• ^ ' ' ,%k: >- •:t- • Mailing EDITION V(k;UMN U M«. • DUimAM, N. C. SATURDAY MARCH §, ItSS nucE nvB cfum RftCE VOTE HELPS DEFEAT AIRPORT Many homeless As Arkansas Flood Rages; 3 Drowned _1 . , .! — ^ ■ ■-■■ ^ :r Negro Citizens Refuse To Be Herded To Polls . By Political Crooks (Bf L. E. A««tin) I^e airport bond issue which was defeated here t%is wedli; hy a three to one rote prord conclu sively that Negro voters are lot to be herded to the polls by. a group of imsponsMe, paid work ers. ♦ Although the Negro vote was not the lone deciding factor in defea.ting the measure it was an important force in rolling up the' biggest majority against a bond Issue ever recorded in this coun- ty. More than 2,000 Negrow had registered for the special elec tion and it is saff t5 say, that with all the coercion'^ persuaaion and mMiey spent by proponents C)f the airpott INs thaa a hund red N«g"oes voted toiinvOT of k. All in all the campaign was Coadtt£t44 M much .above boai^ M the averagi> political contest, with the exertion of mi attempt made (by one white politician to intimidate Nejro voters, several of whom were kept from casting their ballots by his activities. The Committee on Negro Affairs has the mafter under consideration and will possibly see that federal action is brought against thj^ner- •on or persons respons&le for the intimidation. Negro, political hogs, "Hk> al ways offer to sell themselves and the race for the highest dollar, wera great disappointment to their white overlords who paid out perfectly good cash money with the promise that these Ne groes of unscrdpulous purpose and intent could deliver the Ne gro vote hog-tied and hide-bound. -oO°- Several of the Nlegroes wera caught rtdhanded accepting money fi«m botii sides of thft' campaign. One in well loiown in business cirelM and will Bd closd- ly watched henceKorth. The others have always been, waitehed. Much praise should b« given R. N. Harris, Sectetary-Manager of the Bank^ers f^e Insurance Company who bore the bmnt «f informing Hatpro votew as to how they should vote. Ifr. Harris oon ducted, abov« board, the camp aign among Negroes and able to administer a diiyrsceful de feat to cheap peanu Ntegro poli ticians. One Negro poltOeal hog who sells W« ^rvloes to the Mgheat; bidder Kad promiaad, 'S'w n- derstaad it, personaDy ejOO Negroea for ^e ISbd tama. We understand titat he aaS man liViday after making MMMi attempts to hog-tle J4)egTO ra^U* gave up in disgust and were seen sitting in a car asleep. The campaign ia over, the b^d issue has been defeated and time will soon heal all political wounds, if there have beta any made. Lets get back to work to make Durham a bigger and bet ter city ki which to live. 105 YEAR OLD WOftlAM DIES NASSAU. Bahamas. Ibrch 2 Ma Robinson, reputed to be 105. died this week. She waa the old est living resident of tiM Baha mas and the last link to the days of slavery. CARCHJNA FUNERAL HOME PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED Calonel Qrimley Loses Pos t Am l%e Carolina Funeral Home, local uadiertaking establishment, owned and operated for several years by Messers William Amey and E. G. Spaulding, gave notice this week that the entire owner ship of the organized had been purchased ogj^right by Mr, Sp/ti ding. ^ , Mr. Spaulding stated to a re- prasentative of the Carolina Ifiraei this week th^ the efltab- Uahment will be operated in the same manner as heretofore, and vith^the same force of m£n and aMpmaat. Mr. Aney at,preaent is opera- JUi^ the Midway Service Station anti stated he will have an an nouncement to make as to hts fu ture plans in the very near fu ture. Homes Aflii Lives Lost At Red River Ovetflows Banks LITTLE B.OCK, Ark., March 2 —(ANP)—Three Negroes were drowned and thousands of white and colored persons were forced to desert their homes andfllee to safety as the Arkansas, White and Red rivers went on a rampage here last week. the risings waters of Pearl river in a leaky skiff, but became pan icky. "Bie boat turned over. Three of the quartet swam safe ly to shore but the fourth mem ber, who could not swim, was drowned. , All kinds of boats were put Charge Of. Rape For Wiiicii Kentucly Negre, Died Proved To Be False FISK PRESIDENT TO AFRIC.V The Red river at Formeman into use to rescue thos mearooned claimed the lives of two children on Washington’s birthday. ^ Vic tims were Joanna Hardwick, 7, and Sylvia Mae Hardwkk, 9 months, datiighters of a tenant farmer. As the water rose rapid y7“marooning families of both races in the bot toms south of Foreman, a row boat was sent to rescue the Hard wick famUy. ’ Ji’or several' houa the boat pad- died thxough the angry waters and had finally reached a point rtf safety. 