TENNIS TOURNEY Perry, Ga.-(ANP)—Tired of having bloodhounds capture es- Yankee Stadium when he st?ps iitg the ring, as world cham- ion attempting the first defers-; )f his iitle. The physical side of the picture already has been at tested by the official physician? Athlctic caped convicts, one of them. Will*State McCrary, struck a blow in de- Commission, fense of all convicts last week khen he reversed the procedure and captured the bloodhouni. No Complaints - The worries, the process H«r- vers and the threatened lawsuit's which have plagued some of tho heavyweight champions of the past, and usually during th«*ir lost the animal in tiie swamp as ! campaigns, have been t 1 entirely missing here as Loris went through his daily paces. McCrary, a trustee, fled the' Houston county chaingang. Guards j set'a bloodhourtd on his trail. They : hejswiftly chased the fleeing man Next morni.ig, an overseer on a nearby plantation found , the bloodhound securely tied with the ,A)nvict’s suspenders to a fence. The log WjBs returned to the owners, but the convict is still at large. ■- > Dr. and Mrs. Joe Greg« Have Pfrty For -Doctors Rogers and Mills; Dr, iRbgers Breaks Arm \ Atlanta—(ANP),—The discus sion groups at the National Negro Business League which jnet here this week enabled a 'brilliant array of speakers to br ng to the audie nces factual and in!orming ma terial which I ointed the answer to the general convention • theme: "Meeting New Economic Condi- TiTons". Joiui Rice, of Ilougtoa, thg ness administration school head of W«(fet Virginia Institute; Edwa^ Smmons, whplesalejand retail fish Snappied around the Bust of the famous Scientist, Dr. George W. Carver, standir® left to right, H. M. Michaux, :i>urham; Mrs. Amelia dealer of Charlston, S. C., and \Hapfilln, Raleigh; Dr. Yorke Gar- Pred Allen, laundry proprietor of rette, Durham; Christopher Hunt, Endowment Secretary, for the Tex as Odd Fellows open^ the dis cussion, ‘‘Minimum Standards In Business Practice.” He - was fol- Detroit. 1 Better preparatiin, more attentloii to credit*, profits, re cords and merchandising pUns were among the points stressed bn Ihii Bpettkers. ^ Raleigh; Frank Johnson, Laurin- burg, former National Champion; Coach Inman Breaaz, A. & T. Cil- lege, Greensboro"; Miss Maye ^irhr—Single Natfennl Hap'linr HouaewiTM League Active ‘ Champion; W. T. Daniels, A. & T. Mrs. Fannie B. Peck, president College,' Greensboro; Mrs. J. S. of the Detroit and the National Thompson, Durhapi; Mrs. W. D. ^ . _ „ _ , Housewives I^eagues opened the HUl, Durham; John Lewis, Rale- lowed by Dallas C. Browi^, , discussidn if ‘Hj^nsumer Attitudes jgb; Mrs, W. J. Kennedy, put- hani; Nathaniel Jaclcson, Laurin- burg, former National Champion; Miss H. T. RisseU, Brieve Oham- piin, Charlotte; ,W. J. ^ennedy, Vice Pres, anrt Secretary of the North Carolina Mutual Life In surance Company, Durham; Mrs. Aurelia Tate Smith, Charlotte; Mrs. G.oTge Cox, Durham; Miss Fannie Pkrtee, CSarlotte; Miais P. Russell, Charlotte; George W. Cox, Vice President and Agency Director, North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, Dur ham'; Miss Eleanor Chippe'^r, Raleigh; Prof. J. T^ Taylor, Chair man Sanction Committee, Ameri can Tennis Associat^fti,, Durham; Seated left to right, W. D. Hill, Treasurer American Tennis Asso ciation, and his son, W. D. Hill, Jr., Durham; Master Rollins Chip ped R^eig^Han^pn- Fitch, for-; mer Inter-Collegiate Champiofi and Runner Up tn Men’s sii^les. Win- ('Special to the Garoiina Times) —Dr. Clarence Rogers of the. Rog^> fers Hospital in B’upfield, W.?Va. id~Jlr. J. N. Mills, of Durtamr North Carolina were feted by Dr and Ml’S. Joe Gregg at the St. uis Municipal Swimming Pool in St. Louis. ' As the St. Louis srnarter set and, scores of beatitiful. iadijes were waiting an»ioi’sly for a dive off the diving board, upon introduc tion of the two honored guet's. Dr. Rogers, preceeding Dr. Mills, and the diving board, turned, to bow, slipged and fell into the pool and broke his left arm. This caused a few minutes oif commotion, as Louis has mixed better in thn camp than in his previous train ing work. He has enjoyed the crowds and he was happy-in his work. Strains of gay music r-»ng out frequently from the chani- IHon’s electric phonograph dur ing the lulls in his training a-.-S:- vities. , Churchill Tom Evans. BROADCAST To be on national hook-up. Local WPTF. HOW LOUIS AND PARR STACK UP ■FOR FIGHT A comparison of Champion Joe Lewis and his challenger. Tommy Parr, in Louis" first de fense of h.s t tie at Yankee sta dium follows: LOUIS FARR £3 years Age .... 23 years 198 pounds . Weighe . 204 pounds 6 ft. 2 in. . Ht. . tt ft. 1 1-2 inches 41 iinr’Chest tnormil). 44 inches 44 in. _Chest (expanded) 49 inches 76 Inches Reach gl inches 14 inches „ Bici ps . 15 12 inches 12 1-2 inches . Farearm .14 inches ?4^incheij . , woJst — ^ inches 1(> 1-2 neheb—Neck'I b1., iaidies 21 Inches ..__Thigh 21 inches 10 inches iJTnkle- 10 inches 15 inches Calf„ 15 t-2 incites 8 nches —.Wrist 8 inches 11 inches _.-.Fi3t.._ 10 1-2 inches Blind /VI anlSees Ar niston, Ala., ANP)—A stea- stream of cur'oas p?ople, both white'ajid^colprel'i, has flocked to tire littte ramshackle ^ifTee of fclie Church of God in Christ he^e, since Monday to vie.w the site of “a modem miracle,” throagh which, by the medium of prayer, bli^d Major Barron; sijhtless since\birth was made to se», ^r. Rogers Had to be carriad to a hospital. Durham; ^ rest of the day was spent in danc- hiei: North Carolina Mutual life Insurance * Company, George _W. Cox, JA, Jiji^r doubles | ing, card playing and a deliciaus champion, Durham; Master Louis i^past served by the hostess. Chippey, Raleigh, North Carolina. It is reported that Dr. Mills Tnnison' where for years he has made a bare ex'stence by begging. The party continued with the in, Monday, w th S. D. ffl of Dr. Mills and his Brown, pastor of the church and gr«mful dive into the pool. The stopped to vis't Dr. Rogers in W. Va. on hia return to Durham and found him in his usual joval Mood Hifl condltisn impiovlng. H. C. Kidd, a member, th^ ‘‘Major’* went to the church, to do—as he descr bed il—heax2__ In^." Saddealy, those in the church all agree; the mir«;le hap pened. Declares Major Barron: “We had «n inspirstion, ,and sud denly the Lord lifted the bl*ek from my eyes. All of a sudden 1 could see and 1 jumped up in tW Barron, is well kpown in West^^ the Lari'- Matron, aecorting ran from the ehareli. tfcowtkMI “Hallelujah! Praise God, I cm M*.* He later ran into a piHeiiin was about ta an«st kuiai ^ but when he story "the o fftee* penMttm to continue his wiU ^ Barron s 3? jr«an old. I-

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