VOLUME It NO. SS DURHAM. N. C, WEEK ENDING SATURDAY AUGUST 27, 193S PRICE • CENTS IN N. £. 10 CENTS ELSCWHEm ayne County Grand Indicts Physician For Abortion GOLDSBOBO HOST TO USHlBS MEETING Young Woman Barely Misses Death When Fire Destroys Building ACArNST SUNDAY FUNERALS BY NAVY ARMSTRONG, (TIMES CORRESPONDENT) GARYSBU^rN. Aogu*t 2*6—Lightning played havoc here late Wednesday afternoon when a bolt struck the Northhampton County Training School teacher- age and seriously injured Miss Mabel Wells and severely shock ed four teachers who wera in the dwelling at the time/ According to eye witnesses of the accident, the bolt struck a ti-anaformer atop an electric pole and followed the line ita to house where the young teachers were relaxing. Immediately after the lightning had s^ck, great clouds of smoke rose up, completely trapping Miss Wells who was knocked unconscious and pinned beneath faQing plastering and a bed. lyo bystanders re alized the fate of the young teachei' und rushed tft her aid only to find that the steps to the upper story were burning which cut off their entance. The men, Brucc Freeman and Henry King, then scaled tl»« side wall and en- VICTIM OF LIGHTNING MISS MABEL WELLS who was severely injured when teajherage where die Hi«»d in Garysburg was B^uck,.t>y lightning and was comp|et«ly moHsed. She was knocked v; tered the room of Miss Wells conscious and wa« pinned un^r wher« they ft)und her afire. She * falling plaster and a bed. was' rushed to a hospital at near | —————————— by Roanoke Rapids where she is sl^W*^ a critical condition. The other occupants of t h e housft were Misses Johnsie Har ris, Dorothy Jackson; Roberta Peyton and Gladys King. The latter was severly burned on her Now Open Te lAWR^CE, Kan., Aug. 26 —After barr^g Negroes for years from taking more than the firjt two years of medicin's at the state univeiaiy, Kanslis U. has changed its policy and this September will open the doors to colored students seeking their M. D. degrees. This lowering o| the bars comes about tnrougn the work of inward D. Wiliiaiua of JQjllau-. woith, Kan. a medical studenf, and Waitetf A. Huxman, the first Democntic governor of the state in many years. Provious- ly studenia after completing two years have been, advised to com- ladies. plete their trainings elsewhere, Robert Earl, principal of the Republican admintstia- achool, arriving shortly; after ! Won could be induced to change the accident aide^ in c a r i n g policy. for the teachers. School w a s | '^rjieu Wili.a.iua was asked to Or. Diliarg’s suspended for the remainder the Week u n t* i of continue, he weut directly to Decided Sat. EXTRA.' EXTRA! (Special to tli* J[^rol!na Time*} GOLDSBOIJO, ..Aug 24—The Wayn^ County Grand Jury founy a^true bill here Monday in the i|a3e against Dr. Clarence Dillard, Jr. well known physician of Goldsboro who it is alleged performed an illegal operation on a young white woman sever al months, ago thereby producjng an abortion. - The case has attracted much attention due to the interracial angle, and in spite >of an at tempt to subdue the rising in terest a large crowd attended this week’s sessions of the su perior court with the hope of getting a glimpse of the young woman and her mother. Knowlegde of the illegal opera tion is said to have been brought to light when the youjtg white MumaN^ Sfm Claia Hritt was ar rested together with her mo ther Mis. Miss'puri Britt and Tom Hill, Negro loyer of the y«ung woman, on their way to a North ern state. Mrs.* Hill ■ will be charged with aiding and abetting ia aboition, prostitution and Annual Gathering Of Inter-Church Group To —^ __ ^ Open Friday Morning REV. W. C. WILLIAMSON Pastor of the White Baptist Churoh in Philadelphia, Pa. who has made known that he is in | >knfi|»ledg«!* line with the CAROI^INA TIMES I Accoiding to an investigation in its fight against S u n d a y! made by representatives of the FUNERALS. Key. Williamson’s Times it is alleged that 1-— _ . 