On The A te RADIO RAVES BY HAROU) JOVEIN (FOR ANP) Tkk lUtiac ia fm tjh* wfc ^ Jmijr 9>9 oalyl All tbn* chowB U Eastara DajrliffMt 3»T*Bg Tim*. Sabtra«t t hoyr for EST sad Cantral Daylight TiaMr S k«vn-\.,|or Craatral Staadar^ 3 kours MST; an4 4 kmnrt for PST. HOT ORCHESTRAS t' AND VOCALISTS BROWN SISTER, MBS, Sun- d«y,'7:46 p. m.' (^his-^w aing- intt trio lensation, being regular Iqjka, do vocal work for the Central Baptist church choir ..In Los Ajig«l«« where they attend regularly. I^e congregation cre dit them with not only raising the mortgage, but buifding a church M well I) DEiEP RIVI7R BOYS, CBS, ^Tuesday, 6:06 p. m.; Wednesday 4:30 p. m. (Vocal trio) • DUDLET^, JIMMY, WTMJ^ )(6ao k) f Monday, Wednesday, I^day, 2:30 p. m. (Spirited saxaphone a^lolst with the Rhy thm Rksetli' Jam >Crew from — GOLDEN GATE QUARTEtT- JJBC Blue, Friday 9 p. m. W^st Coast rebroadcast 12:30 a. m. HOWAJRD, (BOB, WEAP (6«0 k) Thursday, 11 p. m.; WHN (1010 k) Ifdnday, Tue.|day, Wednesday, Friday, 9 a. m. HBNDE]RS0N, FLETCH;£:it, NBC Red, Sunday, 11 p. m. Mondi|y and Wednesday 12 lAid- i^tej ^iue, SWday 12:30 a. m. (WENR, 8fO k) Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 11:30 a. m.; WMAQ (670 k ) Sunday, Tues day, Thursday, 12:30 a. m. Sat. 12 midnite. (Grand Terrace Cafe Chicago. ^ KEtNDEJRSON, HORACE CBS Midwest and i West network, Sunday and Saturday, 1 a. m.; .llu^Klay and Friday 2:30 a. mT Saturday 2 a. m. (WBBM (770 k) Savory IBtallr'oom Chi.) I INKSPOTS, NBC Red, Thurs- ilay, 11:15 a. m. (quartet.) ftOCKlNiG-—1-4^—RHYTHM, ^ • (6^0 k) Monday through^ 11 a. m.; also Saturday, 5:30 p ol SUM and SLAM, WNSW, (12GA k) Monday, through Fri day, between 10 and 12 midnli^t (guitar and bass duo) SMITH, STUI’F, WMCA, 8TO k)* and intercity web. Monday 11:80 p. nt.f ’flmraday It — m. WNEW (I'SSO k) Friday, and Saturday, 9:30 p. m. (Onyx Club, NYC) / WILSON, TEDDY, LI0NE(L HAMP'RON wfth BENNY GOODMAN’S ORK, CBS Tues day, 9:30 p. m. (Pianist and vib0 player) MUSICAL VXHIETY AfID COMEDY PROGRAMS AMATEUR NITE IN HAR- LEM, WMCA (570 k) Wednesday 11 p. m. 18 midnite. (Apollo theare, NYC) Don Kerr encees these^nterhriwUjg amatP'ar hour. AMATEUft NltE IN BRONZB- VILLE, WIND C6610 k) Wednes day 9:30 p. m. to 10:30 p. m. Regal Theatre, Chicago, SKID BLAjKEJY heads this amateur revue. ^owES, MAj(j»; JiiiAflte* hour, 386 Tkwnlia^ 9'prTE' CROSSROADS HAIX, CBS Friday, 5 p. m. (Hill billy Vari ety Show with N^o chorus, from Kichmon'd, Va.) CHARlO^EiRS, NBC Red Saturday 10:16 a. m. NBC £3ue Tuesday, 8 a. m.; MBS Saturday 7:15 p. m. Tuesday, 9;15 p. m. (Heated Harmony). Joe Loiris Sm -fiidest KDOck(iM In l«apKiglit History In Win Owr liat (BY AL MOSES FO R AWP) YANKEE dUfTC- SIDE JUNE 22, M«tivat*«l by a bnraing 3«tir« to wipa »ut tko dafaat h* •«ff«radl at tka hand* of Max Sckmaling two yaars ago ia tU* aaaithitheatra, Jo* Loais, world’* haavywaight Lo«* ing champion, all but annihilat- ■il GormaDy’i graali champioa ia tha quickait and mo«t •«nia« llonal haayyweii^t fight rto- cord. Whlla a upon the vast aM«inb4j« that packed every inch of Jaka RupparC* Call park calmly and with great delibera tion. The b^ronsed wonder man dug his shoe* into the ring rocin, awaiting the clang of the bell. Even beft^e it* ominou* paal had aOundfvd, the "Nt!W