IP -J.. ilj,. ; .. ^...-' jj,.; ^.. A^- THl CAIIOMMA TIMIS .SATUROAV W*. t§, IMS ONE.OF THE WORKS FROGRE 1^55 AD *"‘'lStR'ATION CLINICS IN OTElATICMI NOTB;— ^OUR guettioa wilJ ft* aatwtrmd FRM9 im tMp omlmma ONLY wh«u yon inctadt 4 oUppiug at thl0 eaimtm ami »igM_T»v m0, btrihdatt, *nd^6rr§Bf iMiwi'Tr 79WI ttpbm'^INr * TuTTnuma, 'Prlvmit Kafly" .,. scad only (iSei mai « ktamjmi tnvalope for mv aaw ASTROLOoY XMAOIMQ a»t rtetJra kf rttura matt FREE ADVICE oa (t) Qmmtiaaa. Send all Uttar'i to; ABBS WALLACE met *f TS> OAltO LINA TIMES.. 117 £. PMbo^y tWMt. wwImib, M. VfkrwUaiu 1938 NEW ASTRoLoCY READ- IMGS SHW AEAJftY GWW—Will I get to eontinue on in «chool? 1 am ao very an- xioua to find out thi» important question. Anst Y»u have nothing what ever td* woiry about this year— and if you will find a job fliroutth the summer monthi and buy your clothing for next year, you will also be able to Iback in the fa?(. It of course will be necessary for you'to help pay your own way through Bchool. ‘ j.. tH««n that be would male* more money In fulur*" yeani lUd the work caaier on him. UQJDL—Do thia man love me I been taking up time with ard do 1 love hiiat Wb|tt & ^e BUti- ter with u»t Ana: The main reason *,hat you don’t gte along la that neith er’ one of you are very ihtereat.^ In the o^er. You bot& want love —-but you haven't found the right one aa yef. AEG—Please tell me does thi« ^Doea my huAand man care anything for me anl if’^tend to treat me right and irtop he-s going to do what he told *^8 running around with athcr me about? I hope that I am not disappointed tut I fiel; tljat I am > Ana: Not aa long aa you nut going to be. , up with hie fooUahaeas. Put Ans: So do 1. The man doM mean just as much as he tells ‘^a thinga geta any worae for as you—In fact he is in love with I®"*? “ y®“ you. Althoug'.it his pocket Book he will not permit him lo do the many thinga that he has.told you | ning over you like he la d^ing about so j^u will be disappointed ****^ ** J'®'* ^ bring about will t»k3e a mile. There is no excuse for his i-un to some degree. ALJ—Will my husband g«t a better job.? Ans; Not before^ the warm months of this year. As youns as he is, he should make a study of the trade that he wishes to follow and thi scould easily be done at nights—If he did—it will a change. PAYS $100 MOSTBLY FOUOKE OT A DAY Chiidran >nd BcnefjetiU')' Non Insured at no AdJitional Co«t. An Entirely New Feature Offered by no Other Company — ■DtirVarii, -An- aceldanL insurance roUcy insuring tbre« * pec pie; the principal, the bene ficiary and one child now offered by Jie Southern Fidelity Mutual is in immediate bwefit from date premium payment. Weekl) benefits are from flO.OO to $26. ~tJOn>eath benefits from $250.00 to |1600.c0, and the cost is only one cent per day or f3.65 p«i year. . Ton must see this policy at oiu •xnense.^ead it, !_and understand e.