1 replacements • Qjjy Haxman iwuo cxnessed sur- legs. but was dismissed from the could be made in the faculty. hospital after receiving treat ment. i The house was a complete loss together with all of the personal properties, including a laFg»>«- mount of money of the young The teacherage was a two story dwelling sitting atop the knoll of a hill overlooking the R i e h Square-Weldon highway. It was completely covered by insurance it was learned. NMA Concludes Successful Meet At Hampton HAMPTON, -W. 5^. The 3i9th annual meeting of the National Medical Association and . agiliate groups held at Hampton Virginia 24,— PhanhacislF aEbuTd 'l^e safeguard ed. No system set up must rob the' individual of the right t o choose a physician. All regularly was attended r^&fared phygicians most be by'’TKe lar^st delegation in his tory, There jwere m°re than 2JH00 regfstered''. ddegHteu representing 39 states. Offlcers elected at this meet ing were: Dr. Jesse Leach, of .Flint Michigan, President; Dr. considered equally and must share,,, alike. . .and where this principal) is ^violated, federal funds will be withdrAwnf ’ until the ^cessation of discriminatory priteties. The committee recommended Halidlton yPntncis, of ; KortoiK" the I'dlidifring immediate st^ps Vs.; Speaker of the House of De-|“'That immediate investigation lei^tes, with Dr. E. T. Jones of be made to determine exactly Yonkers, New York an^ Dr. H,i E. Lee of Texas as vice presi-1 prise at this discrimination^ When tne board >of resell.s ' met in Topeka on Oct. 6, tuey voted to abolish the ban. A lattor in this decision was tne ‘establish ment of a new Negro wing at the University of Kansas hospi tal in Kansas C^ty, Kan, where the last two years of tiaining are Williams will be given all privileges enjoyed by white students except working on ‘white women patients^ but may but may work on white men if thsy do not object UNION BAPTIST HAS CANDLE LIGHT FARApE Sunday eveiting, %|>out 9 ^ o’clock about three hundi%d the Union Baptist Church parad- ed th» ol ham and .Sa^t £ml sections singing. The choir menrbers in the group led the singing and carried candles. The ‘group left Union Baptist Church marching and their first stop was at five pointa wibtee.they' saiig two songs. This was in the white section and tiiey were treated very courteously by pedestrians dents. In the Pharmaceutical section Dr. E. Weathers was elected secretary; GTeneral flwc’y of this section is Dr. John T. (Jivena f at NoHolk. A highlight of the convention ’w« the report on Socialiied m«(ltein*r- A portion • of this report stated: “Any proposed medical care legislation should not provide needtid'care f o r those able to pay. . .OrganiEed medteiiie must be permitted to play , an imporlnot i^ole in tiie preparation and execution of a i large federal proifram. ^ T h e of the Negro people, Kvgro Doetors, Nurses and what federal legiriation is baia|C "and atttemobile o'psratQrs alik^ proposed. That necessary From this point they marched to steps be taken to insure thm^ all corneV of Dowd ahd Elizabeth auch bills include provisions Streets where several other suggested by the Committee on sonj;s were sung and the candle medilcal eoot|iomip4 agdr«xclu(^ light services w%re dismissed. all provisions adverse to] its sug- 1' gestions. That the President,' chairman of the ^,«fecutivs board federal health service and all flfther r/oglraaei^ti^^ individuals or agencies be apprised of the stand and wishes of the Nat’l Medical Assfn on medttal care legislation. That the. Ass'h carry out organised effort to secure tile support of ••Coagreasmeii, public jbervanU and others." A special feature of the con- Receiving the -Awards were Drs. John Kenney of Newark and Ceorge W. Bowles of York, Pa, and John H. Hale of Na^ville, Tenn. For. the first time in history the association honored living mefmbers for eonspicious achievements in . the field of medicine. Thogi honored in th« special services, were Doctors complete statement cn the* ques tion will be seen in the Carolina Times for next week. R e v. Williamson preaches at JJniMt Baptist Church Monday night, August 29. Mol) Vietim’s KitSues for the courtship of the couple has been going on for some time, and that only when the young nmn and young woman heard that the law was cognizant of j i their relationship did they attemp^ * to leave the st^te. 