FMIM SIX rME CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY SEPT. S8, ltS7 He Mina Times U7 E. F»»body St Burtowa, Nortk OBroltM PobiidiMl »t Dmimm, Noitb OtroUaa Er^rj •atarday b; THl CAROLINA TIMES PUBU8HIN0 OO-, iae. Fkmmm J-7S71 L-S4S1 L. E. AUSTIN. EOtTOR 1- R«|rtUr EJItof E««um Tat«a A4«w4l»ia« Maaagvr SUB9C®IPTI0N RATfia •W " 12.00 Per Year in AdvasM; $1.36 Par 9U MoDthi io Advance; $6c Per Thraa Mantlu in AdvaBccj^ C»nad>, |5-08 £n*«red at ie«dnd-«ia«i matter at tfea PoaMffioe, under act of Mvcb Srd, 1871. Dorhaza Advertiain* Department— Ttaa« dMiring infonnatiaa ■■■tiiminf natloaal siwtiarnf rates, addrew all eMDiaunicatleu t* ^ CAJIOUNA HM£fl. itarbam. N. C. SATURDAY SEPT. 26, 1837 BLACK KI KLUX ^(By William Pickens for A. N. P.) _.x«iNo, 1 am not talkinjr about a black man: that wauld Ix? phen omenal. But it is hardly less phen- omenaL aitho for different t^sons, to find a Ku-Kluxer on th^ Sup- r«o« Court of the United States. It is now publishel in the daily papers that Hitgo Black,' Roose- Telt's recent appoints to the higii- eat court of the land, is still a mamber of the Ku Ktax Klan.—If that is a sample of what Roosevelt meant to pack the Court with, we are agiain thanking God for the “Battalion of Death,” which, led by Senator Wheeler of the Wes,t defeated Roosevelt’s plan t^'ap point aix raendbers. If we must have Ku-Khixers on the high court, certainty one is about six times Better lliSn sTs:. Some of us were under no il lusions; we knerar that when Black, of Alabama, was added to the Caaii/ that was one permanent ,Lii(>» fuari-if-*! i«i iia—— tirtW y ▼ — - wgue that ha* be 1^1 created by people all over the cou ARE you. Ip ;le be«. coun try wridng through "Lonesome Hauts” columns of publications Nr' . ^ ^ J A I iasiwuitirtirttorfbfllflim National Friendship Club. This new club has headquartere ^ 2132 Seventh Avenue, New York City, and its purpose is to help lonesome people enlarge their cirer of friends. I* It is a strictly confidential club which only club members are introduced. Membership in thi* new club will bring you new friends —Mid a thrilling experience. Any MM regardless of age may write for free information. ^ Knter into .correspondence widi some one who wilt share yoor thoughts, interests, and ambitions . . . Know and write to •lak members of Uie opposite sex. Strictly coni'idcntial. # Write lor fre« oppHcoHoa emd titerorture C . NATIONAL FRIENDSHIP CLUB 2132 Sr^ENTH AVENUE • NEW YORK Cm vote afainst th« Kegro. Tbare -wia nothing that coaid b« dona about it, e3cc«pt to Say So, and show your intelligence. He could not ba defeated as Rm'ker was dafeatad for good reasons: Congreas being now overwhelmingly Democratic, and dominated by tha South; and the labor unions being for Hugo Black. We had only defeated Pank «r because the worekrs as well sa tha Kegroaa were against him,— and dafaatad biot ity only «nia Tota at that. Alt becauae we have to a«cept a raw deal front, the New Deal, we do not have to pretend th%| we like it, as soma Negroea are doing. ^Society Notes"* Sav. and Hra. J. A. Valentins hava aa tbatr house guest Mrs, Bamica Williams of Baltimore. Md. Mra. Williams is the sister of Mrs. Valentino. M rs. Mary Louir|e Hayes of Washington, visiting har parenta on villa St. Fearaon t). 'C. is Fayette- _ Somp col. fntir i»i.« Jasaia iSiiuiig wiio Bis way. if they cannot do anytiiing about it, they .just pretend that they are in love with itr and let it at t^t. It is a child’s make- believe; . or at best a dodging of responsibility, for by preteniing to like itj the slacekr defends him> •elf against anybody’s asking him to do anything about it. I have ever had ^^egroes who h«Ve to live in Mississippi to iell me; '^Missia- sippi is not so bad." But 6very sane person who knqws Missisaipp knows that it is the worTd'a neareat approach to hell, so far as bla^k people are concarnad. The Ku Klux Klan is Primarily an anti-Negro orgsuiization, esp- ecailly committed against anything like equal citizenship* rights for American iNogroes. Here again* P®*’ West Va. State easy-going ^^es like to kid their studies thefe.