V'f' Iff"' ■ ■%“' ’i. ,‘ AT i POINTS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS iROOKPlELD tSuttcr ^ ^ ^ W B. CLOVERBLOOM 27c JEWO. ..M 14 POUNDS /-| ^ SWIFT 1 *• _ *. •• .«■' nEIDD DAi£JT dM& mml Mk ^ - g ROUND OR . O' 1^ SIRLOIN FOUND , I9^c ■ VrJL XV CROPS 22c lb I62C Veal2s:”“-“14 l-2c Lainbi={ 9 l-2c Spare Ribs Lb. 14 1-2 G T PIG FEST «14e ' PIG TAILS •tb 12 l-2« NECK BONES 7 l-2e , CHITTERLINGS 8C onniis PI. 171-2c m MKS. LOWE TO MOTHEKS CLUB Tk« opifnin*—nfeietinf of Mothan Wib wm JiwM _«t tonwt st'Mn, IRldred H: •frrtftTAIM Eff^TAlNS MOnfcllA ON ilKTHCTAY ' t: geu«d*y, Oetob«r 4, M«. Hie, C«tea af_l^^CoM> flSfr HlAOi pr!l*d 1i«r JCxs. BuMoak, th« Sta-Mt with Mn. Lottie B. Low* hosUM, ftt her hotia*. Hm has** ha^tt^ajily dtsortnd «a4 bar tiMI nun of frteBd* bwn aunaa um * ' *■ • ■ f '■^a eoilUiiittaa wbicb wUl >4: " : ii._ r A tnrpriM blrthdiiy w»t aULVm DIGEST CM»tlit«wd tmm SURPRISES HUSBAND OK BIRTHDAY Mrs. Doris Holland halpad her husband, ExcbII H^snd, 'ta ^’iiren tha* Sattarfiald OtftMt ealab^ta hi# birthis|r on tic d)|^ at St. Joatoh.-A. M. 8 neaday, October Vi, by giving; a' parsonaira SOO Fayatt»vlU* St anrprise ^arty at thair home In in honor of Mra Valaatiaa wh^ his honor, it the (Stub’s sponaor. Ahout‘thirty parsons att«ndad . Ti^oat praaent;t 'Wara; M k| ^ this deli^^tful party, and sp*nt Eartta Gtmndf, llrs.^lirl« Mark the evening playiqts cards and ham, Mrs. A^)& Hina^ M'awf danciiv- Toward tha ^nd of tha AoAta Haa , Cathfriaa party punch, sandwiches,, Bumiftt, '^eliina lipatildiQg paanuta and caka wara served,, i hath Volitt, HoBoway, • «••«**» M a jf y Baiwa*, ^iimcay and WSST DURHAM Florence WaAvar. Maaan. Law- Miases Ethe^l and Ruth ‘ St|(;n rance MeCIoud, Alaxasider Link, field were guests of Mrs. 3, A W. 9. Taylor, MQtoB 2ohlVK>9^ Mconimodation In ai^ ISTarris of Shirley Street at *; and Rev. J. A. Valantine, ' birthday dmnar giVen in honbi' The members of the c)ab ex- of Miss Ethel. Stanfield. pressed their uppreclatioa in the • form of m«ny beautiful g!t«. Mrs. Martha Williams h a s A buffet lunelieao was served at^ moved into her beautiful pew many games of interest we#* home on Pettigfew Street'. pfi^ed. Mrs.. Rosa Stanfield HoUowa/ SILVER MOON. CLUB who is a teacher In Damaua The members of the Silver 'School spent the week end at Moon (-Club wara entertained at hpme. ^the home oi^ Mrs. Praaton Ed- I ,•«♦*•****» wards Thursday -evening^ October Misaes Eiama, Ethel, a n d 117th. Bingo- was th^ 'maih i^me Lena Watson of the Terrel | of th# .evening and Edwortis Creek Community were t h e | served a delicloM punch foUnWed guakts of M^s. Rosa HoUawajr vwiik X7hie]^ sidad - md o^l.ar ''•itnd Miss Bthel Stanfield. . tasty dithes. •, oi piutfit*A ilfit • tiant~ lift 9b hMtdsy. a » -eeimtlate swrpcia* is HA1j6wE’1N COMMITTEE L. J. ap»ttldln, Ourhiun buainMS has bean named head >f ar- raiif* for toe Ballowa’an fa*ti- vitlM for Durham'a eoi)r«d citlMU. On HtUowa’en night, Monday Oct, SI. Fayattavilla street will be cloaad to traffic batxreen