^'uctly what it co/ers, then if yow are satisfied, send $3.65 to ptit, it in force for 1 year. Eacb y»K| all benefits increase" 10 per eent , until th« poHcy luU » Taloe of 59 ^per cent more at no additioiil^ cost. •* ^ Women and Ttiett-sre-seeeFtiHt- No medical examination, no red- tape. Send nc moiily with •ppU- cation. Just write your name, age address, bdnbficlary’a name aad relationship and mail t9 tk« Southern Fidelity Mutual Intts- Tance, Company, Durham, Neiih Carolina, for free policy inspec- tton. , (Adv). RT—I have » private queation that I would like t oaA and would like also to get yonr new Aatrology Reading. How must I write? Ans; I shall be glad to send your New 1&38 Aatrology Read- mg if you will send a quarter to my address written at the head of this coiumn. {Be surt to include your full name, correct birthdate, and address and I will give you three free opinifins on your qnestioRSv^ Dl®—Do you think that me | and my friend will ever he mfir-1 ried and do"« he really love me? Ans. A marriage is not going' to take place in your life any time in the near future—neither' dp I thinkjAia young m«i is os devoted as he was SQmetOnei Mg~>. If you would stop tryig bo hard to get married—yoo will stand a better chance of. getting good hufiAysint.'' RCX ntCRAif CMT$ lOB J*rw TOWE—(Cl— h»- I gram, "D* Liwd’* nf the "fireeii^ Paaturee,” who w«it into voluntary bankmptfy laat year, got a new WPA Job in "Ha.tl '* playftif ^•ChrtBtophf," tts* ' king, to be p'odliced at t^ La fayette theatre is Bmilam. In gram, now 41, started hla t'lea- trjcal career aa aA extra la "T*r- zan of the Ape«** 18 ye«ra *70 in HolUywood. Ha md*a his stage debut '*L«ilu Swlle" ts Loa An geles. Important noviea in wtrieb he hM. ftppeared are “Ten Com mandments,” "King of Kings,** "The Big "-Parade,**, ' "‘Berti Gesie”, "Sign of the Croaa,“ •'Emneror Jone^” and “Captain l!Iool." 14 COMPANIES JOIN INSUR- sr.W r6SJC -iT>— Trojr’ WTf i>t 574 St. Ar *’id Mon. f 'r tftRtri awTTTT^ Jan-,a:-a tn • p«r*« Bear Yanko* .H’aiiiiiM SuiMtey afterri'>»in aftfr h * gnt Tnt nf rr,ntr-f 'jrh;!« f"vtRg o"r »h** K’i( •>n.’*n ■ pat'on i«- rsdft. gan t.i m!*«, af '* p!ane awa;, ff. nr. an open «!iac# a. . river in- t:'- ing. The f1; !■ I ■ mof ft- hr - *1# • PSt-1 t^ Rarleia nfon ^f-re nh . agr t.: ' tl'.i' p?rtr- ;• . * Sfagi-^ne H' flisf, rtiami - tl IB, Tuf da" tion ilr.r.fh RICHMOND, Va. — fCl— C. L. Townes, 214 E. Clay Btre#i, secretary cf the National Negro Insurance Association,' anTioun- ces that fourteen companie* from nine states cooperated ui only da»- - and ■ If. P^ai-iiTr th - ’ nipla nt» -r .' T -s ■ P" c'nt-'i. t reenlts to Mr, Tr>wn#si »rd lo Fre«itlent G. D. Kf>g‘ T.?. 141*5 N'. - 'ileva'rd. 'Timiia, Fla., on January 15. In the pa»t few year* the Work* Progres* Admini*tratinn ha* done much for the improve- . ntent of the Siealth of America’* Nefro populat^n. It* ' ac^tivitie* have included *peci)il attention tc the problem of Tubereuloiii a‘‘ monc colored peopfe. In maoy communitie* ho*pitaU and clinic* WPA clinic* in operation. Above, at left, a patient i* X-rayed; and have been ejected or. e*tal’'li«hc 1 at left, a patient referred to' at right, the X-ray i* examined by WPA worker*, while in others the" clinic by a local welfarej by a *pcl%iali«t for aign* of *he ^ local official* have been inipi'red aigtney i* registered and hi* ca*e, di*ea*e. Thou*and* of incipient I to provide nece**ary facilities by history i* recorded. At righ^, ^ ca*e* have been discovered in *UrTey* of healtn contliti^ns another patient i* given a tho- ' ma^de by WPA wwrher*. »j roufh p'iy»lcal examination by a Pictured here ..i* one ot tlie WPA doctor and nurse. Below, *imilar to thi* one before they ^ have advanced too far for ~eure. WPA Photo* j BEALE STREET AWAITS . j FORMER AMSTERDAM KEW3 LUNCEFORD’S RETURN. PUBLISHER BURIED IN N Y , home in Lyncl.burg