Mailing EDITION (l^raiuin CJMBRiaSE^ Beaclif.'; Tlic ilass HI Rfadors VOLUMN 18 NO. 2 THB CAIIOLIHA TI»IES SATURDAY JAN. S. IMA raiCE FIVE CENTS EEL’ CASE GOES TO SUPERIOIMU Prtbleins 01 GBURtry Teachks Aired M D! C. Galtiering JaRuaiy 2-3 SHOT TO DEATH Durhain Busineiis IVfan Stioots Intruder To Death Tuesday Night When T hreatened With iBeatIng PRESIDENT QUEZON OF ‘ PHILIPPINES RECALLS | MAJOR LOVING th« Island RepuMic. MUiJ.or Loving, who has beei» 1i- vimr in Oakland, Calif., ensrajr^d WASHINGTON, Jan. fi— (A?J F)—Th^ Council on Bural Edu- catioHr lister whose guidance th4 Julius Rosenwald Fund vlias net aside |l,0(00t,00i0' to be expended, chiefly for t!ie purpose of build ing trp important tgachcfs’ joi- legre* in the South, held Ife an nual meeting: here J&ft. 2 jwl S. Southern and national 'education «nd cfficiida and representativM of foundations were in attend ance, and their discussions wfere devoted to two elementary eta«9- tials of good rural teacfiinif— three R’s, espeeii^ reading, with a vte'w to building up some thing more than census ‘Htemcy% anfl the educaiion of tei^ijii^^ff meet the conditions which TKey will find when tiiey get out to ru’-al schools and communities. “When a teacher finds that the roof on iliis school leaks and has leaked for years, he ^must know bow to repair it, or how to jrct the community or county to have it repaired," said Edwin R. Embrec, president of the Jnllua Rosenwald fui^d. “Moreover the teacher in any rural district i» fte know-ali and be-aH,” Mr. _®n»br*€, said, “and should know the answers to such questions as ‘how to test'isieedwscom, wfcat to do ab^ut potato bugs and boll weevil, and how to build a corn crib.’ He must be able at least talk sensibly about such ^Ing3 in order to maintain status .in the community. He m«!t how to ireduce instruction to the needs and limitations of the community.” The rural education staff of the Julius Rosenwald fundf'has pari^on «f'ra*»l teacher* at the ^ ^ ^ . constituted the direct staff of the whit* state nomai- colleges at looking forward wit?.i in council together with explorMTs S&te»boi;o and CarroUton, Ga., and research workers appointed the Naigro state normal from time io ti»e for apseial coHt|re at Gambling, La, twice in the head. Prfice found no weaipon on the p«rson of the dead man, although his right hand was in !iis coat pocket they said. The death of Vanhook it is alleged ended several years of terrorizing of the PaVihams by ^e Hie funeral of J. H-. Va> hook, weH knownaPurham man wf!I be held Friduy afternoon at 3-3‘0 o’clock from the Mt. Vernon 'Baptist church of this city. Van- , hook wag shot to death by T. D. MANILA, Philippines Islands, Parham, prominent busines? man Jan. 6.—(ANPI—Major Walter of -tliis city Tuesday afternoon , JLJL«Yi3ng.j:fi8ched thaa PMtofiinsa aronnd fl:aa o’dock whe%,Jia.Et- |..??™er, QiLone j^ccewon Vanhook last week, having been recalled to tempte d to enter the printing duty by President Queson, long establishment located at '308 his friend, to reorgani^ the fa-1 Fayetteville street and op rated mous Philippine Constabulary by Mr. Parham and his son. Im- Band which he organized awd'y mediately after the shoo*^i')e brck in 19)02 as well as to survey Parham called the police d«rprt- Ifee possibilites of_, ^estatolishini{ ment, notified them what he had hand units at every army post in doan, and \«ited at his place of IRENE CASTLE MCLAUGHLIN AND MARVA LOUIS MODEL PROBABLE CAUSE IS FOUND IN CASES OF MORRIS AND FISHER CHARGED WITH BURGLAKY business until they arrived. Eatiier in the day went to the printing. Va’"*’ook establish MMES H, VANHOOK. wl>«. was sliQt to Aaedi Imh« T««aday •▼•■Inf* hr T. p. ParliMi, pru- ■aiaapt mmn ml Uil* «)ty. TIm (iMotiac •ce«m4 the priath^ MtaUMmaBt'' «fMrat«J bjr Mr. Parbana and bk and foEowing a thr«at mad* b|r the •iafai otan that was $emiB5 ta C«t Parbaai. I in t'^ real estate business during ^ mant a^d inquired of the v.'hp|»- tbe J4 years he retired from the *bouts 6f the ofder son and his Philippine Constabulary Band in fatlier. He was told by ’"ad 1923, gained. 