FINAL SATURDAY NOV. 27, 1937 17 lfra(lip llic ilass ,01 Header^ nticE FIVE cEirrs COMMUNITY CHEST GREAT SUCCESS More Community DiV i sion Ra i se s an $1500 For Chest Drive PHYSICIANS R. K. Harrfa, Chairman of the Division of the Commu nity Ch«*t Fund in an intervievv h»re tody Mprtt'ad ihis thanks for the ytry tfte* cooperation jx- bibited by the workers who took part in the Community Chest drive, recently eompleted in ihis city. Mr. &irria ^te^' that not only was the campaign a success* ixit amount of money raiaed exceeded the expectations of all ky at least ~t5ol3I ^ was raised during the .campnUrn, which is an annual af fair 1^ Ehirham. Bir.'fiwiK' is owe of th^ laad- ing yoong business men of the city. He is considered very pub lic spirited,' and in addition to his heavy duties as Secretary- Manager of the Banker;! Fire In surance Company, is membei- of the Committee on Negi > Af fairs and various other organi- zatioBS. He atated that special praise was due the employe:! of Lincoln, Watta and Duke Hoaintals. »•> •• Hb letter to each worket' in the csmpaiKn is as follows: Durham, N. C. Noyemlber 17, 1937 Fi4al Report of Chairman, Ne^o Division To WorRcrs in 1937 Durham Community Fund Cam- paiftn Ladies and Gentlemen: It ia with the aincerest gia .t* tude that I acknowledge the co operation of Special Committees, District Leaders and Workers in what I jbelieve may be called a rjccesirful campaign >among Ne groes for contribution^^ to the 1937 Durham Community Fund. I recognize .that the gifts “ of fj. A, ROGERS GUEST SPEAK- many Negro eontribtttora truly ER. AT WHTE ROCK CHURCH represents the “widows mite,*’ J SUNDAY NIGHT for in many of our sections oav workers found conditions which | J. A. Ro?ers, historian, loctur- warr&nted direct charity rathur , er, newspaper correspondent and than requests for gift*. 1 wish to world traveler will he tho gusat especiaUy tJ^nk tliose worksjra '.spaker at the white Rock Hapti 4 and contributors who fuve be- church Sunday night at 7:30. cause they felt that the t>ime was ‘ M\ Ragejs was in Ethiopia worthy in spite of the fact ’ tlrnt, during the Italio-Ethiopjan eon- they could ill afford the expcndi-' fiict and « in position to give ture. I f*el that all otf as have' his hearerS first hand inforrna- givcn as we hive been prosporefl tion of just what v'^ent on in that Locals Grab M^estern Championship From high Mt, Vernon Pastor Takes First Place In This Weeks Battle Of Ballots Dr, Miriam N. MuUrow (Left) | |i^e» ®f prMAaitimly a.n«l Dr. W. D. Easl«)r, Negro j twins Mveral vf««kk ago. andJ|[aBk^t^e warkora convey couiitry 'between the Jwo natl^K j W9m»n?phy«iyiaw« of Whitevilla I youn^ women oporoH- to ev«»T contrt|!uior, I'eiardle^l “fcrtiay->ww»o«l — It ^Unonaored by The Caiolina | tjons are recorded, provided their ion* sided affair the Gieensb^ro of how £.mall the eontribtition may have' beeri, the thanks of the Negro Division, and we Me cer- tain that you have the Ufanks of '^he* Community Fund Directors. We are happy to report that :K) per cent of the embloyees )f most of the Durham commei'^ ial . inst{tutions contributed. Ivery teacher in Durham’s eight fihools Cor Negroes contributed ind wo are informed that no ies* han four thousand Negro child- en brought some evidence of heir desire to play a part in the .•■rfqrt. Too, lOO percent of the faculty of the North Carolina College for Negroes contribut ed. Not including the school chil dren, a count of listed contribu tors fhows that —Negroes parti cipated in the Community Fund Drive. „ The aggregate amount now in hand and previously reported to the campaign committee by o«i division amounts to $1501.12, and for the part thel you have played we again wisht to tliank you. Sincorely Yours, B. N. Hawis, Chairman Negro Division at White Rock on next Sunday night is possibly the most noted authority on Negro history in A*«eri«a toflay,—and his know- ledsge of Negro history wi'.l be a revelation to those who have not had an opportunity to hear him. He if| a most inspiring lecturer and Durham is fortunate in hav ing an opportunity to hear him. In addition to 4»eing a scholar of note Mr. Rogers has written several phamplets which carry an abundance.of histovieal