TO BE CROWNED 'MISS K. C.* MiM Hurii tlM. daaglitar Mr. and Mrs. GUi. atrrta of OIZ Carr St., ia aUUi4«it «f th« Ch«infe«riin Studio of llnaht of wisieh Mn. ICs^rct & 0i««te kt teacher, * TYPiCAl. HOUSEKEEPING AID PROJECT BY WPA THREE C CLUB IK^S MONTHLY MEET Wie Three C Club held it* montMy meeting at Henry Holman, Wednesday night. Hie members indulc«d in the pl«ying of various games smontr which were whi«t. eheek- er», dominoes and bingo which was very thrilling and e«iting. Eddie (Bolding won first prise in bii^ mnd Graham ' Lyons won second prite. A three conrse dinner was served consisting of fried chicken, green pets, msah- ed potatoes, « salad and punch course. On Wednesday ni^ht prior to this date tlie clufti held its meet ing in the lobby of tiie Biltmore Hotel. Business of importance was the feature of the meeting. The club received thre^_iyomis- ing new members, .JfcMrd- Marvin Dick, Carl Cosart, and William McCloud. MUSICAL PROGRAM AT ST. JOSEPH SUNiSaY There will be a musical pro gram at St. Joseph A ME Church May 1st at 3:30 P. M. Hie prin- ci|i^ spaakar will Im Attorney A. H. Borland. His subject will be "Our Duty in the Missionary Field Today. This progrram is sponsored by the White i3e- phant Club No. 18. Sev. i. A. "WfentTne, Pastor. ~ . Mrs. Carrie Buie was honoree at a surprise birthday |>arty Friday evening April 22nd at the hmeo of Mr. and Mts. El F, Reddrick of IM Hillside Ave. Mrs. Buie was the recipient of many useful and attmctive gifts. ~ Refreshments iH>nsisting of salad, punch, ice cream and cake were served. Those in at tendance were: Mesdames Luck Knight, Christine Hatch, Rholi- via Blount, Jjaht HIQ, Viola Fikes, Annie Rose Edwards, B. F. Reddrick, Nannie Reddrick, Ida~ Reddrick. iSpencer Rich, Odessa Alexander, and Mamie Durluim. ‘ CHRISTIAN SOCIAL CLUB HOLDS THI^ MEET Hie Christian Social CliA -hold its third meeting, Monday aiglit aOhe way, New and old business was discussed and reports were given. The topic for the evening was “The place and purpose of vl- sion,” discussed by Mi^ J. C. Gattis. The cli^ was served a repast consisting of > chicken salad, open face sandwiches, pieklea lemoaadw,—and—aiate Hie members present were; Me«- damea ISixabeth Walker, Vina Carrington, J. C. Gattii^ Rosa BiKJwn, Nannie Roberts, Novia Ashford, Ca^ol^a )C^«s, ILoJa Lattimore, Perlina Boons, Lattia Holloway, Ida McCoy, Sarah. Daniel, Dorothy Reaves, Lois Manning, Victoria States, Mattie Green,' Margaret Clayton, and Mrs. Alberta Jones. The cli4> ad journed to meet May 9th at the home of Mrs. McKinley Gates. TO ATTEND WEDDINO Mr. and Mri. Chaa. JL jTaekaoa and Mr. and lb«.^X), A, Panjr left the city WeWnesdajr miim ing tot Ekhmond, Va. whara they will attend Uio wa4dli^ of MiM kary P. Shiuikteford asd t». ffill «f Cambridge Masa. ^e eoa|0« a^l ijMke thair home In Oambrl8t«> e REV. J. R- STANFORD HONMED Intimate friends of Rev. J. B. SUnford prepared a surprise party on iut Wednesday night after prayer meetinfe services for their pastor and friend. Rev. Stanford was aware of the fact that the day was his birthday but he didn’t think anyone in Chapel Hill was aware -oi th« fact. He was taken back when he entered the house having the Ugbts flashed^on anj finding so many] people assembled around the table whose centerpiece vnui a beautifully decorated cake-aur- rounded by many gifts.