Mount Vernon Gives Sunday School Party BV>EDDYK LtATHCRS And what is m r«rt u » Sunday School party? 0| tht MMy partim aad lociah fwe», it «« »*»« laaeea liiat wt h««r uf' Sunday ScIk»o1 parti«F. Tue rta.-on, w* tluiik it tn«t tfiere «»•« few “Sttnday Scttuol iniiidpd** per>wut louny, iet, llii* lU*:* is not wholly otoolcta. wa looked in or ih6 htinie of Mr, aiiil Chariia Jackaun of 303 Enterpriie St. fvening, July ai would Imve ■vcn in prMgTt'SM' a parly, yea a Suiiilay ScOool party jfiven b> th# iBntructor Mi». Mary '1 nomas ana i!»e young peopie j claaf No. ^ of th« Mount Vertion Baptift Ciiurcii. Meait»era of tha clau are: Mia» Virginia Rogeri, Fi'c»ident Mia^ai ^aien Blackwcll, Janie Morria; Annie Joiner; Thelma Blackwell, Uett«r Mack; Pau- lio« Alston and Mr. Maithew Davia. Other attanding were: Miaaes Floriince Rowland and Doria Alston, Mrs. Mary Morris Maasrs Uanry Rowlapd; Joseph Mills, KMiiien Cherry; and Ben, Morrvk . ♦» i Tha group cnioyed an even- i B g of eompetitiTa Chinese chackcra and Fiddle Stick play* lag. Near tha end *of tJie even ing with tfaf! adage, “to the victor* belong the spoils” Miss Virginia Rogers awarded 1st priBe' to Rieu|)^Q Cherry an^ a second prise to Miss Florence Rowland. Congraiulsilions to the class with a purpoi>«. Whan pa^aing on Pina Street, take note oi the building being constructed on tfa« corner of Pine and Enter prise. That is the site for the new Jit. Vernon Church. The proceeds from the party went to that end. Dedicate Negro Hall At Fair NEW yOHK, (CNA)—T h a ^jfro ilall of Achievenaenfc at the New York World's Fair wij.l, be dedicated on Saturday Aug. 12 it was ajjiooiiiiced this week by tiie £;xecutiVe liuard of the National Negro« . Achievement Joinmission for the New York Wo'ild’s Fair. "fhe date was originally set for July 20. The dedfEStion ceremonies will take place at the Fair at E p. m. tofibwthg -B parade through Harlefti from 9 a. '.to 2 p. m. Among those who .will participate in tlia ceremonies aje Governor Herbert H. Leh man of New York Mayor Fior- elfe H. LaG.uardia of New York City and Senator James" M: Mead. — ♦ The. Governors of several states have pledged their sup port and have commissioned TO LICTUKZ AT NATIONAL DSffTJU. A9SOCIATl(H« /’ •f* Miti W it ^' dentistry in course in N>BW YQjlK, (AN?)—T h e School of Dental and Oral Sur gery, (indicated by arrow) of Columlbia univeraity at 168th and Bcoadway will be the scene of part of the dentaF'^clinicf the National Dental Airi^ociattbn during their annual convei’tion Augu?t 14-18 in New York City. . ^ -7 , Tuesday, lAugust 16 will_^ taken^»ap from 9 a. m. to 6 p. to. with taible demoriBtrations by memfe^rs of the faculty of the .ntal School tritli luncheor. served in the university build ing aa the ^entat subjects cover, ad wilf include • comprehensive branches. Friday August 18 from 9 a. .n. to noon tha mambers of the jisaocifttion pictured aibove will I be among those giving clinics at thfe School ^qf Dental and Oral Surgery. BOTTOM ROW (left to right) Dr. S. A. Hunter, Durham N. C.; Dr. Thom«a Walters N^w York City. *- (ANP) . Bus Case Hotly Contested'Burghardt Goes To Wade’s In Randolph Court OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising FJour ■lakff the Gums out of Bakingi {okI Saves you Money UNHERALDED! WILL IT AFFORQ to PAYT" “LIKE ACME REALTY RALEIGH, NORTH UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY COMPANY