'After much questioning b y the police defendants named Dr. Dillard as the physician who had performed an illegal opera tion on the- young woman. Although the trial of Doctor Dillard is scheduled for this week it may not ^le^ieard at this, term of court due to the crowd ed* condition. Should the case be tried it is expected to be com pleted by SaturdayAug. 27. ventionjwa* the awarding of tb«^ A. M. Chirtis of Washington; J. ■jgirer Moving cups for weriter- E. Perry of Kansas City and J, JOBS a«rvict by Dr. W. flsstnM h. Sal* of NashvUU^ M^PHIS,' Aug:'”"2^." (ANP) he madu no ef- fort to protect his prisoner frqn^ the lynchers, attorneys for Mra. Mary 'Goodfji Patterson, sister of Albert Gooden who was mur- dered by a mob last August itear •tsfton, Ark, filed suit last week here in federal court again st Sheriff W. J. Vaughan of Tip ton county, Tenn. “for $25,000. The bill says, “The defendant, W. J. Vaughan, was wholly ne- gHgelrt -of-iHa.duty to safely take, protect and guard fhe' prisoneFr He made no effort to diaw a gun in. his behalf when he was stop ped by the lynchers;, he offer'ed no resistance to their attack, but apparently exposed the de ceased to the attack in.the man ner in which he (the prisoner) was brought from the Shelby county jail.” Also named coaefendsnta were John Winford, O. L. Mc Lain, J. L. Richardson, John M. Walker Sam Smith and Wm. A. Shoaf, bondsmen for the sheriff. Gooden was arrested on char ges «f .flaying Chester Doyle, marshal 9f MaSoh, Tenn. during a raid upon a crap gam e Brought here for attfek^ping ^ MADE ARRANGEMENTS FOR CONVENTION Times Contest BIGGEST VOTES ARE DURING FIRST PERIOD OF CAROLINA TIMES CAMPAIGN The big first period in The Carolina Times campaign will close in three more weeks. It^ k the bHrgest and best vote earning period of the entire campaign so if you are aiming to win one of the beautiful cars at the end of the campaign now is the time to bring in as many, subscrip tions as you can and to take ad vantage of the highest votes offered. ' i If your name is iw'tbe Jist of contestants don’t overlook this ' Mr's. Ruth H. Moig^'ti, Sec^jr of Ttie N o r t h Carolina In terdenominational Ushers Union, opportunity of getting in ail the I Mrs. Morgan is a leader a the subscriptions you can by Sept. I promotion" of the work of the 17th, after which day the votM are reduced. Intel denoihinational|| Usheim Aji- sociation of North Carolina in her section of the state and has If you haven’t entered yet by , , , , ,, J 1 done more than her share to in- all m^ns don’t wait any longer,, . . ... sure the sure the success of any and all programs sponsored 'by send in th-e Entry Blank you will find the advertisement on page five. The campaign is just getting organized so you are not to% late if you hurry. the association. will eppeer in fhe li«t where your friends will see it. By entering this week and "*** waiting turning in a few subscriptions ] ‘^at soon it will ^lace you well up in the liat of contestants, Iierhaps j ^ ® up among the leader*. Don’t wait p^^*®" to gee what others are doing be-1 Make your entry now and as fore you gend in your name be-^ soon as your name ia turned in cause the longer you wait .. .the to the campaign manageV he will harder it will be to catch the get in touch with you immedi- j rights of all oppressed people, other and another, good reagon ately and tell you all about it. j The public gathering of t h for actli^ now is so your name LET’S GO-DO IT TODAY. ) (PI«m« tarn to pag« eight) GOLBSBORO, Aug. 24,— More than.SOO ushers and vi«i- j tors are expected here this week for the annual meeting “of' t h • North Carolina Interdenomio*^ tional IJshers .Ass’n according to an announcement mad* by officials of the Iceal Ushers Un- ^ ion. Fimtl pk^ns for entertain ing the convention were Coni- pleted here this week, and tha visitors will find hcspitality a plentj;. The organization is one of th« largest of its kind in the United iStates, aiTd its marv^Ioua "grow th for the past three or four j-years means that in a short time ■ its