»AOI KIGHT TT* Tim iATMAY ACTOiWI M. ftfr Tie Mina Tines r IIT K. PMb««7 St. Pw*M^ Hortk dwdSM rmillifcxl •« Darkuv, lfoi4 ■*»«TT TO* CABOUMA mfSS TOBUSHINQ 00, i»e. I BarstH. who«» t* thf c«\iM of tha eoatro^^, di«d in 10S4, in JLoi Anftlea, iMviog an ostet* ¥«ln«d at fs^oo^ono, but no will to dispoM «f It. S9rerml of th« elainmtnti «r« eolortd. on* of whom r«put«dly bur said m wu at! wmBon-Hw Wgg in L4Mtl ll«A L. AafslMP T«Mmb I- E. AUSTIN, EDiTOn EdUl*r AilvMrtbiac M»**!•>• 9U8SCI^1PT10N EAf l£8 HM F*r Y«*r ia Adwsw; »1J6 P*r Six Montti ia Adv«iie«| 86c F«r TltfM MMtte ia Aiv«iM| Cviuuia. IS^SO; Other OmotriM, $3 00 Fail rail ai Mcoad-^lMt matter at tli« - Puatiatfi—i eadez-,aet-et March. ScdL^ttnL.. Dorbain kia 7o«nt«r ]r«an. SCHUBERT .SHAKESPEAREAN LITSKARY CLiib MEETS HQiTH ?Atoma::> .. mmBAjf coinneir Nonds at moM UMQSR Aim mt TmfVI «f an ardar mt liw Bi9«rtar CwH of Diirha« Chumtf, jwda la tta ^•dal vraaaad^ aafMitlai lartJi #•■• KBaHwilMuilta Wit Parr mOI^iidfa at a aWki qn tU iM* of tlii |toa4, gM l[a«l fraai A i* ^ I^HB X«a(l aad ~nH^iag tfmaa North 4« d^. 'and $$ aOantaa Maal l?t.S faat t« a ttaita! Iliwiea Sontti y d^ata The lecond ra^olar meeting of the Schubcrt—j3h«k«ffpearean Ut> erary «lub “wai held 'em October 86 at the residence of J. T. l^^lor. Member* prewnt included; Miu Lanier, ^v. Valentine, Mr. Tay lor, Uwyer Thorapeon, Mrt. P»*r.; certain tricta V’hBClyia#'"iiS •on, Mitt Cetlett, HIm Ohampney being la Oarhate Cauaty, M«r* man Baak, C»«Me«tot« «f Dt ftaak daeaMfd, m 1W> dare Rege, flo«ia>Baai AUen #♦ al^ the 'mmi h^ig Na. t?M iipos the Speeiai Ptocaadiag docket of aaid ealffC, tlM tudcv- •igned commiaaloeer wUi, oa the 18th day of Nonraaifear, IM?, at 1» o’dodt Noon, at the cmtI- houaa door la Xf9Hmrn, Kwtt Carolina, offer #m aala te the hi^eat biddar fme timk thaaa and Mr. Schoolar, Thomea Mann, newlx aj®pinteOBitmcifii in-Anto- to^t. Adeartiaiag Departmaat— deaiiing Intonaat^ aaaceming aatlonal lO^lilag rataa, addreM all eainaHuUeatioaa to OAiiiOi4MA HM£B, *>iu«iua, M. C ITALY AND RUSSIA ' / ^ Italic headed by power-drunk Musaolini, wami the world the will nake any aiorc coneaaaiona on the mMter of withdrawing her troops frota 4)lMiin. Russia, headed by Stalin, indicate* that rtie will lot yield to auch ^n atjtitude on the part of Italy. Hke plot thickens M white eirHlmtion, hoaatiag it* ability to rule, prepares for the Unal kill. Black peoi^ the worki ov«. oppressed by wihHe civihaa- lioqr watJdi from the sid,eiines. Before the last bullet shsU have plow ed its humaa target there may h« no sidelines to watch from. China and Ja^ta ... .Tile aya»atkr f«r wartora CUaa, expressed by the white press of Aaierica aad a g^ly part of Enrop# is after all more iwegnant with fear then lave for the yeBow peH>le- Japan, alect, enerfetic and res- . aucafid coaquariag Ckina wiaii its aBlimited manpower and natural resriwces, may soon b^com* a threat to “whiae suiwemacy.” There oace arofe in iCbiiia a mii^ty warrior, Cenehis Kahn, who overttirew nearly aU of Europe, stoppii^ only when Europeans discovered at the iaat moment gunpow^r. Japan and China too, have gunpwder and kU other modem implements for killing used by “ciTilised' nations, Emi^sis on ciTilis^. Dvrhaa