Mailing EDITION ilPFROTH^BR® E afj DURHAM, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY AUGUST 13. 193S TRICE FIVE own PRINCIPAL ACCUSED OF SEDUCING GIRL; 6 TEACHERS FIRED $300,000 Buitding Program-Granted For A. C. College Race To Get More Jobs In Stores Operated In ✓ Negro Districts TO' APPEAR AT NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE VACATIONING (Spacial t« the Carolina' TiniM) NEW YORK, August 11— H)eralded am the irreatest newi to H8i|em N^oes ^ manj^ years was t the «KDoancemen| here this we«k that Ions fight tof obtain more jobs for Negro* es in Btorea ,located in Hartein had been won, as Uie result of an agreement reached between the Uptown Chaiaber of Corn- mere and th« Gre«ter N e w. York Cteorf^atfcig Committee for ,. The Cham ber of Commefoe bran^ if»- presented several htmdred- chain stores, while the Coordinating Oommifct^ miorR than 200 Negro organixa^iont. Signers o1 the agreement pro claimed it as a »t«ji forward in bringing about better relation ship between the races in Har- lem, long^considered as » ke^ of dynamite.. White employees according to the agreement will not be forced out of their jobs in Harlem aibores, 4ut in stores where less than one Uiird of of the emplojreee are Negroes the W'hite emj>loyfies wiU i>le replaced by members of ^ th e race when they quite are dis charged or transferred. The movement for employing more Negroes in Harlem stores has been headed b^ Ih:. A. Clay ton Powell, as ^airman of the coordinating committee, b a t due to his absence the sffiting ohaiirman D r. .William Lloy| , ^ , u j • 1 April, when the people of H»r- Imea took Uie head in culmuia- , ’ ^ i * * V « ttireatened reprisals agaJnirt ting the agreement for the ^ - .. .. , atores accused of' diacriminaiing coordinatuig committee. . ^ — i. ” ^ ^ *„ against Negro worken, brought The retailers promised not to * ” ,, 1 l**‘^®rs of boUi raeet tofather limit opportunities for advance-^ amicable CMMttJES M. BOYER - Dean Emeritus of St. Augustine College, Kaleigh, who is spend ing a quiet vacation at hia home on thii campus of the Episcopal institution. Dean Boyer is t>ne of thf outstanding educators in the vouth and one of the state’s "Grand Old Men of Education.” (Fouchee Pre«s Service). bf bound by its findings. _ Ooioperating stoirea >yQl be identified by « speci»l fign Iin4 t>e Negro ' have piomised that they will aeek to create more Jobs in th«*e stores by promoting Negro pfttronagQ. Pear of traeial uprising last Ushers Close National Meei In D. t WASHINGTl\'i, 1>. G, Am 12, (ANP)—More than 400 delegates and 61 visiting inini»- ters from all parts of t’lv coun- tiy journeyed lo'V tS? ^JSth annual WS'iior i *« Wa- itional.tJoitei AK‘^*ci;ui«n at Vermont Avenue Elaptist jphurch. The four day meet- ' ing closed last Saturday, with Brooklyn, N. 1939 session. Y, chosen for Speakers at tliei Wednesday public meeting were Judge Armond W. Scott of Municipal court, Melvin C. Hazen, district commissioner; R''v. H. T. Gas kins and Dr. W. A. Tolsoii hers from th;ce new altatee- California, Ntbraska and Oluo^jolned ti'.e aasocitetion./ Delegate Fred C»tt* of Penn^- Ivania preseptpd a resolution * to fee sent tp the NAACP, together with a pheqk for |26 iii support of an anti-lypching bill. 4lrr president of the assocfiation, W, M. p. Pavfj;, Washington P. G. presided and received re ports ^om various officials. Serious Charges Looiti Against Prof. Johnson In Sworn Statements ■ Miss ETTA MOTBN, popuiar star of radio, screen and stage; who will make an appearance in ocnceit at