EirrioN VOLUMN M N«. 14' DURHAM, fi. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY APRIL *, 1»SS PRICE P1VZ CKMTS -V HDSSDiG %hite ]^oman Slaps President Qf Gammon Seminary Lecal Pelf^ Fighting ' Hard To Solve Missing Woman Mystery Case TO SPEAK AT ST. JOSEPH EASTER SUNDAY Local police »r« exertitif every effort to biins about an solution to recent ^isaOT>^i‘' anee of Mra. Lillian Daye Haley ' who ha« been minini: here eince F^ruary 26. Accordii^ to a, ftatement made to the police by | l^er husband, W. D. Haley, th® D^issinj: woman informed her hus- Vluid that she was coing to visit her brother, Ira Alston whom she had 4eamed was seriously ill in " Monroe. Michiian. . \ n». ' , I Mr. Alattm who !»• iince cei»» to Durhaaa to assist in the search £br his sister stated to a repre sentative this week that hC has not been ^^^and has not seen his sister nor been informed by her ""that, she InteSdid vljriUng h^.—” Police whlla refnsinc to make any definite ^teraent concam- faig the whereaibouta of Mrs. Ha ley, are of the opinion that she ku met with fool play. Mr. Haley ip being held In Jail here while t)ie investigation ta going on at a frantic rata of speed. It is be- liered that police will have an important st^iement to mako within a few hours which will re veal sUrtling developments in the case. The rumor this week that the dead body of a woman had been found in Wilson, and that it re sembled the description given of Mrs. Haley proved to be a false. A telegram from tha sheriff ef that county has been received Jiere and states that no body has keen found there. Ail of the dothea of tiie ntisif' 6ig woman have been found in her home, aa well as her wvtch. MISSING HEALTH, week CAMpXiGN CONDUCTED MRS. LILLIAN DAYE HALEY, well ImewB DwriMun woman wlie dlwMHt|Se*l from heir heaie her* ia JPebrMrjr aft*r lafonaiag her kasbaBd »he was te Tbit, her brvtlMr ia Monro*, Miishigan. When Mrs. Haley failed t« tliow up at Am home of ha^ iNTOthev a ••aireli was ttarted far hmr wliera- •koMtt. It it beiieTad tka woBiaa luM laat with foai play. Wlien 'questioned as to why his wife did not take any of her clothes on the supposed trip to tee her brother. Mr.' 'Hriey stat es that she bouf^t new clothes for the trip. lASt week lecal Negro boy scouts assisted Durham police in _ •!» ANI CAMLINA TIMES WIN T^e Home Economics Depart- taent of Hillside Park High ^hool is^ launching a cleanup and home beautification campaign, April 3-14. During this campaign the school building, yards and homes ef each student will he cleaned and made more beautiful. Each citizen of Durham is asked to cooperate in making this camp aign a, pticeess .by deanln»> aad beautifgying his or, het'heWfe *nd surrountings. During the week various pro grams will be rendered at the school concerning health. Sunday April Sird, marks the beginningr of ^Jational Negro Health Week Pastors of the various churches of Durham will mention health in their sermons, and programs will be rendered at the young people meetings. Health proffMims will be given at HiUside 'High School assisted by the Carolina Times staff. Miss Bosei-iMae Withers, social service worker in the city, will foe the principal speaker Monday and Tuesday, April 4 and ® at the re- j gular assembly hour. Clean up and beautification of the school buildings and grounds will ^ conducted by the. students during~£Ee week and check up, rating and scoring of class roomi; by committees will be held on *niuraday April I4th. Prominent Bnsiness Woman Charges Husband Witli Non' isupport in Separation Suit DR. J. A. VALENTINE SPEAKS AT MINISTERIAL-AlXIANCE DR. CHARLOTTE H. SROWN, the p^caiion. weII-know|t fdueator,. and prsfi-1 dent of Palmar Memorial In^ti- ! tute, of Sedalia, will be tite ' ciple (paaker at the St. Joseph