8«»eral of those in the •boat had been unloaded when a awift current capsized the vessel, eauai^ the chUdren to be lost'in ^he swift current The-third death was at George town. A tenant farmer with three companions littempted to cross by the flo(d. One color^ farmer near Foreman made a boat of boards from his house with ah as a hammer and naila and rowed with two-by-fours to safety with his family, only to see his iog . swimming back toward their home a mile away. The farmer ' jumped into the cold torrent after his pet, but the dog drowned be fore it could be rescued. Albert !Bvans of St. Louis, Bed Criss regional disaster Rector, ■B4d •’^rc than 7,840 panoaa ot botti races in tt' couatiea were homeless and under eve of hia organisation. Emergency WPA crewa, totaling mora tluua B.OOOi white and colored men, were put to work erceting sandbags against the floods and reinforcing-lej^aet. Sec’y.-Manager Southern i d Sirccumbs -oQO- NEW YORK CITY, March 2, —.(ANP)— Harlem military cir- 'eles were given a decided shock last Wednesday when it was learned that Colonel John G. Grim ey waa discharged as com manding officer of the famous S&9th Infantry of New York, the elny' Negro regiment in the state’s National yuard, on recom mendation of a military exam!n> ing board. of the American Expeditionary ' Force, the famous fighting unit' the Colonel waa aald to cantet was known as ihe "igevil Dog^” ajbont tiia fact that Colontf and marched Into the thickest of, il®y jS«ed the National Guard as the battle in Friunce,^ the stir-| a medical officer, ;^Aont funda* ring tunes of the re^mental band mental experience in the com- ‘mand of infantry or othe^line troops. fHrst indication of in invest!- gatiicii int oColonel Grimley’s conduct of tha famous fighting unit was last Fall iftn a routiae report on the regiment made by three jRegalar, Army offieera de tailed from the 2t^ Ajrea. General Haskell said then that the report ‘‘brought piatters to a head by conflrmin|^'*'ffiy own opinion of Colonel Grimle^a pro fessional—'eainuity and general fitness.” led by the late Jim Europe, ac knowledged as the ^catcsf band master of them all. (Qy Spwial Wire To C. Timet) BICHMOND, Va. March 4— B; L. Jordan, age 62, Secretax-y- MmniLger of the Southern Aid Society of Virgina died .at hia home here Friday morning after an illness of only two weeks. Mr. Jordan attended the "Trus tee £toard meeting of the Virginia Seminary and College aibout two weeks ago and complained of not feeling well, but due to the im portance of the meeting attend ed its seiBion anyway. The deceased was bom in Loui sa County, Virginia and was the husband of Mrs. Blanche Jordan of this city. was one of the founders of the Southern Aid So ciety of Virginia and an outstan- din civic leader in this city. He i«i ding civic leader in this city he was a Dfe'ector of Consolidated Bahk and Trust Company of Richmond, menAer of iBloard of Directors, of Bankers Fire Insur ance Company of Durham, mem ber of board"of Directors and treasurer of Richmond Hospital. In addition to his wife ho. survived by two daughters. Mrs. Daisy Black ‘‘of Richmond and Miss Marion Jordan, supervisor In th^ city school system. Oiie brother" also survives him, W. A. Jordan, assistant secratayy of the Southern Aid. ' | In addition td being a trustee of the Virginia Seminary ^ and College, Mr. Jordan was also a ti^stee of the Ebenezer (Baptist church of this city and one of its staunchest members. The funeral will foe held Sun day afternoon at 1. o^clock from the Ebenezer Baptist chufch. Interment will be in the Wood- lawn cemetery of this city. Tli* Board^ or Tra«l«M ^ FIi^~ was Univertity Im> announced • five-month*’ Imys of abaancc lias b««n granted Pirecfi&nt and Mp». Thomas E. Jone* for exkend- •d trip to South Afriita. Thaj will tail from New York May 11 go- direct te England wiiere they will attend the Lettden Yearly delegation of Enijliah Friends tailiiij June 1 for Africa. »Their intineMry inelttdet Ctt|>e Town. Port Eiisalieth, Dnrbut, Johnnes- burlfy, end aclioola and commoni- tiet in Bat'OTStiWi, Dutch Beck naliallliWii''%wasiIanil and t Kenya Colony. Principai Qf Illimis High School Denies Race IBOOKFORsD, III., March 2— i At the present time there are (By Lt. Raymond' Watkins for [ two other Negro stjid^nts enroll- ANP) —^In no uncertain term^ | tKi in the military untt. ^ey were admitted last F^ruary. Rogers The board whi^ recommended (BLAtiiC LEGION ACT1V!E James EJ. (Bine, principal of the General Baakeirs dbjection nop*«ckford high S4^1, denied that racial discrimination was the .cause of the elimination from the ROTC unit of its oi^y Ne gro member, Gevoge R. Kogei*3. Rogera was dropped thrM mq&thB ago after being in the unit for 2 months. "T%a'regular physical examina tion given to all incoming fresh- Colonel Griml^^s discBaJcge vrasj „ appointed by Governor Herbert *** MICHlGAIf H. Lehman aC'raquest ol Major ' General William N, Haskell, com manding ge*eriil of the National Guard, to determine Colonel MT. CLBMSMS, Mic^., March 2—(AN5»>— Ceuaty pfosecntor, Vincent L. Fiturerald^ charged Gtimleys “capacity and general, here this week tliat the terrorist!