-WI1)E MASS MEET J ~ • •» anti-lynghing BI IN RALEIGH SUNDAY 2:30 BACK IN SENATE MAY m EC. 10 Mailing EDITION tin^0 Readies Tlie Mass Oi Heade'rs VOLUMN 17 tHE CAltOLlNA ,IIM£S SATURDAY DEC. II, INT. PRICE FIVE CEMTS llOEYrCRAHAM, JOHNSON TOP W.C.C, TEACHERS TO SBE FOR EQUAL SALARIES Rev. Grady lakes Lead In Ministers* Popularity Contest 7 ' Slanding Of ContcttanU on i»»f« nckt iTsiitPARD LAUDEDli DEDICATORY PR06RAM HERE SUNDAY u Governor Clyde K. Ho«y of Kirrth Carolina concluded his de dicatory address Sunday afvcr- nqgn aad turned to grasp wtrin- ly the brown band of president James E. Shepard of North Cat: folina co'lejfe for Neiproea; Pre sident Fr«nR ~'F. ~Gfnh«m 4- Greater„University of North Ca rolina leaned toward, the* micro phone and. breather into it a mes sage of the brothei%oed of ^niavi and e^ality of aH peopl#, so iride in its pronouncement |ind sineere in its tone as to stir his hearers' sonla. M»tchle«l llordo* cisi W. 4bhri»on followed with a tribute to ^an^g: racial appre ciation ; apalf dozen colored col lege pre^en^. whit« legislhtora, e^BoatoFSi—and—aotabioa—apofce group, the g>od professor refer red to one of his race in a man ner resented by most sell respee- weM as those of the opposlto ting N'egroea. He wa» - the last speakelr on the program, and when’ he had taken hia teat a of r«{Ms« wa* alaoat aQU- Ue over the entire beautiful and qneioas anditorittaa.. and notables Apoke and a great occasioti in I^urham, the exer cises fncideni to the dedication of the drnuid assortment of new buildings at North Carolina col lege was concluded . The only event to mar the en tire program was the speech made by Frof. W. G. Pearson, Principal of Hiilaide High School and well know business man of this city. In an apparently ex cited attempt to be funny and amuse the prominent white .peo ple present, Prof. Pearson "^pro- ceded to raise from the dead an ancient and dark experience which he is supposed to have had on a shiip. Uo the chagrin of 'ill of the colored people present, tif Charlotte Police Guilty /V^rdering Neg£0_ GETS TWO NEW BUILDINGS Mine • beeetiitil d. dkated -^anday,, the BenjantlA N. Poke A«ditoritv«. » magnifl- aent stntttare named ft>r the late one oi h% most schMffi'•«««»»» tors; a library, a boy’s dormitory and six attractive teacher's cofc^ tagea. TTie buildings which make the campus one of the most at tractive in the state, wire erecfc- ed through grants made joiiily by the North Carolina teiflsla- ttire and the PWA. Govef*»?r ■Hoey had written the bill for the itegi^ture at the request of pre- [aident Shepard and trustee C. C. t Spaulding had worked for its passage and had come to lend his presence^ to the impre^ive cerenu>nies of the day. “North Carolma believes ’ in education," said Governor Hoey, “so that we may develop the dor mant possibilities of all of our citizens. I would not regard a state as great unless it demon strated its ability to serve alT of the people within its confines. It is in that spirit that North Carolina maintains five state col- — (By BART LCXIAN) CHAllttsOTTB—Dec. « — The verdict of “unjustifiable homi cide" of a coronor’s’s jury in the case of police officer Bowlin ie an important victory for the Ne- ^0 peop’e of Charlotte. The case began four weeks ago when a younjg Colored man- nam ed Wifliam Connor was arre.9ted for «f.ledge'y tr^g -to iteal -a. suit of clothes. According to the ! police he escaped when the pa -1 trol car drew near to Jthe po’ice i statibn. After he had run a short distance he was rfiot an3 kired j by officer L. W. £owIln, Th»*ra is nothing