HOME EDITIUN volume 18 NO 42 SATURDAY, OCT. 2»th, 1939 p)|llCf I CCWTS NO ARRESTS FOR LOUISIANA LYNCHING Jury Runs True To Form; No One Identified NEW YO«K, Oct. 27, (SpecmU —A prediction that the gjancl jury inveatigatitfi of the hot -p«lwr lyncfainff h«i*« Oetobei? IS, of 19 year old ’^’omiwie-'WiHiains would result in • *'whitewaij t o* thtf entire aflfair,” was conl'irniec; here Tuesday, October 18, whon*ter said in part: no indictment waa> returned on 1 “We are further the gi'ound that the evldenci!, that at least one of presented was insuDicictil to bring action against members of the mob. The prediction was conta ned In & letter written by Walter White, executive- secretary of the Nktional Association* iov the Advancement of CcJ^ored People and addressed to . Senator A. J. EUender at his home In Houma Louisiana on the same day the grand jury made its report. A copy of the letter was al.-.o sent to theSenator’s office in Washing „ton, D. C. Pointiag out' to the hoiTibl'.’ torture of the • victim and the mass approval from th« c»imi- munity of whites who witne.s^c.d If, White asked the senator who-; ther this was .not further con vincing vldence “that the only of Mvini^ucB a eommtiniiv is federal legislation against IrBchlaf." JBUender played a ii'Bctionariea in the Senate dur ing the last session of congfcss. He talked for six days against anti ijTIClitftg tni. Setting* forth facts reporter* by a white Louisiana invastlg^ tor, the NAAiCP secretaiy’s let said in part: informed the four leaders of the mob had previous ly participated in at least two lynahings.” “We are told that at kHst ninety fim per cent of the v/hite people oP the community not only favored lynching bui were enthusiastic. One white minister spoke for himself aijd otrers when he said that ^ they would do nothing and wouM remain entirely aloof from anj' efforts to restore decency to the community in helping to appre hend and punish the lynch'r».' A' student' nie Institute is reported to have declared “I didn’t out thare until he (WIlliamB) . had be^iv shot to pieces and tbep I iot out a big whoop. I fait joit 'ike the home team B*d won.” we ask if you do not ag>'eu th#t I l^e only hop* of saving funb Governor lo Speak At A. A and T ART STUDENTS HONOR DEPARTING DIRECTOR ieBding' pirt in >^ 30 day fili- j community ii federal loaiwtation bister condncted by southern I against lynching.” N.C. Mutual Celebrates 40th Educators To Be Prmt & 1. College Highway Patrol Uses Tear Gas In I ReignOITet r Last week the dramatic laK 'A *7ittitr T. gathered in the imr.'al ^tage laboratory .to give, i.fare well party to Ptrcy Bon«i,- tht*ir director who is ' IcaVin" 'me college to t a k e up duties a* Director of Negjto Division, N. C. -branch MY A. J^-. Stomi was, kt tfe nef t^'pe Iff Jriatie work now emphasizcrd by the Mocury theatre group in N. V. City and had taid pla«:v for the year to buijt. producitioii around the worlc) eri.‘«is ami th.> ,th;- Ne^ro^ and, 'tenant farrfier i«r the lie 'will bo Kuccedffl in the eap(acity of Director of prania^'cf by, CharleB C. Green, a -raduatc of the dramatic arts dcpartme/i*; of the University of Iowa. Staje Committe On Negro Affairs In Fourth Annual Session ^ BY F. MORINE DIXpN “As long as it ia God’s will, I want this institution ta move, for men to aupport-their families, and God will let it live. . That is what I am interested about and God knows it. I want this institution to live, and she will.” On October 20, more than one thousand employee? and 250,000 policyholders celebrated the fortieth birthday, r of the North Carolina^ Mutual Life insurance. Company and renewed pledges of loyalty and devotion to thf ideals of the founders f this gi-eat institution. It has lived and will continue to liye, and our heritage (the lines quoted above) given to us by the late John Merrick, founder and first president of the ^company, v;i)l continue to enrich the min'Js cf honest ^en down through the In commemoratioti, the H^me Ofticc“' officials and c’nployt‘cs assembled in the auditorium of the Home Office building nn Thursday afternoon. With W. D Hill, Assistant Secretary Comp troller, serving a* chairman, the program began with music led p«ce ^h the changing timos and now standings, as an endur ing monument to the vision of foresight and integrity of the founder’s and I add word of commendation and apjpreciat’o.i for the service. North Car djn% Mutual has rendered the race,- the state and the nation.” ^ ^ Our President and third preu dent of the institution, C. C. Spaulding, was the speake.