4ntemational fame Parham fourteen year old «” un- as its leader. At the express in- g^r son that he did not know vitation of then Gov. William where th*y, his father and his Howard Taft be brooght band, brother were. Vanhook it ij> sl- to America to appear fin the teged proceded to beat tli» vdipi- Grand Exposition of Louis in 1902. In 1009 the aggregation went all the way to Washingtos' to play in Taft’s inauguration. In 1915 it was sent to Ame-' rica as the Phtlij5pbie~ musical^ contribution to the Pan-Ameri-* c^ Exposition in San Francisco and Tt' is reporlei' that if ^he band reaches the pefei"fection whiib n-esfdenlr (Jbfzon desires, that it mt|,y make another trium- th7 ^uttoera Sucaiton to7nda- Phal piWr^age to ^eric^ for i-. . the New York's World’s F^ii 1SS8. Mrs. tasks. The Council on Rural Ed ucation is cottceraed with imprc- vin^ rural aahoote, both wMte and colored, in the southern states. The General Education " boaH i tl6n, and Uxe Carnegie corpora- tion ar erepreaented on the conn- j cii ad use it aa an advisory body. Appropdations totalling ^flOO,- QdO have bean made %y thi fund to ijfeclal courses f«r the pre- FSjir in ger Ixty and upon leaving the place made a threatening state ment to the effect that he -'oald return and get Parham Senior and his other son. According to information ob tained-by a representative of the Carolina Times Vanhook ■•ai led Mr. Parham a few minutes before he went ‘m the printing office, and told him that he was coming bhere for the purpt jc of getting him. Parham stated that when Vahook pushed opened tlie door leading into his cffjct, Auth Motel Portei Is llero Of Olsastrous Fire TUPELO, JUias., Jan, 8—UN P)—Herman Humphery, colored porter |itHhe Southern ‘Hot^.waa the outstanding hero of ,|i •fieice fir« early Tuesday morning that destroyed tKe hotel with a lo*a of approximately $7S,000. More than & score of guests, ^wakened at the last minute escaped in scanty* attire and several oti^r^ leaped to safety from the M^^nd floor .-iflndowB. ’ Awakened suddenly at 8 a. m. ly the stifling smdlte. Porter Hiumphrey stum'bled blindly Jshiu the hallway, falling severai timos^but reachiAg the room of every guest and warnii^g^nt in tirat to make their eaei^M, One gue'-t who refused to laave un til'Ke could get hia clothing DICING CAft WAITEItS, COOKS. GET: PAY INCREASE Loving, and Walter Jr.,,.. . arrived with the Major on the ST'J** his pocke in a S. President GooHdge. Mrs.'^flv-1 f . . j 1 j . I bed his gun and started fin ig on ing, accounted one ^ niosl beautiful matrons, is le- Vanhook was rushed to IJn- coln hospital where he di«*d About a half hou» after being id- mitited. According to phyrlcians ?(ranhook was shot twice tJ rouijh the thigh, once in- the body and terest to the social life in the is lands a'.though regretful to leave her lovely residence in Oakland, oiie^of ^the famous homes of nortbern California. slapped M r. Parham several times in ti^ lobby of tihe Mecha nics and l^'armers Bank, until he was ordered to stttp '!B'y another person present. On other occn- sions the deceased is alleged to '‘have threatened Parham and members of bis family with suits and beatings. When question’d as to why he did^^ot refuse printing jobs of- fe’^ him by Vanjiook, Pjpr, “■hftnfK^plied that he was afraid not to take them, an4 was afraid to repoi’t his antagoniaer to the po'lice," He- also stated that he' 'hoped to finally^ make friend* with him, and on many occasions had de'ivered printing jobs to- him without ever receiving nny Tioney for them. » Mr. Parham is well known,in business circlfes of this st^te and Vi'ginia. Prior to coming to Dur ham about* twenty years ago he was in the banking business in Norfolk, Va. He is president of the T, p. Parham and Associates, Inc., real estate organization of thw city. Trust Officer of the Mechanics, and Farmers B'^r.k, director of the Mutual Buildine p.nd Loan *\ssociation, and a !i- rector of thj bank of which he is trust officer. •S Up to running afoul t?