Fowler Avenue aad Pilttif^eipf 8^ (or the 'ipoolM' t» ill a v e dMfv fling, and dkri^ the avMiiSg Judges will aelact the moat unlMa coatume. The wimaf wilt7>a crowned “M i s i paga Nnr} part «1 to3ay. ihiring my vlsita in Garmany, 1 found no* land freer from color prejadice. t Catholic Germany was equally flfee from color prejudice. St. Maurice, oaa of-tha moat„p4>uiar C^th^ aalnla of Germany is •verywher# aepicted as »n un j^xed U^o. He is also pEliron saint, of the city of Qobarg. Thi term, Nordic, la often usetf u a aymbol of Mice pieja- dice. But the true Nordics,’ the Danas and the Scandinavians, are .delightfully free from it France, too In spite of the ^American Invasion, still remains ■III BnifepiiBitiiaiiafNuMi fram p*t* lowr) at«6d Mit a cia» mouth - sad ioima mA c#r^ for t^tn aia pMttvely M^jpntial to^ peritet health, iven to the average «rf good baalthi and that such toeth oaad to masticate the fbod' as intended by nature, wHl go a long way towards inducing and conserving that djegraa of h*ia'th. If we intelligently care fo3r teatb vm must first learn ' ‘'soaM thing a^out them. Th6 mother should' kpow how »aay thara ata In the ir*t or tempor ary sat «ad what thay are: how many thera ai^ In. the aeco>id or permanent set and when they ara a>uptad or cut; the relation ef the first set to the second. It will perhaps aid all yeung mothers to vemeiqAier that the number of the ^x^t or temporary det of tha ehUd if tiiey associate them with the fkigaxa and toes. Ten fingers, ten temporary teeth in upper Jaw; ten toes ten tem porary teeth in lower Jaw. (Jsually by the second y-jar end all the first teeth are in ^ place ^and should remaia in healthly condition until the permanent teeth are reaay t-> replace them. In the cam> of the child whoae mouth has been kept J ifn ♦ wholesome clean conidtion the temporary teeth are pushed out by the 0ru?ting prmaaent ones. All teeth cask ing thler appearance after the third year are pe^anent and the first Urge tooth appearing in the bark jaw may be soRsIder ed a major event in the chiid^ Hie. Upon the fi^at permanent m^ar or six year molar (so vailed since it makea its appear ance around the axith year) depends the regulating and shaping of the jaws and face contour in general. ^There are four of thes eaix year molars lower right and left, . and upper right and le9t. Due to the fact that these iippear while the temporary teetET are still in place has caused many' parents to con aider them as oSIy . temporary equipment. As to the cafe of th« ta«4 lor Uh matfar M pwpiy instruct ts« child nat^ know brtlwa -aiW c a rf instruct. The teath sfaoulil be sci'ubed using ei^er powder or or paste ustr Bha br^ as o^ji f, • XuT ™ Jaciic ati^ it ^ would a a scrtfbing brush «« kitchen floor or in your t>ath iubv uo not use the bush cross wise “ . _ f^entation or si k.p. *■>»* f •«“ ‘betweij^Uie teatri. In tne moutu uaairea lor the teeth are bathed I BUSINESS INSTITUTIONS . - ?