unusual about a Ne- • g^o being ki’led by the police in the South. The unusual part of the atory ia that' the .police ^id no^ get away with iheir attempt., bo’ this brutal KSliHg. V ■ 'X ,K committee was formed by | the NAACP to investigate and discovered that Connor was killed while his hands ^er Waging Great In Contest Prof. J. W. -Ssabrook, praai- vent «dieator of Noyth Carolina and prMidant of Fayetteville ~STO« W*»Hiat- Sekuuit who ' has j«*t aanouBced auecM* in obtain* i«( a boy’* dormitory and a cym- liatiaiB for the-'acbool he head*. Prof. Seabrooic auceeeded ^e late E. E. Smith a« head of^l^ayx. ette^ill* State Nor&al. ^ ^-- leges for its Negro popuUJ^n. Its dating and interest measured by the fact that in the establishment of North Ci^rolina colltge here, we have instittited NAACP. the-^nly liberal arts college in» On the first night of the hear- Am^i^pa maintained by a state Jngs so many people attended it' for colored people.” | was necessary to move the Crim- “We cannot dedicate or con- inal court room. -Witness afc*:v secrate these buildings in the true \ witness went on te stand and sense,” ^doc!afad Dr. Mordecai testified that (Btowlin took dfli- Johnson. “Thty allready have iberati aim at Connor and kilted b#en dedicated by the work that him without any justification, has gon* info the planning and, They testified that Connor seem- preparation for them and by ' ed eschausted and could hardly "what they represent. These^ib»ihtCl* run. -ai^ that- the .tpolicemnn- coald ings have been put here through ^ have easily have captured him. It the instrumentality of the legia-1 was brought out that Bo^iljn , Continued on page eight J kickad Connor after he shot him. Virginia Teacliers. Raise $1,000 To Fight Salary Differential in Court Hampton Institute, Va., Dec. | Th teeachers Vrere in a fight 9 A decision to go into the ing mood and the whole conven courts to secure equal salaries with the white teachers of this state waa made hero the ITianks- giving weekend by the cfinveiv tion of the VirKi"^* State Teach ers Association. Mora than 1,000 teachen* re presenting the total^of ^700 ••f the state teachers anociation un animously endorsed the (plan of action to be sponsored by the Virginia .branches of the Nation al Association for the Advance ment of Colored Peop!e. The taaebera voted to set a- ji4de yi.OOt) from their treasury to tha dcfeiMa fight and flMedged tteeweflvee to- $=•«« ^on reflected their militant de termination to end the spreading differentials between heir - sala ries and the salaries of white teachers with the same traininjj, %rpertenre ^d dwttig the same work. COL. JULIAN BACK AS GUlOt TO JGYPTIAN PRINCESS I . The convention waa stirred to a high pitch by the speech of Th«-good HandiaH, *-a«gtan» speciail counsel of the NAA.Ct^ who to!d of the victorious action I in Montgomery County, Md., where the teachers salaries were equalised after suit had been fi led by the NAACP in behalf of W#iam Glbi>a, Jr., with Mr. Marshall 8S''attor*^y.’*Sfr. Marrih-' all a^9o told the teachers of the pending action in Calvert Coun- in tJ»e air and tiiat Bowttin’s atary -that he \itumbled and Jdlled the f'outh accidentally waa untrue. The committee appealed to every shnrcb and Negro organization in. Charlotte for funds to retr. n lawyers to prpsecute BoWin. oyer (^|Q0.t)O was quickV rai.sed the case was presented to the cortfnora inquest by compe tent lawyers representing the I PROF. J. A. MCRAE, Prlaci- ^ 000 more. t pal of the ReidaviU* fUfh School I This money will be used by a land well >»own odBcat.ar of N. defense committee of five m*-m ^ ^ the Memo- ban of the teachers association ^ ^ 'and five mamber, from the NA T'”* . tion that Ne^oes can live cheap er than whites and therefor* Carolina who died pt rial Hospital Deceabor 2. Prof.. McRae was ill with paeaBtonia juft two day*. His d*»th eaaie as* The rsMlntion of the executive, sy committee, which waa unanimou- ^ “y- >2Vv YCllK—C)— The das- ■injr and colorful ■Col. Hubert Jth lian pul ed a brand ntw one asi week when he--arrived^ the. v.