^e law several y«ars, ago, Mr. Vanhook was employed by Hibberd Florist. Mr.‘ Parliam wi|l 'be given a preliminary hearing WedneadAy January 12 4n recorder’s court on a charge of manslaughter. Bond in the sum,of $1,000 was signed bv E. R. derrick and L. J. Spaulding. ' Chicagfr, Jan. ^6—ANP‘—&e fore a capacity crowd which jam med the Eighth Regiment Armory Mrs. Irene Castle MeLaughlin and M^re. Marva TroUer Louu^ strolled about a minature stage, | descended a runaway^ and 4>ir- raouted about the dance flojr as they modelled various creations here Wednesday night as a bene fit sty’.e show and dance. I I lliie publication in- dailies weeklies and magazines over the I country of the pictures of Mrs. McLaug'h'lin,' 'famous as a lea^.or ' of society, a fdrmer international ' dMcer Jind the^center of ». pend ing divorce action frorti her ml liot«aire husband, Maj«H: Mc- Lau^rhlin. taken with the wife of Joe Louis, heavyweight cham pion, and her co-sponsor in the event, had aroused widespread interest and comment TTie audi ence, however, - was colored iwith the ei{ceptI6'n of a lloz^ ^ so peraons. Half a dozen beautiful girl models assisted in displaying the frocks and dressea, many /of which were from the DAVID ^ FISHER, kao%»a fmang man d( this city, wlio wa« ciukrged iti prctiminary h«ar- img bere thic’^eek of being im- pUcateil ia tiM ma^y bwrslarie* •tagad hare ai^ in .Raleigh br l.aTiIU|i Morris and David Fisher, cHargeid with bur glarizing the homes of whiW si-' : tia«qs .hert* and in Raii'igh -were givijn a -Jiearing in reeorrt«;i> court here Tucsd^'. and Ordered held the- trraftd juf"- at- the conclusion ^ the fcehrin;;. Morris wbb ^rrf^'o'f ’-»>*t week when ^ittempted to '•ash a Liggett . ani '• tohicso ehe^k at a loeal- h«nk, which is al’eg^d to h^i^heen stolen front one of,the homes burgiariketl. Fisher’s ^rpst follnwed~"that of Morris’’, and has been charged with.„..bnrgla*ik nj homes, and with, be'ng and accomplice of ^ , , ■ '£ecausc of the tase and s!ick- nesB witbi«bich ris waa .known in police circt?^ as the “slippery e«l.” He and Fisher are alle^d to have en tered ato^ Jh L-4£LJ»0imes Ji^te J and in Raleigh. '‘Lvcky . Morris, known A*-th«r • ( the "SI^pp«ry EeP. Botb Mor ris aad Piaiier will be tried at personal | tk* acxt term of Snpdrior Court wkiek eoPTeaw kere in Feb. — wardrobe of Mrs. Louis. 1^8 af- was^ gfiven 'for the,benefit of the ( ^—1 ^ ' South Central District of the, i , United Charities. Joe Louis was'^D ALSTON b6uND OVER TO intooduced from the H’udtenc®,' Hold 18th Bdule A t Houston' T e x a s POSTON, Vass.. Jan. fi—‘IAN P)-^IncrMtaes. in pay «f about 7 per cent of dining cAr cookfe ind wAiien the 9o*l»n 4 MH^nj Bidlroad, effeej^hM pac6HlSir' 1, w«re reached p m argamen^be- 4d\^manafirBment hood of Dining Ik eonlerense 0|(ieea of the. 'ee.'S». i The ore^lMfibit 'had held out for istraigiitf fneteue of $i2 a monlii, having rejected ort Nove- n^er ^ the a^e raised accepted today, but ewii^ bo ^ raid de velopment of • nationwide busi- HOUSTON, Jan. 6.-'-*^(I^y S. G- POSTAL fradley for ANP)—With nearly 200 delegates and visiting soroi's in attendance/ the IBth ancQal bouie of ^the Zcta Phi Beta sorcr^ ity was opened in the Odd Fel lows building, Dec. .27 with'So- rdr Anti^basileus Nellie Rogers, presiding. ■t" —— ALLIANCE TO PLAN 25TH ANNIVERSARY AUTHOR OF "HALF STUDYS AMERICAN CASTE" NEGRO CHURCHMAN SCORES NEGRO HOUSING . I tf^en. ^ and the iEl^O' Car £mj in. th*.! lompany h«l %ie first public .sesaion held OHIG^GO, Jan. 6— (ANP)— The Niational Alliance of Postal Employes will celebrate its silver Jubilee during the year 1938, after serving continuously for 2J> years, according to plans now be- jing made? by oflKcials of the or- LOWEaiL, Mass., Jan. 5.