-■ J Insurance Who So Graciously Extended Greetings OntThe Ocasio - -44-: ■ jy - Of Our 40tb Anniversary 1, V ' i. T»' -j-i- WE TAKE PRIDE IN THE Fi» CT THAT THE AFFATO OF THE COMPANY HAVE BEEN SO CONDUCTSD AS ToImERIT ' THESE EXPRESSIONS OF COMMENDATION. ON OUR 40th ANNIVERSARY THERE IS MUCH)FOR WhICH TC^ BE thankful. WE VALUE THE GOOD W& OF OUR ' BUSINiBM-.FRIENDS, POL|CY H0IJ:>ERS. AND THE PUBUC, AND SWAUL STRIVE DURING T M E COMIfjG YEARS TO CONTINUE TO MAKE THE FUTURE FINANCIALLY'SECURE FOR ALL WHO AVAIL THEM SELVES OF THE FAClUTIES WE HAVE I^K^FBA. J''- : ij' n. c^loreii: France, refreshingly free f^om discrimination. Indeed, more than any othef the lead ing countrifs of the world, has shewn the capablHly of the Ne gro.fl know pwsonally scorei of colored FVenchmen whc hold MUtkal, Judicial, and private positi^s. Among these are five former cibinet ministers. tftt high surfticas that are automaticaliy, i^aan, and—»«}W3^ may be worked W samitg cavitlM in the teeth it^WiA^gttm liti'e. Begin by brushing /roM tliQ ««m to* down in tha u^er ; and ^m the gum up ih the Scow the surfaces in all direc tions bearing inmi&d*' that the tooth surfi^caa hardest to rcach demand the moat brtiafaing and attention. Kemembar th«t the mootli is a veritable breeding grou^^ for disease ijferms it posaassilli? both moisture and uniform tem perature) and that th«^ multiply with alarming rapidity if ief: undisturbed while the rakuxg, scraping given to them by t h * proper use of ti>j» brush and disinfectant germicides in the form of dentrifice and mouth washes prevent Uieir increase almost wholly. A larger propor tion of tfie cavities in teeth start between them, where the brush howevr skillfully used, can not reach. To thourghly cfian these spaces is therefore of uttermost I importance. For this, waxed flosi jsilk should be used. The floss 1h inserted between the teeth and drawn back and forth uiitil these surfaces are j|SerfectIy clean. U spit.e ef the best care Wa are able to give the teeth deposits ani stains slowly form on them in most cases, and there will be some decay. ^ Therefore it is neces8ar%* to visit the dentist at regular inter vals. The frequency of these visits shield be governed oj the individual needs and should be left to the knowleg^-and Jiidgd ment of the dentist. Theee visits should never lTe~Iess« than twice a year. ■ I In closing just a word as to why teeth decay an illustl'atibn will aid in making the point clear. If a °ne of th3 highly causti^ acids is spilled upon the marble top of dte.^i;«r- or wash basin, it boils and bubb lea, and if allowed to. fcmaia will disolve out the lime and leave the surface dark and rougaeaed, Nearly every student is familiar uaant' 1,1V SUM ex but. ,My t pPweass o auMivit^ ut« Ilka. •* To mm ku t«a toawi IS eaten by itM ac^t acid.» presence in the mouth is due to sosring ^tiiM'acid practically aU- the j^a, %u» is at work disaoiv ipg QUt the t to w ^th Just an tip acids do with martle siab 'and lha egg ^l*. TBis clearly shows why toeth - atart to decay.at. those points. fearde^ti; keiqi cleao, aftd ntmj oii toa expoaaa surfaces. . Tha Health Committee oi the Nat'l' Dental Association is cum p^d of the following, each of whom in some way is trying to carry Ae masaage of tooth health to those of our group in their respective communities: Dr. Roseoa Brown, U. S. Heahh Service, Chairman, Washington, D. C. Dr. S. J. Cullum, Houston, Texas. Dr. A. S. Hunter, Durham, .