"■ THE CAROLII/a TIMES SATURDAY OCTOBEII », 1»37 BAR ASS’N ASKED TO DROP Ml ttam* birtbdatt, »nd correct mddress to your letter, tor m •end only (2Sc) tad m self-addreMMed, ttamped «/»^" srJWLOdr R *nd receive by return mil FREE ADVICE on (3) QUeettons. ^ Snd .11 letter, to: ABBE WALLACE, c.r* LINA TIMES, 117- E.,Pe«bo4y Street. Durham, N. C«r6un». LX Flease tell me what I :«n do do. to make my hurf)«nd «Uy At home? Would it be better to P*rt? Abii C«rt»inljr »ot—for ]ro>» fo«r tmftll ^ildrcn te^con* ,1 jrr and tlt*y tnrcl^ a««d th* of Wtk father and m^Aer, Ask *)« '%*i fnasds in your hom* Inttead of alwaya foinf out with them—h# Ua't goiac to continu* thit way T«ry atack loafer a* ha rcalixet ha M takiag a •elfiih (tandpoiat ia life. MXX—I read your column and enjo^^ed it fine. Tell me if it will be jffise for me to many this man and doe# hp really want to marry -aa he pretend*. Ab(; Ha raatljr wants you for hit wifa hut it would ha to your advaataga to *aa a doctor and «^rour physical dUahilitjr ha fora anteriag marriaga with this party. It will he only a short tima hafore you will be over the condition so saek madical care right BOW. MRW»-Do I have the wrong p^imon of the fellow that it In my life and tell me what would be best for ine to do" Ami You don't kav* tha wrong opinion of him.—in f^et yoa ara much too laniaat with tkls man. Ha 'isn’t thowing you tha eon* •tdaratloa due you 7°^ would ha ratkar foolish to ^et him contlnuSa to hurt y^a as ha has haaa doing _tfema. 'past—ei» fiionthsi RJH—Do you think I should consider (oing with the same person I went with before my ill ness? Aiis; No—taka tka advice of a do friend of yours and yon will ba much batter off. G*EJ—Is this nwn I‘ am going with mean go^ and will i har® any trouble with his wife.? Anss^Maiity of trovMe M yoa! eontiiHia to play around with hat . Itusband, .To doae seam me any | ninatead year old girl could find a nice single boy to go with ini staad of Ifying to braak up a cpmnaratiTalr ka||IJ ll III**" ^ Ghargfed Wi^ h BMS—Lwan t to k»oW' if my mother will ever be well again? Ansi Thera will ba a change {for tha batter *^0 bar condition in the immediate future although she win not be as etrong as she was befor^i hw raeai^'t.. illness. grade honor D&—Will I mak«.. my., this year and be pit the roll Ansj You be*— if you continue to study as bard as yoa have dona in tha past. RS—If I make the chango of residence desire' will it bring about the results that I wish jt to Ans; Without a doubt. This month of October will prove an ideal season for you to make this change And yo^ won't have any trouble whatever getting the job tbat you have been interested in iii the city, you hava in mind. RC—I want to iknow if the boy I love care anything for me and should I continue with him not? '' ^ Anst Ha doOsn’t love you but wilt show you a good time if you wish to be friends ..v^ith him. Both of yon ara too yobng to really know tka meaning of love. Attorneys Chamberlian Studio Honor itoll For September . Cele Davison;, honorable men tion, Juanita E. /Branch, Dpj-othy Clarke, Juanita Harris,. Jean Har ris, Mayme E. Harris, Ruth B. Hunter, Mtti Fannie Warner. iten your skin with this faniom bleach foql around with rafangeDleachte; Besieri' U&9 Nadi{jbt^ Bleach* the bleach that really ble^es and purifies the skin. f^i^ola Bleaching Cream can't De duplicated forr^ulfo because th^ .^ecret I^ii^iitbla formula can’t be iihiraCed. Nothing ds§ does s^uch to lighten the skin so j^kly, 80 surely. Start tonight with Nadinola Blea(^ung Cream and wat^h how yoiir coiiijplexion grows lighter in tone, smooBier and apfter in te^Aure. DONT BE "HOOKED" GET-RJCH-QUICK schemers have "liK>oke^" many a man and got his hard-earned money. • AUdruggistscarryNadjiiola in regular are at ^ and ex-, tra toge itroiiey saving size at $1.0Q. Full directions and 5(i6ne$^-teck m^ntee with evlry jar. If yOi^ druggist can’t wpply, take no suceti- tute, seijd mbn6y arid we will m^to ypu^tpajd with book of ttefiufM b^uty secrets. _ _ money, These schemers are not all dead yet . have net quit “^(wrlBng'' the "easy marts.' and they Asfc sonrw level-headed man i>efore YOU bite or they may land you in their net. START SAVIN© REGULARLY NOW We Welcome Your Banking Business MADlNOLAi B» 144,' Paris, Teon. r&on Darham Raleigh AISIVBODY Can Afford to Build! Baca.