i» THl eAMUMA^ {1M£& AATtftDAY H^V. IS, itff rJM£ 6HLVIN UIIDS $20 A DAY FEDERAL M Niwspaper Man Sworn In As Special Consultant FofUnwnp Census TKV PmVlHG WriTMOOT HOJtm IN CAPETOWN iloyment prcu WASHINGTON — (CS Flash) | In n stateinent to the —'Ftoyd j. Cfclvin, founder arid Mr. Calvin* uld; “It kl my hope of Calvin'* NewsnRocr , that colored ^citkana throag^sout Baryica. 14S Waat 1^6th atreet. ^out country will appraeiate tha Mvw'York City, waa #wom in at, importance of thia ToUintary ^ ^ . j - *v , 11:40 Ptlday Tnominif In Room censatt of th? nsemploy**). expec a warna ^ e 6801, tha D«|?artment of Gom- mar«« . BnUding^, by Olivtsr b. Short, axecutive aaaittont to the Director of the iBtereau of the C«uoa, aa Special Oonsultanc to Bon. Jshn D. Biggera, Admlnii- trator of the Cenauri of the Un employed, llr. Calvin was re- conuaended to the pott by Edgar O. Brown, president of the United iGoTernment Employes, and Hon. Charlea E. Hall, Sp%- dkUat in Negro Statiatica of the BapartmMit tsf Commerce and -me Ob t^ payxoU^a|20 per 4ay, making’ him dne of th« Mthiit paid officials of the New DaaL 'Mr. Calvin waa griven a desk in Beam S109, the office of Mr. Bull. Prasent at the takinr of tke aath were Mr, Brown and" J. that those who are ont of work, of are working only part tiire, and want to'work and are a2>le to work, ^ill ngister betwctn November It® and 20. On Novem ber 16 postanen throfughiut the country will distribute blanks im'd all persons who are eligible to register shonld register. i*ergons working on government project^, such as tha NYA, COC, WPA, etc., shoUd register. It is’ most important that the final figares, when tabulated, will reflect the true picture of unemployment conditions among our {>eople ns weiria all other groups. If addi tional 'blanks are wanted, they may be secured fom postman or from the local Q>ost office. The blanks, when filled out, are not be sent to Washington, but A. JKogen, noted war conespon-1 mailed back to the local post* 4eiit and historian. f office.' No stamp iy required. CAPDTOWN, South Afnw, ii-„(ANP)— Motorists in Capetown thia wjeek shook their fl:(ta at pedeatrains instead of hooting at them with their auU- horns. The raffle a^toritles had stdced them to coopprata llLA. “no hoa^ting” experiment, which jJroved ' quite successful. The streets were rMtful, office '^rk- era were irible to concentrate and natives who had been in the ha)i* of jlumj^ing for their lives as speeding motorists shot down ^^(MHighfares, were composed as they crossed streets. ‘‘Jaywalker!?' of the old vhuol did not like the idea however. presence of cam- SAVE CONFESSED DETROIT ATTACKER FROM- MOB BY RUSE I 350 Alleiiil Illinois Youth Conference CHICAGO, Nov. 11— (ANP) —With SSO dategatea and obser* Ters in attendanae from all parti. of the state and from St. Louis, Naw York, North Dakota > and j tLons Gary. Ind., the Second SUte-, Atty. George h. QuilicI, m'-mlM Wide^ Conference' for Negro; of Civil Libertie^i.'-oeWiWittcr, DETROIT, Nov. 11 — (ANP) —‘Prompt and decisive action by local police and Sheriff's depu ties last Saturday night suved J. S. Harris, 2)8. eonfessed attacker of a woman, from a threatened lynching, when the officers rush ed Harrte 'from Taylor Tow»»hip Ju iMce Court to « waiting auto and sped to the Detroit City Jail. A crowd of about 40 men were present at the hearing, heard the prisoner plead guilty and threat ened ’to’ly»cH him. He is bting held under 1100,000 bond and was bound over to the Circuit Court. 