aad Its Coauaaaity FWiad . , A caraful study of the 1937 phamplet ptihlished by the Durham "Connnonity Fund will ravetfl no representative of ttie Negro people ef the city on its ^Kcial staff. Durtiam Negroes comprise one-.th.rJ of the city’a population. The other two thirds i>oa8ts about the flne , race reletiepAip which exists here. The writer happens to know that with all the bo^nc, Nscrroes in BnHiani. have had t« put up a fight io even be pannitted to take part in the annual Community Fund Osmpaign. A second look at the official aaaff will disclose that most- of tlKMe fa it consider themselves liberUs on the mstter of race relatioM. About theij- liberality thInWag Negroes in Durham ai» amuaed. Wien it is Uken in conskteratiotfthat there are within the city seWral prominent Negroes wo have served on mixid^ boards and staffa of aatimal paiport, one wondeni^at why Durham cannot ibid a Necro iualifled te serve on U»e o£Ficial staff of its communiay fund. Thinking Negroes must not become disgusted nor laught at aome of Duri»am’s Wg white folks. An inferioriiy complex built up thraogh yean and years of teaching cannot be destroy^ overnight. Ob tfca other hand thinking Negroes must love sympathise and tbink more. Now ifcis the COffllMUSMIlTY FUN, some day it may really be the oomtnunity fund witii all of Durham working harmoniously and witi Jwspect for the rights of others. The slogan of the Community Pond w/‘8ave A life.” By helping onsekflshly in the fund Durham Nsgroea will not only save lives, but save their fellow townsmen, from aln memy more de^ly th'an poverty. Balaigk Durham Negroea basking in the sunlight of business achieve- a^t, have been oiiMt^pped by members of rae race in Ralejgh, when it «nnes to getting things done that need to be done. R^eigh was M>1» to >' liquor gluta mitliely manaed by Nsgroei Dnrham the. tlia liberal city, ,«ould not stand to see even a liquor store managed Iqr Megroeain a strictly Negro community. The best that the race eooM do here was to get two clerks with a promise that later on i tha atoK would be turned over entir«8y to a Negro peponnel. Duj- iiig the period of prohibition Negroee managed a majority of the clandestine liquor stores managed many of them suc^essifully, in- the heavy hand of the law. ' Ifechanlcs at Hillaida Park School, was welcomod as a new member. A very interesting program |or the yesir has been worked out by tlie program committee. Mr. Sdio- >ler made a r^rt of the activi* ties pf ^ia «anianittee. Following this, the genef«l( topk, '*Wor|d Alignments” was discussed by the following. “Germany, Poland, and Austria,” Mr. Schooler, "Japan and Italy reference fo China," Rev, Valentine, “Italy^ with Spain," Lawyer t^ompson, ‘*Htusia and its llelatipn to Spain and the Far East,” Mr. Taylor. During the social period, a del icious djocolate course wai swrv- ed by the host. The club adjourned to meet with Lawyer M. H. Thomp son: Miss Champney, Secretary. CaroUaa, iaacribed aa faUun, TRACK No. 1. 3IiGINNXNG at a on Uia West aide of Roaedale Avenue 527 feet North of the northern edge of Gunt^ Street and ma- ning North 87 dag. 0 miaataa West l>64i-7 to a alalMiL tlMaee North i&O d^ SO minutaa Weat 2(M feet to a |aka; thanee North 8 dHt' 0 mfaratea Xut4l8 -3 feet Io a atakVt theMe SoutS' 87 d^. 