EBITION ChiT Cot VOlfUMN 20 N«. 12 BURHAM. N. C. SATURDAY MASCH 19^ it38 PRICE FIVE CEWTS HOWARD PREXY AHACKED BY ALUMNI Million Dollar Race Memorial Planned For ashington ■ ■ ■ ■■_ - - — Dr. Mordecai W, Johnson Claimed Unfit To Head Howard University Completely taldne Unlvertity, , , ... Offkiak by .urprUe the | heralded special issue of the Ho« ward Alumni Jourpftl. "The Case ^ Aflrainst President Mozdeoai W. ^Joihnson, Facte, figures and E«- liibita” mades Its ^ appearance at the Cliarter Day iMltfrei* ITdw^ ard UhiTeraity last Wednesday when -Secretary of the interior Ickes was the principal Speaker, DURHAM ACADEMY OP MEDl- ^CINE HOLDS REGULAR MONTHLY MEET the words and music Qf Htoward’s Alma mater. l%e cover of fazine carried ui almost life sisbd' porti-ait of Dr. Johnson. Univer- * _ ^ , «ty police cha««! the dtetrifeutors^^. Durham Academy of Me- fKm-the-eamow after 3110 jnaea, ^annual montly .in.. ^ »a.V-V«ne Wirrl, ^ The Alumni group claim that^l'l the Charter Day Dinned was taJc-* ] members present. the AJumni for the first I ^h* «•=»- The roagrazine, a «md SDOScored hr a meino- pag« and cover publication, oar-1 ^ Pre.Went to offiiot vmviini* departed memfcers, ried- more than eleven pages of j.. ^ Charles Shepard and Dr. Wm. "confidential'* Interior ^ J ment investigation reports. .how-IJJ‘« Genen^I Al^ni Association , . ^ b« that IS200&.OT of mtsallocat-t^f h^ requeilM »d funds were ordered «turaed .jty ^ ed ,th?.r^j^ supefmtendent of Howard : lineoln.lifSSpKa! and as a practic ing, phjcpician by Dr. A. S. Hunr ATTORNEY t# the ]rovemment by j v . . . . i. and that recommendations were ^ «»ree loc*l chrt>e; r. stantiaf sum to the plaintiff's the action. ' C. J. GATES, prominent attor- The suit which was instituted Bsy 6t thi» city who «Yatii was against the taxi CO. by C. J. Gates, luccesiful in the winning of »c- prominent- luid well known attor- veral letal battle* of i;a{iortant nex.xtl I^ham, 4^ ^behalf ef A tribute-was T®id to the fine 7 during th« 1>il term of plaintiffs, was one of the largest work which. Dr. Shepard render- { Durham County ■ Supei^or ever *brought .against a transpor- Cotirt tki* weak. Attoraej G«te«~ Nation company in this county. Blue Bird Taxi L« ser in Large Dannage Suit The damage suit cases won by Att’y Gates; the se- brought against Jthe piue.. Bird cond being an acticui brought Taxi Company by Alfred kcKin- i against Robert L. Shepard, trad- ney aiid others for in^ries they ing as the Shepard Funeral Home sustained when jtheir car collided'hy Walter McMillan, with one of the taxj company, j The plaintiff in this action sued was satisfactorily settled here i tlje defendant foe what he term- Week with the ^defendant ^ ed was the wrongful burial of company ^^eeing to pay a sub* j his mother whom he claimed ac made 1,y the inve-.«^to« ^ Cat ^ ^ tlo^a^t^hJHTS:: ^er. ITie tribute paid Dr. Strud- matter.'^oisinlged hla own alumni President Johnson, er, and the SuperiiTtenBen* of ■ £hiilding> and Grounds be remov* ed from, oflFice. ee»teine- purported facts aibout' an ultima tum allegedly seat Dean Slowe on her death ihed hy Pregident John son; strong unfavorable analyses of character by several outstand ing citizens; registration figures for the past sixteen years, pur- peiFtTing to diow that 'How«rd’s _jjercent»ge ■of increase has lag- g^ fiif behind other schools, and a full page cut of headlines un* favorable to Dr. Johnson which have appeared in weekly and daily papers. Policc Drive Alumni From