'TO SING HERE 0 ROLAND HAYES, Internatio- fa«M»«» aSageir who will ap- et North Carolina Col. fai • ceneart, Monday eve- tMmg Daeamher 6. Advance ticket I talaa isdicata an early *elji out. -.for tka eacasion will ba part of pragraw dadicating the nine ■mmw Wafldings at tha North Ca- • raliaa Callage. Now Snpfls 1 Faiil} 01 TliirlecD ROXBORO, N. C., Nov. 10— (ANP)—The case of blnid Percy Warmack, head of » family of 1?, and a former relief client, is being cited here to show that a good man may be da^, but is never out and that we get out ■of. life iuat m tniich as* we put OVER »0OO YOUTHS ENLIST ED IN CCC DURING MONTH OF OCTOBER Sakigh, Oct. 80—A total of' 3,- 8S2 yoang white and Negro men were enlisted for the Civilian Oooaervmtion Corps in North Car olina daring-Octooer, according to a statement made public here to- ^y by T. Ifc Qrier, Supervisor ol OOC Selection for this state. Utare were 2;01i6 white and 7i66 colored enrollsea from, ten con centration centers, the report stat ed. The greatest raimber was en- "listed at Asheville, which had 423, while the smallest n^mbar,v-H4r was signed up at Eli*aibetth City. Other enlistment points, with 'th# nunAer of enrollees, were as followa: Charlotte, 934, Fayette- rUle, 840; Wilmington, 164; Wash ington, 199; Raleigh, 348; Greens boro, 218; Wilkesboro, 363 and Bryson city, 228. ^WRTH CAROLINA SEEKS TO m.lMlNATE "POOR HOUSES” RAJ:.GIOH..N. C., Nov tl—(A County Poor Hoyse, long the ibogie of the agad and : deatltate, may be eliminated in If the pragcam spon- Bored by the State Department of Public Welfare is pudted.to a • aueceifsfwl -aonchiwiftn • The Department seeks the ul timate of county homes through MitNttltatton of Soeial Security , benefits, "home comforts ond in stitutional oare, according to th? welftire commissioner. Mr&. W. T,-8oat . Mrs. /Btost pointed out this week that the State of Alabama, I'by glvlngr old people the advan- ■get of Social Security and by Meeeiolldatlng welfare activltion, liM been able to reduce the num- o»f county hoVnea from 62 to ' £6, a decreaEip of more than ha.f In one ye«r. into it. Living in Perswn County, Warmack,, in 1933 while wor-cing oh a relief project wBi bllnext whert struck by a flying stone from a dynamite tolmst. Realizing the fll a month paid him by the relief ag«ncy was not enough to support hia large ‘family, he determined to do something aibout it. In ISSfl, aid^ ed iby his family he had saved ■|1>50, which he aplied as n first payment on a 100-acre tract of land, being aided in hisl plan by Charles J. Ford, colored farm \gent Sf the _State College ex tension service. During the following months, by working hard ^nd "cutting •corners wherever poseible.” War mack and his family have paid $500 on this farm, hope to pay off the remaiiling |li&0 through the sale of timber. The blind man’s wife is an expert canner, has, put up nearly 1,000 contain ers of fruits and vegetables for ‘he the family larder this eoming winter. Nine of Waraack'S/ chil dren are in school and he says he proposes to give them os good an education u posaible. MYSTERY WOMAN ^AYS FOR PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION CM' 100,C00 ROSCOE CONKLIN SPEECHES Pr««id«nt David D.' Joney ot B«an»tt Collefa, Gr*cn|>boro, N. C., who baa recently returned' from an ektended westem trip viaiting Meth»diit Epiicopal con ference*. The trip inclisded Den ver, Salt Lake City, Seattle, San Franciico, Portland. Los Angelel and ^an Diego. He waa accom panied on the trip by Mrs. Jena* their two small sons,Paul and Frank and Miss Maidie R«th Gamble^ a membeir ot the Ben nett College faculty. I Youth held aueceeiful •sessions here last-Friday, Saturday and Sunday. One of the high lighta of th2 program was the mass mee'.’ni^ at Good Shepard Congregational church on IViday lil^tt, Cha^. P. Etowning, aniatant state NYA Director, prided. Miaa Pauline Redmond, state chainnan, deliv ered Uie Keynote addreas. strc-ss- in^r the need f4>r univfrtiT'^OBP' erationt among Neijro youth ^*l unring that differences be forg!