“ themselves: “The Ku Klux Klan are only against Negroes,’^ they been by the bed side of ncr sis ter, Mrt^ Hattie Scai&orough has returned to her home in Dayton Ohio. Mrp. Margarie Jenkins sifter of Mr, M. A. >GoinB h«s returned to her home In Muncie, Ind. Misa Fannie Taylor and her sister, Mrs. Martha Carr were called to Oxford, N. C, on ac count of the death of their grandmother. Miss Thelma Cordon spent tbi* week-end out of the city. Edward Cannady of Oxford^ was in the "Friendly City” this week. He was the guest of h|* sister Mrs-. Benniej Hicka_.on Dun bar St, Sunday aftamooa at 8^ P. M. in the loUby of tiia fiUtmare ’Ho tel, all nerchaata are aafcad to mtund. T. L. WillUras Is tha preaident. •The Hltle sc\i of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Charleston—trf— died last week. Wanta Gome* left this for Va. State to enteri there. Tha Wast Durham Baptist Church School will hold their annual promotion Mcercisea on Sunday morning^ 9;S0 A. M. TORRiENGE TO SOUTHERN PINES C.-'C. SPAULDING WRITES— CoaiiBa«d from f^aga ««• the other Hand, could we but en- Hat some five or ten thousand Negro buriness men and women in a gigantic organization, such as the National Negro Buiiinass League should 9^«,could speak and be heard. In accepting the presidency of ^ ,fh,^J^ague, I do so with some misgivings, due to the many pres aing demands upon my time inci dent to supervising the financial institution* with which I am af filiated, and in whose organisa- ^6v6l6pmPTIf T—ntcvw Mrs. F. Price_wh the ffck liit ts coh^ n valuing. been on Mrs. F. L. McCoy who haa'Seer. visiting. J»er brother in Boston. Mas.';, has returned home, Mrs, McCoy haa had an extended tiip through the New England Sti;e»^ Miss Geneva Torrence, pretty school! daujrhter of Mrs. Torrencfl of Fayetteville Street Who left the city on Tuesday for Sou*^hem Pines College in Southern Pines, N. C. where fjie will be an in structor of French and Ehglisli. Miss Torrence waa formerly an- employee of the North Gurolina Mutual Life Ina«ranea Co. Rev. J. A, Valentine’s sermon on .Sunday morning was "Whei I Get Straight”, this was indeed a masterpiece. Rev, Valentine are full of spiritual triiths. Miss Loris ^aw and her bro ther, Thomas Shaw Jeft this, week Mr. and Mrs, Burgess returned to resume ^*’®”' Kinston, N, C, whore they j W§i1t oh t)ul|ihes8 ahff visiting re- t 1 latives. exclaim unctioosly, “but against Jews, CaUioIics and Foreigners.”' Bosh! After the Klan got started ! and wanted to take on neiw terri tory, so as to collect more membe^- tip dues, only then did it think of the Jew and others. The Klan was resurrected to put down the Mpinations of Neigiroes. especially since the black troops were ex pected back from Fiance, and sua* pected of notions thai miaybe they ought to enjoy in Geongia somfe of the "democracy" Woodrow Wilaon had said thiey were lighting for in france, ’ BROOKLYN GEfTS 6 MORE ~ . COLORED g^s ^ fBROOKLYN, N. Y.—(C)—The Stuyvesant-Bedford Mction, a thickly populated section, and in which the mob spirit flaired early in the summer when a co lored patron was allegedly as saulted by a white employe of a neighborhood butcher shop, wm given six new coloredi patrolmen, Mrs. R. N, Harris and Misa Geneva McA>ane are visitinf; friendtt in Baltimore, Md. Miss Ine^ (Butler of Greenville was the week-end guest of her aunt Mra. Weaver of Fayette- vile Street, Miss Butler is a grad uate of North Carolina Collfige. student* left Canary CottafV hav ing anjoycd tha dallghtful aftar- noon planned for that plearuTO by Dr. Brown. NiEW FACULTY ADDITIONS • Mr. Kenneth Williams, a g^d- uate of Boston 'University, for^ merly of the Wlnaton Salem Tea chers' College fartilty, Is the n*^w bead of the department of his tory. Mifs C. R. Jenkins, a Ho ward grad&ata, who previously served ori the faculty of and Dover Slate College?, h'^ads the department of Romance I.,an- guagef+ Mr. B. John Wesley Grlor from the University of Michigan some contribution, fore, heads the department at selcnce. All of the new members told their masters degrees, whiah k in.— keeping with the Palmer policy of having the best teachers ior the students. Mrs. W. E. Rickli, wife -of former Principal Ricks . „ i T « 1 -.