MME EBITION t rrtPSBUtHOtjlBBI Readies The Mass ()i Jleadeis VOLUAULlfLJi^ II 1 DURHAM. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY APRIL !•, ItM PRICE FI VI ccim 5 MEN TOME FOR CRIMINftL ATTACK }\hite Students Join Race In Jim Crow Fight At 111 inois U. N. C. College Host T o - 57IA Anfluai Meel Of ~ '"^Teaciiers Assoclaiion Sapr«i« Cdirt ilpktlds Beith Seolw« or Nr Hem i g d I Wkite RAiLIBlGH, - April 1«- -- The Korth Carclina Supreme Coart lunded down a decision today uplioldinf the death i^Aalty for ^ive penent, fonr Ntgrroes and pne white man, all of whom had been prerioualy aenteneed to die for criminal attack. All live, of the aten ar» sch«> duled to die on April 29, and un- lea tha (ovemor interferes the execution ef five persona at or* time in this state will set a re- jtord., Tfce pr^ouM reeord for execvtiona In oll«'^d«y to Nnrth 'Carolina la tiaraa.- * ' The five man who ara to die }nclu|s Ral^|i. jjlotinson, Iroll Coanty white man who was can- evicted of attacking his own H year ^ old daughter, Margaret The opinion in thjs caae was v^itten by Aiuoc.iate Jastice W. "A. Darin. f Three of the Negroes whe are denied new trials by the court «nd‘' are scheduled to dis Sylvester Outlaw, Apson Outlaw. ah4 liOniik GaHtaW, convicted of att!|ckin« a white woman last October. Tfce crime and trial took place in Duplin county. The fourth Negro whose sen tence of death was upheld is Waddell Hadley, alao convifted \ CORRECTION Ib last waak’t •ditiaa of The C*roIina Timat, there was pub- iUhaJ in connectisH with a pic)- tar* of Noble SimI*, information to th« effect that hit appaaranre kora with lu« orakaatra waa tpon' •oprad by tha alumni association of North Carolina CoRaga, and tka Alpha Kappa Alpha surority. Tkis statement was an error on our part. Mr. SIssia's appearance in Difrhani was fair tka parpasa of playiag for a dance given by the Rko ifiapter ot Aa lata Pki LemWfca, Sererlty instaad. Wa a»e glad to maick tklk ^hactfon. Tke EAUr EVERY NEGRO MAN AND WOMAN SHOUL D REGIStER AND VOTE of attacking a white Hoseboro. woman in All of the Nagro defendants failed to file briefs^ in tiie usual time allowed %y law, but tha Justices, following tha us«al procedure in such cases review ed the cases and found no a>v«r in the decision of the lower courts. iT ays Soiitk flas Lowest Living Standard In U.Sa , MAtlON, Ga., ApHl ,14.—-(AN P) The South has “the lowest sUndard of any region in Ame rica," Dr. Will W. Alexander, >head of tha Farm Security " ad ministration and former president IXlIard unvieralty, tdd the an nual Georgia cenference of so cial work Tuesday night. Quie^(tnlng effectiveness of growing industrialization as a taeana of itopping' ,t^ steady d9wnw«rd tcend of «B*»«Jal and ^social conditions In the Southeast he said, "A more promising ap proach to the economic ^arivatlon of tha South seems to Ha in » more efficient use of it* land.”^ Dr.- Alexander attacked the tenant farm system for discoura ging^- farm ownership. Pointing out that " 6 per cent, of all mers in the cotton country are tenants,” he cafled them "the moat unstaible part of tha popu lation” and said thelt...jchlldren rarely get an adequate educa tion, since their children must move in the middle of tJ»e scTiool year. “ Rural hopslng tn thi* section is “the most Inadaquata in the InaBon.^ «9Wpto*lib "irith t worst city slums," ha saW. Since the Southern landlord “hafcituaUy requires that evary availalble foot of land replanted in aotton,” the federal-afflcUl asserted thero 'was a great demand* imported food in the South. The typical farm family hera ewits on "«lt pork, com meal, molasses, plus occasional peas or potatoes,” he said. Pointing to the region^ illite racy, he said this was caused by the poverty of the Southeast. "The richest state in. tha South east ranks lower in per cat«ta wealth than the .poorest state oiii| side the region,” Dr. Alexander Dr. H. W. Wiliiamston.^pyon)!