DURHAM. NORTH CAROIJHA ‘ - (Spaeial to the TIMES) QRiEEiNSBORO, N, Whether or not there ii civil liability for ejecting a passenger of colored from a bus becausc (the is sitting near a white per son was hotly contested in the Superior Court of Randolph ounty, l^orth Carolina, ^ ing the July 24>h Civil Superior Court. V"' V X Miss Vella LassMr a teach er in the Public-^hool system of Reidsville WM tfee plaintiff in the action arw "testified that she spent Easter with hep. mo- deTegations 0"*^ Negroes frpm their various states to., attend the ceremonies. The states that will be so repre sented include Delaware! Colo-^ rado; Iowa; Alabama;^ Kan sas, Michigan and many others. The Alabama delegation will be headed by Dr. George.. W. Carver worffl famous scientist of Tuskegee Institute. PERSONAL LOANS ARRANGED AT Applied For $S To $50 LOVE * CO.' BROKERS 202 Dapositor* Natioital Basik Iher in Kandolp.h County, March 28 iy>37 and she retttrned lo jf.. n^oio her County eat about 4 p. m. Mdnday March 29 19137 where she purche»ed, a ticket for Greensboro over the ^ireensboro-Fayetteviile Bus i>mes that when the bus arriv ed yhe' was directed to the rear oi the bus with aeven other passe/igers; that five of those who pr«ceeded^. her occupied long seat in the rear of the bu?; that iwo otuef occupied the fiist long seat. in the aisle on ttie right coming fi^om the rear; that she pulled dgwa the first_^S&St in the aisle and Mt dwwfti’ A»4r sitttftg there me operaior_of the bus a loud and^ - b^isterous tone s>i voice yeited to her tnat ihe was fitting- 'besid,e white persons and tnat she could not sit there and that sne would have t‘> '«t off the buf. Miss Lassiter juade him no answer and he again yelled at her and told her she can not sit. there because she sittfng besides of white persons. Bne , told him she- had uo'&ght her ticket and he had Her ticket and she a no rcHi^on why she cciil^ not sit there. lAt' the tiem, however a white woman was sitting some di.v tance to her left but she had mada no protest, Uowsvei^ ii.eie w«.i e lu the |i'0i»t ol tna bus wtiere the 0i>eiat0i couia oave movea tu^ wuise passeuj^er if he hau des>ted; -i-ahe testiried’furtber tuat the uperatoi’ 01 ui* uus-weut out and sent tne s|atiua luanuger in the bu.°; tuat he in a loud and uncouth tone of voice, told hei' to getn^j^y,^ the se^t;^ mat sue couiU ot side the white possanger».'.>' MIks Lassiter remained in her seat and siiortly tnereafter tne station manager sent policemen sin tne bus who roughly iiandl- ed her and thrust her oit the uus ..without cause ir ex cuse. SAetestUied further tnat sAe was humU'iated, eml)arrass- ed, i«utf»red mental anguish and menial anxiety and per manent injury tq_her left aim Decauae ol tne conauct ot the agent of tiie Ureenshoro-l'aye- tteville Bus Lines and that she furtiier alleged that the police men had no warant and ^ that they were acting as agents of bui! company. Miss Vella Leassiter iilad suit against ttie ' company for twelve thousand and five bund red dollai-» for tne unlawful ejectnent and. resultant inJur.^ les sustained. Slie employed her Cdacliing School ,Sgm_rat6 attorneys who fear lessly invaded new ^territory, in effort to vindicate and uphold her rights and the rigMs of the menibeis of er race. the »«rvicS'~af repreented by She securea^ and* as aiJiJ' nere ifc-' Attorney ■ F. W. Williams of the Winston Saletn Bar and Attor- hey T. F. Saunders of the High Point Bar. The Green!