the N. C. C at 8 p. m. Monday Aug. 15. The recital is to be Jield in B, N. Puke auditorium in the boipe of an •etUemeh^ ! Among tkose \^1io praiaed the agireemeni] were N«wi^d Mor- ria,, President of Hye*«“ C i t y Cour^lil'' Borpu^ rtf^denl; Stanley M. Isaacs, Representa tive J(^ph A> G«vagan, Mrs. Elinore M Herrick, Regional Director of the NaitioBal Laiboa* Illations Boartd; Stat^-^^ator DuncwiT^'P. 0*8riMi wW man fThomw. Tfce list of chain* a^pres' sub scribing tfx the ^compact, the Joint Jit^tjement ctoidU inxfud/bsii at them had feeajp-^sustained by E. W. Woolworth and Co.; Mc- a joint Wbitf«tion\cblmmitteiB.'.Crory’s; W. "5. Grant and’Co.; An arbitratfon board of ten Da vega, BmscH' Credit Jewelers, five from each ,aide, will settle A. S. Bteck and Odfe and ■ -1 h e all disputes and bath sidea will Wisp Compa^. meat for Negw>esj to exert pre ssure of non-tfoopeawting labor unions to persuade them to a(teiit . Negroes employed) in stores v-oi4side Harlem and to ei^hew dis^imin^tory wage scale or disproportionate lay- ogs of Negro workem'in penoids of staff reduction. The Negro groups, for their ,part, agre^I ,to abstain from picketing, 1»yc^tts and other 'maaa 'dem^nstt’fitldflg j^a^iMt* stores, even • those not participa ting in the agreement, until i»hargm» «f Hiaj-rinninfttlon agaiil- Address Ch^ir^n J. A. Valentine of the host ' committee to the SBfe&op’a Coun>eiI and- Rel^ioua Convactlon of ttie A. M. iX Church to be held at Elttrell College aU next 1'6-lt announce* Charch and ^jj^sentativf bis* hops of the CMB " snd;»-^MEE churches will also take pArV in the session > which will begin Monday evening. There will also week, August J be Dr. S. S.* Morris, General thaH among S^c’y of tjie ACj^ teague; and the‘ outstanding panonalities to director of Rallgious education appear W program during the Dr. John Hawkina, Finaneijil on will be Governor Hoey Carolina and Praaident ^w of PidM Uliiversity. aec’y; Dr. O, Robinso. editor erf iile AME Review; Dr. G. A. Singleton of tlia Recorder; Dr. All of the HWi AME CJaybom of A»k.| Mi?*. Lu^y The iRnount of m^ey ^raised was announced .090.^3. OllctsrsElected at~ closing aeasion were; W. M. H. Davis, Waotungton; president; ^ Henry Sorrall, Maryland! 1st ' vice president;' Virgil Bbi^wai(3, Missouri 2nd vice president; Mrs. A. Lee, California 3rd vice pi>esi(^n(t; Mrs. JcEtsie Burnel/t W«|}iington, irecortlingi ^ be-eiMi- tary; A. Cox, New Jersey treas. SUPREME LIBERTY $36,000.0p(» SURANCE IK FORCE « • -(B|r Tuolt) first, swimming and diving exbib'tion ’ of the sea.^on _ h^Wt ;*t the hillside -Pai k pfol Jan4,^parti'^tcd in by ail the lumbers’ of pool’s st^* >va* ^ ' »ac?*?Vgr "wa^. The exhihition held at the pool Mon^ h.ght, Aufust 8 was large- ly attemled^a^jl .Ae spectators were highljt pJta;sed and at times enthusiastic at what they saw. This was *the first op-' portunity that tiie present staff Of ■ the pool has had to exhibit its wares to the general public and they really put it over in, grand style. The diving ex hibition was led by Miss Alice Holmes. Aside from the wo'nderful exhibitions of aquatic skill the antics of the water clown at- traicted much attention. The exhibition was presented under the difeetioq of W. P. Burg- hardti director of the pool, and ^ohn McLendon chief life guard. HON. ROY BOND Chairman of the Committee of- Arrangements ifor the Elks grand lodge co.iventicti* at Baltimore, August 21-27, who has everything all set for the invading antlers. Mr. Boni^ an attorney ef note with office.s at 14 E. Pleasant street, has prac