^uec'ti Mary a« ,?ukie to Princi'M .\lme ia Aljr-dam^ter of the late Prince Hadji A-i of Ejfypt, and ^ chs/gt^ of the/body of Pnnce, which 1;e saiT^as ^ng'tsten W Jobi;s Hopkins University at Bal- timcre for lientific .“taidy. The body waa brought to Duncan’s uwiertaking parlor, 2303 Seven th avenue, for inspeetion by pe*- ?ons who mi?ht be admitted by card fi^m the Col. Col. JoMtut. is was a’so tevea'ed. was left in cha-ge of the admini tration ot the Prinee’-s $800,&fW) estate. The prTm^r'^t'ho (".’I' J:tBvenibyr^.&-. di»tinct shock to his fiiends throufhout tk« stato. , mg “the cost of betf steak is the , same in the Negro neighborhood All efforte of the defense to con- WK" . In fact it fuse the witnesses failed. j , Colored People in raising a de-f Mr. Mar^ialS brought fense fimd of |5,000 to f?ght for equalization o teachers’ aala- roies in the courts of Va.; sly adopted, follows; ‘"niat the association coopt . . . *Jrat« with the Nationifl Associa- “ ^^e white, the Advancement of ” in London,' is ^id to habe had'''-a double stomach, and could drink gasoline in one and water in tbs other, ignite the gasoline, and thf fire with tJie water. Voting this week in tiia Mini> sler’s Pdpuli^ty and 'Chriftm«* .Gift Co^tetf noig being induct ed by :^.e 4^o(||a Titaies was the hsii^est* of'^tay week since the contest opened on November 17. With two mora weeks to go after this week before the clos ing whieh is set for December 27, the management i9. preparing for even a tpreater avalahthe of votes next week than tliose which were cast this week. Hie most outstanding deve’op- l&f|t week’a voting was th^ sudden spurt of iRev. A. Grady who overcaione' tEa lead that has been held by Rev. J. H, thomaa thro^i^oat the contest to take‘first pilace. WheUHjy ReV. Grady can retain flTe^lead re mains yet be seen. One thiMb Is ^are the Mt Vernon pastil has a*^ready demonstrate? his vote. j3?lt^ji)ilitj5, and it-i» be lieved that liis fcjiing th6 flrat‘ ptiace will oialy spur his support ers to even greater efforte. A4 it now stands the race ,‘s nip and tuck with Tlev. Thoma* only eleven baUota behind^ Jtev. Grady, and with Revl . W. H. Fuller threatening /lu a dark horse. Rev. A. S. Croom .week heSd has diioKt^'lMRk to the place, ibeiilg overcome by Rev. Miles, Mark Fisher. As the votea and supporters for the various candidalba m- creasa, all are askad to cooperate aa bent thty can with the manag ement of the Carolina Times which is being taxed to the limit On the second night of the hewing the defense tried r,-to prove that Connor committed a felony because the suit he at-, ^ ... ' . . , . { “Tliat the association set a tempted to steal was worh f 25.0u' On cross examination the owner of the store admitted that his did no^ disp'.ay any suits that sold ' for over $12.00 but this suit wi|s something spscial. A clerk testi fied that he did not know th« price of the suits. The defense refused to allow Bowlin to testi- j - ..T J J u • to donate fl.OO towards the de fy. This concluded the hearm,* imdl i “That tocal teachers’ organiza tions be requested to raise