-- Those attending Ae party from out of town were Mrs. Stanford, moth er of the honoree, three sisters, a niece, a nephew and Miss Jes sie Benton of Hillsboro. A xe^ past consisting * of ice creant, cake and mints warn served. AWARDED ,FIRST3jpllZl Il» MUSIC COI#EST j Miss Mayme ihisabeth Harris, eighth grade student at Hillside Miat Edyth* VmCImv*, pop' alar, dlgaifiad tophwaer* coi ad, will b* officially crowned “Mi» KlioxfflWf’ ia Alaaaat Gyn^niwi- Bai Friday «v«iiiiig, Aplril 29. Mi«t VanClMv* waa al*eted Uia “Qa*«a" threagi a stiidwBt poll eoBdtictad at a recant chapel a- ••nbly. Hm aew KaoaviHe** waa eheaam oa tha baaia of a moat pleaaant peraonallly, neat* ■eaa ia appearance, aad correet ■eaa of apeech and drofM. Mba VaaCIaaVe won ovar tl>« foHoW' lag other conteataatai freahaea' Lairiaa Km»*vaio EdMlyn Lindaay, Birmingham t aephom^ea —' I m a Bmdford, Knoxvilla; junlora— Aana Mai AMoa, Knox'^le, and Roma Wtltama, Annemanie, Alabama. The eoateat .waa andor Aa aaa- pleioa of the college YMCA. TW aeeaaian of the coronatlw oxerciaea win be the Wg fomaal apriag dance held in the gym that aveaing. Membera of the atadant aociai commi*|ee 1kg oa armngementa report that this dance la to be one of the moat gala affair* of the year. Beaidea holding rfame for being awanky a|Fair, thia dance »a to be the final formal danee of the achool year. •t: .4, Park ritgh Schoot vrafi aharded first prube for piano renditions by,the judges of the State Wide Masic Contest held in Durham last week. Progressive Stores ‘NORTH CAROLINA STORES FO R NORTH CAROUI^A PEOTLE" DURHAM—906 N. GREGSCWT ST-J7I* FAYE TTEVILLE ST.—j^eo »TH ST.—600 ROXBORC ^1^]^_1013 CHAPEL HIU^ ST.^71« NOTTH H^IfGiUM STREET SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND'SATU^AY. APRIL 29TH A SOTH Faf Meat wbite aod thick tl) lOe SARDINES 3 «ao8 lOe GULF PLY SPRAY HALF PINT CAN 18c PINT CAM -28c. QUART CAN 39e CANDY “Chocolate Dr^pa, & — —lOe Coaceaat Boa’BoBs, lb —iSc Miaod Ca^y, 3 lb«. 25« Progreaalva ^ SALAD DRE^NG ■ 41 -Omae Jar- —- —9a PINT JAR 17- QUART JAR — — are SOAP SALE Palmidive Sqap, 4 cakea 28c Octagon Smp, ’ laigo aiao ba» — — — Be Octagon Soap, ,apecial aixe, 2 bara' — — 5c 'Octagon Powdera, '* 2 padukgea — — Snper Sada, tad or Mae pfcg* — --9c -= yjA»r aOTTLg ~ 23c PUft IWTTLE, 2 Far rf 2Sc PURE LARD, 50 Poand Sftaad Fresh Field PEAS, 3 No. 2 Cana 25c Baby Lima BEiWS, 4 Hm. 17c LIBBY'S HC^TESS PEACHES M'eavy Syirap, large eaa 19c Dromedary GRAPEFRUIT, No. 2 Caa lOc Heinz Fresh Cneaiphar PicUoa, Jap l5c $4.89' WHOLE GRAIN RICE, 7 lb*. — 25c Plak iSalawa, 2 tall eaaa—^23« Canioii Horriag, lOe Mayfield Chrushe^ CORN, 2 Hof 2 dm Iftc Pat tfr Caraatiw Mtilc i taB cana 20e • Ma. caaa 20a Calo Dog Fooj^S Caaa 28a Pjraaof, IQlb. Box 44c Lack, Pancake Flour, 2 Pkga, — iBc R«t]^Aalar ShwtSftiacr arflbCWrton 83c I Saaahina Cmpefratt Jaiea, 3 Ne> 2 Cana 2Sc Evafkorated Paachea, 3 Iba. 29c I^ptoBS Tfea’cAlf23c|^valtiiie SMALL SIZE-^5c LARGE SIZE - 49c iFrcsh Fruits miiPVcactaBlgg FIM4 GREEIf CABBAGE, 7 tOc -NEW BLISS J^TATOfS, 4^.-; jlOe FRESH 28c «n^M CBEEX^Mrtama beams, 3 fte. |9e RM TOIIAT(»S, 3 Aa. a«s •Jt- CARI^^, WIN^AP ^An>LES, Doaaa — f YORK APPL£S, S Peanda GRAPEPHUI'ra, • Par BANANAS. Paaad, . ^ t - . 