ieaclies Tlie Hass 1)1 Readers -♦- i- MJ8WW, (I g/ Ctnw0 VOLUME NO. IS Number 97 ||§@feUTHl!blBRi^EI^ DUltHAM. N. C. Wzhs. ENDING SATURDAY, SEPT. »4, 1»M Maulng EDITION i CZNTS IN NOBTB CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY LOVER KIDNAPS ASK DATE FOR PARDON HEARING OF SGOTTSBORO BOYS Farm Hand Abducted And Badly Beaten After Ignoring Warning DIVORCED (SPECIAL) RALEIGH, N. C. S«pt 21«t— Eddie Writht, $0 year old farm band was kidnapped thi> week and taken into Johnston County where was beaten by hi* abductors an] warned not to retarii to Wiike County f,less-! ■ hf w&>l^ %o be killed. It is the general 4>elief that rivalry over |he a^ectio|)8 of a young woman was tha^ motive behind the kid> Wright etated that two men tbok him in'an automobile and took him to a point near Prince ton and there released him after shaving the hak- from his head and beating, him about the body. He told the investigating of ficers thjft he had ignored • re cent w^roing to stay RF®y I*"®™ my t Alex ©vans near ^euse *a» arrested as the instigator of tho 'Ttidttaipr mg d • B 1 e 4 the charges. The victim had sai.i_ that e recognized Bvanif voice AT COLUMBIA TO BTUDY Dr. George Evans Dies / RALEIGH DENTIST SUCCUMBS AT MIS HOME RALEIGH, N. C., Sept. gOth —Dr. George E. Evans, promiii- «nt dentist of Raleigh, died at his ho»»«, Harrixig- ton St, shortly after 8:^ o’clock Sunday. Having practiced den* tistry in the city for ^enty- five years he was well known an^ highly respected. I)r. Evans was *«Jin in Ra- on _ December 1C, 1883. After ‘attending the local public #i»r$hpr#(| hlfi edflpit of muaic at the N, O'* 0oll«g# HoWirj, Uni^rsHji, who will be on leave ef lAeehce , Silrviving are his wifa and' a music at Cohimfcia Univetalty. Ura. Edwards ia th« wife of §s one of hjs twQ jbduetora. He | Prof. G. A. Edwards, well known F** X^ortl tMijyWT. to I tnoittntrf ilamea.-^R» .iunfsM 1W: i- «* I iieid at four p. m. Tuesday., it^ijldfolde^ an il^orth CHroHl^a Negro Fair For Durham County To Open Here Police Fish Gruesome Remains Of Dismembered Body From Tar River Woman HeM D»lardHead For Abortion The formef J. County Superior Court presided WftDcer. who before her marriage gufge Marshal T. Spears t9 William"?. Walker, asiistftr'Tei^^’li^lfweeli^Ml*.' Wal|gw#^iil^ Mcrctary 'manager of the South- j granted '~4 divorce from his wift ^tn Fidelity Mutual Life Insur- on the nds of desertion. The ance, WM Mise Georgia Stieatoi-, Ifoimei'^tis. Walker 1^^^ teacher At • eivfl term e/ the Durham in Durlupi City schools. ^ SffbseripttoiiB Pourln On Times Big Campaign Under Spon«or*kip of Waavar McLean Post , Of Amarienn Legion An All Negro Fair For Darknoi County !• ‘fa B, Th. Wf# everything in my pojrAr to make the Durham County Negro Fairj a succesa apd I am certain we | shall hava on display a grand ^owii^ of prodveta from t ii i, farp^ fey B^aa|bara of ons- I end or FIRST P « R 1 O D S 11 t N Q » FLOOD OF 9UB SCRIPTIONSIN CAM PA I a N OH, BOY! HOW IT'RAIIWDI There was water, water eyery- whera around Durham during t^a iMt d«y o tti« first period of TIJ* CAROLINA TIMES b i g priM campaign. But, that was n't the only downpour, there was another which made us ery happy. It was a flood of su$>scrip tiona which decneded upon the iio (SPECIAL) ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., Sept. 20—The suspicious and curiosity of ambulance driven led to tliii of Mrs. Malissa Lewis, colored tenant farmer, on a charge ef aiborfion on a whit^ woman. Sh« is being held in tlM city jail without tHfnd. The white woman involved was toto have