«sa conditions concamiag tka plannlbgt ffiiaftcihg ahd . actual ' * Ll •Mata^alion of a aaw horn* kara aarar baait mora favombla. f M S » ' tkara’s akaala^aly reason wky ja9 cm't liaTa the honia yo« da- •ira. tha Fadaral |da^ jo« can baU ^tb .thja aartalaty of f«ll awiiarebip . .A a boma that wOl ba jcavrt la 10 or SO yean. Aad initial iavaetmant a«ad ba only SO Ray Mat of tba valna of yMur property I Tbis aaw malliod of ftnanelag k aasiar, moi* aim* vaaiaat and m'ora acondnilcal.^ Taka advtotaga of this golden op* partaalty aow. COME IN NOW FOR ALL INFORMATIPN ABOUT FEDERAL LOANS AND HOMS FINANCING PLAHS /) iL:.v Specialists In Fire Insurance - Rentals - Real Estafe- Property Management • Ante mobile and All Kinds Of Insurance. N-EW YORK, Oct. 7—Because of the ringing denunciations of bigotry and into\erance' and iho fervent speeches calling for the pi'eservation and enforcement of the United States Contstitution wbich were made at the convert* tion of the American Bar Associ ation in Kansas City, Mo., this weelc, the bar asfvciatioa waa disked by tl^ft NAACP to take action for a federal anti-lynch ing laW, ’ against disfranchise ment in the southern stat ss, ai;d for the constitutionak^uarantoea of due process of law and equal protection of law and equal pro tection of the law. The bar asmciation was .ilso 'urge.d.io^J/bandon its policy of excluding from membership qua lified Negro attorneys solely oh the basis of color.- - The telegram cited tlfia fa:t that the first president of he N- i A AGP was the late Moor filed Storey, who at one time was a president of the American Elar Asr/ociation. Special emphasis was placed in the telegrari upon the necessity of defending tho rights of minorities' if- the Con stitution is to have real mean ing. It is the feeling of the NAAC F that if-the American Bar As sociation and other groups who profess to be alarmed over what they term danger to the Consti tution thrOiUgh pertain New Dt a’. policies are really sincere "anfl are not talking just foi>- political purposes, they will work for the enforcement of the 14th and 15 amendments and for the guaran tees of fair trials and equal ito- tection of the law for all Ameri cans, regardless of color. The telegram to the bai' asso ciation sighed by falter White secretary, follows: ‘ ‘ Frederick H . Stinchfield, Esq., President, American Bar As sociation Municipal Auditorium to Pinorities and particularly to twelve millions of America* Negroes. The National Associ* ation for the AdTancement of Colored People wluMie first president, Moorfiad Storey, al so was once a president of tha American Bar Association res pectfully urges that the Ame rican Bar Association in the light of the princi^es enunci ated at this meeting take spe cific action with raspeet to Fe> deral legislation against lynch ing now pending before the congress, on the flagrant ▼io- lation of tha fourteenth and fifteenth amendments, in the disfranchisement based on co lor of approximately eight mil lion American Negroes in cer tain states, and ia assuring to all Americans regardless* of co lor the full benefit and exer cise of the due process and equal protection clauses and of* the Federal Constitution. May we suggest the appoiut- ment of a special committea to devise a program of action for members of the Bar Associia- cal effect. May wa also urge that the policy of tlie Ameri can Bar Association of exclud ing qualified Negro attorneys from membership because of color be abandoned.*' NEW YORK UNIVERSITY EX- TENDS M:CTURES BY JAMES WELDON JOHNSON VSTWW COMt&lAN- MOWSt^PIATURCD INJW Wl> A.f«OD6Ctl(M«*HORSt •4TTM« ufAYim TMMm •WYOftKOTV r HAS BiniHAlUO M ANIWeitOAD^ PMOPORtCft ViRGtNIA COMf>OStRAKDMQSIClAH RKtS KVtRt iWTWMtNTWTHf {«0.HIiA(^KAHOBNtEmMElN DIM»U>at AMERIOti aREATEST 0«HD Kansas City, Missouri. “The many eloquent speeches, condemning bightrymade at the current convention of the American Bar Association and the appointment yesterday ot a vigilance committee to pro tect American principals as ex pressed in the Federal Const!