>4>oro- Fayetteville Bus Lines was re presented by the Law Firms jof Brooks, -McLendon, Holender and Brooks ^ Greemftoro and Moser and Miller of AsMtoro. This case, was presided over miUta«t, .J«parti*l uar biai^ed the Honorable All«» H. Gwyn of Reidsville, North Caro lina who demonstrated through out the trial that Justice, tem pered with mercy, shall aiways prevail in his court. Life Insurance It Isn’t Debt FOR BEST THERE IS IN BARBER WORK CALL AT THE CRYSTAL BAABER SHOP. 4 MASTER BARBERS TO GIVE YOU QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERViee WITH A SMILE CLOSING HOUR» FROM. MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 8 A. M. TIL liiSO P. M. PLEASE CALL EARLY AND GET YOUR WORK IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL Crystal Barber Shop 706 FAYETTEVILLE ST. J, f. Prop. DUEiHiAH—Coach W. P. Burghardt,- N. Cf*^ollege, H«ad Coach rubbed elbj^ws with anil discussed some of the problems fur the footiball year with some of the country’ll outstanding football coaches last week. The occasion was—fke ninth session of Wallace Wade’s Coaching School, held at Duke"" Univer sity, ■ The Faculty of the school consisted—of WaUace Wade^jvho was olrector and in charge of the football session; Eddie Cameron who was in charge of Basketball, Dr, Lenox Baker of the Duke HoSiprttal staff w o gave instruction? in training- and conditioning of playecs, and Dennis !?^anley ^nd Hubew Lewis who wefe" in' Charge of track instrucXTons. The school as. a whole was very successful and informa- One method for balancing tive according to Coach Bur- budgets i6 'to' earn more and ghardt. The Kicking game was Notice trustee NOTICE OF lALS NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY UND6R AND BY VlRTUfi th* powar eonfarrad upon th* trust#* 'In m cerUin daed oi trust datad July 1 1087 and duly rtcordad in tha otfiea ot ^tha regiatar of D««|^a of Dur ham County fn"^ook of Mort- gagaa 24S at paga 397 duly az- ecuted by Add Calhoua and »a«), ^liuus caJli^uii; default having been mada in th« pay* ment of the M»e, tha under signed Trustaa will offar for sale at public auction at tha Courthouaa door in Durham, N. C. t* tha higheit 'bUdcr for caah On SATURDAY, AUGUST 26th 1»3S ^T 1-2' O’CLOCK NQON, tha following dascrib- ad land, to wit* B£ING LOT NO. 14 on tha plat of tha F. M. Proctor land, surveyed and platted 'by I£. C. Belvin aurveyor on April Uia ^Uth 1908 which said plat i* re corded in tha office of tha Ra- gistered of Daada of Durham County N. C. In B«ok ot Plata No. 1 ^aga Its to which plat reference ia harafby givan 'as a part of this description. Lot No. 14 on the North "Ida o^ Martha Street and-^ having a fronting of 50 feet oq Martha Straat, and extending back 160 feet and ibeing 60 faat wida In tha rear and being the land convey ed >by the Griswold Insurance Company by (ffead to which ra- ferenca is hareiby made as a part of ^ thia deacriptiou of said I property and baing racordad.. in Deed Book S at page 541. Kefer enca ia hereby made to Trustee Deed from’ W. H, Wilson^ Trua- * tee to £. D. Pratt, recorded in Book 89 at paga 666 in Office of the Register of Daada ot Durham Couaty. THIS SALE will remaia open for ten daya to reeatva iuareaaa bida. aa required by law. THIS PROPIEETY ia aoU at .the requaat ^ tha Bolder of said nota. ^ , This 25th day of July 1939. £. R. M£>RR1€K, Truatee M. H. THOMPSON