>1 .of Lincoln Academy in King, Mt. to Mr. A. L. Holsey, Tulare. Ij, I am, there- calling upon the buainesi men of America on their own in itiative to pool their common in terests through the organisation of local Businei^ League. Such organizations should be reportaJ Institute, Al^amn, secretary of -the National body. 'Mr, Holsoy will cheerfully send information relative "to the organization ot local I.,eague, and in instances where the local League has bI» ready been organized, he wiif gladly offer sug^stions for the promoting of thi moijc.. the Mrs. Lula Gomez was in cjty^this week on business. who were transferred from Har lem, last Thursday, The new cops b^ing the total patrolling the rtis- tdct to nine. , Mrs, Ralph Johnson and her mother-in-law. Mrs, Lula John- ' The Union Baptl!A, Church Chorus of one hundred vokesr ,wiILj£ndec.^ ^ program. Jit St. Mark A. M. E. Zion Church on Monday night,' September 27, be ginning at 8 P. M. The public is cordially invited to attend. Mra.^ , . „ 1 Emily Ford is directresa. son of 2306 E, 103 Street, Cleve-' land, Ohio are visiting Mr. and (Mrs. Thomas IBiailey, Sr, Of 402 j Fowler Ave. NiBGRO MtERCHANTS MEET ’ The Durham Negro Eet.«l Merchants Alliance will meet on MISS WlLHEUtfS»4IA TUCK ENTERTAINED SBtY MT. GILEAD CHOIR Sensational OXFORD ♦ AND DRESS SHOE Values First WITH THE Newest The Senior Choir and the male chorus of the Mount Gilead Bap tist Church entertained Miss Wil- helmenia Tuck (their organist, who is leaving the city to teach in the Waters Training Schoo Time has proven that indivi dual effort ^has limits beyond w>*ich it cannot go. Booker T. Washington recognized this fact, and through the ofganRSllon 6t the National Negrro 'Btisiness Lea gue, made 'possible the beginning of a new day for Negro busimss. I am, therefore, a/ppealing to the sound, local leadership in ■ ich community to visualize the fits to be derived from concerted effort, organize local Leagues, encourage the organization af a state League, whicji in turn will affiliate with the National body Such a movement will not only rfc'Ult in a more efficieht Nntio- ing hall supervisor. Miss B. A. Harper, of W. Va- State College is the new instruotor in the Jr. High School department. Presi dent Brown, in a recent address to the studentE) said, "No fin* group of iboys and girls have en tered ‘Palmer, and I hope that tte end of the year will fco *»■ bright and as ifaccessful as has been the beginning, LIVINGSTONE BLUE BEARS »Rtt.LlNG HARD FOR OPEN* ING GAME OCT..2 The Livingstone “'Blue B'eae J' are hard at work with Coach Snm Barnes, i&ly assisted by S. W. Garlington. The outlook for iMs year is much beter than ii) many years. Only four i^|«rTh«v» been lost by graduation, and theit places will be filled very i^adiiy. The schedule for the commg year is as follows: Oct. 2 Vorheefi Denmark, S. C. nal body; but will placs the or-! Oct. 9 Bfenedict College Saliaiiur.v ganization In. iposition to • Jh'eetly encourage and bendfit. ^Negro business in every community offers you a LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ■* * I tor ydur old watch! J/iaeb, St in. ^tCTbu) MiDAUION Smart, new, small at dime! In the chorm and color of yellow gold muieiK 15 jewels; a sturdy, hand soma Butova m the charm and color of tn j yallowgold.. 24' 10 MISS AMiniCA Slen^r boguette model, diuinctly engraved. In the charm and color cm of yellow gold. 24 TIIASURn 17 jewels; trim, slender and curved. In the charm and color of Double Feature/ \7 Jewel yellow gtid BULOVA WATCHES ■MONISS dainty 17 lewel aristo- curved crat, engraved citarmand color of yellow gold 3 / eoooiss or Tuu Re^ M MwaNi In ik* coIm md ckata et yaUew aoM. charm dcdlor MAITHA WASHINerON 17 jewels, 2 diamonds! Round -Of square- ocise, ut charm ond color • yellow gold . *42^° CUFMR Slrwl|«»d; In lfc« ceict and ckM ef yeHew sold. charm and of yellow mm%^ SquajTc toe*. Crepe Sole KOtiA, Ghiltte*) F Belted o r Tailored [•tylas . GENUINE . . . with GOOD. YEAR WELTS 1 ^11 tke neweet eoIor»! SIZEyS 2 1-2 to WIDTHS AAA to D ■ Winton, N. September o’clock. C.) 21, 'nuesday night. J throughout tKe''length and