A. j M. E. Church 3 o’clock sarvi^iBs ' Eaiter Sunday. April 17. Thii ■errice is iieingr (pontored hy the Sunday Schod of Which D. B. Martin i« tha attperintendent. The senior choir of the church,, under the dirar tJoM of Mrs. B. A. j Dr. J. A. Valentine, pastor of the St. Joseph A. E. Church spoke at the Ministerial Alliance Monday March 28th. The speaker talked on the subject of Homile tics. He called attention to keen competi£ion the ministry is facing^ today. First, the outside * competiilion—^radio, movies; a*jd canned sermons. Second, thi’Sii- ^side competition—social life and j social Questions. The speaker saiiT I that HfenUietips deal with Uie I most effective ways of preanhin? and proceedfed^^ t'o^ emphasize the ' following points; (1) sources of ^ material—^human nature and ex- I perienees — nature —- fiteratare; Ca) the 'Biible; (2) types of ser- monq—subject sv-rmions—textual ^ sermons ~ expository sermons; j (3) methods'Of delivery—readih? sermons—reciting sermons —ex tempore sermons; . "(4) dynamic technique—concrete rather than abstract — dramatic rather than narrative.” Following tlje discus sion, tbe Rev. S. P. Perry -iub- mitted -a -motion that a vpte of Easter Sunday is one t ih tjhanks be given to Dr. Valentine special days of the African^Meth!! Odist Episcopal church .t ^ieh Homiletics. A business session time 4’aims for forei’^n missions are empliasized. Dr. Brown is' n^ttSiMSlIy known as an outstanding educator and orator. She is loved in Durhaa and elsewhere and it is cofetain that a ia;rge crowd wMt be pre- J. Whitt««}. will ronder music for ^ sent to iiyoar ii«r spaalc. itor World’ ‘Georgia Woman’s Slaps Dr*. W. King Tlia fight, to have aH of ^tho^rumors &at ^c^ita action will it^aa of the City AxtB^ory, ia- be takan jtj^lniit tkoM wara ow»oa«d to tJxo damanda 'tfhan theiy come up for i«-«laction Juding the uae of tha lavatoriaa, ftde kvailaibla to K«gr^ who ■^ritt attand* the daaoa to ba^ven. Ahera this month by tha N. C. Coliege alumni and the A!pha ^||Cappa.Alpha Sorority, wa* ‘ d** clared won htoe thia week City offieialB have agned t» op«f the lawtorlaa for the 4aae» after .making invea^gi^aft.. o| the cuatom followed In other eitiea renting mnnicipim bnfl^ags to Negroea for iUoe pnzpoeiMi. . Theifight wbieh WM led hf the 4ocal Committee' on Negro Af fairs and the Ourolina nmea. r*- jwdad tke ^artUag information to- local leadera of tiie ra«e m to Aha attitude of City Manager, H. A. Yancey and certain meniberc tJ-JsgJb gts Negro citisenry of Dnrbam. AW iboui^ many penban of tUe ^use ezpreaaed tihemaelvea aa !>leaaed *t the city oi^iciali aetioa n permitting .Kegroes tiie os* of the entire bnildingi there trara ATLANTA, March 30>—(ANP> —No* content wiA ipiUgniiig Nflgofig-i^ the pgajStgrsLjaoyes of the JCoosevielt adminiatraiion, Mra. J. E. Andrews, white, editor of the race-baiting “Georgia Woman*8 ^Worid** Saturday -after-^ - noon deliiwBatety-alapped D,-W. lipation when her I Mt. -Zion Baptist ChursK--Ushar opposiy^ ^t) y** gathering wen£^rirti- Ba«rd Leads In The AnaiT*rsary h«eded. Dr. xim; dbjeclea,"^3 she struck him in the face. The educator made no atteript at re- Convention, inc., which seeks to educate nen "from the pnssiTo to the active type of roiifion.’' M>. Gales is also head of the ani^we Jaiies~~E. Cayle and Sons, mwAs publishers and boolc dutrilMitors, New Orleans, La., which he has developed into "on* of tho larc- est mail ordor booh con cat as Sb the South, and handlaa roltgieas, COMPLETE PLANS FOR FARM »chool and sat^lar hooks and iJl kiniis of music.” (SC) AND HOME IMPROVEMENT CAMPAIGN I PITTSBORO, March—Mra. B. A. J. Whitfed, prominent bnaiBcaa and society woman of Durham was granted an aibsolute divorce in Superior Court here last week ^rom her liB^iOTd. O. A. "Whitted. well