Att’y. spencf less, tout such a policy is contrary to ' every progressive principle. . When a politician is ^ quiet, he’s profcebly lls.tening for his country* call. stressed during the whplj? course alftiough much time was spent covering fhe various phases of line play and tildickiag. tackling and otlier fundamentals. ^.he one frnng which impress ed }iim, stated Coach Burghardt MODERNIZE AND ELECTRIFY YOUR HOME Easy T«rm« Through Federal Housing Commiition ■■ Ettiiaaticin and Specification WithoMt Cut . E. N. xeoH electrical ENGINEER 618 FAYETTEVILLE ST. PHONE J aS61 LIFE INSURANCE IS THE VERY OPPOSITE OF GOING INTO DEBT IT IS THE ONE CERTAIN WAY OF KEEPfNG OUT OF DEBT V—. When yOa start a iavfng* account aod decide to put five 'dollars ^a monjh into it, you never say that you have plann ed on going into debt Rather, you /are providing a i%e«t- ■■f - . egg for the fntuVe. When you buy,a life insurance policy, roaults ar^'similar. You pay In advance for • icortin amount of money that you KNOW you wiir receive. BUT THERE IS ONE ESSEN-' TIAL DIFFERENCE, Whether you live or die, the company is bound to fulfill its contract. *“ ■ IT’S FURTURE SECURITY :: IT ISN’T MUTUAL NORTH C «PE i ^ODEfBOri f yovrdaalardoe* not hove II, ttnd $1.25 (no extra W. L. COOK, DISTRICT MANAGER HAIR LOSES ITS COLOR Larieuse Gives Quick Results...Hair Tiiat is Evenly Colored, $ilky-Sdft and Aliurjhg How many times hava you itcrtu. ly admired tha sleek and richly coforad hair of persons whom you chanced to see or meat? How many tUn*t ha«a you said (to yourself), “Gee—I'd give any. thing to have hair like AmtT Wall, YOU CAN...thnmgh a simpla application of Godefroy’s Lariansa. • This quick-acting, assyto-usa hair coloring magiadly trans- £omu dull, spiridess—yes, even . if^ with naw Ufa and beamy! Your hair once again will be uniformly rolorful. It will glaam like silken threads. You'll look yMrs younger. Get Larieuse •■iSiyiT-ipor iofaq'»n! et^UeuAe HAIB COLORIKIG eoDiitoY MANUPAcnnm* eoaiPMff • ssis eu^if.TtT. loiw, mo. Utisliess M lo OUarlolte Continued from paga 8 300 which is 110,951 ;100 mora than the three month tota) of the record yw of 1937. Bank clearmgs are known to be an excellent barometer of general )bilflne»a conditions,’ and while there are aa yet^no surea to atActftatuatis the be lief those which an the finan^ial9, center *^f-the Carolinaa is grow ing in impotence. Clearings thus far thia year indicate that it will be tha biggest y«ar in the history of the Clearing Hous Asaoci|ition. For the first seven month of the year, *the clearings have totaled |486,996;00&. which ia f7O,(6lrf?B00 over the total of the corresponding periods of i»38. The 1938 clearings wera fl'0s,0l36}500 less than the total for 1&37 which means that It will he, necessary now to gain only about thirty tttUlion dollatv dui'ing) the remaining five mon ths of the year to exceed tha record of 1987. was the perfect timing of. plays whidh waa noticed durinjr th* demonstrations. The demonstra tions were given by tha Duka football squail under thft direc tion of Coac* tTA^e. * DON’T SAY YOU TfaveMon^ A MAN who became Presfdent of the Banic of one of America's larg^ was placed in Nomination for Pi^jldent,' barefoot boy. He was rinsed in m I09 County, in the hiO country ol ICmtiMlcy. He made hit opportunity. He woriced ^ START SAVING REGULARLY We Welcome Your^anlcin MecliaAic & Imis f: Natimal studied. an