ticed law for twenty-t h r e e years in the State of Maryland. (Calvin Service) Tti«et4New ' Buildings ^ Jn a special session of the the south and jitter these great North Carolina Legislature call- j'ailiitions' have belen mad'C tihis ed by Govern-or Clyde R. Iloey 'school will be second to' none, the bill for the appi’opiiiation. of According to the number of apt- fl2^500 dtollars to suflpjicment * plications from new students a PWA grant of $103,5Q0 for buildings and equipment at the North Carolina Col.ege. T ' h e -hill has already -iiassed the., lo^r. house and one reading in the senate and by the time that CHICAGO, August 10 (ANP) this peaches our readers it is Supreme Liberty^, Life probable that it will have pass- insurance company, whoM^*ed upper'house and the ap- hor. office is in Chicago, this * ixropriation granted. .If_.the bill weA issued its one millionth * is passed the money .ysrill go to'- Induetrial.v>^jRolicy through i t ejward the following ’additions to branch office in Kansas City, | the present plant, $130,000 Mo. The pwlik:y, dssuedi on for ^a i~, general science building which are continuously pouring in to the College the coming school year will open with the ■tei^est .. ein Qlln^.t . in the his^ tory of the institution. REV. COX CONDUCTS REVIVAL AT KJJHStON yjtSTON MANY $5,000 CAMPAIGN ;]>The big $5,0(10 prize campaign being sponsored by The CARO LINA TIMES is attra^ing wide attention. It is one oif the chief topics of conversation everywhere, at public gatherings and in many homea in every community. Peopl# in every, walk of life ape attracted ejr t h ^ i ftoagnificent prizes and many of’titgj || you'^^jr. the outstanding citizens have * ~ • entejr^ or are planning to en- to |win because the votes will be m«re evenly distributed. Don’t wait-get in it ' now when the compe^dtion ^ juij^ beginuing-if you are ISyears of 1 age or ^Jder you. aa'e eljgible Obey that i mpulse, make up your mind that you can do what others eaa do and p^haps beit-> Rev, W. P. Cox, ;|^sts*or of the ter real soo% Free Will 'Baptist Church has;p' ]ook at the list cf con- tlie life of Crey Edwards was written by agent Cliffqfd ^ M. iSpotsville. Clafton Hunt is manager of the Kansas City office. Thjis week ttie company also isaued) its 6 1,812th ordinary policy. It now has over |36, 000,000 insurance in force in cluding ordiiuury ii^lustrial andj group. It hwjover 650 people employed and operates 26 branoh offlcea in 21 cities of 9 atatea. In commeijting on'"the policy President Harry H. Pace said: “The isaurance of this one millionth polie;| is certainly Hughei, president of the wo- man'a home and foreign mission ary society. = and $li0,000 for science equip-} ment; '$15,000 for a laundry and $5,000 for equipment; $46,000 foi; a] Home Economics building and |S,000 for equipment. The state will also..^supplement ' |»57,000 alre^y .allottctt fm. - new gymnasium with ^ ' ..,000. Bids s. after the the , i; and ,it has beer -^nnoiinecd tl construction is scheduled to f under way not later than Ja uary l,. 1939. The N^rth Carolina Collect has one of the best plants in left for Kinston where he will con-iuct revival services for Rev. Dunn at the Free Will Baptist Church there. The services will be helcf*‘f0r one week. REV f i«»!PV wuTiIRNS I ROM ‘ AF.^lSBUR'k C/:V. .-'i •A H . P. Lil»sc„ .ha*: ( . L *wtfr .... ' ..If!, tb»' ■If'adfciship vhich was In ; time. " testanta and aee for y»>urse1f how many pjf our best p^ple' are in it and you will also ^see many of your friends name in thS IM. But don’t let the big list acare you as there is plenty of room for more workers and Lhe mote in it the easier it is Bring or mail ycur entry blank to campaign manager today, you \^1 find it in the adve.