infcrnia tion LOSES HOUSEWIFE LOSES $43 IN before he .could "draw down N£l#SWlNULk KACKtl I the money. ?43i had to be paid ST. LOUIS, Nov. 2W(ANP> —A well'dressed stranger last Tuesday bilked Mrs. Roy Kortuni of$43 by moans of a clov»;r eon- ifidence game which police say the first of its kind to feeJteough; to their attentios. Shortlyj afl^r on the Negro, both ancient her husiband left for work the and modem. lie is also author of man appear«tl, told Mis. Kor» the book entitled "From Super turn her husband had won $660 Man To Man. ' {on a policy game ticket, but that for a ireceipt which woold entitle Mm .to collect his wii^nings- Mrs. Kortum paid tbe affaJ>le ^‘:ianger the $43, met her hus- iband with smiles that night as he retiwued from work and congrat ulated him on his good fortune Her smile vanished, however, as ’i lillusionment came and her 1m f and told her he had no tic ket, had made no policy bet, that she had been “taken" for hpir hard-earaed f43. Sonthern Senators tai Determined Fight On Anti-Lynching Bill Gtiarlotte Negroes Fight Police Double Slaying ng-AfRLOTTE. Nov. 16.— The Negto people -of Charl'otte have lauiiehed a campaign of proteat agatoat the killing of -WMiiam Connot by a policeman last Sat urday. Connor/ a young unem ployed Negro waq arrested In downtown Charlotte and accused of »t6aling * suit of clothes. Ac cording to the poHce Connor caped as the police car arrived at hwdquarters by taking a’ knif» ^t of his hat and tflashin^ at th« police. As he was pursued By a polteeman iiamed W. T. Campbel! fell as he was drawing his gun und accidently kWed Connor. ^ ■E^ewitnes'us of tbe shooting said Conor was shot while J- hi» hands were in the air and the prisoner was “stumbeled , sausing the officer to shoot him in the head! This killing was comj^tetely whitewaahod by thn civil bo*rd. A conuni^e has been formed ;o rai^'6. money for legal aid In bringing i^oi^a thorough inves- t^tion of the killia^' and In the prosecution of the policeman in volved. Over hundred dollars has already been nised and very leading Negro 'x:hurch has pledg ed support. TSie State, Conimittee of the Communist Party baa issued a statement demanding the femtf- _val from the police force of Cam- 'ibeH and a grand jury investi- -^tion.r lEhe atatiement aska tha&^ ’otters o'f protast be (lent to Jtfayor~STO^tonjiBr tif ClteflO' *ible. Doctor® who exanained the body faid that .the shot was fir&l at the level of .Connor's ho»d and . didnbt enter at an aH^e. Thia is the second killing of a Nei^^o prisoner by the.. Charlottgi polic« in the last few weeks. Re-' cently a Negro was killed and in'^1«»#of the cop falling it was Mrs. Bva Gow« was Hosteati tf •;he Wisteria .Biii,-o Club Mon day nigbt. The honn« was a scene 9f autumn—•fill fldwers were *ised in. profusion. Fi^e tables were arnuj«ed. for guMts •’njoyed the evening to the high est. Salad course, ices, cake, Tho Speeche* Of Senatork Con- nally Of Texas And Bailey Qf North Carolina Only Serve To Emphaaize Overwhelming Sup- Support For Meaturo And And Indicate Certain Pat- iaire, Aft^r Farm Bill WASI^IIJGTOK.' Nov. 23 — Golore4 - h- --sttp- porting the Gavagan - Wagaei- Van Nuya anti f ynchini>: bill need not be alarmed over th'.- longwinded speeches being mlide in the Senate this week’ '^gainst it, for these speeches have sirv- ed chiefly to revealtha -OUief,. '•olid strentrth behind the bill and dsbatod to point more than ever to the certainty of its passaige. This does_jri,Qt mean thai ssena- tors should «)ot be remind h1 c?n- stantiy of their dut^ to be rn their gua d and eventually vote for the bill; hut it does mean *hat there i&‘no"!occa.'iion for mis- :^vings. Stratoljy Smart The anti-lynching bill w num ber 2l^n the calendar after the farm bill, but sdnce a far.