mers tnmu UTWAt, jKtLt loil6(^NHA6 M M m mim m mi«aak*MvcMNKitfOiD ^thxnniw ItfTlifcOiilWWC 800 «€T«R^Oi^WP flotws 'ru^^fsm>Olis nme'smDe mjCH kbs LtmwetMb -TO nuAtfse ms apetp-^ 7f»\ ^cncAii-Y wuxmym / Ceetimi^ fee^u 4sw~r la^iaUt^ another Negro bjf tli* an* «f T«hi t}i«k*u trii* mttdn »t 970 Gay atr««t. At tha Juaa Qanaaa iaat y»»t Vaugb beat anothar Nagro ky tha nana of Doraay Battla and (oUowad U with baating another by the name of l!Bs, Wiiliam iSlla during lait Peltruary. In a ktng diitanee telephone converation with the Chief of Police of Rocky Mount it waa denied to a repraeentatlve of the CAP.OUKA TIMES that Vaughn atruck Rev. Maaon, even in the face of the fact that the young miniiter showed knot on hie head tfa« ehte of a hen egg. ^ An attempl by, the fath‘r of the young man tb iwear cut a warrant for the officer wa« of no avail, ^and only reaulted in a refusal by the police depart- „ ment. Attorney! for the yorifig ijnockont. have been 8ecure3 and it noiffoowT, ?pr U4 ’—At tk« reqaait «l fetti- i|fl» a«at Ibfa hei^iMli>il|i Martin IB3 haM left te the eWn. A Lae, the Elka »«fioBai Oratorical Gonteit for tha boek to the inaide f!^51^•d Lovla bat he was up with no dttnt: Toiyr wae on Tiim and landed a kft to the head. He landed a left to /tb.e face and took a riglit to the Jaw in return. Tony mau led Joi with both hand« in • neutral corner and Joe waa hanging on aa tha bell ei.ded the round. In the fourth frame Joe began Tony'a end with contin* ubas lefts to bis jaw followed by three smashing rights which had h>m staggering badly. Louis backed Toney against the ropes and hit him at V^ith both h*nds. He shot lefta and rights to the face and Galento fell from the ropes and dropped to his knees helpleaa hangitig to the referee as Joe Louis won by a technical staUs of Tennesse, Arkanaaa, Miss., Louisiana and Alabama is being postponed for two weeks from the previously ache duled date of Jane 80 to t h e new d«te of Friday night, July 14. Continued we 3S which was 17 per cent of the $240,807.®! net ftceipta. tion and thaa allow for • uni^ fied lAowing in the Hottse be^ hind the Gavagan bill. B^reaentatiM Fish hat aaat a latter to Repablieana in tba House urging them to aign the GaHsgan petition, Tb* NAAQP reported that i40 Bafpresenta- atives h>ve signed the Gavagan petition to date. is believed that some action will be taken at kn «arly date. In addition the newspapers f the city, have refused to print JOE 996,000 RICHER ....Joe Louis' forty per cent! cut out of Wednelday night’s cham Aquatic School At NCC Continuef from page one ^QfMrsl Head]uarters lor the Aquatic School will be the North Caro lina College for Negrroes *B Durham, North Carolina and ese«ttent facilities are being ’provided for feeding and lious- ing the Aquatic School students. Separate dormitories will be available for men and women studaats and each group will be nader the personal supervision •f an experienced dean of man and dean of women. Swimming pool and o^^^ aqaatic ifacili- tiee are baing provided by the Durham Becreation Commission and are adequate fpr all the courses. .i. ^ Haskltb f afety Fhyidcal activity and rest in proper balance for ^ery in dividual an conaidered of aa- aential importance in .the main tenance of health. The college physician and nurse will be a part of the faculty group and available for advice and assis tance to atoden^ on matters of health. A physician from t h e National Red Cross Staff wi/1 alao be available and will have chai^ of all First Aid insteue- tion. At the I conclusion, or near it, thofc Who have taken part in the school will present u water pageant at Hillside Fool. O/icuiU Arriire Saturday American Bed Cross national isftructora will arrive in Dur ham Saturday and complete their arrangements for