'i) minutea Saat 176 feet te a stake in the wea^m edge of Roaedale Avenue, South I deg. 0 mintUM 127-8 faet to the b^ftnning. The tame being the western portion of lAta foarteeti an4 fifteen aa i|ww» Mt map of the part of Houaa land recorded on'Page Bi in Hat Book I, tKir- ham County Begiatry. uid M atiatttea East t6,T feet to a qtake; thenee Sovtli 49 degreea and Me minatea East 204 feet to a itake la the Northweatsm side ef Fayetteville Soad thence with the Nerthweetera side of l^yettevilla Road, South 40 deg. and to mtantaa Weat feet tbo begfaiBing point. Hm aame heiag the southweatera traol o; land deeded to 8- P. Gates by C. P. Vlekez^ and dated Jane IS, IMO and recorded in Book 59, t page 908. Alao see aurvey of B. H. Coplay dated Jnna, 1920^ and ngfiferid liii fbt Book S, at page 117. Alao uiother plat In Book , page See Deed from & F. Gates and wife to John niomaa recorded In Deed b«r«ia«fl(» talafTid fee; tlMaca Baa of sfUd 1, 49 tm»«es B9 Buaitfft X«^ 171 |aet to |iw&aiBg:. ike aaiM beiajg Lot N^. g ^ the X. D. iQr*tn awi INngi’ at als prfi-- erty as per plat elifl. M. Credie, Cl >1 datai iMif»e*i iHii I8>g and raeorMrfti Hit Saak Page —, and being a part’on of the subUv1iJo& of (Lot Ne. I of th eViekera propwty aa' par plat Boole »i page ^7, Durhain County Re^stery. THIS Ittk day of Oetoben 1987. T. D. PAKBAJi, COMltlSBIONBR M. tUGfl THOMPSON, ATTORNSf NORTH CAROLINA PURHAM UOUN'iy NOTICE Of SAUJ OP LAND Under and by virtue of the tK»wer and authority by a ceriiin deed of trust executed by Joseph Bbok IS, at page 685, AND be- lag lot No. 8 of «.rv«y of A«g-'*«^ recorded In the offlco of the uat 4, 1987 by S. H. Credle of the Z^uid of XL D. GGrean efe als, recorded ia Plat Book , at j»ge , Doriian Coanty Reg ia^. fttACT No. 8: Bt9GINNIN(^ at a atake in ttia Wortkasatem comer of Lot No. 1 ef the map iMreinaftar referr ed to, and running thenee South 40 degreea 80 minutea West $0 feet to an alley; thenee with said aUey, North 49 degreea SO min utaa Weat 847 feat to I^nm line; theaee with l^n line, 88.4 feet to line of Lot No. 1 of ^e Map In ^6oot a», ttf # JiM ddMi ^ the of Ike indebtaees Harria;||i^ Iheralsy aaeond h Ikaaain 9»o-^ " vided aad having feaeo requested by tiie holder of the aald note, the ander sigaed Trustee wiM'Wl 'ga EDNfcsbAT, NUVE*BO 24, 1987, AT I*:©© 0’ClX>CK NOON offer for Hie to the ftigk- eat bidder for eajiK at>>the Court house door ^in Durhaki Count; the itellowln|t deacribed property . lieGINNUIG at a stake 200 feet from tto S W interaeetion of Hargrove Street and Swift Ave nue. the N W comer td Lot No. 182 and running thence South t degrees 10* Weac i40 feet to a stake; thenee N 86 ^egreea 80 West 90 feet to a stake thence - di(fww aonrfff t«w~tsr~r •take; thenee ^uth S« degre««f SO* East SOt> feat to a atake. the point of plaee of (»^innii)g, t*i« same being Lot No. 1S3 of the Menlcksville property, Plat book 8, at page 189, Duly recored in Offiae m um. •i ai trw w c. m to Ifatatf SoiUliaf and Leftft aoeiatiaa A««k Ul, 0 pa^* >W. Tbii laie will ximakB. apM tea days aa 1» maM# law, TW« tht libA Oei^tax. 1*87. — - - - JL L. jtieaneiti. * ftaifc# wrnmmmimmmaimmmm