-n biH was not ready for the Senate, the supports of the anti-lynch ing 'bill moved to take it up while waiting for the farm bill. It was this motion that was d.'bat ed this week. The strategy of moving to consiBer tRe anti lyn ching bill was a smart one be- 3au. e it had not ' ibeen move'!. Senate. Bynes of South CaroUnt woi^d probably have got consent forj his govetnm^^nt;—veor^aniza- tion'bUl: This bill is a controver sial measure and might have for weeks. The)! tbe farm bill wotild have he^!ll broujjlit in and debated at length with the rf;^:t tJiSTThe Tmtf^ lynchhig bill might have goi^e 'vev until Iho middle of tho win ter. ' ■ i The senators from tha Deep South are fighting a losin^f liaitle and they know it, but they are determined to talk'^for tbe bcne- Senajbc^ l)om ConnaHy of Texas led off the speeches de- "•igndd to delay consideration of ‘hetibil!. If - - mfe-f %e remembered fAAate, tliat the speeches this week vwe not against a motion td consider "h« bill in advance of the farm wa. As it is- noil 'iiir \ViIl come the anti-lynchi'nif up immediately th*e frtrm bill and the cciii- -nittee d aftin« farm- yU nromi to bring it out Monday, November 2i2. Whsn the fajjm biB is ciittposed wfllT mi ^ WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL'S HOillCOMING there wa-i a ■vmty large crowd .nany ibeing wiltent seats. Al though Washincton High cheered ery heartily, they lost. • A large number of Shaw’s Co- ,d.s were on top of one of the /iildings "ehfeeritijg Hi *liis -rain i^ith all their might for Hillside, aIs proved've. y «mn ing to the -.lookers, and helped Hillsidi's _.irit very niuch because ttey _rne out victorious 9-0. I*er»i»n- ■lly I\am sorry Wathington Hish .«t because I hate to a«e a twua at their h(^e«oHuaK, b«l, ilways, may the better te^ win. The Hillside Hi|^ School Hor- neta blasted their way to a 27 to 0 victory over the strong Dud ley High School team here Tue sday to takr the Western Divi sion championship. The .’ict*»ry^j^- puts tha local team withm «»ne step of *he state champioiiia^.- whicht-will be played off between iHtgh School and the Horne tj The first week’s voting in the will see to it that miniiters they Friday afternoon on ‘h-i N MI,NISTES’S POPtTLAEITY &^are interested in will be noaiir.a College gridiron. CHRISTMAS GIFT — ‘ - - ' — > * ' sponsored by The CONTEST j ted before next week’s tabula- Although th^ score indi.-^te > ^is week with Hev. J. H. 'Hiom- ^ tered the contest. M, pastor of the Mt. Vernon | The voting was unosoaJly BapHgt- church taking , the lead j heavy all day Wednesday, and if and holding it ^ a slim margin ’ it get i any hnvier next week the management will until the time of goina to press ^'•v. Hiomai’ lead wa t, threat ened oy 'Bishop H. I* Fisher cf the Holy T^emacle church and Rev. A. S. Croom of the Union Saptist church who were tied for second place. Many votes were brought tp the office after tur tafoulatton Tuesday afternoon and will havt to be included in next week's count. The race so far i« much rloser tfian the mana|pement had anti- sipated and shows signs’'(j|E being intcreirting' and closer throughout the four weelcs it..-3rill bt; con ducted. Sevetttsen minister.'^ had been nominated up to Tuesday of this week, and it is expected that meraibers ar persons intei*estcd Tbe" to put oh extra help to tract of the ballots. , keep On the back page of this week’s issue of the Carolina Times is the relative standing df eaqh conte itant entered up until Tuesday afternoon 6 o'clock. The •elative standing will be ed in each week’s issue^f the Carolina Times until the close of ':he conte when ^ the actual standing will be pu4>lislied and the winner declared by a special ommittee to ibe chosen the night he prizes are awarded. ‘ WaAington High’s Homeco ning Proved Veiy Intereisting ^ete. although their team -iid boat.” WQMEN PHYSICIANS RUN DR. DaFOE CLOSE SECOND NOTED MUSiCai— GIVE CHICA€M> MCITAL the motion to consider the rinll- .’,«nching bill. The ‘ anti-lynching ibiB will be in its poww place \n the calendar and there can oe j.o It must b* taken ap on its merits and voted ]^on. There Is every indication tihat ^ «pti- lypehing bill will be passed be- fore Chriritmas, CHlCAiDO, Iter. 23. —(ANP) ..rrChkago’s paptc. lovers treked .0 the Abmbam Lincoln Centre last Sunday ttfteJTOOtm to att-snd # >s«i>el, one..-of TThe Artists’!. Seriss,” manned by John Green and featuring Eileen Jack>«^ pianist and itamon Gafl>ri«l, idae. niStM T0i." tiiirence White, wife of the famed violin ist, was the accompanist Select- ons from Beetboven,, Lisbt, Schu ««i't, Dett,-Paiganini, Bach and Olarence Cameron White w«r« ncluded in the artistcf off»tnf-. vhich won the .