LOUiS" bounaa3 over towafo* hi* crafty 'oniponent and ,«.tabbed kiaf^;^i^t1>^ two Kir? 1efr hand lead* tSat '*corei3 with the speed of rifle shot. A terrific sISbrt right to . the ribs that from... our press seat appeared to TEAR SCHMEIL- ING’S RIBS RIGHT OUT OP THEIR CASITMENTS. ..was delivered by ,Joe. For a second Joe forgot to get Jiis guard up and the German, as he did two WWAE (1190 k) Tuesday and Saturay, 2 p. m- (®ddie Onesty, Jr. pilots these pulse raising sessions of- recorded awing‘from Hammond, Ind.) PALMER BROTHERS, WMCA > yi T - GEE GEiE JXMES, CBS SoH. years ago, 'sms^ed through a hard right to the chin. Louis day through Friday, 10:80 a, m. (West Coast rebroadcast 4:80 p. mJ) Gee^Cf*#. ^portrays the maid. Tulip in ^Is popular daytime serial.) SOUTHERN HARM! FOUR QUAIRTET, N®C Blue, West Coast only Monday, j! a. m, Friday 1:30 a. m. 1 SOUTHERNAIRES, NBC Blue Sunday, 12 noon. Thurs day and Saturday 8 a. m. (Well known and talented vocal quartet. BIROM HARU!M, took it withoet blinking an eye, and 60r heart Seat Wre Jungle tom-toms. Suddenly, and with all the fa'l^ed power of the “Hammer af Tnor" Louis wont into aetion'. X left, another hook, a right; and Schmcling dropped to the canvas. Up at Referee Arthur Donovan’s fmir count, the German tried degper- perately to tie flie Bbmber up, biil it was no dice. A furious succeasion of the hardest blows mortal eyes have lamped, put Schmeling oq decic again for th'£ last time, tho most badly beaten fighter anyone has ever seen in so short a time. The crowd .weiy^ wild, LOUIS WAS UTSSIAILLY MOBBED BY ADMIRERS, a new page was written in MILLION DOLLAR FIGHTS and our great director CSAUDE A. ©ARNETT, was somewhere e«t ther« in that s31 of faces, as your other local correspondent (Alvin E. White and your wildly exci*ted humble servant. We never expect to live long enough to witness a finer spect acle than the splendid Ameri can Negro youth, keeping the title safe here in this country where we think it belongs. 7 uskegee Scoreas In 'hat*I Jntercol legiate AROUND THE TOWN AROUND THE TOWN WE GO AND WHERE body KNOWS WE ST(W NO. 1 ha* beliave that re-diecove red Minnje ,S* the ckarm at Ruth Gattis, anymore. I won der why he has lost all interest in this Miss. « . John Holloway, Jr. and Mary Clayton '^eems to be still loving her old L. McNelL Theii* each other especially the Sunday 'John H. went to Union Baptist Church. Mary Claytoh couldn’t set still no where. She'had the IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE OOILIGHT FLICKEltS' JOE’S MOTHER HEARS NEWS BOYS TELL OF SON'S WW DETROIT, June . 30, (ANP) I It wasn't until 40 minute after Joe Louis ha^ belted out Max with JOE BOSTIC, WMCA, (570 k) Saturd^, 5:30 p. m. (From NYC) WINGS OVER JORDAN, CBS Sunday, 10:30 a. 'in'. (Promlnenf guest). i; Scayneling Afe^sc^y wghl _*A>olla theatre, (By Alvin Mo*e* for ANP) NEW YORiK, July 2nd, Midge Williams, the pretty peach com- plexioned' lags wlfh the soft golden voice, literarly panicked the audience last Friday whea she blew into Frank Schiffman’s that his mother-vhaAHivJva had JOS LOUIS CONTRIBUTES $2,500 TO URBAN LEAGUE tramendosB Buccap in ^ world of sports is only exceeded by , in the big house hex son won and tnen the information came„frdm a newsboy calling out extras on a corner. Mrs. Barpow didn’t want to efther see tfie fight Qr^ear ' It broadcast. So she went out riding, leaving the rest of the family huddled .