5c - — 19c — 28c 8c SOCIAl. CCmERENCE CLUB MEETS Wl-ni MISS GLADYS SOUTHERLAim ISie Social Coberenca Clab met Tuesday night April at the home of Miss Gtedya Sontlt* erland of «14 Glenn Si Tba meeting ms opened with tlia usual devotional exerciaee, fol lowed t>y a brief businesa dijwils- sion. The persident ^qMintad Miss Static Hill to diacuas Bat ter. Miss Hill’s subject wM "What Easter means to Mo.” "When sha had completed bar discuaeion, Meh memlMr bad a clear vision of what Easter meant to Miss Hill and vriuit It should mean to everyone. It waa decided at the cloaa of the meet ing that all membMa and gaeats would meet the home of Miae Soutiierland Thursday sight Aprfi l4th before attending tli« theatre party. At the cloae of the meeting Lafayette Southar- land served a variety of cakes, peanuts, and candies, and puach. The livii^ room was beaat^lly deborsted with rat flowvra con sistinc of Towtn, puBeMM %at IjlKes. Mist Thelma Beaity waa a visitor. KYLES TEMPLE WILL . HOLD REVIVAt Revival services wUl fcegfai at the Kyiea AMB ZiSmi Church on Mo^ay ^n^t Maar t.r Tha aar- vices wiB Iti cottdneted by Dr. W. D. Gregg, who -ia w^ known in mteiiterial drdaea aad la i^l'lod aa;«lia‘W tlia teat pre«|bb- elt fii Rev/ D. h. tike pastor, axtenda to the |frt>lte a cordial invitation to attend these meatinga. Alien Ckriatiaa Eadeavar LoMpie Preaaata Yoaag Paopla'e ClMlr « Smda^ May 1, IMS, the Mis- sionioy Group of tfe ACE L«a- gue of St. Joaeph Clmteh, adll present the Tonng Peopla’a Choir of the Gospel Tabernacle, Miss Olga Bell, pianlat. TMs group tdll be undei^^W dfre^on of Messrs. F. Watson and Win ston, t^ogram begins promptiy at 6:16, taking up the Inst SO minutes. Hie remainder of -the program, will be taliiaa up with an ojien fornm led tir ^ presi^ dent, Charles Doom. tli« public is cordlaUy inTi^ INSTRUCTORS p F NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE FOR NE GROES appear IN RECITAL THE MINlSTEmiAL . ALLIANCE IN REGUA^ SESSiOK Hie Durham Intardenomlna- tional Ministerial AlUuiea in iRa- gular Session had for Ite guillt speaker on last Ifonday, Mr. WiUiam Rich, tte raperintendent of Lincoln HospitaL Mr. Rich spoke on the subject of Bospita'* lotion. T%e spealfetr amj^iMdsed the two-fold obm^atiOB. «f Hie Hospital. F!irst ita*'obUgaHoA to tlie pat)en|«, Se^pd» Ml tion to the eeauannitT'. Baforo closing his diteuaidon, Hb'. Skh explained" the Groap of Inaur- af liatoaofcoe^f’ aid project, apoaaovad by the Woiica Prog^Mi Ada«|nii^M«Uijon, thoae acenea fc|*en in jt^ar* leaa toaemont home of a relief client. The top picture ahowa the boaaekaopiag aide tending the children while the mother ia re- —— iowe/ jpictu^ view Aide doing the ^amity laaadry la tha home, ^he ia aJto prH>aiad to aorve in otlte^ faouaohdd dutioa. At regulM' aieetinga with phyaicianf, viaithig naraea aad welfare worker*, “ the aido la guided ia ’the health phaaea of mf^rn r iaaroaalng her atatea 14,¥ than ba oi_ niaei aiatea' wome«^ hava aervad Soio0p familiei aa hoasekeaping aide*. Maay af theaa * WPA w««tiera: have reached a high level Of fitaeaa ia their work aad are findi^ their way iata private employiaent.—• MfPA Pholoa. On^'I^iaa^. evantaig Iby 10th, Mra. C. Ruth fidwards and Mlw Mari^reti DeMond of the Nortli Carolina CoHege Faculty will ap pear in joint recital, ^rs. Hd- wards, a gi^duate of Kittrell College, ia well known to Aa Durham community. iShe has had charge of ^e music department af tha a^laga for aavsKaL^eata, and has brought thia depaxWexrt to the fron rank among the eal- legM of tbe state. VisUon f^m ail sections of North Carolina coma each year to the front rank among the col- iSevBw Words of Christ on Palm Sunday and to hear ita rendition of Chriatmaa Carola dnrlnirtba' yuletide aaa- son. MIm DeMond, of Port Jervis, New York, ia aerving her first year with the college faculty. Her .