to Boston, MEMPHIS, Jan. 1(>—(By Jas. C. Dickerson (or ANP)—Jimmie (Memphis) Lunceford’s coming to Bluflf City, has set all Memp hians agog. He will be royally entertfliftiltT wben“ ht? amvw hei'e 1 for a on '-nightcr at the Church J Park auditoiium on Friday night, ® Jan. 21. EB—Tell me if the tiling that I have in mind wiU come trae? I have hee nboping for nearly a yeer. Ana; I douht seriously if you will ever mak« the "hit" that you are looking fo.rward to v Wing, rt would tw well to discon tinue your efforts along tiiis line. MY NE^ l»3g ASTROLOGY READINGS ARE NOW READY ! "• I-'tt"- Several piiv'atp pi’rtios are be ing an-anged for him, for Ke is Nj^TH CAROUMA COLLEGE PLAYERS PRESENT FIRST SEASON'S PRX>UCT10N So Good Hair GroWbr A Qalnlnif Pewaik Craw* ' Inl^. r*e*inni4a4«e kf rear dealer ‘•M’, .SmiI “ ‘ ms pmlp DtmMN, Hair. 60-000|> 8TRAIGBTKNI vlthaat keat «row«r»' llarsf kexM) .. Str^bUaar bezt*) *Mra’> ItiUr ©rAWbteaw Ahla WhHuifi* r*oo>Di>t Ott. SMI* ^ Mall Ollty, A««lit* Wart»*« Mortej. 'Wf Hay P*«*a«» SO G0C^;^'iFJR''11CAL CO. •' a- .»«« ■*». «•- The £H-Dra-So Stagers, the Dramatic Society of the North Carolina College for Ntegroes, will preseigt tbeir first attraction oi t^ se^n on Friday evening, Jtmuary |14, 1(938 at'Wven thirty o’clock in the new B. N. Duke auditorium. “The Passing Of llie Third Floor Back", which has been chosen*as Ihe initial play to he presented Id the sew auditor rium, has already heen pmenied in a number of Negro : conegis anti has scored a hit on each of -fthegr oecaaioHR The work of the Bri-Dra-So Stagers is directed by Miss Katie coming home to mighty Bealo from'^eri^e Kr^started as STl in structor at one of the Memphis high se'’.iools, Manassas, on the North side. However, be has been out of. the city for sometime, .but is always welcomed bacn in a big way by huRe crtjv^s com ing out to give, him a big hard.' He Jt.nd his wife are lovable Memphians, who “w«^'e formerly instruetoi^-. in the city school system. Mrs. Lunceford is ah in structor at the Booker T. Waih- g.ington Jligh ^hooL.jiciig on the I Southside prior . lo her marriaijS to a well-known and popular musical artist. ' NEW YOiRK—(O'— William Henry ("^Kld”) Davis, 52, - IZ9' W. 139th .street, formerly orosi- dent and publisher of the Afn- ster dam News, was> buried Mon day t«or»ing,..January 3, at Mt. Olivet cemetery, after fi nefTiT services Sunday at Lane under taking parlors, li'2 West 13fld street, ;Rev. Willard Monroe of~ ficiating. Mr. .Davis died at .Fordham hospital Thurs.. -tumn- ing p.f ,cancer of the stomae a week, but ing a patient only hailing been ailing during j 4,"f OOO pa^t year.. A native of- Virginia' bout Christmas, 1935, Mr. nnd 1 J^rs.',.Dayis lost the paper, duo to | , , , . a strike called by the union to where he grew up and lived un- , • . , ■ u i t i ^ i ^ i. which the editoival employes be lli 1914,- when he went to Call- , , tn ■ - , . . , . , , longed. Mr. Davis was a corpcra- fornia hving la Los Angeles San Brancisco, engaged m bust- york at the time of ?lbr ness, -rn 1926 he began coires-' , ,, spcndcnce with Mrs. Sadie War-1 ren of New York, publisher of I Amsterdam News, ^ whom he had known Tff "hre -^ai4y life* ^r.d . lht‘ i;ear came east;and niar-L ried the publisher ' and became dii’ccfor of the prtper. Under Mr. I Davi.3 the Anisteardam News at- * [ tninej the lai^etit loeol—ei^reula- I tion of any colored paper in At Sckifis Big Slioi Store 211 WEST MAIN STREET QUITTING BUSINESS!