—(A NIP)— Cedric Dover, briH’iar.t Eurasian .student and lectuirer and author of the widely-discu-s- sed boolc “■Half Caste.” came here last weirfk fo get first 'hand infor mation' concerning living condi tions among * Negroes and to study t£e l^bor situation as it affects the colored worker., ^ Dover^- who is now 33, was born in India, where, at the age of 17 he astonished schol^^ by being placed in,», charge of - the Entomological Survey of India. A year later he was gh^en an executive post on the Asiatic So- cietj;^ of Bengal, India, the youn gest man ever to hold that po?i-- tion. *“ ‘ The writer wishes to broaden his travels in America to include a trip i|ito the deep South, to study colored workers in rural A swore cr„ mp"e of articles whiA police say *ver*e foumi ia the possession of the young m«B was" sufficient evidence accordina; to the decision of the court to have them hrfd for the next -ses sion of Spperi^r Court wh»ch will be held in February. I Althoueh Sfftrrts wn. identifiel by W. F. Spence who testif I '4 that he-'feetfsed a flashlight di-* I reetly in the f^ce of the “ee!” I when be entered his home at 113 North Holman street, the former Ep ALSTON confessed slayei j iia\inK entered his horm*. of Mrs. Janie T^lkerson 103-year J likewise denied entering the SUPERIOR CCWRT ON BRUTAL CHARGE OF MURDER old Durham cillzen was b«!n'i over to Superior court here Taes- • day on a (^arge of-firsts degiee murder after a. preliminary 'hear- homes of anv other persons Jaure — or in Raleigh. “ *, , Several witnesses identified artic’es found in the i>ossession ine m recordef»r court. Alston is Morris nmd Fisher wtiieh thev expect^ 'jyo ^ied at the next term, of superiof court which will bej held here iA February. The aged woman was slain in her home 'Kira^ay afternoon when Alston uttempted to' rob ^ler of $60 whi^ had been given her to keep iry her grandson. A’ston had been rooming at the home. say - were stolen from .their ■ homes. Three o£ the witne^'es testified that their homes bad been' entea'ed after they antl^ others had g-one to steep. Fishr-r denies having burglarized homi>iS here or in Raleigh. in addition to beinK charsred with burglacy oit six , [ris has been charged with foraw g Mrs. Pran«»W illliott, 19-year-'name »f AIf>e«l P. Rofbinscn eld grandaugtt|ier who was be«.len * three counts. Fisher has bf*«‘n. over the head wi^ the sums [ charged with burglary -IP only heavy piece of wood with which * ^ount, and bas not been Alston slew Mrs. Wilkerson is re- ^jarged with forgery at all. covering iiT Duke hospital. She NEW YORK, Jan. 5—(ANP/ was lying across a -bed in the home$fti»e of the killiri' and Alston struck her to prevent her-from,,making an outcry. Ti- V fecawjoB. general weaken^ dow just as the fkmes' poured Into the room. The blaze was one of* the apee- tacular In the city’a hiatory. ^amea shot 200 feet into tlie air, ti^es and telephone nwwby caught fire and that e^ire -soe- tioa of th* c{ty was iltaminstwf. When fii'emen arrived intense woft the heat they could no neftvir &an W feat fi^m the es of the nation by the De&arb^" Tuesday evening at Mt. Vernop If Reljitions of the M. E, church aMiough aaddened . me fnrmaA rh fta ' I Council of Churches, de- because of th« recent passing of ' — an scHheH th^» houftinir lof Nettroek In and farm areas, where some are —A mes.4g7 prepared by John P*W ab low as one dollar fo,. a Ivatx^riJSt, paLr St.'john’s week's work. Speaking of ^-^Heretr^U«S^ tftS^^ Methodist iEpiscopal chu«*, St. led “^'‘lite supeiiorlty’* and sup-! has, confessed to the“tiL n„ j Louts and sent to various church- remacy, Autiror Dover said: It CONDEMNED TEXAN G*VEI« new TRIAL ^ "i^Tenn.,, following tne Sasile^js, -^lolette And^r8onT_^^^„^;, was oni^ of the mSH fimprestivc,' discrimination Negro postaT - u jj ■ in T 1 workers. The Organization ha? ever hejd ,n any cit^ Soro Juan-1 ^ ita IBates, prominent educator . ... i. .. .