known citixen of Durham and Kocky Mount on the grouada of two years isei^ation. Mrs., Whitter cHaiged in ber complaint that she haj lived »- parate and apart from her hu»- band since sometime in March, ^ 1934, and that he had contributed nothing' towards "'her support since' that time, two years prior to the fili'i' cf the a> tion. Sha ■MO vharar»?r} tliat I5fi with hrr husban(j wm intolerabk and ua- oearable. Mrs. Whitted, who is the caah- er of th^ North Carolma Mutua> Life ioaurahce Company of “Du**- ham is held in high esteem in buaness, social and religiona JAMES E. GA'^LE, President ^ circles in North Carolina, waa of the National Baptut Laymen's ^ married to Mr. Whitted on Feb- Movement, operating under am- *TM>ry 24, 1917. The divorce thority of tho NatibiMrf^"1Bi^ki*^^ttog wi»«h has bggg i» procras will be held at the Alliance next Monday. T taliation. Hie report that the lavatbriee in the building would be'* ioekel to Negro patrona of the aororlty and alumni dance threatened to cauae a financial loss to'lta a^ti- sora, MDany, pereooa to aad ««t of Durham who had pNviopdy intended attending tbe danee ez- io boycott the lUFair befor« t1^ w«aMexi>og6 tlienuelv4e tm humiliating treatment; i . — " ~ LAST RITES HCU> P(Mt MRS. OLA m. ALLIN OR PRIDAY J. King, president of Gammon Theogolical seminai^, whjen he refused to let her photographer j she insiste;^] on irteetin^ of .IKlwn. polioo were called; i Dr. Coiebratioa The 30th Anniversary of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church and the' King urged them not to niaSa a : 9th Anniversary of the pastor let pictufes case against the woman, although last'Ttiesday evening. The she insiatAj , membebhip manifested a loyalty of a being arrested. .. ITo^^er, she dis- colo!^ and white college stud- played a friendly attitude toward previous celebratio*i. entt. Altheugh police were called to the neininary where the slapping teok place, no casje was made againat the woman. Lat^ ^e made an apology and ia under-' preaed. themaelves a« intendiag^afooid* to have 'regretted the in eident* following pressdre that waa ibro^ht on her by oftidalc of t:nio^ university at^l Agne* Seott cell«se, leading white in- stitutiona. the seminary head and atiended Junior choir struck the match other sessions. JBBfore trie con-j^^ enthusiUilii' Uiikt a^ltattd tho ference ended, members, niost of membership. The interracial meeting to Laat ritet were held for Mn.!whkh Mr#. Andrew "objected vw»s appearance at Howard university, gary services. Ola B. Allen, thirty nine year old the three-day aession of the Ga. ’ «nd facsimiles of colored news- Tha afAndlng them white, .passed a resolution closing the sernce, commending Br King for th/way Whitted read an Od§ he handled the incident. pastor of lier own compo- ' sition.' Mrs, Geneva Glover ore- •^*‘Qfeolfgia Woman’s World” is gented a token of appreciation to ti^S^Jibij«»tion which was widely the pastor* that had *>een donated ents in the 193i6 electkin. It car- fey the various departments of ried pictures showing. Negro New the church. Mrs. Geneva Glcver Dealers dictating to white steno- and ^er staff of workers are in graphera, Mra, ■ Roosevelt being ^ very large meaaure reapMiilble ' escorted by Negroes following an for the success of the Anniver- - ,. .. • — - • We are asking the cooperation of aQ county workers, minister^ of the depart-lend the itublic at large to help This is the result of a long time propose^ program that Iras' been worked out by the Advisory Committee and the Farm and i^ome agent, llirough tfcis, cam paign homes are to foe improved, the interior and the exterior. Yards to be beautified, flowers and shrubbery plants planted, ‘ards leveled, walk ways built, traah and rubbish destroyed, homes