funds towards this objective." . cheers sweep through the siouth. Alr*»adjr there i.s talk of actit;n in N'crtli , from the audience with the an- Carolina. F crida. Tennessee and nuouncement that certain Vii-g;n-j Kentuekr. -'The NA.A^F campaien side $14000 of its fund to defray such expenses; , “ITiat five members of the association be appointed to co operate with a like member fiom I the NAACP to constitute a de- ; fens^ committee; { ‘“ntat each teacher be asked the heariniT and the jury retired. They weru out fifty minutes and came back—, , Continued on pago eight EQUAL SALARIES FOR NEGRO teachers LOOM AS TOPIC FOR NCGNATM ime strong possfibihty RALEIGH, Dec. 9—Spurred by the recent stand taken by Ne gro teachers in Virginia, on the matter of unequal tea;h«rs sala- wlth keepi{ig a correct check on ries paid in that state, Negro the thousands of votes that are teachers of North Carolina may being casi each weak. iGet; as bo urged ta report to the courts many of yonr votes to our officf !-to right an , ancient wifong of on Saturday as yon can. Do not which tiii^ have been the wal^ iintirrttiB last ihinute if pos- tims, iir^r!™OT5s~nreBtin|f“0f sihl^. The earlier you,, get your North Carolina’ iCommittee votes to this office ^a easier it be on oiur office force to kee|> an i|ocnrate account nf each candidate^i ballots. Last waekt practically ©very niiftif brought- thoasaads of votes for various candidates from who last distant ^ea botji In and out oi the ^te. The cam|Mtign haa now I developed to tha point where it has not only created interest in Durham, but in practically every dtiy where the Carolina Itmes ia rasd. -- ^ , Be sura, to sigir your name to your ballofc Several baUot^ came , CoatfaaW oa jpage a%ikt here Negri) Affairs to be hejd Sunday afternoon at 2:30. •In Virginia the teachers h«’ve raised -1,000 to defray the ex pense of the court action which 1|^ being brought by the Virginia branches 9f the National Asro thousand visitors from all over the state. f Attorney Hosea V7~ Price of Winston Salem is State Chap man of the 'ofgnnizatidnj and wll^nireside over the m^eting^ which will be *held in St. Paul AME Church. Mrs. Irma Neal vic>v Herery aiJso of Winston Salem is the*^secretary. Mr«r-Henry has, recent- on ly returned from Europe where she went in search of new mate rial relative to the solution of the many problems which con fronts , the race ^ in this state. Other matter which will be dis- raadafs- of -fte Carolina Thna Iir fo' the^ AdvmictjBi^t~°t.t Colored Peb coo.r/'ration with the Virginia Stata. Teacher* Aaaociation. From all indications the meet- ROLAND HAYES THRILLS LARGE AUDIENCE IN RECITAL AT N. C. C. Ni Sfnging to approximately 1,0.00 appreciative listeners, Roland Hayes, America’s premier tenor eaptty&tf3 his audience here M'Ondaiy evening in a recital a%- the new Benjamin Puke audito rium di North Carolina CoU^ with a versatile progiram corisla-. ting of German., Itallaq and numbers from his own nativo tongue. cuss^ at the meeting in, Ealeigh , « Mr. Hayes had been ili with un y will be the various candi- cold, as it was reported he waa ^ ' •fEc audienn evidefttly did Mat" detect it; for * each number brought enchore after eneliore. Slid House or Representativos. t PAlRIS— Josephine Baker, the American colored dancer from (St Louis, Mo., wh» rose from Ing Sunday will Ibe attended by the chorus llije-^to be queen of the largest grfflip of represents-; the PoUes JSeggre, was married tives in the history of the torgnn-1 to Jean Lion, rich French mer- ization. Arrangements are being chant, aviator