Chmpat The distribution of the maga zine caused a restrained sensation at the banquet. They were hand ed to guests on their arrival in made by Dr. S. L. War- committtee and with the aid of a' *^®"' “terrorized faculty," had a per-‘ The oat of town members of sonal bantioet on. Charter DiV- *cademy present were Dr. M H«« ^ ^ of Franklinton. D»w B. At the last meeting " *e Board of THtstees the General J Oxford. Alumni Association asked for and CLUB WOMEN PLAN BIG RE GIONAL MEETING IN DES MOINES was granted a hearing on charites against President Johnson pre ferred at that time. Tha^liearing is scheduled to begin within thi eo ^elBl. — *4* Dr. W. A. Wethers of Passaic, N. J. is President of the General Alumni Association, Nathan A. Dobbins and Eugene Davidson, both of Washington, D. C., are! , T.“ “V",™" ”, i „ .. _ «!. . sociation,,July 24 to 27 inclusive Executive Committee Chairman ' - and General Alumni Seci^tary reeeired hU legal training at the law fchool of Boiton University. Attprney Gates was an ‘object of cordini' to contract made with the Shepard .Funeral Home should have been buried at the Bee ;h- wood Cemetery instead of the County Home. •^iir:“McMiflian had^ sned Mr. flbepard for the-sum of $7,00«. Tile jury after aibout two hours delibeiatiori‘bro.ught. in verdict which said that, the defendant did D. C. The much praiM frftm many saurces ^ot break his contract with thi for , the manner in whiclTlw con- plaistiff luid' should not .recover N A HOLDS MONTHLY CMe, and for haying ■ Mr.‘ McMillan was, represented by been, successful in forcing the J- 6r0yei; Lee^ ■wrhite..attorney of meeting compKny to pay for damage! | this city. which the injured persons sus-1 The th.irt cnMl^ which A«ttorney twined jit Afe iwweli^ » , jctates won» foc.-hig idient invo^itl ig hn the car burhwm __ Cogjinittee on Negro Alfalifc held Its regular weekly meeting at the office of the chairman, C- C. Spaulding TJhnrsday morning and the fol lowing resolutions were adopted. 1. That an appeal be made to the proper authorities to provide rest room facilities for Negfrofes within the Municipal Armory in accordance with the Public Bui'd- '>■!’5 MOINES, la., March 16 (ANP)—TTie club women of thi.**' ing. requirements; city will ibe hostesses to the 1938 nial session of Central As- 2. That the IBtoard of Educa tion be requested to pe*mit the Riding • car at the time of the collision, which occured in Greens'boro. were Mrs. Queen Thomas, Misses Mattie Herrii^, Norf^^NorwiOod, Mr. Lewis Jackson an action brought against Johaie Malone an others by E. D. Dodd. Mr. Dodd sued the djsfen^ants ing about a compromise for ninch -thicjf interest of property left and Haywood Jones in addition , him by the late Nathan Malore which had been deeded to 'Hr.' SHOWERED WITH A HALF MILLION respectively. Every Negro Man aad Woman Must Re^tter^ And V»t« Fi r e Holds Its 18th Annual Meet Mrs. Sarah E. Jett, state presi dent, and Mrs. S. Joe Brown, ge neral chairman of arrangements, and their committees, are plann ing for the convention. They expect a large attendance from every state. This is our first — meeting- in ^owa. Myrtle Poster Cook. Kansas City, Mo., president of Central Association, said. “The five reginol associations were set up for two purposes: First, to interpret and strengthen our great National s Association, the first and the gfieatest nation al organization of colored women in the world. We shall have ‘Na tional Hour’ for reports and dis cussion of the prpceedings