* of the hour. Though speaking with pride an4 dignity, there was an air about him of .liumolo gratitude to the Suprem’e Beins. Beginning by reading the sek'C- tion “Our Talents” from W. C. Dunlap’s *‘CM|:®RFUL COMM ON ^NiSE,” he Challenged the group {MSBcmbled to use their talents to the best possible a-l- vantage. Telling the etovy of the beginning of the company rfnd bringing it up to the pre*|nt, day, he stated that J o h n' Murick and Aaron Moore fo3nd ft more than an inauranCe com pany—they founded a SE.EVICS STATION that must go «». He emphasized the fage ^liat t h ^ officials and employees must grow with the ■ compony-^in 4»ffiaiency, in morale, 4- ft d' lii by our Cashier, Mrs. B. A. fir^^slness training. In ,^her yord.s Whitted, and a prayer, oi umnks* giving led by W. J, Kennedy, Jr. Vice President, Secreti^, Words of appreciation and fiftcitatio^ were given on behalf of the trfScials by Mr. K. Merrick, Vice Proiident, Treasurer; o n behalf of the field Forc'?, by Aaron Day,/Supervisor of Training; on behalf the clerical staff by Mis# Sallie Whitted, said in closing, quo^e:, ^ ‘'It M a matter of pride to us all that the compnny toe icept “Never Cease Moving.” “Whero wiU WA be. forty y»»rs heinaV” was tbe questioh* asked;- "What will we have contributed tr an institution thi^t is goisg’ on and on*nd on?” Throufhoirt the d ay, the building was filled with be.iuU- ful flowers from btts|n«s» cs- tablisbmehts and firw of this Larg* D»I«g«tion To Ba Cueita Of Rocky Mount Utfit No=v. 6{ At St. Jenta* Baptiat c4ttr^. East Thomas Strael ROCKY MOUNT, Oct. 25th, (#peciAl)—Negroes from all over th* state will b^' pressnt lo participate in the fourth anaual session of the Norrt Cari>’ina Committee on Negro AiTaiia, Sunday, November L Several iasttes of ^^ave impor tance to the race will be discussed an it is expected that recommen- JatioHS will be--made to the nrat State Legislature Ve'JJfftl- Lynch Town Can’t Why ROUSTON, La., Uccober 25, (By Robert ^cKinnay for ANt*,) —-Th^ wildieyed, K.lu K.lux iiian town of ignorant, tobacco mjf farmers, where sujjar sane, cotton ;aad t>truwberrie« u'r e kintr and Ncgi-ofs are con.sid“i'eU “working tools,” is iir a fury oVi'r the recent lynehi«)? of ywulKtul li. C. Williams. Williaiua was suspected of .ila^i^e a white man and beating his woman companion to death. The lynching was the most brutual outrageeug/Of any ever calai^gu ed in thoianfials of- states .cvime-*'.’- Williams out of a smokehouse on his grandmother’s property he cause a group y>tIr^g boja elled “we got the, yiiih- killer.” The mob held .state police- and sheriff at buy with rifflies and riddled Williams’ body with bullets; they burned .-his. poi»tt!i ior' with iron rods, and bung Mf neck to a pine tree they._gnvc '•omc of his fagots to the blood hounds’ and burned theTfefWini. Although Sheriff Etyan who is reported to have said that conftesed Having killed BlaJr and his cojnpanion,- cluiips c^ary attempt w'a^ .Jtiade to stop the mob from, takiin ’'Wiil.&ni3, there are many who-charged that because its Christians and liberal minded peofle know that Si;nator Allen Ellender “didii’t k«»w What he was talking' abou: on the se.nator floor when hd- urged that ttic states could taltt* ‘care of lym-Wng without any interftreiice uf the^ federal goveiiyaont;” because Its judge, K. L. Walker, ,ha.s angrily, instructed *' a'ynind jury to investicate , the-li-iicWr.K, .ihoWing a desire to punish the lynchers, statinjr, “Lync-h law has never prevailed in this It will never prevail here; .iOur court* - and ofur laws arc ample to afford protectian U> oiu' peop^k un^ier any and all eondi tion^.” '' , f i ' The town is In a fury .because', Runton pastors have naiifnious ly condomnod the lynching-;, of Williams. Dr. W. K. LocbridgL« of the Fii-st 4Japt!