the achool which is to be>^ held at Hillside Park, and the old pump station on Sno River, as well as at the College. > No swimming will be done at Eno, because of the condemna tion of the place hy I o • a J health authorites. The boating j#nd canoeing will be held there July 4, 6, 8-and 9. ING Continued frOm' p^e iene \ cause to .my knowledge, they were never sent back to the Board s^ed. Again, the B^d aaya that—Quote—“all teachers have been paid their fpU aaiariea «nd tha only remaining indebte dness are a few small biUa'^'— nnqoote. I do not know J»at wftait they >call “small bills," but most likely it would be very in teresting for the people of tha Second Episcopal District to investigate that in order t.’> get an" idea just %ow small kittrell College’s indcS>iedneBe is. The Chairman of Ihe Board own statement was, sometime ago, that he had ten thousand dol- lara involved there. I am sure he would like to get h>B mqney some (^ay, ontess - he is giving i donation, which I doubt very seriously. That may be however, one of the aoealled '‘small bills" of iadebtedneu, but .may be he would not worry abciut that, lliere ia, vt was around three thousand dollars due our Fiscal Agent wliich Bb was kind . en.opgh to Per haps that has been seMed, it not, it !■' ioa^ another "amaU~ bilL” Tlie Vane* Lumd)er Com pany of fiendwaon, C. 'wonld fifca to hava a diaak for about five hundred dollars there, and there are othera,' my friends. If all teachers have been paid their full aalariei,^ it ia a fine ■thing, but we r^et that aove ■went to conzt in order to get it. ^ Maj)>e theae billa ara small to the Board, but 1 would sbndder to think of thoosands np^lit titoosanda of dollars beinj^ called sm’tll, especially when we eoiuider ti^ie aomeeeB f ,r o m whence it comes. it may ^ interesting to the rea4ar“~^' always smmed t° me that School ponies should be ed^.Ji^the school’s name. The “aiaorders” refaried to in the Afro American are va gue to you and probably do not ^ake sense. So, permit ma to sv -that much of the tiobule centSred around ten girh who were suspended a ■ t Kittrell College by the Discipline Com mittee and approved by the President. This action was taken aft^r the girls had failed to appear in a play which was to have been given in our audi torium in December, thereby greatly disappointing the public who had come, some of them from Qther cities, paid the ad mission fee and sitting comfor tably awaiting for the inttnded ,play to begin. Thti play did not go on, and the girls'* were sus- pe|)ded for a period of twenty five- days. There were some who wdntfeied__^hy they got off with so light a punishment, but the -Chairman and the Board seemed to have thought it was.tenibi«: 'One of the suspen ded girls sent Bishop M. H. Davis a special delivery letter. I believe mo^ educator», if they had received this letter as the Bishop most likely did, would have sent^ it or a copy of it back to the President if it contained^ anything with refer ence to the action of this com mittee and we have reasons to believe that it did) not ee in this case however, perhaps it was too precious. At any rate, in a very short time, the Bishop sent the President a, letter or dering that these girls be placed back in cfass immediately; that two menbera of the Discipline committee be removed, a n d also that one teacher be »«ked know tluit not one penay >t ijia ^ tor her resignation. mooey raisad for Edaeatiomd The President did none of puiyotea to* my knwlege aa aofih has ^er come through the PTMident'a offife. not mma tbe figures -af llig jimnunta raiaed. You do not wonder then that I am not 4n |>«aiti«n to know M«s« etJter things. Instead, requested to deposit dR inoniea ^olleeled frtJia-Trtndeirt* *itd afi. j^eiHs then if there had been any just eaoae