- tutino hearten those of us who have been fighting for equal justice under the constitution NEW YORK, Octoiber 7-r-The series*of lectures on the" contri butions of the Negro to Ameri. can culture which has been giveh for the "past three y^ars by Jas. Weldon Johnson at New York U-, has been extended to the classes which the university offers ih Newark, New Jersey. The regu lar lectures in the Washington Square college of the University by Mr. Johhson began September 21. arid the Newark series began September 29. -The course con sists of twelve lectures delivered Weekly throughout the CLEVELAND LAWYER RUNS FOR JUDGE Cleveland-^ (C) — Attorney Norman S. Minor, assistant coun ty prosecutor, filed 30,000 signa tures with the Board of Elections last Friday, in the race for a six week unexpired term for jucfge. Mr. Mmor will manage his own campaign. Huggins Book On Africa Wins Nat’i Acciaini The -fcope of the book, which gives the outline of history of Ancient Egypt, Nubia, Ethippia, and South Africa, and latest cur. rent facts on the American Ne gro, Haiti, and the war between Italy and Ethiopia, pivcs the reader in, one‘compact volumo a source of insipirational kno’v- Students. Teachers, Doctai'S, ^ in African civilizations. Otbef Clergyaten. lEbsiness Men, .£i''^^^®^will be issued by ,the^ organiza- spirited citizens—all are finding tion,^hich will tell the modern INTRODUGTION TO AFRICAN CIVILIZATIONS, ib^ Dr. Wu’is N. Huggins and John C. Jack son, a storehouse of , knowledge on racial history. history of Negro peopled Send $t.50 to the Blyden So ciety, rs&O Seventh Avenue. New York, for a copy of INTOODUC- TION TO AFRICAN CIVILIZA TIONS. student, teacher, or community leader should be with- out it, TALLADEGA BEGINS 70th SESSION .wfUiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiyiiiiiyw^^^^^ Ride The ledgewhich is ib'ringing letter^ of commendatien and new ordetrf daily. The book is being sold in Dot^ America and E\iro.pe. An interesting outline of a course on Negro,hi jiory in the schools today, and a discussion of the word “Negro” are impor tant and informing features of the current importance of the book. >, The work -is distributed by the Blyden Society, 1890 Seventh Avenue, New York City, an or ganization formed for research -\ ba both«r«d with an autornoMIt hendi downfown §vry day wh^ k ti m mifw It's lois ch«optr (• Hdt tfwi tkm tini iMVf H worry obout porklng spoCM. iPi I’M long, brokan bumpars one mm m spilrt-Mra ihiavaa. A tMa iIm Imm aoi !«▼« Un ion In st«^ ■ ; H. M. MICMAUX» Manager’ •arbam, N. C Phone J-6S31 'HllllillllllllllllilllllHllllllllilllllHllilllllllllllMM L.oftins tiTu " "f SPLENDID BREAD PHONE J-3792 612 Fayettavilla St. Talladega, Ala. —(C)—Talla dega college began its 70th aca- demic year on Thursday, .aa Pre- sident Buell G. Gallagher mad^ nine new staff appointments. POSTAL SERVICE— ^ Continued from page 3 that they did not suddenly, change their character for the worse with the event of the pre sent administration. “W^ must insist that the cen tral administration in . Washing ton give the most careful scru tiny to such shocking changes In merit ratings as the Nix case, and many other car,«s of Negro postal employes,. in the South. nuiiHiiiiiniiittRimiHHiiHiiiiiii DR. W. ALEXANDER CJLXLAND PHYSICIAN and aUBGfiON Special Attantlap to DIstaasip* of Cblldran Talapbonia Day—L-0961 Night—N-983 iiuiiHiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiyiiiiiiuiui OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Klskig flour ' Ukes the Guess out of Baking and Saves you Money AGENTt! MAKE BIG MONEY GIVING AWAY PICTURE i JOE LOUIS Chmnplon AFullSlieSiieelillSfFeiedMwte FREE «vHh Kvtry Can of Swvtt GMTgla Orown Hair DiMslns « Here's the biggnt roooey-making ojipcrtttnity evtt offered to AsentsI Dmi't lose any time taking advan tage of this sensational ofierl Just tlitiUc bow yoia oua- traners will buy when ytxi t)0er them a beoutiiul Altto- Phcfto (9Kxl2"> of 40K LOUIS atMiAutdy FREE with each can Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dna^ ing. Everybody wants a picture 3 this coming worlda chiunpion In {feir’Wroe. fe dw’t wfit. SefSd name «nl address for FREE samples of Sweet Georra Brown Hak Dresa- ing. Face t^wder. Agents Offer and Special JOE LOms FREE Picture Off». Hurry! Write today I I VM.MOR PROOUCn CO. Dapi.lM ' HM Indlaiia Cliiciua, ininel* FREE tAMPLE iChiUTodai/