„d civic v™,k,r of r,!!!”"’!;: was gufst speaker, whose elo quent and soul-stirring addreso held the audience spelli-bound. in cohnection with ju^omotions and asaignniients in the Postal ► Service. Branches of the Alljamte ot^Bisafions, indicated by dead- ings were extended the large i^,-;"£i^»--¥.-.5rc - .Vj ' w2h,n^ D I Hew York. Central RaUroads, «we I,*?**®"®- organiia. I * L ^ . hurried in OBt of the wet,” Maid . tio*'® of Houston. tfor its' worthwihfle projects, Mr. RlMjai B. L*mu», bfofeerWd !■ I^ominent among the addrew-} Bradle: preafdent; “especially after the forpeful welcome and for harrmwed management applied «PP«al made by Rolland Bradley er during thia boule. for itnolliei* ld»B ft«m the RFC". i^«P’*'e9entative «f tbe Chamlber Of j Among thoee was the contribu scHbed the housing lof Negroe's in cities any qipon Calling d towns as a dicigrace to a|te is the urgent, need of all oppres sed colored people to establish the closest -bonds of intemation- ^ jSolidarity in order to cpmblst th^ vicious, and insidious propia- ganda" oTHJC fmperiaMsta and sciats «n the' inferiority of cohf -' and of-having taken Mrs. Wilkerson. $10 f -on- DR. -RUSSELL RICE, HUSBAND OF FORMER MISS DOROTHY SKINNER SUCCUMBS . IN KY, i tlon .4T*STIN. Tex.. Jan. .'^ANP> 'The court of criminal appeals last week or^der ret-led the cas^, of Harry Lacy, a ,Negrq riven the death sentence in •' Grime* county for krl’ing- a white m-n. The rase attrartpd nnnsua! att?n- becaiise oif defense elatw'- was] of lention to the l^h annual Raee RelaHipng Sunday'^fed races’ theme." to bg^ld on Feb. 13, Dr. Holt’a message also asserted that edn- cational opportunities for Ne groes to obtain employment and I that the jiwy ImemRriT^f "IT" Jtion caTed the ‘•♦White Man’*. : Union Ass*n”, and for that rro- Dr, Russel Rice, husband of - jt!ie former Miss Dorothy ner of thia city; died at his h^e «nsucceK5futly ,to BAPfTIST -SUNDAY SCHOOL Lo^5g,iUe.,^tucky. Satur-of venue. BOARD TO MEET IN j^ay Janoarr 1 from a cQmp^’ca-. court’s own notion H NA'SlfVILLE itkin of diaeasea. I wfc bei»T» A>«t-to Grii^^ being denied thenj. t JSAgryrLLE. Tenn. naade several suggQ$r|ons thf nation#] group to eoriid- Commer;ce and other outstanding tion to the Wiley Coliege Pidbw- •tnjetara. Or%in ,o£ the ^ organizations of which he is a ment Fund, fjar which he fir* hM ttot b««n datemined. ' part. Commending the aoror^ty Ibean instnani^*^ in aid. nas 2,.V •>'s^" ’«»!'>“tat A.\ Inaarsiice Company | Dr. Rice ■pent'" two year* :» ict*me ^ 1 fr«M» T- inity where -Lacy admH- wieli aa •« OF WAR VETERAN MYSTERY SURROUNDS SLAY Congress, Nationid Baptist; 5* flutter's Convention, will hold an impor tant meetnig on January 26 in P^NE fflLUFF, Ark.,—Mystary ; still surronds the ahotgun slay* merchant Ca^ Shelton. The ac-^ ing Tait Saturday of Walter | cused man surrendered, but taken ivory. World War veteran, wiio to county Jail, refused to mak^ died m a local ho^ita! af tei: b«* J a atatem^t. Police have learned ing' fcllfegedly shot by a colored 'no deteits of tCie crime. Mutual Life and the Unkm Itmrane* Realty Company of thia city bf 1»». tdef"md«lrt wa,*>t'ed stiTl anolfcer cUimlsflr c®«d not tt . imparttal i® Gr&®#*S In its appeal the drf«®ae a**ft* thb city at Moirna Memoi W j ed the As!«*n more tlMp ^ 'Building. Ih-. W; H- Jei-m^n is'«*d a^jd was orflMihWid #•» president of COB|rr«sa and the nwriKate'el . Dr. H. T. Sims the aecretary. [ (Ce**Mwl ••