of’ the to Mr. McKinney. Both Mr. Mc Kinney and Mim Herring, as a' Malone my his brothers, Albert result of the wreck, spent more Malone and Leroy Malone, i than six months in the hotfpital. f ‘ Attorney Gates fti this partlcq- All of the injured persons were lar case was successful in bring- from Durham ^nd were on tl\eir fflg ouT a compromise" for much way to attend a funeral In Char-'less than the amount desired in the original actiaa 'by the plain- GEa W. COXrrVWe PM«id«>t and Agencv Dire^ ICor of tke Aorth Carolina Mutual Life Inaui^nee CoBisaaxJiriML, W9« t.h.9were4 with iialf' Bifillleiir dollars wei-^ of new iniurance^policiea U«t week a» a hJcea.*f th» ■■tee» i« wkick l he is held by the district maaa- gcrc and agents of tit* iftmtpmny. The {irogranif was ’^'rected by J1 W. Harrfi, Cfcief Clerk tlie A- g«nc3r'department of the coaip* anyl group an audience to consider j lotte at the lime the collision the Negroi school needs incjndiifg j took place. the establishment of a band unit I The March term -ef civil court sented Mr. Dodd in this particu Contitaed on page .eight I was also the scene of three other lar action. tiff. Atomey V. S. (BSryant repre- LLG.E. To. 1 In Nation’s Capital Advancement Of Negro 9th and 10th. Prominent visitors to the, city for the meeteag in- eluded Mrs. E. M. Riddick of Green^oro and I. J9. Smith, New Bern, N. C.‘ Im T. Bryant, Nash ville, t^nn.t J. H. Ridley, New port NeWs and W. T. Mason, Nor folk, Va. „Th^ Sieeretary’B report as of Pec^mb«E»A&i, 1S^37 indicated a surplus to policyholdere^ of $251,- -‘998.08, y»eS^» ^leratioiM showed increase in premium writ ing and investment income. Th'e low lofls ratio maintained by the company (i20.84 per cent of premium writings) was espec ially cohimettdalble aid was 'At tested by very flattering reinsur ance facilities offered by some of America’* lai^er underwriting groupa. It waa pointed out that in the history »f iiie con^ny f4i5iSj,83tl.- 61 ha« Iheeo paid in claihis and paSS eteekheldere in eaah dividends. Premiums ag l^egatiiur ^1,O09,S8O.TO have been written by the company. Prospects for the company sre exceptionally good Cohimhia, with flon-reiiident bro-'pr»Wems of our ow^n area bette- kerage privileges in^Md. y; and to study plans for promot- The Board of Director* adopt ad | efficient club work, this conr a resolution showing sorrow at ^ the passinsr of Diractor 3. L. Jor. dan of Richmond. Va. and electsi Mr. J. T. Carter, J^l^sident of the Southern Aid Society of Va., ton, D. C. to be dedicated to race employment, protection and ad vancement in the United States to fill his unexpired term. Mr. J. H. Ridley, Chairman s# the f^oard of the Crown Saving B«nk'Ijew- port News, Va., wag elected Vice President of the company., llhe officers of the * fipmpft'iy are: W. J.’Pearson, President; C. C. Spaulding, J. C. Scarbo- ’fwig'h, W j. Kennedy, Jr., R. L. McDougald and J. H. Ridley, Vice-ipresidents; E. R. Merrick. Treasurer; /R. N. Harris, Secre- taiTf; M. A:. Goin^ A."^ Moore ffliea'rin and J. J. I^en'derson^ As- sistanl SeeretariesfkF. D. Miller. Cashier. vention needs all its state presi- Government, dents, state leaders.^nd strong dub women, as well ,as it own "This great Race ecQfice is to officers and committee memb« r‘». he b. living and dynamic spear- Central AisBOciatipn women have .