for retraction, in his opinion, would hav# made a other sources in the ^ahk in the of Biahop M. H. Davia, whieh I -did with the exceptioa rf that which I felt I had to c^"'i for emei|g«ncie«. It haa d*Bt Mid hi* diseipliaa com these and gave his reasons. It appeared to the President that any man making such a drastic request would have at least, if jhterested in the discipline of school -M?hich .jdutjt_iaL JMt of a.Resident and his faculty), •ought tha reaaons why the stu- itUe and with some sort of reason attaiched. Thfiloyal members of our faculty especially the Discipline Com mittee were never going to be kicked around by students, and that is most likely ,whal| would have have been attempted if they h®*^ gotten bacn in aehool that ‘way. T'hey stayed out and not a one of us; unless it is the Dean of women, reget the ac tion. I am referring of course,- espeeially t p the Discipline Commitrtee and. President. Don’t overlook ttiis fact—^all members of this Discipline Com mittee, including the Presiderot are now away from Kittrell College, except one the Dean of women—^why? We gave the Chairman and the Board her record in part which states that she did npt co-operate, (this record coming from the school with which she was con nected prior to her coming to Kittrell College,) but her name is not in the number you read, which those Board n^ember* meiiSbers said were fired. She told one of our faculty ^ mem bers that if he Viranted to be on the side of power ^ to come oh her side. So, there you are, kind ..reader. I had toid the Eishop .several months ago that I did not think he would be do- ing‘wrong'if iff^would allow my faculty and roe to opev^e, es- ’pecially the academic side of the I institution, and because of this ^ as I understood himt and per- Ihaps other reasons, he decided I hot 4^,recommend me for re- election, a recommendation of course, which I did not want and^told him so. Now, in all seriousness cah you imagine any one else operating the academic ^ide of any aehool unless it ia the President and his faculty? When, from f3 to 15 out of 18 faculty mewfoere leave a *^Sopl in one year, you know eome- I thing would seem to be wrong. I When so many of its students the las»t six years, this school has operated, 'thrae president* and scores of teachm have been employed. Th*t is *T#r- age of two years for Hcn,.I*reai- d'ent. Yes, two years seem to be quite enough under any such conditions. I had jiot hopeJ that the ccasion would arise when I woi^jJ be .forced to go iwto this matter, but jf -^he'fubi*® must be informed it should know the truth. W. J. COCHRAN, .5,26 Cheitniit §tr#»t Henderson, N. G. any account of the aasanlt. while Galento received $42,141. Negro** ti^viling in ihe vic- cinity of Rocky Mount ara warn to e^de ^olng tlirou^h there' if poastbl*. Those ha^ng busi ness to attend to in the city are urged to get out as quickly as possible, as the least infring- menf of laws geveraing *he city, may" result i n brutality by meTOt>#r* of tie police fopce. Regal' Theatre HOLIDAY ATTRACTION Maxin* SnliiTan—Dorethjr Lamont^^Lloyd Nolan is ALSO COMEDY CARTOON TUESDAY—SPECIA^-WEDIiIESDAY THURSDAY-~«ARGArN DAY—FIVE AND TEN CENTS a~FEATURES AND SHORT—* DOUBLE DANGER—Faaturing PRESTON ROSTER ALSO Bob Bakar in Bordar W»lv«t JOE LOUIS— Continaed from page one right# and lefts to , th#** body, Joe backed' off from Tony’s rash and l»nd«d mor^ Uf|s and rights. Tha champion hit Galen- to‘with a smashing tight to tha eye and then hit him at will against the ropes as he kept coming in close. Tony hung around Joe’s neck arf' they mov ed around the rin’gr Ttnrr-was Itepred ftpfff 'jefts 1 rif^t to the face but was jiip.wiiy|^o count as Louis tried to finish him. round opened ... BY HAZEL L- GRIGGS With the Fourth of July