(3|?mei4t jon p«kge ^ve.... Turn toi\ it now and see what rich prizes we are ,* offering ua exchange for. some your time and? again we„ say OBEY THATttMMJLSE-Don»t 1^ that hunch get away-Make your entry today. (Contestants on page page 8> I (SPECIAL) I lUURLiNGTON, Aug. llth^ I Affidavits charging Prof. C. J. j Johnson, principal of the Negre {high aehool of Burlingtoin with > being responsible for the sadne- I th>fi of one of *^he girls of the I local high school, and »gned by i three diflferent SSuffttrtaf of th* ■ same s»»h- ’ -Aei e .-e»i re t^i^ we*k t»t a r«‘pr»'seR*att'.*e Carolina Ulm;'. when t'e at; nipt i|,I tif a.'wwptafir*' if my to. the p ,'if Pr ;f. JcftjR ion that ftav AiamanC* " f*- 1 .unit\ f )r tfco several months^ Tw„ ef the a\91Tavita are de finite in their stakemeota thai the - young girl in question ad- mit.*i that has been intimate with the prfocipal of t^ aehool, and that as a result of the inti macy she was about to become a mother on two different oc casions, and that Prof. Johnson srj'ceeded^ in jf^tting a d^ton in Green.sboro t« nreventi the normal outcome of her condi tion. / , laie^ third . affidavit while not bringing a denfinite charge against the school principal waa signed by the captain of the school patrol who, claims Miat on numerous occasions he has Jcn^Wft tile- trirl^^tir ' leave jfiftT*" books at school, apparently aa an excuse for returning to the sehiiH)!, instektf woud go there aixd remain witlft the pro feswr as late as fixe ^ e’eloek; the time for him to go oJf duty. Ihrof. Johnson who taught at Rutherfordtown last yV.e •. r, came to the Burlington achoel. system with L. E. Spikes (white)^, last "year’s apfwintee as sqpt. of ^e city schools of Burling ton. Mr. Spikes according to see-eral reliable citizene Uewot- ted Prof Peace With cause from the principalship of the school to make room for Prof. Jen son. In a previous statement to* • representative' of the Carolina Times, Prof. «Joihnson branded as false the chargres tha4 hia SHidQet has'not been aboVl^-re proach. He stated at tile time he knew the MourM_ of the chuges and that he’^ intend ^ etKTdischarginig seven m^hen of his faculty & the sekoul' of the peace breakers. S'x weaf^ he~s >f the faculty including Prof. Peace-‘and his wife were not reappoi^d at the ckae o thisr year’silmipo! tem. Nlop Jolmson Miiiii«s lo Program itfdl^tive of the^ remaa.kablc ^owlfv experienc^^l by this company in ’t« -i? jTeafr-sr^- istenje. ■■'J I" -Rfev. Lipsey • plan? to conduct' revival services this week at Freedom’i Chapel Church in Raeford N. C. and Sunday, Aug. If^e will visit his mother in Chester, SouCh Carolina. Bishop Bronfield Johnson presented anothe/; in his series of Sunday radio swrvices from the Mt. Calvary Holiness churth Sunday afternoon at the regu- standing room in the char^h and white and colored alike wer% scrambling on the outside tO the church. - The hour of of the ekurch. Tlie hour of REV. PERR|, AND MOMEKS LEAVE FCNt CINClNAm Rev. S. P. Perry i^presentatves of St. lar hoar front 8-:30 to 4:00 pt4*he aerviee whkA was IB. As usual there waa hard)Qf-| (^.£ASS TUItIt TO P eii and olkar ^ . - — Mark AME Zida ehttrek Mesday for Citteinatti, Ohio i^re they aril! attend tiie general ««»- ference of the Sunday ScheiH and Christian wfifc^i will ^onveW dnnii|p week Ai«uat 8- A^iapajiyiiig aire Mm. Perry, Miss Lucien& Beautak