STUDIO PIANO BALANCS #13 WRITE H» App^nifmr NEW DEAL »IANO COMPANY P. O. Boa Nfo. 40 RALEIGH. N. C. YOUR SLOGAN ELMINATE r RENT RECEIPTS HOME Best DOES CRIME PAY? DURING the past month the nation haa turned its attention towards the ever-mounting ap-| paling sum approiated annually for the ‘prevention Of crime. It eost'^ the Federal Government annually to hunt down criminals |liS,000,0(|0. But it ian’t the Go vernment that has to pay this staggering sum,' it's you. Law raforeement heads are in clined to/>^eel lifter the capture of eert«n public enemies that ia well aware of it. Last week the Louisiana Pa role Board met., and agreed to return to society, certain mena ces which the law enforcement aids and the prosecutor's office saw fit to arrest, prosecute, Con vict and send to the penitentiary for committing’felonies of a ma jor nature. If these subJect;^ wfere not guilty, they shduld haVe been acquitted and the state | spared the unnecessay expense | to prosecute them. It is useless to contend that society is being' Real Estate FOR SALE Homes Tfeal We Muommend --4SEE THEM TODAY— 1. A five room 4^l^g located a» 1307 Lincoln Street with medens jjeam^lence*. Pared etreet aad near Imu line ' . aU^A vary deelraUe fiva room house with all modem eeavMilencea ^eated 1408 Liacoln St. Paved Street and near kae. 3. A seven room briek dwolliag lomted at 601 Dttpree St. Recently reeoaditioBad. Pav«d etreet and near bos line. 4. A five room dwelling loeated with medera c«nTe»ie»ee*. •13 Dupree Street crime doaa not, pay. It doesn't' Protected, when, as a matter of when the criminal is killed. But ~fact and record, the criminals what about the fellow who ia cap who terrorize our decent commu- tored, tried convicted and sent nitint only go through a certa'.n - "to « state pnsoB for a debits fa»pe procedurg #ni are turn-j or indefinite time, only to be ;-e- a^in to become public leased within a few yeara after m^aces. W^ are wondering if being there? For such fellows crime is beginning to pay. crime doei ^y. And the criminal* —^Lo«i»iana Weekly A six raem dwdUag l»cated 822 Umttead StMet, with modern caaveaieaees, iwved St. and 3 mister walk te Hiileide Pai^ SekoaL 6. A^tw««HM7 frame Avjri^g 8fi» Danbar . Home enWmiall recently reconditimied and aei» has line. WHITE BOCK BAPTIST CSUBCT ANNIVBRSARY NEARS CLOSB llie Janior Ch^r of 86 memb ers fumi^ied the music for 8on- day awming service. Solo, TW Uinfs Pkayor was rmdered by ImdOT Boyd (^leiby. Mrs. Dun- stoa gare the report of the Wo man’s Home and Fb^eign Mia^ra- ary Oonroition which was held at WbeU Baptist Cteiroh, Charlotte, Tim Sonnon by Rew. M. M. Fiah- "ir 0B CSiia^The Cona^ awialfy; inM> of iatereat especial^ at HUs tbae et drly by Bed Croas Mit CiBauaBBity t43wat. ‘'One Al eiv mmpf ataa h*- coau kftter tfaan be ia.” Another Jllrt^be mast teve jWtli nM ttt* ko mat ka«;a seal for a* alffcfc waa lan- ^ JDat ibift Tyler A>p- 2fl>0a(]rllke, ^aa-. M iwdflSbiHe'^ ^ BtCon Mr iMi.