^ead of labor dedic^ted^ to the great problems along §ocial, wel-, Present generation of 12,(M)'0,0(M) fare and’econoinic lines, unem-1 American citizens of color in this MEMPHIS THEATRE MAY SUE STEPHIN FETCHIT Soo Lim Messenger Geis rriSYesfs fw Theft St. PAUL, Minn., March 16— (ANP)— Fifteen years imprison ment in a federal penitentiary, was'the sentence meted out Tues day to John Neal, 49, Soo Line railway messenger, when With drew his plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty to five counts of theft from a national bank. Neal stole more, than $118,00 in seven ^years while working as WASHlNiGTON, D. C. — This “The government is centralized 1 week the United Government Em-1 today in Washington,” declared -•O**—— * • 1©‘37 Biennial convention in Fort niovees’ organization, beaded byiPrown in his .statement released B'ankers* Fire Insurance CftnKjprogram win ettry the- Worth. We invite national- offi- coas^^ newspapers on Sftturdgy., attdltin^^ f pany of Durlittln, held its 18th company into neiglxborin^ states, mem'bera of the'x>ther re- coast clfnpaign to erect a “The Ne^o laiborerj the Heip^o - X_ llig * annual meeting of Directors and It now operates in North Garo-|K»‘>nals to me_et^ta^ 10'. G, E. Tower on Tfietfarmer. a Neero home builder Purdy Jr. for ANP)—Because 1 . ...... stockholders in Durham on March,lina, Vii»inia and the District of. "Second, W un3Sstand Nation’s Capitol Hill in Washincr- from the First National Baak and Trust Co. of Minneapolis, and *>' tht trial started. attempted to have them quashed on the ground that 1-Qr counts made him ap pear a habitual ^criminal. When Neal.-4isappeared in Jan uary. the shortage was discover ed. He gave himself up and sumed all blame for the embeule- ment, telling J'ederal Judge Gun- Nordbje. ,h£.,.'believed ..the retaw .. welfai^ attd «?itl*enship rights for , will come after them. It must he ourselvfes’and our neighbors. We j »n everlasting-monument to;, Ne- are working on our local situa- progress and security.” said tions. We are trying to solve our 1 Brown,' the president of the many social problems in our own hoj^e to^s. These problems will be the central theme of discus- UniteJ “Government Employees, farmer, the Negro home builder and the Negro cttisen will Se lt,st Stepin FetchH. who with Ei^ninc economically and politically if he Hawkins were stars of the Harlem does not organize, pool his mon- Parade revue, failed to fill eys and give to a Negrft "hrain-!* return engagement on Feb. 6, trust, the sinews of war, and ^ti- I ® after pla^ng there a^ Um modern stream line techni-1 management of the -Orpe* ques in launching a ceaseless bat-^ theatre indicated last week tie for * against not Mie, but • may sue the Consolidated every blessed piece, of degislatio.i Radio Artl^ts^ ; “ “ now and^ hereafter—before C»n- white, of the . gress. It is a Neyr Deal thatls de- Orpheum circuit, jio^Jtjctssi^ | cted by the«federal grand jury i he waa “too lavish” with bis on 10 CQunta of embezslement ( Continoed cm pag« etght D01N6S 0F USHERS By RlJTH BUCHANAN - HIGft POtNT The High Point Usher’s Upion met at tiie Bxoo-ka Memariali ployment and education, -ydatJ^r-couatry. and thek '^J'®fri,rriHer-:.ana-“w^ as.' Negroes , W comedian In Detroit fchurch here Sunday J. W. D«,ak. 1.# • __1 I- A _. * 11 n/\rvt A a 4-li T a . „ . . ^ _ - 1 j m *• - • ^ • I • . should stand cent fOT it, ance. This waa after the contract “First on the slate of niitional been signed learislation might well be the i drie hundred per liave ^.ha3.