influence will be fait throogh j out the nation. The North Carolina lnt«ide- nominational Usners Asa’n was oiganized years ago in gfoihMfb'-mmu and wlo were Kxi»us t« see harmony prevad smcag the ious tjijigiflua, denominationa of the race. A. R. Finney of Winston-Salem was elected praa. of the association. He was succeeded by J. O. Mitchell of Raleigh. Sinc^ that tim* t]i« a^ociation has had at ita many strong ' and capabla era who have werked eameatly foiji the upbuilding of th* otv ‘ ganization. - At ^the meeting held last year in Durham L. B. Austin, editor and publisher o# the Carolina Times was elected president for two year term. Mr. Austin who will preside over the annual meeting is well known in North Careline as a fearless leader of his race and a champion of tha League Has^ B e s t Gathering I n ..u HOUSTON, Tex. August 22nd Roscoe Dutijee Oklahoma City, Dunjee for ANP)— were^introducad for toasts. Fully ^0 delegates and ^oustohiahs Th^ largest deleggtian that has J. WILEY THOMPSON of^ Goldsboro, who has lead acti vities in that city in preparation for the entertainment of the annual convention of the Inter denominational Ushers A s s ’ n which meets Aug. 26-28. ever attended the National Ne- gre Business League heard Ma- yJr R. H. Fonville"deliver a rous ing welcome Wednesday morn- at f:he Antioch Baptist church. “We are .delighted to have y u;” said the Mayor. “No other rape on earth has made t^e pr^grl^s of 'the Negroes in the Sdutherh sectie^ij^ of the Unitied States, and as the chief executive of great city, I want you to know that lye down at the City Hall are going JiO do everything that is‘ hma&nly jjo^ibie cQ-.^»ke your stay pleasant.” Delegates .began pourmg into the city* Tuesday afternoon, and by night the streets were jammed with the delegates and cars com ing from as far as New York, Michigan and from poiAta far- ^r S o u t h. The delegates ° Hng were for trial on Aug. jW, 1937, when th^;;^erfff’8 car was stopped, ,l^y another auto, the pirisoner ^ken .■^ant.,an^lyiiched. j» ^h«. gprand jury attenaptsd to when feeling* ran high, ha waa the nuktUr but eould fQ no- ^inff r^tamed in im apn e»r t wb«r«. were served among tha tall pine trees and «n the well kept lawns of the brewing company. Follow ing the luncheon, the delegates were taken for a whirlwind en- teitainment at the Hallem gttll. card ir guests Tuesday evening of th/6u1£ ©rewing compan^k^^-wiA^jj^p.ny ,t>f Manphis. C. F. Kichardrion, of the “Hous ton Defander” acti^ ag the mas ter of eieremoniea. A dutch lant^on waii President C. d Spi^ulding, Albon presented for the'evetting. At the morning session Wed nesday, in addition to the wel come address of the Mayor, the vice pjesident' and general, man^ ager of the Houston Chamber of Commerca, W. N. Blanca,—da^ livered iP^pirned audreSSr- Jemison, “Bronzed” Mayor of Houston, John Rica secretary of tiie Chrand United Order of Odd Fellows, also-delivered welcomes. Response was' made in a very fitting anfl impressive way by Dr. J. E. Walker president of the Univprsal Life Insurance “■Ehe Firat Savfnty Five Years’* waa the aubj*^ of a siSto- did address bf At^i A. T. Wal- AtlajBtai a..*Ty gm*. tha acoiioiatG L. Bototy, Mcpatajry, and Editor path op nUeh tii« Uack n»a kad come since Appomatoi. ■ FoH«. tr- ing the address of Mr. Wajaen the conventioh then, under tka plan outlined in preparad program, stai|e^~ dijteu^tloii^ ^ith the following leaders; tft- suiance, L. C. Blount, Detroit; Banking J. B. Blanton, Atlanta; Ge»rge Cox, Durham and WlUiam Coleman, Port Worth, wtry dis cussion leaders. • At ^a eoa- clusion of these diacuaaioM^ President C. C. Spaulding ap pointed the yaric-us' committM which will '^UBCtiM) deeiag tlM session. At the afternoon, saaaion, Mfcao secretary of tha" J^las Ne^o Chamber ;f Com- meree,~^’^K2?s*i ,«busia8ai > or-,* ganixation methodsT who thinks his job ends •neeting competition and giriaf "wrvide might joat as Vk^asttphy of « iniBi- aa i|i| bed; we must go.lMhiad vice and our pri««« lia ~ our customacs wUl ^ 'nwer and sviteUa in wki^ to nrs the tttiB9«fdry a

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