- nent dentist of Idabel, Ohio., »who has bust up a Ia]:;ga tnterracUt practice, is confined to Jamison's sanatarfum after ibeing injured in automobile crash. BANKING DIGNITARIES PRAISE DURHAM EDUCATIONAL. BUSINESS AND MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS Tka abova photo was tah«n in Company home offi ♦« buildln'j tka anditorium of tha North Cl. I locatad on tka sixth floor and i« Mlina Mutual Ufa Insurance' that of tha assemUad group of banking Feaders who Iracantly I Banking Commission Gurney P. visited Durham Negr* antaii*. Hood who heads the banking der prises. The visit of tka banl^ars to Durham -was arranged by *•*» Negiro Woitien Lay Requests Befcre Mrs. FDR CONFERS WITH ROOSEVELT Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown, principal of Palmter Memorial Institute who has just returued from Washinfjiton where she want to confer with President Koasaveltr "ar the ^^ite House on antiil^ynchCng legiilation. Sett ing with Dr. Brown were several other oiTtstanding race leaders. WASHINGTON, Aprjl, 13.- (ANP)—request that Nagro wom6n be given 'rj^eater ropre sentation- and appointed to fede ral Bureaus whose' work affects them was made to Mrs. Eleanoi' Roosevelt, wife of tht> president, and other government officials by a special committee callcd in the East Room of the White House on Monday afternoon^ This conference with the na tion’s First Lady was the result of a social meelring of the Na tional Council of Ne^o Women, of which Dr. Mary McLeod Be- thune of the NYA is founder and president, held Monday morming in the Auditorium of the Depart ment of the Interior at which 65 leading colored women from alt parts of the country was in' at tendance. Pointing out that America’s colored women were anxious to cooperate in all federal programs and that only the appointment • of Negro women to social huraaus atrd agencies cottW adetjuately care for; the peculiar and s|)eci- (Continued on page eight) !^Hidents Of Botii Races Opposed To Discrimination CAMPAIGN. 111., April IS.— (AN"P)—White” studens at the University, of Illinois are square ly behind the 101 Negio students here who are oppowng racial discrimination in cafes and res- .taurants. This cooperative action has followed the recent Circuit Court jury verdict in favor of the Hanley Lewis Confectionary Co., defendant in a $2,000 law suit brought by four colored students who had been refused service in the store’s cafe. .^.Xnterested students of both races .spoint out that because of the Jim Crow cafe rule, Negroes enrolled at the university mu&t either buy food to be cooked in their rooms or walk across the railroad tracks to eat; that they are thus deprived of thier consti tutional, rights. f ^ Y W C A Cabinet members (white) last week passed a reso lution “approving and supporting the effort beipg made by the Student senate to sceure for” the 101 Negra studenta on the cam- pas their rights to eat in campus restaurants:” ''' .iS'a i d Margaret vy Kuns,- ’38 YWCA Cabinet presi dent,; “Showing its feeling by a unanimous vote, the Cabinet feels that any University student upon consideration, will realize that it is only consistent with democracy that these rights be granted.” Another >vhite student. Miss Jean Fai^^33 president of the Woman’s leagrue, ridiculed the attitude of the white cafe owmMig. thus: “Fifty of the 101 campus Negroes are permitted to eat in in their sorority houses, while 115 or 20 are v^iters and would not eat in campus restaurants if they could. “Campus restaurant owners arc afraid they will lose business if Negroes are permittde to eat in their establishments. However if we are able to acquaint the stu dent body with the f^cts and per suade them to lay aside prejudi ces, the problem may be solved— IVe are supposed to be educated and prejudice over such a simple matter is not consistent witif «d ucation. -r The 57th annual session of ther>i||I«rtb'Carolina TMUhars Aju sociation will txgin a thr«« days session here Thursday,. aTcning I at 8 o’clock. The opankig pro gram will be held in the Duke .. Memorial auditorium o#-’ North Carolina College, host to the gathering. The main feature of ^te Thur sday evening meeting is an ad dress by' Dr. Mordeeai W. John son, president of Howard Uni- veirsity. Dr. Johnson’s address will b^ 'prceo4*^ kr ■diir—f ef welcome by Mayor W. 9. Carr, Captain L. H. Barbour. Mrs. C >ra T. Russel and W. F[ Warre i. superintendent of Durham City schools. Response to the ad dresses of welcome will be de livered by Prof. Hugh V. Brown Supervising principal