^ fitness Tor ssfVles.*^ ‘ Bt^i^dier Geaeral Walter k Robinson an nounced the discharge, but no reason waii iriven other than that tiie Colonel "did not possess the capacity and genari fitness for service.” 1%e order of diseliarge ma iam^ by the Governor. Blacle Lei^ b" again Miteooyb CamAf, The fwosscutov, eon'itoced that the hooded band has gained a strong foothold in ibe county, pa titlon^ Justice ‘Donald for a Grand Jury investigation. Hie petttioa was granted. men, whether ROTC or- found Rogers along with two white students as being pj^yiical- ly disqualified for. ROTC train ing. Rogers in particular for high blood pressure and flat feet,! stated principle Blue. He further indicated that wh«n Dr. Richard a^vi~TO‘ tS. Gwjjt, loesl physieisit sasd prs- iddent of the Roe^ord Branch of ihe NAAGP, called his attention to the storm of protest last De cember, from people throughout tiie state, two "ther physical haniicaps. 'Phe two white stud- entsWere not readmitted. ms the only Negpo^ student to apply for"enrollment last Septem ber and according to school I'e- ports was rated as a poor stud« ?nt, particularly in ROTC'lwork. . f apparently was for this low scholarship and other infractions of school disciplinary rules re garding ROTC training that Ro gers was^ dropped from mllitarv ^ America and ia conducting BLIND MAN GIVES TO CHARITY , ‘ NOIWOIi, Va.. Ma^>-^(A NP)—^A blind man found his way to the King's D*nghter’a head quarters here last week and con tributed twenty five centa to the drive they have on to raise $20,- 000.- ■ i - The King’s Daughters, white, is a branch of the King’s Daugh- not,, tiding. -The ^jihyslcal disquali fication was only one of many causes for his. separation. ' Mr. iBQue admitted that there had been spme talk by miner schooi officials conicerning tho advisability of placing Ro|j^r4.^in m. physical training class instead BGT^ -‘where he weul4__;_; te happier*' but this was promptiy vetoed. Closing his interview Mr. Blue atated, “I w«nt it distinctly un derstood that we have pupils of all races in every department in >thls sebool. There has nev^ Iwen Regal Theatre TMBstsll . - ls}«oi} A permit today was issued for enlarging the Regal Theatre by installing a balcony, which will provide 350 additional seats. Plans and .specification ibr this work were prepared iby R. R. Markley,'local architect, an} have been approtved iby the City Build ing Inspector, JohJi T. Stin and . the Sto.te IB^ilding^' Inspector. That a 23-year-o 1 d Negro hanged last December at Coring- ton, Ky., just across the river fromCincinnatL wu innocent ct the cliarge of mpe against him, was afSerted by 4he American Civil Liberties Union in a state ment on "The Frame-Up of John Montjoy,” issued from New York headquarters today. The Cincinnati branch 'of the A. C. L. U. had interested itself frrvrn cepti(m in l9iS'S, and had formed Montjoy Defense Committee to air him. Montjioy’s execution times poa^oned througrh c«urt proceedings and iq^eals for exe cutive demency. Governor Al- bwt Chandler of Kentucky, who consistently infused to issue* a single pardon, declined to act ia his case, despite tiie i»- conunendation of itiie /Attorney General and the 'lieotenant Gov ernor. One unsuccessful attempt made to“ ^ get the “TTnited th»*^ States Supreme Court to review the convictim, which rested u|Mn the sole word of a white woman and the repudiated^ confession of a companion of Montjoy. At the original trial Montjoy waa repre sented by counsel who failed to make a record on which an appeal could be fairly based. The story in essence, according to the Union, involves the “as sumption, commm in the South, that any white woman's word is be taken against a" Negro’s. i white woman who alleged she was raped by a Negrro whom she had never seen and whom the possession of the police, was later shown to have been on friendly, if not intimate terms with Montjoy for three yeara.” The story, as it came oat at the original trial, was that om the night of March 