remained at the hospital for ten ' da^s b«t be came frightened and wanted toi' be taken Korna. Instead of hati— hoiiM har aside jli^mioA ordered hert to be svut to the home of Xiewis. -liis JiimucMom wfr*. »rii^ and the drivers of the ambulance reported what had happened to the police. ^e«Bt information revaeis that the young white woman, whose name officers will not dis- •iMa, has apparently recovered from the effected of the alleged illegal operation. Nash County Court records show tfiat Mrs. Lewis received a sentence of from three to five \. To the elation of the entire Negro population of Durham Couj^ty surroui)din| ^pi}- lory for th# ho}dh)g of &yrha« ty*! f$rtt »il K>»ro fair, Almeit to a person of the race In all vrattJi of are landing every posstWa aid to aasisUng those who ara be hind the project/ For years members of the race have talk ed of givirtg to the Negroea of Durham Couiily thefr own bona fide fair. But up until this year' pledged thair whole4iaarted aap- f(jr ope reason or anothar ^^a W»M*a thla the initial at- pla^S never luUy Tuaterjalised. te^pj p h9ld'a_Na^o ^}r It remained for ^e fe#ii*ra agd purtam IpoufiW # fjjecf||. fnefi^ers of ^e , r - '-W- post Np. ni of the N # # r American J-egion ^f County to put tlieir i^oolderf to the' wheel and definitel|r etm aor |he faijf. ^oupd headqujkrteri o« Fe|ti: ew Strfct activity tos peaohe^ » high peak |4^onn|^a‘ |a]q|e« a»e*K- AS Roc|( Mofnt, |f. tjier active ^ai|)ber pf th« goat,' ;?• is also busy asBsting.^KpCpKhs for the lorthcoml^'l^r. w. I President Bcfratfyy ef ^ North CivPibw lf«l^ 141* l«* sur»n«« Oonpimy »ad • trtrjr ■«- tive mamb«r of fha We«var Ms* Lean post rf ^ Aawteen i* gion, ia lUso devoting a n e h time to assisting with the plans of tiie fair. Other Negro Difrtmesa men contacted hava atio to a In MISS BOLDi^N KILLBp 4C|:rDpiff pr T- i'sw* IW §i§.ow M!9S p. u MOOfiE, e»;h#in. N, CT - » ■■ MRS. LyvEfllA CANNAPY HICIW, H, «• «W,09Q MRS. MARY waller BANKS, OariiMI, Q, 897.000 y. i. THOMPSON, L»!i|b«rt«n, N. 6, «7,(MM) 804.000 'K6,000 880.000 --876t0M 848.000 5;!j0,000 348.000 • 284,000 »«78,000 - 278,000 EMMCTT T. GEORQE, WMteviUa, M. C. MRS. H- ». NUNN, Dwknm, H. C. MRS. E. W, GREEN, OarUui," N. C. JUSS ROTUER LE£ SUCCS« »mw liil^ N. C. MRS. L. C. KERNS, WInetoa-Saleni. N. C.^ MISS Mabel powell, aintoM, n. c. MRS. GLADYS LANGLEY. WkltevUia, N. C. - MISS EVELYN V. TYSON, Meb«ne, N. C. MRS. E. W. MIDETTE, DwtIumm, N. C. MRS. HELEN WILSON FALLS. Wiaston-Saleni,C. MRS. GOLDA E. WORTHAM, Goldsboro, N. C. MISS ANNIE M. MURRAY, MISS WlLLiS JUANITA THOMPSPff. Pnl.?^, N. - G. S. GANT, HilUN»ro, If. C. . ^ '. ,— MR^. C. If. CUTCHIN, F^aWM}- If, C, , , ■ . . REipSVILIipS, N. p. Sep». ?1, Everyone i? hap4 {■—Mias Gertrude 8ol^en died at :^rjt. T?»e Commander of the | here Sunday as repuita af Injur- post, W«Jtar Ifardy, ftated in tn ies sustained when L. E. PLDIFORD, Brooklyn, N«w Y9>-k J. C. LASSATEB, A»«, % p. r-'T-r. , : MR#. CLEPPATHA M- BLUE, N, e.. KENNETH §HAPE. ff, e. .■ ■ MRil. RMTH MORGAK, WfMfll, N. e, ~ M. EYAN«. Afmn, n, Q. ■ - ■ , Hiss ei^anqr r. ^ones, iua«t«B. n. c. - CUY MAZYCK, Pwrliaiii, ff. C. the auH-1 MRS. ERNESTINE BUIE. IHtrimm. N. C. Interview th»t th« Vaaver Me- mobile in which the was riding MRS. CLARANETTE BROCK Maaat Oliva N. C. rah. MRS. PAULINE BALDWIN, HaUtbara, N. C. Jjean post jroposea to give to the on the Thoraasville Road - meni'b**™ of its mce a* oatetand-, out into m field, and tQrnad ovar.' JOHN W. FAUCETTE, HilUhara. N. C Ing high clals eoonty fair and ^ 8®^»t other peraons ware in , MIM DfMlcyTHY-MOOREdasfctaa