- Tremendous Reducl.'ons On Entire Stcck ■■ .......' ... V- —^ Bny NowandSave^ REAL BARGAINS FOR . Men-Womcn-CtiildLra NOTHING RESERVED ALL STOCK AND FIXTURES FOR SALE — I merica, at one time copies in 01 publishing j week. A- OCO)-NEE-CHEE Sielf-Ri'iing Flour Takes the Guess out of Baking and Saves you Money DO lYtrtfoAM 0RTH1S7 L. Kelly. Admission for the gi:n«^ ra! public is fifty cents, for ,tu- dents twenty five cents; whil-3 a small num%r of reserved seats are availajfele at_ seventyrfive cents each. Tickets are on yale at the ^’ursar’S office at the Col lege and W0--plac«l in the hands .of the slWelvr officers of the organization. •COME seven •N I’Ll eat NgXT WEEK * “NO, I DON'T need ANY insurance. YOU SEE. IF I DON'T HAVE A FIRE I WILL SAY Y( CAROLINA TIMES ■IBiByiBllllBillll iinaiar"' PREMIUM GOOD FOOD FOR FAMILY .r FRlCNr' AT PRICES LOWEST Hollywood Inn Caie C. C. HAtESWOOD. Prop. bliRHAM, N. C. MA2«OUM ST, lU S PHONE J-44S1 FOR QUICK SERVICE, IF IT S SEA FOOD WE HAVE IT “ ’ FRESH FROM, "^HE SOUNDS DAILY — GOOD AS THE BEST CHF-AP AS THE REST We DRESS EM -hJ.C. Gatlis 1914 Clevalaad, St. N. Durham S Poi«t» ^ %.flRBONAL LOANS aIiranged at T4aie Aii|ili«« ':'*T *• ''i|6;To $50 BROKERS LOVE * CO. wmm fltZ Bayaiitar* Nati«aal Bank Phone ]^*1931 N. Mills SeQ the £ooa.lAQjQnt of BANKERS* FIRE mSUmMa COMPANY] DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA I CONSERVATIVE -$OL[D -DEPENDABLE ! Union Sns. & Realty Co. Durham Acnia Realty Co. Raleigh iD MANS DISCOVERY 'V \ PHYSICIAN * SURGEON OlFFTCt 106 1-2 PARRISH ST. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES OF WOMEN “ TRAINED NURSE IN * ATTENDANCE .jOL FOR ALL USES J-034 F40I1 Used and ^ecommened by Thousands NATURES OWN PRESCRIPTION TAKEH FROM THE EARTH Ara you Jn dccluunghealth? Do ypu from lou.of strength and MMTgy7 D* y«i ff«1 TIRED, RON DOWN, PEPLESS, SICKLY. WEAK, NERVOUSTl» ygur manho^ weak? How i» your apMtite? Do yon tal up odnt at nQht? Doi you tir* quickly 7 Are yod both* •Nd with Kiinor INDIGESTION, DiZZINESg. FULU^ESS, SLEEP. USS^iiESSZ Then if:to, yAirmight-Aeed a good natural iron tonic. ' Wto.ppt giw Kirhr*a M.-M. »4rial? KI»fcy*aM.M. hal»a tolebuiU 'Vour health and a>d> « rebuifaiing red blood eeU*. An aid >0 health, flVE WEEKS TREATMENT POStPAlD—$1100 Kfahy'a M. M. la aheolutely guaranteed. Con»ider the low price 0# KMbf’a M. M. llailtl.OO toiky (or a five weeks’ treatment delivered •»7««r hotta. ; ' ’ ^ KBtBVS MINERAL PRODUtTS » * UFOEAVEaWE^ UNION, S. C .0, I ■ f ■ ■1 1 “ , INSURANCE, you (heuid k««» whra it wilk«i fc* paid f»r a* - furniture, radios, ale. Lat *f •••■ ra^MMiantativei ex^*in tc y*tt'h»» you nay INVEST yw mmtny ia a 10-15 «r ?0 pay^eat _ '' " i Ufa policy st^ lhat ou Bay buy ya»r iK««raac« dariag yaair prod^-. 1^ 1^ tive year*. C^II F-W81 f»r as ap^iatMaat. | North Garolina Mutual Life Insurance Coa In spending yaur laeuramca daUar, tMnk af tha gaad that will ^ passibla to ybur gr»mp if yan p«t that dallar wkara it will fiva the PROTEC^TIQN y*a waaU aa4 at tha »a«a tin* caat^ihHta t« cr«a- ting Ikrgar aaplayaant •vpartMtti** f*r all. J 809 FAYETTEVILLE ST. A. L. COOOLOE, Ml DtRHAM. HORTB CAROLINA «c. t:. spAui>»iNa pi^tidaai •NO HOaiE IS COMPLETl WITHOUT NORTH CAROLIN^MirTUAi. POtiUMT inmaiiitv