* •»! eipadaHy kaaatt- Mr. LEGAL BATfLE CONTINUES VOR ESTATE OF WEALTHY OKLAHOMA INDIAN ( OKMUIiaES:^ Okia., Oct. 27 XANP)—r*^t Tuesday's hearing) of claimants to the vast oil 4 wealth of the late Jacl^n Bar-1 nett, called the world's richest' Indian, held before U. 3. Dis trict Jadge Robert iL. Williania was enlivened when the Justice, irked at the tfontradictory evi dence, declared he Ihould a«k that a ^tecial grsnd Jury be cal led ‘to Jnve£tigate this thing from tap.'to ^ bottom.” Justija WiHiams co^inu^: , ‘A Care 41^ 4W1 ia-not/gotag 'to^^^^^ all the ba^res of fraud around it and not- have anyibing dons a- boafc it. If 1 eould find- a way to i^ve tkJs monejr to jie State, I’d do it" ne eoart was ^inly dist>leas- ad at ilhe manner of questioning Mtoe^Mi bjp attoiTieyii, Jackson a. T *Wiapaody is B. Minor, and Ero> | tIeoB |f« L I wm partiadarly briflisnt with Street. «a4 aad out.' Paved straat. 7« Tow siwom dweHiag* aambered I90a( aad 16011 Merrick Siteet with modara eoavaaieaees—Near Kospltd 2oae ud ea* Meek fraai baa iiae. -S,, ' 8. Two 4 raom dwelliaga nambarad 7M amd 707 Garard Street. Reeaady baUt. Earoate to Dtdce Uavierslty. 9. Twa 4 room dwaUiaga aamkua^ 1806 aad ISOS Con- cord Straet witk modem ,eoBvealaBees. Five minutea to aew^W|BjB^ HOMES OF ALL TYPIES, SIZES, CONDmONSi' AND ; AND FSIOBS. AU, THAT W® 0XPISCT IS A EEA- SONAIBLE CASH PAYMENT, WE WILL MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU^ TO PAY TH® BALANCE MONTH LY. A WAY THAT WILL BE JUST UXB PAYING BENT. ALSO DESIitABLE BUILDING LOTS ALL AROUND ni£ JUHITU CAROLINA «^.EGE >tg. GROES AND tHE NEW WHITTED SCHOOL AREA and BU^IR^Xdts OUTSIDE CIT^ CTMITSlSUBURiAN). > ' T VISIT 0a & Assdeiates, Iiic. 114 JPARRISH STREfr Or DIAL L-1321 J J Sensational Markdowns VALUES PUMPS smAPS OXF(HU>S BAB’S 207 i/V. Main St. Sensational ^ Markdowns SWEATERS' Tke Latest Types $|0^ up mm SILKS Baaatifal Style* Up COTTONS Ttm Kiarf Ye« isave Ta Teaek up CpAtS $4 98 up JIL niff j. THE W^E SliOP Progressive Stores, Inc. At«. DURHAM—MHt N. &eg«oa St. 7- 7 1 2/Fayetteville St.—^1108 Bread St.—10« i.“ Gatfirie 013 Cha^l : Hill St. — 7«0 9th St. ^QO^oxbpnr St. 71t Nw«k Maagaai St. '* NORTH Ci^OLINA STORES FOR NORTH CAROLINA PECVLE " L'". ‘ GROCERY SPECIALS, FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCT. 89tk * 30tk PINK SALPN 9 Cans for 99c FANCY EGGS 27c GREEN GIANT PEAS, e«a I9« NUCOA Poaad -fc 19e LUX, Package — 10c RINSO, 3 Paekages — 28c CATSUP. 14 os. Bottfe 10« 100 POUND Evagpomted PEACHES, |M>aad — 12 l-2c Ehrapormted APPLES, voand — — 12 l-2e ^GO PEARS. No. 2 eaa — IRe MAYFIELD CCmN, 2 eaas 18e DELMAIZ C»tN NIBLE^S, eaa 1^ LUX TOILET SOAP, 3 eakaa 22e Red Sour PITTED CHERRIES, Na. 2 caa 18c 1 IJ J ^ M 1 Royal Aster or Jewel SHORTENING, 4 poaad eartoa —~ -— 49e SUPERFINE TINY PEAS. No. 2 eaa — 19« | SUPERFINE SMALL PEAS, No. 2 can IBe N, B. C. PREMIUM FLAKES, fc. pkg. »*« I 1 SUNNY soutnr flour Tomttoes N«». 2 Can, Doz. Cans 69c T I RICE, whale grata, J ponads — > 13« PORK jBEANS, H oa^ cim PROMEPABY ai S^No. 2Cans 25c BLACKBEMIIES, No.. 2 eaa — lOe MgJfUaAM NAVY BEANg, 4 pfa^ds %9« Onff COCOA- 1ft eaa, 2 for 28c 24 pflipad bag • 48 peaad ^ac • 98 poaad hag T8« ■—•Mi ^ $a,»5 -aOa- “^mWESAP APPIXS, Iff iaW *1. lOe CRANBERRIES, i/mmU ~ BANANAS, -yellow Rlp^^ 1^. lia-- FANCY TOKAT QRAPES, Ub. ^ — 7. l-2a €»Al%niUlf. 9 GRIMEI GOU>EN APPLES,^ 4aa. — 2ie LETTUCE, hard head . 7 1^ CANADIAN R1JTABA6AS, 8 ft*. Hi m

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