^abouC^ ilie radio had NEW YORK, N. Y. June 29.— Immediately after his one round victory over Max Schmeling this week, world’s Heavyweight cham pion, Joe LolJffs, presented the ' Nfttjpnal Urban League, through bit munAgsr^—^ohn Roxborougli •nd Julian 81»ek-^^vi$h n check ^r $£,500 as l)i9 eentrihution to wards furthering'*Jts w^rk thftt out the country. Receipt of'th* check was acknowledged by E.- K. Jones, Executive Secretary of fhA National Urban League. Di •ccaytfng the contribution, Mr. Joaea wiret« tim f.hampion, “Your VOTE FOE FORREST L C yPBr gan^roQ^ sp}r>^ | given het. its ^on as her car example tb»t yon rolled ^O a stop and the jbig and young roanhoed, gift I of the housp opened thp doqr, will go far toward enlwrfing | policep^aij pn guard in front portunity for the Negro people of the entire family- of cousins, our country, as this, you know,' brothers and sisters rushed her to see who coujd give her tlie most hugs ani! kisses. “I wasn’t worried saidi the later. I knew He was going to win^ _bec^use ne' lola 'me so! pjdri’t ■ you even have a radio In youp car? she >y^s askefi}. No I jiist 3ign’t want tP lis ten tP it, She dddri't have to spc/ke' u' one of 'Joe’s cousins, a little woman who said she was o.ne of the Barrows from Alabama. If you were in De troit, all you ~Had to do -was m Vhfii Mrs. Barrow teemed to be about tfie oaTmist person^ "" fn Detroit for the rest of t^ city, went c?azy. Tmgromptu dram corps paraded in Abe atraata cel^bran|ts da'need end' 'shouted jn the glare of burnfrig reS torches unt|T long past mid night. f... ****** ?** is the purpose and all, engrossing spirit 'of the National Urban Lea gue Movement.” The National Urban League hai been worjtfng sjppp ^r4we ftp livriwr conditions of JifegFOPS the United Statas, It bow ^ranches In 44 cities. THAT AD V E R T I S E wxrn JBUsaflt RepieseiMiee DORH^ COUNTY PRIMARY JULY 2nd secret '^ndasvou* wa* muck paUic Monday night. ~ xxxxxxxx Connie Springfield seems td be in “SAaSlETY” now. I d o you like Bboker Spaulding, Con nie. ' - XXXXXXXX Er\i|ir. Truitt an«| Dorothy Alton Is stiN STRCMLLING thougk LoVers’ Lfine. XXXXXXXX What, certain something does Qarl Cozart possess that attracts Louise Hartman, Hm-m, its a funny thing. XXXXXXXXX When sh« .^,A||Q4s out walking, she has the town talking, the girl in the bonnet of blue. That is what all the boys are saying rtmrr MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Jui^ 29.—Tuskegee Institute scored 14 points in the National Int«r- cbTtegiate Track and Field Championship held at Men»orial Stadium to tie Coiumbos Univer sity q| lndiai», Penn. Stata C^- leg*, Kansas State College, Pitt^ burgh University, University of Texas, University of California, Miami University, Univenity of Montana, Georgia Tech, Marquet te University, Harvard Univer sity, UniversHiy iS Oklahoma, N. Y. University, University o£ N. r 01.