prM- tically upon us," "bH^giSg its avalanche cTf picnics, |> e a c h parties and outdoor events, the ^4e« »f pr^^tjr and pietaresque play togs become tjjg oremost fa«hioa thoug’ht for consiaen^* llon; for it’s half the fun of a holiday to fefl free #i>d e#sy, and yet look a* casually cbarw- ing as ^ you please. — Of course, there’S^s^ardly a shop window that iw’t filled with tire most attractive of out door clothes. H*rg’s a crow sec- tiin of sonae I’ve seen: > The beach or play dresses consist of perfectly desj^oed shorts and skirts cwt in one piece with flared skirts which button or “P the front. These outfits, made up mostly in corttons, in prints plaids or pofkg dot '^tterns, are comfor table and adaptable for many types of playtime aetivity, »pd have the added feature of being [almost university becoming. 1 Dennia play clothes are ! paraded in m»n}r Store windows I and there’s a reason. If# I sturdy, harS wearing, tubbable j and wrinkle resistant. Slacks and overalls tjf ^this material and alaiest any form of active diversipn, "rhe slacks are attrac tiv* upon wfffi gypsy striped blouses,and the .overalls, halter style, may. be j^Orn .. junbftck, if desired. They are attractive when pepped up witjh red rick- rack braid. ENTERTAINS ^ON ' M|i«» Mettia Blount entertain ed h^x $0^, Wilbert at their borne " Ifoadi^ a|ternfiSfi from 6 until 7 q’clock, f)ip littl* gu»st» yfgvp entertained with game* and Jok«« after- whlch a little refreshment hour wil held. The service consisted of ice creamr---cake, candy sticlu and souvenirs. FRIDAY—SATURDAY BOB STEELE IN '‘DESERT PATROL" ALSO CHAPTER 2 OF THXT FAMOUS SERIAL “DICK TRACY RET.URNS”_AND A COMEDY m FOR WHAT PUR POSE WILfcr TiiC LOAN BE USED? Wh«n w* a*K you Uia you wish to mak* of th« monay, w« I* not jvurt b«ina outieu*. W*: nav* to Itnow if you h«T« a aound reaaon tot bcrrowii^. Whan w« linaka loans for unaoundl^purpoaes wa'r* going to hurt dapoaitora and bank custo«\»i», Bui ip^a'ra^ aKirayi willing to apeak fraxUc ly and opanly abo«t any propqtiHA you m U withy el «iak ing «I4an upon, ^ thing'# «ronfid«ntUl, p{ d : ox. y9TTW ioifnlK't flAMI ^ faaan^ A Bank that’s 2*0 .C»aa.>.ffKr and CORCORAN STREETS .CORNER XT LEAVE C^TY I 00- ' Mrs. Sarah city left last ■U’i ^ this^ evening are peYfeet fer pifPics, hikes Harris Friday for Orange N. J. She also stopp ed at High Ppiptr N. C. for her daughter. Miss nelma Harril who will aecompany«,,her on tha trip. , , WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR HAIR LOSES ITS COLOR requeU for ^it, with the Presi- leave in one year, you m ^ y know they have other plans and you cannot, therefore, blame them for desiring to gradti^te I accreditted institution. We are sorry* to tell vou that Kittrell College as such, has no- Itate rating. ‘ I Concluding this article, l am not unmindful of the fact t^t LOOK for this RID BOX A«l( ?»r LAWr^gft Systematic Whatever Tcur Goal Is UriBHse Grvis Quick Results...Hair Tliat is Evenly Colored, Sflky-Soft and Alluring How inai^ times have you ly admired the slisck aod richly coloted hair of persons wboai y«Mi chanced to ••• or meet? How^ many timea have yra said (to yourieU), **Gee-—I*d ghr* aay- thing to bare hair like thatT* Well. YOU CAN... through a ii^catioB of Godeftof’s Lartsase. f ^ Tbi* qiiJck-siniaft aasy-ta-asa hair eoiotiag aMfically traa»> foniM diiU» spMtless—yet, even grmy widi MW life and beautyl Yout lialr one* agala wiUlMniiiformly colorfiiL It wiU l^aam lifra aitkan t^raads. Yoa^M look years youngerf Gat Larieuse lov^ eopighti f your daoler de#l have II, t«nd ^.25 (no mxtra postage) dinet to * soowior MANurACTunvii coiip>ANf • *ii« 9uvi tf. • if.4oing.iie HAIR COLORING 4 Per Cent & SPerGent On Saving ■# Mutual Suilding & Loan Associatioii 816 Fayetteville St Pboiie F-502I-