3&. Was, Ifaa. frene Cummings, wife of a 'postal clerk, rushed into a cafe qb tiha n«Mt,papulQua street of Covji^p- ton in an hysterical state £ad screamed tliat she iiad been at tacked snd robbed. Her clothiiv was not disordered and h» a^ pearance gave no signs ef strag gle. Two Negroes, she said, had accosted her but one hiad fled pnor^ tb tHe crtme. Latere 'the-; evening she was able to identify the assailant' from a rogues gal lery of. several thousand Negro was four faces. When John M)ntjoyr*'"WI« ar rested, he denied the attack 4at after several days of griHi&g^ lice repnrtea that fejsed. He wits indicted oa ges of rape and araed tobbeey, both capital offenses in Kentuc ky. At^'' trial, Montjey declar- ei tha>. ae was x«tuming after an evening in Cincinnati with hia coffljsanton, Willie wtoB police arrested him. Chmrf[Km ef robbery and rape against Blarfc were withdrawn after he testi fied against Montjoy for the secuUon. Iii^he nine days between Most> Joy's arrest and indictmnit. hia first attorney, Bert King, failed to conduct ^^enuine investigatioB of the charges. King, who openly declared he did not believe the Negro's story, did not perait Montjoy to take the stand at the original trial; only the preeeca- tion had witnesses. No Negroea were on the jury; in fact there never have be«i any in KeatM County trials. The prosecntiBg attorney was allowed to use las- gxuige designed to arouse Ceatiai««d oa page eickt 00IN68 »FU §HERS Br RUTH BUCHANAN GREENSBORO The Greenboro City Usher’s Council entertained last week at the h»ne of the ciiairman, C- E- Craig in honor of a special finan. cial group. Gamts were played and several short talks were made after which a tiuree coui'se dinner was served. The Trinity A M. E. Zion ush er board had a great day Sunday February 27. One of the leading It is estimated that ttia ^ Kng will cost approximately 000.0/0, 'The 'Regal Theatre is .. leased and operate^ by Hilton Starr of Nashville Tennessee who operates a chain of 4i cQlored theatres through the south snd southwest Mr. Starr is also affiliated with the Cresent Amusement Com pany in Nashville which cwnpany operates l&O- additional theatres, ite has been in the Negro, theatre business for the past ^enty years and is by far the largest operator of N^olEeatres in the a money eampai^ to soppbrt its clinic here wMch provides medi cal aid for und^rivileged child ren and expectant mothers. The blind man said that y«ars. ^ ago the clinic "took hia sick' F. C. Dwen, attorney for Mr. daughter aiid made her weD” so Starr sUted that Mr. Starr -tlso that tosUOf fbfi i to eamra.**®*! * 1®“*® Wonderland living. 1 'jtheatee errent^eTn^ creased facilities which the naw addition to the Regal would pr«- lination here in nay vide were! not sufficient to com- ■evMT has been the fortably serve the theatre going racial disc; fom, and ii policy of our school system foster any such praetieet.** to poblic that it was the pm^^oae of ‘ Coatiaaed mm page 8 livered a wonderful sermpn. The amount of money raised was $20.81. W. M. Ellis is president of the board and Miss Lelia Alex ander,^ secreibary. The City Usher’s Council held ite regular monthly meet at tiie home of "W. M- EUis, 1301 S. Ash street on las^ Tueeday ^ve- nisg^ After the r^rular routine of business, J. W urer was ask«d to preinde Tver the elecfion oT^icer^ OiKcers elected were kM fbHowa: C. R- Vnig, chalhnan ; ir. ' IK EHiSt vice chairman; Mn^ Z^.A_ fbstar. secretary; A H. Bynoia. treaa- urer; J. T. Broadnax, Chaplain. DURHAM C. C. Craig:, chairman of the finance mmmittee -of. the state association held a lengthy confec^ ence with the state president te Ihirham last week conceraiac the drawing ap of a budget the organization. 'The plana will be presented to the orgaaiaatieB at its Easter meeting wUi^ vfll be held in Raleigh. The DufhaBT^inftM^ UlkiM Union held its regolar aaesitMy held its relnilar m o a t k 17 meeting at the White Sock Ba»- tist church on February with large number of nahen ent. The meeting waa over„by J. R. Mitdiell, tlH'-'organiaatioB. The ^di^ Depaitn^. af. I>nrfaam Uniao Vfll Desk, state tyean jtofai ia heaer mi jfvai. 4111a $km who'served for nearly aa chairman tibe Mrs. Notie Siaa ia the awrty i ehjlirman. * if HlGir POINT . . Uahers of tim ataia, The^ effiesn ^r» Jb; 0.i^oM .in and mm. G. Donnell, chaiwnaa of thajraiairtsi >o jeht board of directors ef the state | the state tnMMV 'Wtlft assoditlon. M r. Doane}} gave some very encoun^ng ladvice te the Mwly elected oCiwr*. At nice repast was served ^ tha hoatm. ■A I will te ia Peii^ ond Sunday March lA tiona are be^ig laaAa aa tetarettiag 9ctplM»