-J- Perdue Jittera. If Mary Tompson would let Walter Perry treat her right they would be great lovers. Mary Thorpe and Willie King, is still in the mood for love, xxxxxxx wonder ”^wir7“ (Smiling) Doom goes Hollywood Cafei five times a day ! Notre Dame Uplversity and it must be he is falling for the R*=e Institut etied for fifth- with C., Rhode Island' State, and Washington State. Southern'California won the meet with 69 3-4 points; Stanford University was second with 38; of~Michigan third with to the 28 1-2; Wisconsin fourth with Manager Jimmy Marshall has a man sized Job on his hands bringing a singer in” next week to compare with crowd pleasing Midge, Definitely Jimmy, she is on the Maxine Sullivan type, and that is competion enough 'tdr anyone^ alive as we view the situatics. “Sa)tc I i^o” Louis Armstttongf all Week long proved one thing^. i He’s tfie king of the trun^peffrs, j and in addition his mugging at the mike ins^es CRe crowd fori get all about those who figure to give him Bis stiffest competi tion. ■ T"" * And while on the subject of Trumpet King No. 2, we might add that looking around the house whil'e 'cbvefing the show. Ifeteir Yes she is the talk of the town, xxxxxxx 2 Mattie Pefl*p®^ys her Romeo is now thpj handsome Thomas Pretty, I don't know whe ther Mattie has eyes or not. XXXXXXXX Babies sure ' can grow up. Don't you think so Edna Lanier. XXXXXXXX Janie Thompson will have to find a new beau now. Don’t you think so Janie f XXXXXXXX BtCYCLE Riding is yeting to be a fad. You can find boys and breeiing along to paeall^. and happiness avery night a- rOund eleven o’clock. .Y E S it’s health and happiness alrijht. » XXXXXXXX John Devon is not making eyes “good looking brown” from Wil son, N. C. I mean he !s falling hard if thats^ the reason. xiMxxxx William (Big-time) Tuck has fallen in love with the (Socity ’ eighth with 16. University oi Editor) Miss Janet (Charms) I California *t Los AngWes wa* Blackwell. Williams. He can’t write for look- I ninth with 'l?, and . Columbus U. MINNIAPOLIS, Minn. Juac 29 —Newspaper men and track fan* were linjfing the praijes of Mo- zelle Ellerbee, Tuskegee’s star cinderpath flash, who won the 100 yard dash daring the meetirqf of the ^bt$onal InCerorflegiate Track and Field Championships held at Memorial Stadium, here, June • 18, when hte outdistanced the bept in the field to win the event in 9.7. He also ran fourth in the 220- ElWUee e«me9 from Tuskegee Institute, which was founded by the immurtal Booker T. Washington, in' the far South, at Tuske;g»e Tnititute, Ala, El lerbee is a real answer tc a eoaeh’a COUNTY SCHOOLS TQ LOSE .TWO TEACHERS 24 each. Ohio State University and Michigan State University * tied for sixth with 20. The Um=i versity of Colorado was seventu with 17, C/iegoh University^ was at her, all day. Perhaps he will take her for « ride in “The Black Dragon” the vehicle he is seen driving around the town. “ ' XXXXXXXX Clarence Wilson, new Ci’ack night linotype operator for this paper and pride of The Outlook Publishing Company of Winston Salem, N. C. spends his spare time at the Biltmore Coffee Shop making eyes at the most charm ing Rebecca Newberry whose presence causes many a heart to miss a beat. f ' At this moment I yish to^i pre sent to you a new character in Around The Town, it is “Anna- belle, The Green Dragon" the vehicle driven by Walter Swann and Lodig^ Austin. and Tuskegee Institute t ed for tenth with l4 each. Other scores were: Indiana U, 11; Penn. State