-'St2p’Syof Green«bors Treaaurex of' t^ 1 pr.omjpe to return .fof the, appear- ■ North . Carolina. Inter-Dehomina- I tional ‘Usher’s Association presi-;. for the retura ^ ding. The meeting was attended aim - - , engagemei^(jjr He was ,to return vvhn hSs secured fromt Congre!%,.VagM hoiir’ Wll ^ b^^^^here with Culltns, teut while tbe,enCe of ushers from all over the hy a lai^ and enthusiastic audi- and tHis administration a- half Congress. Up on Capitol Hi!l,’^ sions, and we will be helped by ' million dollars in increased wage* said Brown. “The proper *waei experts, specialized and trained the low-paid government wnpr+andTToiir’ bill, when passed wou.J leaders in these several fields. " Central Aissociation includes W. Va., Ohio, Mich., Ind.. Wis., la., Minn., Mo., Kans., and Nebraska. ES^AZER tmCES miiCINA- tion of DISQRIMINIATION AGAINST negroes ' ATLANfTA, Marc^ ifi—(ANP- The Btoa’.d.—The white race hag «*verytHiE • directed its officers to consider [to gain by ^eliminating’ disc^lir' the feasibility of an expiuisldn i nation against Negroes ki e 4;3au^ Eleazer^ white, educational director of he '"•’•'i in the past two yeajs. “The^^e every full time unorga^iaed times demand thar this U. G. E. | Negro worker at least forty cent* Rape tower be erected on Capitol '|in, hour and reasonable hgurs of Hill in Wa^ingtont” continued j lahor—and ‘annual wage suffici- Bi'-'wn, “the cause of Race ad- ent to give all Negroes a chance ■VaftCBmeSt ■■WiS— rfb-^th'+’terv yetismd- , . now', from this day on and h'^nee * aupporting again. 4* would be a Commission on Interracial ^hole nation ration, at a meeting the At- Capjtol and ih the C^hRre^, year in the long run. Wo^ that it lanta Optimist club, also white jn ^nd year out. Let floo3 lights were in the power or^the Negro with letters aftd telegrams. A *U. here Tuesday. jj,t n^ht illumine the E. Race tp hold up' the Consrresa 8 [G- E- Race Tower on" Capitol Hill' “!0he fwe profclem in the Race 'IVwer” as ttey shme upon I weeks more to successfully pass f could see such a campaign wia Tnuth,’* he^ aald, “is primarily a Uj,e Capitol, Washington's monu- isoch- legislation‘^y bdmbarding j this year, 1998; or ld39 or if I white ma».’3 pr^lem i jaent and the Supreihe Court. Ithe Congressmen »nd Senator#. needs be, 1940. ^(ftter was making several long city, and other interested distance calls and sendipg tele- gpnj, in addition to the gframs che comedian disappeared ^^g}Jgpg were mauiy visiting ushers fjHn other cities^ per^ ^ local Cullins said. ' The Orpheum plans to stie on the groun,d that ORA agreed to deliver Stepin Fetehit fojr the.j»- cond as(pearance and laued to [ so. Ifee . agency ^as offered TRe" edrvices of Step_ for an appeaff- asee on Ajiril 10 andl 11 but pal address. I’ll Berooks- Memorial Chai’ch ia pastwei ^ Rev. Sharpe who is ^dbing splendid work in revising the membership and rmising mqn,ey for the erecton of a Btfw ■building. The sponsored by the ushers on last Saaday w-u for the benefit^ of the baOiak futfid. ' DURHAM The Durham Usher’s Usion will hold it» regular monthly iMetiBg at Whits Buek including llirs, L. A. Foster, Mrs. Ida C. Wr^ht, C, R. Craig. W. N. EUis and others,from Greena- next Monady ev^aiat .kanU-.-ji.-.;ihaEr«s,-.. ;4tuhB , Na^, W. R. Hawkins, and ethers j ' _ ,rf Winston ^Uei». L. E ' . NOTICE AH usher president of tlie association was to ’ifttlf mhb^ present and deKver.d the prinH-, *9 tfeis office not te - I 'niesday, noon of e*^ News arriving after the Orpheum is undecided whe*;- her or not to take a ffmhle a^ain on the eomeBlKBTk it was r«Y*a*ed. will be pultlished the**'