«t church said, "Our community hds suffeijcd a atmosphere of interracial good Will li^nf ib fallow- i* eonWntiJiig to d r « a t t , * ^ _ chance to say a word. But, the town if in fur^ sorry lynchiutr, ir accept the oindemna tioas o-f the clergy. Others- aiC inilflFerent becau.se state officials have said nothing about the lynchint!:. Lp.quacious .Senator Alien Ellender spyke at a state fi^.ir a f^w day.s ago, talking about sugar cane. He didn’t «|^ven intimate anything about the lynching; in part, the otmntor said; ■ “You can’t blame Pres. lioffSPVelt or Secretary Wr.llace for reduc'iftg the amoum :^of iugi^r ^.'ane planted. I c»t ■ iee j>nisperity for .tfe cottoii farmer aiid there is none in wor*e fi* than he Is. if we take care of him, we can take care of the, othrs.” On the saine progiam, Ciov(%nor Leche said, “Such . - , -(great institutions as the South dfegrocfl in the pycs of ail the (the ri?f liziktion of "the possibiU civilized world.” It was this Loyjgijjf,a state faji»'bring to ua (taiMient that l*ft the jgndmnt jjpg of %he great coyiitry we have farmera awe stricken; they-can’t jo-wn Wtre.” ’ ^46)'«t«^d. w h y all of this I . ■ ' : /•' “oommolion” should be taken | The majority of the NegroM 0vep a Nagro. They are, being *»} Ruston. and in UuiolR agitated to feel that .killhig n | are jfttery; they «re sus Kag^o ittet s crime by sonS- of wh.ite..^:pie. word is ; awjfrtd.. %h«V '^‘WilHams was th4 v»ron|p GREENSBORO, Oct. 2flth, 1 (t)pe«i«l)>--Governor Clyde A. f noey of the state of North* Carolina will be the princifiti ; speaKer at the building ded^ca- ; tory service to be held at A. and ‘ i] Coi;ege Sunday, Novemb,*".- (5 ! at°4 p. m. Two buildings, the new giria' aormitory ana c U e i home economi^.,., 4y-,actice l.«jusu ; will be dcdeicat^^ at this turn:. j UistingfaTsiiutT educacors*' trur. | various sections wiU aiso bu ou | me program. Miss Pearl via«rett; will bring greetings froin tr.e' student body awd ttemlin vjce president of the uiamit. Ass,o£iat4ou. .wiU bung lit tha^'body. ' i,diieJ>tO!r.j scneuuied to spean ineiudv: lit. uavid Jones, ol Bennett College who wUl bring greetings irjiu tile private instituiuns ni North Carolina; Colonel J. W. Aeircl. ton, Administrator Dean ui rsorth Carolina State ' who will represent the Ui’iUL^'i’ j Uuiveraily of North Car»!ii.tV; r i.'.State Teacher CoHegw who will I bring greetings from the stnte instilutioHs; and I)r. Jona N. I)aviS( .West Virginia Stale Coll ege, who will represent the iuiut gran^,cQllegt!S of the nation. Rupert T. Rckens, member ol the atate legislature and a citi zeu of 'High Point will brnig gi'eet.higs from the Nuftta Caro lina law making body. Immediately following thif service gi-ound will be bvokeii to inaugurate tbe new caildiitg program for the next year. Governo»' Hoey was invited to deliver the principal address oj the basis of his record as one vitally interested in ^ « g r o education. He has cv>uai8tentl^' enfouraged edut^t^on .generally and baa given impetus to the emphasis now being placed on tieeda for technical education. er. have threatened to quit their i churches be^re they will be I manifested parti made to f. el sorry for ' the f eulartx„€losc interest in th-„- af fairs of the «chool since he began BY JAMES H. BtmtW ‘•SMYRNA, Ga., Oct. 26, (.^NPi —A mob of 500 angry white people burned a t^o story eU- mentarp school house in a three bewtHH-reitfcl ji jonnectiou with j the murder, [ The first rioting oc^‘urretl Monday evening and niglit when a gang of 500 whlfe people »et terror day region- of week. The uprising was an outgrow of the double murder the -previ ous Saturday night of a whit'! woman and her aged father itnu the beating of the dead woi.ian's son. , 'Kews of thp miirdcr came t»» light Monday morJfiTnig' w .i c » Cecil Pauls, nine year old sou of the dead woman, regained *«r*- sciouaness and made his whv to a neighbor’s hou.'»e. i wftjm %aid .beat toi "#fath his mother -«nd { her father with an ox handte. I knocked him .unconscious when j 1 ht> sought t(i intervene. . RUSSELL ATTACKED L BY COUPLE I Tuesday afternoon Atlanta and , FiiUon county police repo.ted: that Willie Drew HjDssel i a tl i horrt to ^be two story caiored ; •R-hool hou«! and burned it ir.to ashes. No school was conducted T«e* for colored children. Several children frbm th^ county s»pr-«»r ed, but, finding