ft. C. that all memibers of the organlaa- the car whan the accident oe- ^ MRS. PATTIE HOPKINS Ck«pel HU| fit C. — tlQB had pledged tBemselvei to curred including John BlUngtoi ^ ED, GATCS, Roaboro. N. C. - ■ . . ■ i. tutiport tame to their tftmoat, [who suataiaed a brokaa back | MRS. CI.YDE JONES, WliMsoti,..N. C. r« T. A. Ham'me, tHe genial farm , and John Harrison who anffered! MRS. MINIHe SMITH CIm|mI Hfli N* Ci ——. agent for Durham County an4 j minor Injuries. The driver, Jam- j JM1N HOLLOWAY, D«rham, K. C. ——— ant of tha onatanding leadani of, ei Lamforda, has been released ^ ROSCOE CRAWFORD, RoldsaUla^ il. C. the race and wbo ia also an aitlvaton a $Wo bond ^i^ng a Jury , A. J$. LOGAN, W*"dlal, If. C. ■ ■ i— —- |«f»oiiiJara. "I wl» #« i»vMltt»«0«i * « SCURL^K, OvdbaM IfWui Caraliiia m -299,Qf9 -^,oqo aif.009 -2gQ,O0fl ?OQ,OW m,m 17i9||000 170.000 148.1000 130.000 -120,000 118.000 118,0011 -110,000 -lOiS.OOO 108,000 - 88.000 - 88,000 • 80,000 - 78,000 - 78,0100 - 78,000 - 88,000 - 88.000 manager from mans places. Tha list of subscibers took a big' jump upward and t}te first period j of the big campaign was a huge success. The race for the two beauti ful cars, and other priaea ia now tighter thai^ eve|^ ap^ }t l««ki like a «ght to the |i^^ ^tweea several of |h§ eoii&itMtc. week^ list shccWB below clearly illustrates how clo#e they ar* running and pauae now would be unwise, If you w*Pt to be a winner KEEP RIGHT ON WORKING, don’t lose any time, for the next three weeks, 'Go after every subscription you can get and rush in all you can by October 1st, which is the end of the se cond period. "The votes take an other drop after that date so get them while they are higher. It’a votes that tell the tale at the end of the campai^ 44 MV IT WITH VOTES an^ flriva honie one. of the caya Qti|obai' IWh, , Drr Wa:-St««rr fMsim department, nts turned iii st^scrip to the camiwtgn iyaara 4» yftSS- ior parfarming an. a&ortioB. President of Dillard University New Orleans, La. who announces signtficant deveTbprnenia Tn tte ed uc^ional program of the cot- lege. iliarc ia being introduc- e d ia tha OMirsa of study, “Floriculture,'' a«der the inatru^ tion of Fra^k G. Mackaneaa, Gardena at New, Gtfglana, at Gardena at Sew, England, at the University of ^brijge, and. ai. tba^llflv. York Gardena. '(CsJvin Service) ^ BY R. D. ARMSTRONG Cnoiee Repr—ntnlHw) ROCKY MOUNT, N. C.. Sapt. 20*—Historic Tar rivw sava ap the solution to tha most heiiMaa crime ever committed in tlMa section early Sunday, wIms tha dismenblrad body of QlaraM:* Thompson was fished from tha slowly winding -rstream a few miks north cf this city. Thompson waJ fatally snat by hia half-brother, john TfiMBMS Edwards, in the Gold Rock aae- tion of Nash Couqty laia SribRv day night, and his body was brought here in Edwarda* amo- mobile and hacked into sa^Ten parts during tha height of a tar- rific thundei- atorm and thrown into the river shorty tbcfora tha break of dajp- Edwards- first denied a ■ y knowto|H^ ojr^ha crtaic^ M««r- ever. d^-rf*iag him far a»~ veral haaxa. NaiA Cotusty’' secured a fall upofeartwi were le^ fea tim ^ ~ 'i^t alaiit river bank wlm-e ha had chufpsii his brother apart by 0ie U|^ af the lig^S^i:'Aa tha nawa spra> over thla comMwaity, thanaaaia Do C. School Not B„aptist Confab —- ' oOo- ' “Bnptiit MmiMm" WASHINGTON, Sept 18th, (CNS)—Tha National Training School for Women and girla in Washington, D. C. of which Mias Nannie H. Eurrougha ia the ^esident,^ seems to have “g o t fbe double cron” at the reicant annaal meeting ef tha National (Baptist Convention, iSapt. 