• 1forth j^aroliha. 'ibr. li. B*. Merfwether, Inidan apolis, Ind. Dr, 3. B. Slngletbh, Nasavills' Tenn. Smith- H. (|Co«tlaiMl-fr«ai jaaga 2 ) menii of tha SMond quarter. Creecy recovered a S m 5 t h fumbled bail and ran 67 yards for a touchdown. 4ihe axtr*,^i^nt was miaaed. A tw'enty yard gain on pass by Swifth brought the half to an end. , I At the half the official crown of “Miss Johnson C, Smith’* took place. A President MeCrorey crowning^^e Queen as the mem beri; of the -freshman Class form fed the Wttei's Smith U. in the background. ..The Alumni prj sented flowers to tMe Queen and the President of »e local Alumni Edward H. Brown, *^ye a toast which was re^ondedS to by Dr. MeCrorey and Miss £o^ Emma Pogue who was "Miss J. C.\Sinjth JL mock .faQecd .w whidi image> of Shaw was buried roui, ed jOut the enteiitalnment ai tl>\ half. ! . \ Progressive Stores, Inc. “N»TH CAROLINA STORES FOR NORTH CAROLINA PEOPLE” 712 FAYETTEVILLE STREET DURHAM»5««| N. GRKSSON > Ibis CHAPEL HILL STREET 600 ROXBORO STREET ST. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER 2Stli OCTOBER 29th HEALTH AND BEAUTY SALE* * f CONCENTRATED I Large siae ——— — —^23c SUPER SUDS Mad •{>• — —10c PALMOLIVE SOAP 4 FOR 25 CENTS Oetagen S«w — S f«r 12c Oetagoa Powdar— 2 for Sc Oct«(oa Chips— 2 fc^ 18« Oatagon Claaasar’S for life Oetegoa Graaalatad —— 2 for 19e PROGRESSIVE Coffee Lb. 17c HOT BREAKFAST Coffee . 15c Jewel Slidrteiiiiig 8 lb. irtoii 82c Southern Ball* OUomargaine, Paiiad 12 l*2c . SupartUaa' Midget Peas. No. 2 Can Fat Back Meat, 3 Pound* i 25c I Pamimn, Larj^a Caa-'^'iS.' Kralt Chaasa, 2 Poaad Bo* - -i--47c I Green Baaat, 4 No. 2 Caiia‘-^~~~~—*• Ga. Dassart Paa«he«, 3 No. 2 Cana -2Se I, MayfiaM Cora, 4 No. 2 Can* -17c 10c 2Sc -XS's North LIFE INSU €. £. 8eAUM>lNG. Prnidcnt -v. CREAM OF WHEAT ^ ''Oaaea ftiefcfcga'—■- ' 25e' 14 Oanee Package —‘->^liSc """" ' ' —■ ii PROGRESSIVE SAI^M&~0RESSING ialf Pint Jar pini Jar rt Jar-?—. ■ —— i— 50 LB. STAND ; LB. STAND , JS4.79 $zMs Piir« Lard I—I..,!, . II Mi J,1 I -I 1 Faofj Eggs Do2.* 271-2 c -lOc ISic : 27c ' Pink Salmon, 3 can*—r 2'Jq Kvi^ofaled Apple*, ft — 10c TOMATOES . * -*Bc- 4 .No. ^ Cpiiu —^‘ 25« T Bafay Lis^Baato*, tb M M Jo. I Cao ■ i.' i. '-S liJ's OMPANl-, - .--r NO HOME IS flOMPLETE WITHWT NORT|i ($^0L1NA MUTUiO. ir.A2J iV ; yORK APPLg»,-t» BWfDS Faaey Fla. Oraagae Dioai. 15c 20c ’ : i » • V > • : V Fancy Talwy Grapes, 3 Poemd* — Fla. Gr^frull, — ? far 10? *rwlr ■Gree6 -C«*6S|e.-1 toiina* NUMBER ONE ' Cobbler Patatoas 10 Ponnd* CELERY, LARGE /STAUC LET'tUCE. al^rgO Hard Head ■ CAUUFLOWER, -lOe !?■ wmmmBmvt ** ■ ' mi iiaaiw 'i lit ' ill BANANAS, POUNDS

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