College 10; Kansas State College 10, Pitts burgh University 10, Texas U. 9, University of Califdfnia 9, Miami University 8,- University of Mon tana 6, Prairie View Georgia Tech 6, Xavier sity 4 1-4; .Marquette , Univer sity 3 1*4, Harvard Univarsiiy 2; Oklahoma A. and M. 2; New York University 2; University of North Carolina 2; San Jose State 2; Rhode Island State 1; Perdue 1 and Washington State 1. According to a recent report from Luther Barbour, super- ipntftndent of the Durham County Schools, the Negro schools of the' county must sacrifice two of their already in sufficient number of teachers to the white syatemj. j Stagville ^andii |i(arlcham'i .Cha pel are the two schools which have been assigned one less tea- ’ther e>ch‘ for the new year while the' white schools. Oak Grove and Rogemount, will gain one teacher each. The reason given for this ap portionment is the continued growth of the enrolment in 'the white schools and the decreased enrolment in the colored schools;. The superintendent asserts that the decline in the enrolment «f the colored scTi'ootS grows out of. the fact that a large pari of the rural Negro population is mov ing toward" city. AME CHURCH RAISES $287,. 428 IN MONEY Washing^ —'(C)— Dr. John R. Hawkins, financial secretary of the AMi} ^urch, reports re ceipt of 12^7,425.74 in dollar money for lasf year, an increase of $8,489.74. The pension fund stands -at! 81,100^42, an-i the cash balance is $49,879.53. WAITER DROPS DEAD AT AT FIGHT NEWS SEATTLE, Wash., June 30, (ANP) Elza^B. Jonesr”f®-F-%ai ter for the Great ' Northern railroad, shtoi^ed, [Eb^s, Louis won the figHC JVednesday night after hearing th? then dropped dead. broadcast. I ADD -WAREN, .c oach o^ boxing I at Duke Universityi “Loui* was a perfect machine al young star of the . who did we glimpse ii^ the audir I Erskine Hawkins Did someon® J who on thi* occaiion had *uperior ence talking softfy wi^h~ Jfanft- j say, The king goes out to meet | mind and body . , , Schemling ger Marshall jjnf that sensation the king, or words to that eifect? ' looked nervou* and worriod." Marva And HarJernGo NOTE:—YOVK',«taeatidn wQl bt aaswered FREE in this columa ONLY, when yon includ» m tiippiig of tUa coiuma and sign jwnr full nMtat, iirtidat0, mad eont^cft adders to your letter. For a “Private Mpty^... stad oaly QSc) iaa a self-addressmd. stamped am^op^Jar ntfnaw ASTROlLOGY READING and receiye h retara nudi ARJEE ADVICE oa (3) Questiom. • Send all letters to: ABBE WALLACE, care of THE CARO LINA TIMSS. >17 E. Peabody, Street, Durbam, N. Carolina. NEW YORK, June 30, (AN Nicolas avenue m Harlem await P) Marva LoulS, lovely wife of the worTirs greatest fighter 'BTT nervous at o'clock WednesBay night as she sat with friends in the apart ment of Mrs. T^ae Savage on Sigmund IVleyer oOq pEMOCRADIC Ci^NDXDATE A r o n " » JU DG E lECOIDEIIS COURT 6om, Bred and Edneatod in Nortli Caroliiia • II I CANDIDATE OF THE POW-E • WHO DESERVES TO WIM injr the bout between band and Jlax her hus- Marva even said she wasn’t nervous, and even at five minu-> tes before the 'Broadcast started she was complimenting her hostess on one of the those big, wide straw hats. At 10, she sat by the VAdio, .playing with the dials to show she was absolute ly composed. Al the announcer began, she looked almost bored. wK^n Clem H'cCarthy Joe’s blows to Maxie’s face, she j demonsit];|al4&.