7-.11 in St. Louis, Missouri. Montgomlsry. Ala., chairman of tba. Convaation’a standing. Coni- mittaa for the Promotioa of the Work of Tha Training School, attempted to present a raaola- ^on. signed %>y Mrs. Sarah Fiahai- Brown ■cl Nawiiaa. Gaowia; Mra. M. H. Vlowars of ChaMaaooga, WhiteWoman Beats Chill RJ^LEIGH. N. C. Sept./®2nd. (Special)-^ra. Mabel / Terek, .white f)6*m'woman of near Apex, was convicted in Wake Coun^ Superior Court of whipping Mary Lee Gunter, a sevan year old Negro girl, AWis*^. the found tha^ wffl»ap flinty. Judge W. C. Harrlt cbnflnuad Jftdgemenfr ,in *br ca*e until ti»e October term. The victim of tJi« de clared that the white woman witeped her with a hickory j^i^h iMcausa she spoUi to m Mrt, Tuck** d«|^tri. of people lined (hy lonriy tsy road atong sil» tha rtraass and watched oflkars fish t h • members of Thompson’a ho«ty '«0>t of tha water {waca by ptac*. His le|[s^were dismembarad |u( below the wniat line and t - h a tewk oJ tjte body waa split epoa. Both arms and tiie head w«va ~ - * severed. Tie arms have not been found. Althoui^ there ware no witnej^s to the shooting, it learned from ' te relMihla that Thoini»on tad moved hia family to Rocky Mouat eaarltsr in tha weak and had ratuma4 ta hia former hoDsa m Rock aactioa, aboat tea saUaa from hare, Saturday n^t ta gat some chkkana ha had laft tiMre. Edwards, it waa reported^ objected strongly and tha ahaat- •r» ing folkwad. Edwards was beiag |mI4 ia the Nash County jail withoat 4l» privflege' of bond today. P^aar- al arrangements had not haeft complatad at prsaa tima Moaday. The victim is survtvad hy %!• Tenn.^_ Mrj- Sankh E. Laiwia of,wife, L^oaa Thcmpaon. tha Diatriet of Columbia; Mra. | ■ Viola T. Bill of Orlando. Fla.; the right ia that great school %M Mrs. Gibbs which in part plant slid in order to fu i thsr read; the influence of tha aelMfdl and “It la not the-desire of t‘-)r^a secure greater financial aanpart. Woman's Convention ta aavar are atpprove the saggaatad its connection with The THihaing that the name f the> School at Waahington that we changed and that the continue.^ to claim ear eqatty and bi-racial.” Clemency For Wrlglit/ Weems A nd Norris Afk«d Th* loQg dlscusaed “Relation ship of Hie Training School to the NatiQnal Baptist Convention attracted large delei^tioas from •very section of the country, and it was apparent that th^ came prepared to pass upon the recent pro|)osal of the Board of> Direc tors of the National .Bfcpttat Convention to withdraw all con nections, allegiance and support from the institution. Notwitbatanding this drastic and aeni»tional proposal, the convention was never allowed to pass upra ’ttie resolution or even the aubjaeli in open meeting. The School “got the double croij” whe„n. Mrs. S., W. Ijiytan of Fhlladalphlir eet ^-4^ for of tha Woman's Oonvwion. »P|dte*««tt o^ batelf of Andj *brought tha s«*jact before fta Wriifct. Charll* Wta»a a » 4 dMegatea, in bar annuAl maaaage Claraaea Kavilt. HoWaw, i ftnd to Mom th«m to cim lifco ft i» tiltik aide* the question on the'floor of wiU probabtr «at ^ m to aP9«^ te ^ II. , I, tta twwaation. hia aealaw. : - Mia. H. K. Oibta ^4^ wwa » b m MONTGOMRY. Ala. Sept. 10 (ANI*>-rAUio(a^ Qaaeral A. A. Carmichael waa vaquaittad Friday by Morris Shapiro. 8cottahor > Dafenae comaittaa counaati* to ^tui^wg boys racea^ ia a foie the pardon hoaocdL 'At kima Ot Mate rilaaad, te pardaaa far Ibfmali lntteeaoB and Oaia 88^rASiL^driL^18Lfe« |l9 bright wwr« *pr tiaee time for a .Sj, ii 'Rr ^

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