«ntha8iaatie direction o| tile marching band and of the college. orchestra has created great interest this year in these activities. A ^duate of . th^ ■Eastman' School of Musk in the class of 1(996, she has mad^t.f|ii| outstanding record both as a pianist and aa an accompanist. The recital is scheduled to be gin at eight o’clock!. Our next weekfji edition irill urry the peoe#a8».-ta.6a pre*efitedby these artists. Dr. Darkee To Sftaak Dr. J. Stanley -Durkee, former president of Howard University now pastor of the famous Ply- maoth rhnw»h, Brooklyn, New York, will deliver two lectures at the N. C. CoU^e for Negro&, Tuesday May 8, 19^ at 11 o’clock and 8_^M. A 'great treat*lr ^ store for all \^o hear him. ^ Langiitaa Haghea fa Speak On Friday M*y «th, at ;il o’clock _§nd 7il»5 P. M.,_ Langstoa Hughes, well-known Negro poet will speak: Hie pnbMc is cordially invited to hear this young Ne- grd"' ance for Hospital care. At the conclusion of this message, the Rev. J. A. Valentine made a mo tion that arising' vote of thanks be given to the speaker for the very fine message which he brought. Hie Apianpe ^dopjtted the group plan of insurance for Hospital Care. ^ Mr. Palmer, a re presentative of the North Caro lina Mutual Insurance Company, met y^th the Allj^ce and re quested the coopfl^ion of the Minisiterial Afiianee^in the ob servance of National Insurance Week. The Mlnisteral Alliance pledged their cooperation. The Rev. W. L. Mason was presented by Dr. A. S. Croom. Rev. Mason made some remarlos. Rev. Mason k conducting a very successful meeting at the Union Baptist church. The Ministerial Alliaxt6e will hold a regular business se»-^ sion next Monday, May 2. Viaita C^y Misses Sara Coataer and Pau line Biggers,' teachers in tb® ITS ALL OVER TOWN!] IPWlArS AU^ OVER TOWN? Moved WHERE TO? 520 E. Ptttlsrew Street SIIEULEYS^ MMDERN SHOE REPAIR 820 E PETTIGREW ST. .DlOUHUUf. N. C. t Gastonia High School, of GaRo-j Taylor, Cathrtine Basel, Mabsel ni^, w»eB^endf guests of Mrs. E. N. Toole. Viaitiag Id ^City Lloyd Curtiss of CJ'eveland, Ohio is i« the city visttlnf 'his mother and relatives on Um- stead St. • SUNNY SIDE SOCIAL CLUB HOLDS MEET The Sunny Side Social Club held its weekly meeting Tuesday night, April 26 at the Durham Chauffeurs Club Room. The fol lowing mennbers were present: Misses Sylvester Cain, Magnolia Jenkins, Sumega Bicbmond, Lu cille Lane, Virginia Curtiss, Ga- yelle Trice, Vera Smfth, Elthel Scott. MESDAMES DEBNAM AND FULLER ENTERTAIN SILVER MOON CLUB Tuesday evenin|| at 8 *.30 6'- clock ^esdames ^^^nam and Fuller mere joint hostesses to the Silver Moon club at the home of Mrs. Debnam. Snap dragons, roaes and ferns furnish ed tjie floral background., for the living room. White candles Isitu- ated upon the dinin|$ room t^le casting their light over gleaming silver and crystal presented a very beautiful scene as the guests entered the spacious din ing room. The guests played bin go for a while with Miss Craw- -'VRdnlflncE LAfelEUSt FbtlNfiATlOISJ . UlJ FqHn4t|(i«ii Vjw aftpUitlied Mi« Go4tfr»y Minaftctiiring. Companjr to ihiily mttlHMli of pcocRtag wanas't aad to miia'' lk», fwiiltt. at awrilatia to Uu twbUc. Mrs. Patterson wlmilng%«ond. ^ A delicious salad with ices waa served. Members present were: Mesdam^s Holman, Fait- terson, Johnson, Gilmore, Rush, Misses Amey Crawley and the Continued oa page aevea ••••••••••• DON’T WAIT FOR THIS E A W^ AND SHECAN*T COOK KAT^XTHE i^ftKsoin QUICK LUNCNES TEMPTING AND 114 SQIJO^ MAj^M ST BLUE PLATE SANDWICHES DURHAM, N. C. So mniiy of ymi Imvf wki(i*‘ii r»- Wiilly for iidvict- un Iih^i.vIiik tilt* texlure. culor Jincj iiiH«ut..n|. neck iluii i jiuug,ifcA»-*«£ja Hu* subject of lliis M fitluiiiii Those of you who un wise eiioiinh to nniini>lxi‘ the Im IliM'lilllCt* of llldhi* r*"W IncWH !)