painted, electric lighfe put in >wVk^ it is convenient, door:i an® trtndoTira~weil fitted and^ screened, rteps ibuilt and ojUier improvements that go to make the home more comfortable an^ attractive. Beginning the 30th *'of Marcli the Rome and Farm agent have invited other county workers to join them in visiting these com-’ munities and judge these-homes and fanaa at the beginning of the campaign. Then later ort in the Summer they will be judged again and a comparison of what ia beiag done will be shown. We feel tbat the. best results can be >btaia«ds,by ti^ng two communi- iee end^^re them our best sup- siiiee September, 1937 when Sheriff G. H. Andrews of Chat ham County retained tiie aom-' mons, stating that Mr. Whitted could not be. fouhtf ill that eoaniy and m North Carolina, came as a great surprise to her many ad mirers in Durham and other eitiea where she and her huabani are well known. Notice of summons by publlca- (Coatinned on pace OOmCS OF USHERS «UTH BUeHAWAIf WENDELL I week when they raised the higb- The Junior uahera of Pleasant i ot money. Th erally Grove Baptist clKirehsponaored a ‘‘Gone With llie Wind.” chat Wednesday, March SOti^ The 1*- dies wore "Gone With The Wind” dresses and the men woi« “Boa ter Brown" ties. The coatumes* ware made of newspaper, biiriap and other materials. WAKEFIELD 1 climaxed the eelebration of the SOth annivesary of the church and the 9th anniversary of tlM pastor. Rev. Wm. Puller. RALEIGH According tp C. A. f.anpt.w ^rei^nt of the B^deigb Ushers Union great preparations are underway here for entertainiiy ^^’the Eaater meeting of the N^^rth “On To Wakefield wBcWord oTTBrTnler-1 national UaBe«"Tiaida of W'ekc^^ Assoeiatioa^- lar^eet fi^ldi A program of unusual in- ®®nrber of ushers ever to attend terest will be held with L. 'B. Eairt« meeting is expe«tKS'*ti^' Austin, president of the atate as- J^«>gh accordii^ to infonaiUa»B cen$a^In from alT" atate. sociation as the principal ipeaker ^ AH are invited. tuccunibAa at her Home' Wednei^' registered Saturday morning as, cbtained from the present ad- nients according to their contri- day March She was buried the meeting opened in order to ministrhtipn. It attemjp^ted to in- butions: % Friday, Kareli SbSth. She i» SV- bo able to attend all sessions, crfifwe the state's prejudices Usher Board, Senior Choir ^ved by a hu^nd, HoiwrdiThiit afternoon dte reappearel against Negroes, but was not Missionary circle. Deacon pfoard. Allen, a mother, twe .a^en, «ad r/lih a cameraman, inijending td' able fc prevent Eoosevelt from Junior choir. Church School, B. brotberi. ttake picturei for ia h«r pt^b-! scarrying Georgia. . U. Departqieift. REIDSVILLE. A large group t>jf_ ushers gath ered at ^ the AME church here, Sunday March 20 to hear the ad dress of L. £. Austin, president of the btter-DenomuMttional A»- sociation of North Carolina de^ environ this year, then anotherj-fj^gj.g^ to the Cosauonity. After year the program call^ for two more'communities, and se qn ui^ til the entire county will ' be "Meet Me in Kaleii^,’' m the cry of all oshers ia North Care- lina. Private car% bus and teaiaa will all be, used to bjring ushers to ' the capitol city. AN APOLOGY ’s in jputting the program over. EVERY NEGRO MAN AMD WOMAN 5HCHJLD REQISTSR AND VOTE ^ An apology ia offered to J. C the propam tbe u^ra met^A Sc«borough, Jr. and Henry tfel. the state pre^^ a^ ^!»«»-of the Thr«, C?s Cluk Ifr. motion plana to the who waa e» tha vUle uAera jom the stete ^ ^ abon. Mra. Gester Neal was elec- ^ ted.tenap^ chairman of theMr. li oHeaaiaafaoa. DURHAM fori^isatioii. Mr. tftaiae nnfortiuu^Mlr of ti»e Mt. ZioB ^ptfatf«»«t»«»*d ^ chnreh led all otlier aiixUiariea a miwliif o( 1$ ^ tiM .^Ihvrch in A caUy here th».

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