| was the personification of calm [ there was no xio'ting nor nosa. shouted, He down! Schn^ling’s downl .With these words went Marva’s t-thihi T" She gave a^eir and calm squeal that didn't let up until long after the ca^ag« had been stopped by a merciJul referee. But lldtarva was not alone fn her job, for aff Barlem went as Joe atoned lot his sur^jHrke defeat of 193fi. ’ Over 1,000 extra patrolmen, 20|0 detectives and the crews of three emer gency trucks were on hand 18 T h e n j preserve order. Althaogh the described ^ crowd was enthusistic and untiF'-^Jday1>reak, were . (f}(ere any interracial clashes. . VOTE FOR D. W. (Doc) BROWN worn COUNTY W COMMISSIONER Damocralie IMxamrf 1 SatnrdAjr, Joly S, HetMitj C^iMlaiti9«, CoBMsmttve Gevemlwl l* AM ■B^ L. B. Does this boy I am in love with really care as much for me as he savs? I love him but I can’t seem to prove it to him. * An*: Ha doosa’t ,wiuat I'M prove it. .al|JkOa4|t ko; ,lait/awa perfectly well that you io lov« him. I would *«fge*t tkat yo« BOt get too iatiaMita witk tki* young maa for ka . doe* not kare Btarrlaga oa kia |a^d as M. D. A. WUl 1 be able to get a teaching position this coming fall or do ‘1 have worries be fore me? Ams It *ooai* ta tkat you wSI ko oloctad to teack ia either tka city or eO«aty school*. It might be well for yO« to aiake aoasa contact* *• tkat you cau feal raliavad ako«^ your work. ' E. ■ B. I have ^ tried ’ hard to J noney ia a *aving haak if jmm kave any surpliM ob hand. C. M. C. Am asking you please if you tmnk that I will be treated this wa.y alwaysl ^ Aj**s Oaly a*- leag""*£■ yw stand it. There is no r«a*Oa for you to kave""''(a'put witk IMng; abxue^; Coaja to tkgit dowB aad kava *aaaa kpad of under*taading right mmm.' Aa loKg a* you take bad treata*aat, " -yowWApiMir a" MPH— If I ask the man wko live next Soor for some money will he give il to me? ^ 6Am: ^ou^> 'oi aay*l|ua| ia eaougk, and ha is ako«t tad ay. No, disappoitnaat ia akaail far you you ' wp^raadi tka * jet t agaia right away Im doaia’t feel lika pattiaa a«rt aay uiera ai«M>ey. P. S. S. Does this utan that T vJr"- have been going witii aaean m* live tme to my hasbaad and I ^ any good,? want to know who carried that story to him about me. 1 found him at some ladv’s house but be said he was not going with her. What must 1 €0? ™Ais: ^op worrying about what your h'usBand ^lAuaas some one told him about yon. He knows perfectly well that you aren’t playing a game of this kind. Keep your cyM on l^iis and mate him to* tlw mark. M. W. Win 1 ever get my TffiT la* TkT ey back acauit I an worried to death? Aaat Nat a dMUM* af your ka’akig' 4i& eeeay retuT^od yo«. tm It trmm yo»|r je^fwa aatJ u ^ f«l«r« p«t yow Ab*: Ha Jp»a:.yia« alrif^l kat tkat i* aB. Da«’t axyact aMvvi* M* froM ya«r a«»o«ialfaa. W. C. tiy bosband said wa were gobig on a trip and f worked bard abbQt a month gett ing everyCaing together and now h esays h#'^ pot geiag. I believe tbat be b just potith^ and I want to know wkai I should do? Aa*; rigkt akead plan* aad pack kia atatfca* ikiButo you gat Vlajy out, ka will ka ka dM \f>uU ha adNlsakla itat Was ia a laa*l aMyAfaiF'' wroag witS kia* k«t Im lag aaid fm