^t- ten in planning pnw:uca iote» to every day probl'mK traced Democratic Hbertif,* back through' English history .ihowinj how nation* had ' strugjrled for definite Isgal provisiona ;?uaian- teeing civil rFghts. Angelo Hern- don, the principal speaker; dis cus >d Democratic K*bertifei from the point of view of the N$gro. He mentioned the Seottsboro and Herndon cases as flagrant ex- . ^(Continued on page six) ue AMlMhre ageato fer.tbe natio;iaJly known DUPONT TONTINE WASHABLE SHADE CLOTH Fer Qaidity Window Shades Call J-9931 044 Sieee Omt Specially. — LIberel AllewMtee For Old Rollers Durham Shade Works SHABE SPECIALISTS FOR 21 YEARS 118 EAST CHAPEL HILi. ST. DON’T FLY TOO HtGH TfaveMom^ Flying too higfe . . . putHnq « m^9«g« on yoyr future with INSTALLMcNT . . #> wfll b# to lead to • CRASH wJien your I , . your MONEY, , gives oaL Yes, Buy end enjoy life . . . but RRST have tfie no be sure yot#-«en AFFORD it. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW Welcome Your Banking Business nr»oney ant We ~THILADSLrHIA, Kvv. if) (ANP)—Following’ a typical Eoa eoe Conkling Simmona speech de livered Friday night at Metropo litan Opera Tiouse, an elderly white woman who wanted her name withheld was so impressed that she paid for the printing and distribution pf 100.000 copies of the address. The white woman said sho was the daughter of a well know ab olitionist who took an active part in the old underground railroad. Simmons was speaking in behalf of the Jie-puiblicans and lambast ing Democrats when the bene factor volunteered to pay for the publishing. Watch Yourjtep... /Seme peeple fear paaaing MBdev a ladder, while others dread a black cat cresaiag their paths. That’a SUPERSTITION. Othairs fear the pMsibiUty'•( an unavoiaUUe accident or be’ny’' struck by a careless MetMrist. That's APPREHENSION. '—• Whether it’s supentltien or appielieaaieB, the wiae thing to do is te be prepared with a •■ffideat aoMttnt of life insurance. That’i FORESIGHT. - -T- ■ - See a NORTH CAROLINA HfUTUAL agent today. It’s better to have life insuranee and net need it thaii te need it and not hav« it. More than 37,800 people w^tre k&led in ^anlteiiiobile accidents last yeer. DONT’T TAKE CHANCES. ^ Burhom Dlgtrtcl Office 809 FAYETTEVILLE ST. 'ii,. A. L. GOODLOE, Manager North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co. DUEHAM. NORTH C/ROLINA ^C. C. SPAULDlNa ^aident “NO HOMB IS COMPLBTB WITHOUT NORTH CAROUNA MUTUAL POLICIES”' MectianiGS & Fanners Bank Raleigh Durham BEAUTIFUL HAIR.. TURNS MEN'S THOUGHTS TO ROMANCE Make YOUR Dreams Come True . Use GODEFROY’S URIEUSE MKN acvtr smJcs passes M girls who wcsi alssMs"— s^ 9«t^pm sir *GiT« me a Idis'' te a ladwl, miss j But they sdmiia a wosuo Wiifa richir col ored, sirftlr cieuaJca hau. So. if rtm ate etiniac Iot* bacsase tow balr is dall, iroa- irarBt, off'oler or ie«akcl witk trer, aet s bottle of Luiensc to4a)r. Luicose is ao mote itoablc to osc than so ordiaatT shsB^eu, ret ifca I it gives Mi roar halt wiBkm cakedeci out and will last s ioastiaa. Celaa waeaMl coaMS evealr. iet biadE. Madt, Asfc. aiaMMB ot Ksht browo, ot Minnd» Ne 4^ leek. 80 stiddncsi. oo smalL Ask feu eealtt tm Godefrojr s Latienie the HaJr Calarieg la theredbox. EvctTbottUisaBaEseasadaeaae ifllt (a roaz dcaiet will tdaaul roar aeacr. >DI ' daa If your Gaoler does net have it, send $1.25 direct to OOOirROY MANUrACTUUNO COMPAHY HAIR COLOiING 3510 OUVI St. • ST. tOttiS. 'nra A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DOtTT WEAKEN By Jack Rabbit |T5 A UfE XOp Do NT NO OOOBT ^OOT IT* I (bCTE A UOOSTER IHe OTHER. Ev/eKlN6 ^ A.N& t)RtAMT ABOUT AUb Kil4HT \ OONIT ft HURTS TO CAT uate at ►41CHT DO 'oU iHtNK THAT the TWM4S EaTS INFV-UENCE S OKE'5 dreams m ANUL CAKE 9^ Father Of Duke Qlingtoii Dies WASHINtGTON— Jas. E. Ell in^on, father of the famous “Duke”, orcheatra leader, wen 'buried in Harmony cemetery Tuesday, if^ollowing adrvieet John Wesley A1£B ehurbh. iTl By C^irl^ I ri*rst.AD r DRE^^SRO UP- f-W. JOS«EM v/lLl. TAKE TMISSLEDCER RiCHT Home with Vbu and MAVElT ready in THE ALL MlCHT have TO AH’. COMME^k:l^^C TO make a pal OF ME-£Hr ri.»- BK. there VES-Sir ( THE Boss PHONED AlJD WANTS You WELL. - ITS A C WOOUDr/T WORKAkk- utslcESS I HAD ootTTWCTOoa _ SO* INi PORT ant 8E HIQHT rt«E TO MEET>4>MAT HI& CLUB to-n»cht He LL PROBABI.'V WANT ME TO OiNE C«pyrtsli^