Golds boro. Music for the occasion will be furnished by th« choruses of Hillside Park School and North Carolina College. The second session will open Friday afternoon at ^:30. Musi-; will be furnished by the combin ed choruses of Whitted and Wa'l- town schools. Addresses will be delivered by Dr, . Roben Maaske, professor "of education at the University of North Carolina; Dr. C. L. Bk-ownwell, professor of physical education Columbia tJmversity, New York and W. | P. A. education program. At Bo’ciock Friday evening Dr Rufus E. Clement, presid.!Et of Atlanta University, Dr. Sl C. Newbold. director of Negro cation and Dr. Edjrar W. Knight of the University of North Caio. lina wi.l deliver addresses. The last general session ol tke associa^wn will be h Id Saturday r.iorning at 11:30 an? will include reports c-f the a’uii- tors, treasureis,. tiecuUveju cti ii., mittee, election of office s, si:-- tion of tiate and place '^nd -i' >*• in^ remarks. Oflficers of tha so.iallcrf art?. Dr. James E, Sh-’-a d, pres: lint: Mrs. R. D. A. T:y, vice-pr^ai" dent; Mrs. L B. Yancey, Record, ing secreUrj ; Dr. J. A. Cotton, treasurer and. Dr. G. £. Davis, executive secretary. All of the generiil sessiona will be. held in the B. N. Duka audi torium locate don tiia waatera part of the campus. AQ of the meetings. wiU be held si the N. C. College. MARIAN ANDERSON,^ PACKS TOWN* HALL NEW’ YORK — (O— Town Hall was packed to the rafters and some patrons were seated on the stage, but even then many were ttirned away as Marian An derson, contralto. Semi-Aiinual Usher Review In Capitol City Sunday WHITE ROCK PASTOR TO BE PRESENTED WITH NEW CAR HEV. MILES MARK FISHER Rev, M. M. Fisher.- left, pastor of White Rock fifaptist church, the beautiful I'O'^S model Cldsmobile which v^ill. be pre sented to him after ttie elevreM o’clock services, Sunday moi n- ing on the lawn of the church. Rev. Fisher who has J>een pastor- Ing at Whitt Rock for five years has done much to build up the the church as,A community influ ence. With aU of tha heavy duties of pastoring. a large, church like White Rock he finds time to teach a class in thsdogry at Shaw univtrsity twic« a week. The semi-annual session of the Inter Denominational Ushers As sociation of North Carolina will convene in Raleigh, £aster Snn- d.ay April 17 «t the First Baptist church located on the comer of Wilmington and Martin streets. Dr. 0. S. Bullock is pastor of tke church. - RegJstratioij of • liteBd- ing the meeting ip-scheduled to begin at oi»e-«’clock P. M. The meeting proper will start prompt ly at 2 o’clock P. M. close at 5 o’clock P. M., the same after noon. Delegates and visitors to. the sessions are urged to be on time as the scheduled as out line will be closely folkmred in order that those who live in dis tant parts of the state, an4 tra velling by automobiles may hava to drive at night. “ • . According to L. E. Austin, president of the uaociation the semi-annual meeting this year'ii destined to be the -beat attended in th* histoiy of the • organfSt^- tion. In addHioa to repraa^ta- tives from variooa oaher l>owda of the-atata- tlw-—seml-anmral meeting thia year will have visi tors from oat of the state as far away aa.^ew Jersey. Th« presi dent hasTeeeiTad word from J. D. Madden, member of the Board of Directora of the National Uthert As«o«iatioa h« will i be present with a party of four from Rahway. New Jersey. Mr. Madden will deliver a short talk at the meeting Sunday. His daughter, Miss Gladys who is a soprano singer of note will zend-; er a solo.' . / ^ The,, official program! of day’s'Tneeting is as foUoiws: P. M., t:30 P. M. Dinner I 2:00 P. M. Devotion»—Mr. C, A. Langston- Raleigh. N. C 2:: 10 * Reading of minuG^ pf^previous meeting 2:20 P. M. Report ' on ET&d HoiiiiiP—Mr. J. H. R. GleavM of Winston Salenu N- C. 2:40 P. M. Report of Finance Committee~*-Mr. C. C. Craig. Chapel Hi’l, N. C. 3 ;00 P. M. Discussion of Nafl Conv.—Mr. G. L. Brown, Wins ton Salem. N. C. ' S:20‘p. M. First Aid Dept.—Mm. Pearl PeHert^Durham, N. C. Ss46 P, M. Photograph of Call. vention 4:3’) P. M. Echoes from tka fiekl —Mr. J. W. Doak. Mr. C. 4:20 p. M. President’a L. R Austin 4:^5 P.> M. DtaeuMioa State Convention 4:46 P. M. UarinisiwH ami lUm 5KM) P. M. A#