btj»d- 1937 at eig'it th of the Nation. The party was a tangible way that the choir and chorus used to | show the aippreciation that they | felt Yor the faithful and Htelpful service rendered by Miss Tuck. After the playing of many games, .a delicious re^iast of chic ken salad, punch, ice cream and cake was_ierved. Misses Dorig and Johnetta Rol- ■jloway, daughter !, of Mr. and Mrs. John Holloway of 900" Elizabeth Street left the city on Monday for St, Augustine College in Ral eigh, IffiSs Johnetta Holloway .will enter the frshman class. PALMER MEMORIAl—- Coatitiued on page tix - To bring the orientation to a close, the teachers ajid students were invited to be the guests of Dr. Charlotte Hawkins BroVn, on the lawn of her beautiful home, Canary Cottage. In the receiving line were to Ibe found many ott of town perrjons, inclu ding Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Kenndy of Durham, Miss Merze Tate of Bennett College. Misses Helen Whitaker and Mary 1,. (Bond, for met Palmer teachers, tan.i many Oct. 16 Claflin Orangeih i -j; Oct. 23 Allen Columbia Oct, 3K) State Normal SaJisb'try Nov. 6 Georgia State Sayapnah Nov. 13 Paine College Sali^ury Nav. 20 Op‘>i: Nov. 25 J. C. Smith Salisbury (Thahksgiving Classic) CRiEIENVILLE, Misa. —(CV-- The Greenville Leader, iOO N. Edifon street. Levye Chappe, editor and ptri>lisher, has annn tn- ced its plan to activelp engage in the fight against veneral disease in its locality. The paper’3 plan calls for the formation ,>f a health association, the mentjh >rs of which will agree to submit to of which will agree to submit to a W;^3erman test and taka trc>at- ments if needed. The plan calls others frbljr nearby towns;—Re-'TOP CanbASSIBg NBjro m freshments were 'served and the,the Delta. Otlter Style* $2.99 and $3.99 BAB’S- SUPPER SHOP LOOK! BIG MOMEY FOR >011! Itrt's Yiwr Kg Chance to IIMie Qiudt Momy—1« Agent for SWEET 6E0RGU MOWN Hair Dressing, Bleadi Crean^ 300 Products. It's Easyi Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good tWnM that Money would buy to make you h^pv? Then become a SWEET QCOrGIA MtOwN Hioiiw- Makbig AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere acAGEMTS for SWEET V7 We*t Main Street ^Beautiful Shoe* GEORGIA BROWN Cream, Face _ _ WcH-k in Spare Time or Full 'B'l'e week or up to $6.00 in a single day. Bleach Cre .experience. $4t.tO a we ^me. We show you how to up to ly. FREE SAMPLES T I VALMOe MIOOUCT* CO. I Just fill m coupon and mail lt« | 22«1 Indtana Av*., Ohloaca, IN. I today for FREE SAMPLES of • l w«nt to make QHtckMMMV. Pl*^ •end ra* I Hair Dreeing, Face Powder and J iw Sample* and SpedaJOffertoAgenu right .wsy. i ^jecial Offer to AGENl^. Don’t ■( jvam* I •wait. Mall the COUPON NOW! i - i V«lmorProductoCo. ”S?‘ ! “ '‘ j 2741 ladiaM Avmmm, CUc4h« ML tU EAST MAIN STREET BE CO. 4 DUmiAN. N. C. \ ' ' THE above photo IS THAT OF THE HOME OF _MR. AND MRS. WILLIE R. BLUE LOCATED AT 209 UMSTEAD STREET. THIS BEAUTIFUL EDIFICE WAS ERECTED THROUGH THE , ■MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. WHAT THESE > TWO THRIFTY PERSONS HAVE DONE YOU CAN DO IF YOU WILL JOIN OUR SERES WHICH IS NOW’"*FORMING. IN A ' SHORT WHILE YOU WILL RID YOURSELF OF THE RENT COLLATOR FOREVER. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE TOO OU) TOJTRY, BUT START today AND YOU WILL BE SUR- PlRISED TO KNOW HOW SOON YOU CAN PAY FOR XhoMC., WE HAVE HELPED OTHERS AND WE CAN HELP'YOU. Mutuai Building JiERE IS THE HOME "DF ANOTHER THRIFTY COUPLE, htRv AND MRS. BRANTLEY BASS OF CONCORD STREET. THIS READY IN A FEW DAYS. YOU TOO WILL FIND OUT SOME HOME* IS NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND WILL BE DAY -mAT^YOU CANNOT CA^SH RENT RECEIPTS. REAL ES- STATE IS CHEAPER IN DURHAM TODAY THAN IT WILX BE A YEAR PROM NOW. THE BUILDING BOOM HAS NOT REACHED ITS PtfLt EXTENi:. GET IN THE LINE OF MARCH WITH THE LARGE NUMBER OF DURHAM WAGE EARNERS AND SAVE THROUG H BUILDING AND LOAN. OUR REPRE- SENTATIVES WILL GLADLY EXPLAIN IN DETAIL OUR PLAN. C. C. SPAUD'ING, PreaidMt 112 PARRISH S'fREET F. L. McCOY, Ckainsan of tka BMr4 R. L. McDOUGALD, See’y.Trea*.

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