(» tween the c'hlii iinil stitiu'hliM'M. M-uny of you. who tud wiHleii iiin>\ neefi Wt tinve yolir jillenthm crtllfil to this ureu. " ■ t The neife siiould liHve the iMitiie treiitiiieni us the fiice, Sliiml hi frwirt pf H welMlghlvtt mimir nml give It cureful scrutiny. Why .la It thnt must «t us, whwi'w^ Ing' otir fHO^ pfltlliig BWii.v wi;lii- liles fruHi Kroun^ our eyes it «l aitniUiN, rubbing iti miurlshlnii nnl L bleaching cremnd^ aiul even niHily- ^big iiiukeup, sto[i short of intr neckal Tl»« dcsepeft lines horlzonlnlljr acfoss our neika If |rour neck^ls youtliful yoii rpn, foul long after your waist has begun to thicken and your akin bn# lost Ita early TfeshHeai; Se^piiigyourTwrir In condition la not such a clmn> really, fou ttgrudge ' the tlmv you alTjffipattr face. Why a^uld youF ^■Lbe overluukM Id tb'e beauty al^lpef lOou find that your necb Is lined, likr the skin much coarser than Uiat on your faoa.and several shadea dirtw*, til* «tap la to atlr up tht> i-lri-iiliitliin. A Ihnroitgh olfenna liiK will) II rotiKh Hilt It iiiiU 0leaty •tf wiinu. Hiiiiio V liter will start the skill iliiKiliiK. I*'lni«h oil wilb cold H'uitv. -ir^. if y*Hir tfklii ia not fMi whlj.fiH «Hl rinjieut^ If yoii iini In rtie'^hrttili j«f civtiliilnif yotir liirtiiiT# y»Mr ii«iR In (his beauty :AdlltlJ* tShelmtlwi *u«| a long wiy lownn! ,wurliii); off wrlnklaa Ki'if * iil'ckM fhm hiive l«n* bfijn ««ii I'tlhiwed t«r beforae. (liMer Hum th# race a niihl bleach iiiiiy’ he ii»*i-**8Miiry. ' titTK la tr-»ltu)»Je itiul relaxing ex- «*f-TMe t« ithniKtlien the neck iitHKcleH iiikI keep theiji fnnfr be- ciiniliiK flnhy. l.ei't1iinRianf for* wiK'd uiutl the I'iilii touchai the i heft. TinHi slowly rotiite I he head, MtretchlfiK the nw'k tiiuttdes as much ui*|^i»slhle, He|ieitt ten timea. This Isratsw u Kfwxl «-»ri* for tliat III the hiise of, the neck brought on h.y (Hoaa work or nervousness. ynur fof-M ^outfi' - ruI'-throHt fontiiur today. Remem ber—stir up the C'lrcuWitlon, nourish wb4^®«>}ss, -It’* ss- sssy. us Qiat nnd you wilt be well pleaaod wftn the results. Whiit are your benuty pr9blemsl Write Marie Uvwnlng, Larlenao Beauty l*'otim]tttlori, Riipni #7-^ M-ust St.. Ht. Louis. Mo., and site" Will be glad to answer t^$m. Be sure to enclose a aelf-addrafM- itlmped'^vitaps.'' ROOF NOW MJUnr p«qpie hava loawf«o«l "Biat^rdldn^ pay to w» ""Ml flio ii)al iMdted. Tbay walled and w«ii*d~aot UBaWag that rains w«a rotting tbo root tUabera by qetUaq UuMi^ ^ loof. Although diay ooidd sea no leaks, the lain was seeplpq dowly dora &e raitwa aad •veiy -railB bto«^) &• d«acM( poist doMr Kt tha ceiling Uiia. Aaa oita daf a heav^ rai* aama aad bofeta be dona, anaa pMi« f«B and a rug aad t^air nia- apottod. n coat money to tapair thia dantaga A new nxd put oa la tea woidd hava aavad dal aoaay. II your xoel is dd aad woatlwr- beatan now, you may be sim Ihrttt wlU la^ aoenat or- later, aut you can avoid that extra ezpenaa by hav- ua inapect your root now, iraa. Without obligatten, wa wtt M} yea asacily what oruditiMt your la Ilk. Ph^e ua BOW brae tool,la* tpectioa. HOME . MCH>ERNU(AT1CM« SUPPLY COMPANY UNSUFE OH-0 ASPHALT SHW;US •••••••••••