‘plaudits of a larg^ and retponeive adnience. publi-1 ^ y wiio I ^The New I Reporter, whit» newspaper of Whiteville, Nonii Caralina in a recent issue publi shed .im.. account. a£ two worn Negro do^ctors of that civ have performed almost an g cat a miracte in saving tha iivo oi a f9t of prematurely boi'n -twins «r that performed toy Dr. Hoy Allen DaFoe of -Canada. Dt. Miram N. Muldro^v and Jr. 'Wilia/V, £asley are tha two ^omen phj'sicians who^-have bat tied successfully to save the -ives of two colored infar tf born Jbont four months~ago to M«. Lucille Hall of Ilallsboro, neirr v^hiteville., ^Already the mothet- of sevtQ children Mrs. Hail call ed at the clinic operated by Dr. Wuldrow and Dri ^^y in Whrtt*- ville several weeks ago, , lor treatment of a_ .^fractured r]b which The received In a"falf Hall step .)f the way and furnfA^ iufficien^ position to the It^als to give ’he fans plenty for their nionev. The Honcts coached 'by Fr* »k _ Hei'iuan—Ritfehcte, ■star athlete of tbe North Caro lina’ Eagl3& showed great fjc.n and in making a bid fo>' tlM state high school championship. Their line as well as their baek- field functioned according to order and on several occasion j the Cans were brought to . thetr feet by spectacular plays. The locals have lost only one 'ame this year, and ■havw b«-*n Toing str«ng. The one encounter vhich they dropped was ta the 3rpnge County T aining Sch«»ol ff Chapel Hill. , The gam^ against Dudley high f hocJ was the homecoming ■a me for ths locals, and wat pre- 'eded by a parade that outclass 'd that 0£ ths North Carolina '’ollege ia, prlamour and splendor. NORTH CAROLINA COMMEN. DED AS “PIONEER STATE” IN MATTER OF HEALTH AMONG NEGROES While at tho clinic eam« in Uhor and gaXfi. XMtu&Ou imm Itwis ‘ oinw Uuree and oile fourth pounds and the other four, potinds. Tlia babies according to the doctors arrived :wo months earlies than they vere Eapposed to, placin^t thr . tupendoos twUi on tbe. ^physici ns '«f battUne asaiiat ' heavy VtHids to save them. The doctors found it nece.> sai’ work with the smaller oi {the two girls for more than ii minutes before it could be ’ma“^ tB'tfriPSith. In STlditTOff first )f the infants had a norma, •irlh, but the second cams feei i St, which caoi^d it to be par- acularly siontic or what is knov.n •ft.s .ft “Blue b^y.”. ■Without an availaibie incubator .he women physicians set aboUk o rig up one as the best thoy ouid out of what they had at nand. The temperature of the in- •ant t had to be kept at 99 de-lfe 'rees, or "body te'mperetuve, ainl; henc? were wrapped^ in coiton form head to toe witi only thtir faccs .sihowing. , ‘ ^ The physicians used ho.' water bottles to keep them wa.'U'. and- ^^tem with an eve dropper for a week- which they aaed; a regular bottle with a sp • t aHy^ prepared millc, -atJthxfit jKSfiki lL' RaLeIGH, — .Vott:* Carolina is commcnded . ss a “pionce’’ state” in the matter of hc.iltn work among XeJ oes, by Edwin- R. EJmbre*?, President of the Julius Rosenwald Fund, in a l«t- » ter to Dr. Carl V. Reynold', which the State Health Of'ic^r h.T.3 made ptjblic here. Dr. Heyiaoldi recehffy wrolo Mr. Embree. telling of the ac complishments of Dr. Walt?c J. Hughes first Neg^o physiciau sU* ••ached to any State (Eoard «.f Health, whose appointment 'v:.^ made pos^te through a gmst 'rom the fiosenwald Fond. ■ “You will be pleased to nhut since ^e appointeseiit el Hughes” Mr. £mbree isforas- Dr. R&y nulds, .“^e states of Texas and iLoaisiaiia bar- s ided similar Negi%“ assistants, while Illinois now has two eHored ; hy- akuana on ita state staff. /‘The Children’s Bttreau and the UnHM Sitttes PuMic Heahh Service have done the same The_, citiea of JUmlavlBa and Ne^w Yokk have Neftroe# :« charge bf heAlth centers. If* ad- Tunmrs* lyrgmtt* c showed signs of baiag able t« eceive the same luiftd e# ti*»»t nent ^iven any biAf of nora'J irth. They wete ke^t at '.c -Hnic ifor s^oat wmths t n» 'er the care of Um woasea phy- iclans before beinit t«utied over Ge«r^.' gentaefcy. to their mother. and Tej^*' am irenRilpT to maka nim^^ni mtn— vThi‘ State of North Cai^aa**, Mr. Kn.brce roncluded. *‘Wa» a pi.iiieor m uplng Nefro t fliya^ cians In tu%ertttloeis wo^f.iirW^ t»iues in the State