and madt to take care of at leAat a Tueaday. ' ■portamai) ^nd when the end of the program had arrived his hearera almost re fu^ed to l^ave t^heir seata. but continued to send forth Tolnmi- nous ap)>lau8Q '.for more of tha noted singer’s renditiona. Equal credit is due Us aecom> panist, Percival Pftraham whoa# playing of the piano was match less. Several number arranged bar Mr. Parahan were sung by Mr. Haya to the enjoyment of his audience. Many persons filbih out of the city had braved one of-.the coM- est ni^ta of tha season to hear one °of America’^ greatest sing es and with ail of the hi^dships that go with^ traveluig more thar. a hundred miles in such weather, 'none ~ex|n:essed tkemselves as hi^ving revrettfd 'tMfe trip. ia teachers already have airani?- ed to file cases in the courts for equalization of 'salaries and that the NAACP would give them 1,P0 per cent support. “* 7’his ^campaign of the NAACP against inequalities in -the public, school system is gaining groun»i:^ and unequal school and enthusiasm and bids fair to | equipment. i« di eoted ajrainst lack of prof^ essionpl anri. transpt rta- tion facilities for*'niral pupils, unequal school t rms. lack of hisrh sehooJ fac?:itiesi and dispro portionate appropriations from state and federal education fiinds houses i,and - Wagner-Van Nuys eill To Folliiw Passage Of ; Farni Legislation ; ho. din It that iti’ proper the ^ place was aft 'r the farm bill. Gavagan-Wagner-Van^ Nuys anti- lynching bill will be taken up a- gain on the floor of the Senate on December 10. Thii' date was set when it became known that in allprobability ^e farm bill will be passed Dec. 8 or 9. When the . farm bill broxigh* out November 22. th^ ahti.^ynch- ing bill was dropped to be taken up latter. Whiie every, southern senator and most southern newspapers have conceded that there ure "P. R.” CALLED fAlLURE NEW YORK KBW YQBiL-r^XCi. ^editorial -^deeiaratioff ihat riiottld get rid of it a«i soon as j th« The anti-lynching biU » the l’"®'® enough vote^i to paa«t second item on the calendar, by1 ’ ahti-’ynching Kill-and att^^ an a^eement reached last Aug-passage is inevitabl*; ust, being preceded only by thef*^^*'® ^ certain to be storisy ard farm bill. Aa soon as- the farm J . - KHl ia out of the way, the Se-■ which t^ south- nate is bound by this *«reemeRt|®^®PP®”®"^s the bill will to take up and dispose of he an- ‘^**^*’entrate all their fhw is ^ ■"O' clau.«e prvoing ^ ti-lynching aill before it can pn- eeed to other busines'i IN skirmish on the anti- lynching bill began Noveinber 16, when Senatdf Wagner of to the family of the vic- moved to- take i»y, of the mob. -This clauae ia fto country pena!ty that thf «-«\iinty ing oecur«« may be IjaWe amount from $a000 to for an $10,660 the Daily News, on esqireMe^ disapproval 1r .“l^^iprtli we can , 'l^lesday, of the Be^ “l^^jjprtieaal Repre- aentatiea" plan by which no co lored penon was elected to the eity'f» a««r Council, which takM the place of the old iBoard of AI denMS, where ,colored p»ople le aniAt df^i»fH*"Sar bn | f!oor._ Senator Tom CoanaJ- _—_—-af—tW-Km " ~5".” " rf moved. ly of Texaa - led a fiUbaster a- K*inst considering the biH at the bin value whatsoever. wHl ^ of ho NEW YORK— Stewart - WMte Miss Genddin^ was agyehrt'^ had two repreeeetativ*. Coi. W. J., S hieffelte. cbajbcmaa of the head Rupervl«>r of aunea af B»rd of Tualceei^e ' Institute, j Harlem Nursm. Traiaiits and father of tlM plan, was de-. on Vovenmher »«. ths fln| mIsk feated^toi^ Coonciir at«o. led nutee to Md tlw

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