the schotii born ed down, fliey : returned to thrir homes. ing a State Home for Ntgro girl delinsuents. A plan Mrdl be suggested to the committee rela tive to the establishment of a state' institution for Negro feeble minded of the state. According to the president. Attorney Hosea V. Price, the Committee will check on civic The mob Wcanie enragtJ be cause state officials refn-st'd to rcmo%'c Russell from tTie Fijlton county jail and turn him over to imiaeew. l^cgriw^ were attacked w i t > slicks and slones. HALT TRAFFIC Violence broke loose again iTiesday night when a rt.jttven- a^d band of white Georgians tnTmded the I’olyed sKtion cf the town, stormed hnnsaa 'witii rocks a'tid stones. While one group af gangsters hiuB: -street—.a r. t He said he went to the victiir.'s ■ another spction of the gaiii^ was house about eleven o’clock .S.it. j utoning and clutsing ccklered peo- nigl^t drunk to collect a deb‘ i n|. fr-'-m (Jowntown jtreevi. ect The aged victim hit with a walk ing stick and the woman S'-’iick i him willi .11 baseball bat. Police Hsted the dead as Mib. Christine Camp, 26, and he r father as Ceorge Paula, 68, I Cobb county old age pensisuor. - Ruraell was arrested'about 10 i o'clock Monday morning on ^ construction job 'liT Gi-ove park.’ MOB FORMS AT NOON The mob began orgaiiiiins ?>bout noon or as soon as it was U-arned that Willie Russeil. had I sto.'ped in the ‘•’wn a fnw minutes We«)nes^y. For the- first time I saw Ne?ro. *.* willing to get off tbe s-d* walk on their knees, with hats off, every time a^nrhite man jmsi ed by. There must have been more than £0 Negroc.s victimized Mon day night alone. The mob wad rep«)rte,j dispensed late Tuc«i^; night when State Highway t*#txd men appeared on the scene ana fought with tear gas.'”' ' his gubei-natorial termT' REV. FRANK MORRIS LAID TO REST bH with ^e Klux. Klux Klan and who are charging religion as “beias- too fundamental.” Some of the farm Some of the, farmtr# «y ihey will lynch every “nigger” until they get th« Hglit ntan. Rev. Frank Morris, Baritisc minister of E>benczer . Baptist Church died at his homa un Pettigrew Street last Wedntslay afternoon October 19, after a lingering illness of He^Tt tt-juble of several months. -R^v. Morris jtiined tbe Ebenezer tRpClst church immediately after he uiid his wife moved to Durham* several years ago. Rev, Morris was survived by a wife, .^i^ra; Martba Morris, a mother two bjotbers and 4 host of I'jatl v«^s and friends. Funeral sexvTc*^ were heW at the Ebenezor Ba^' church, Friday night, Re'V- T. Grady OKciating. made by its many units scatt«ra«} all over the itate and will plans for tbe furibe^ lBto|||atton of fte^-^egro irU'J Sttte, Counl^^iul City which hava m tiieie fcadtii eoA- di^MiSk fr«te^^^|«srt«nit3r for fOBMKiite ;wwty v«4 i J. • I tmiitllweUm 9f »U Uw pea |pla «( at*!*. Negro Cmnmunity Fund Drive Begins Nov. I II. M. Michaux, Secretary,. coinmittr* and ea^taiua a a nfiamvger of the Union Insa.ai)cs|(-o captains td t k e varuoB an,) Realty Com;-«ny, a.i;iounc-.‘ ' districts are expcetad ti» be !»' that the first meeting of uis full atte.idance at the auctiug i«m4- committee will l)« held on T ee- Tuesday evening. •, , r day, November l, 1938 at 8:00 J Prof. Jauea T. TayUr. o’clock p. m. at the liariiet f^of Men, North CartdiM CoSiiC!^. Tubman Branch of the \WCA 3il2 Umstead 'iStreet. All at the persons wuo served a« members of the Initial Gifts ComitiitKe d u r i n;. g the 1M7 campa-gr, several' new members at the and Mr. J. J. IlaBdcrson, keep?r. North Carottaa Life Insarance Con^paay. Im^ been selected by IIip. Tit haa i as' asaMMita in in pais^ among Hegre«« tMa N: C. Christlart tHonfab Closes -•o— Ij^y Rav. T. J. M«*r» The Ttnd aemon of the old historic NNrtb CaroUsa Christian Conference, of pUc6 ^ev, J. A- Henderson ia mat wHb the Mfltent ,?!on t!hrtM%»rcftirefc at Hofftaan. near begiiibinf Q^tobap. 0 ^CtolWT 14 _ . ^ . ' Th« l u^iy .-1‘ssrfo’J qonsi^fted aavnly of welcome | aii«lrt|m in bel^ «{ ■ r ffiigli(u aad om»iii»Hfn. T%e idiimwwi t--«wyQa* ^ fee! ameog trrmit. tta«8. Tbe I upcpuae ww pre»id««t HmdetiWL. Wedttcaii^ ^ livered Ui wloeli hfr-jpa^ d catioa fu# ftMSk. hi ^y, d tbeamlwM.'

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