Hell YOD^S aatwHoa will b» maw0T»d FREE la thia coittmti iacludt m mr.tmnKt reaczTAb GxamviLLM, s. c (A«r> h’mi I B B X yan***4 tkroorfi citwul* in • c«mp«im wfon^vrtd bjr nnifvr eiMMbfftr »f co’nmerre, eoropawd of jrva»c white n«u M««, ha» sMcd ttw l>f« »f Cftthcrint Kob^n-'oa 1 j*fc •>IJ eolorvd girL S«TCrat weeks H'?uUi C.'arotinft suffered sn of inf ant).e iwrslyst^. Ip'ir.-v be »trikcii was Cstii&iine. An iron lanf nee^ieU Ijr to s«vt -^ar lift-. T.iey are •xpenaiT* and there were no fonda to piureliaae oae asr t^M to petition or cintaet ffotern mental agaaei^ NOTI - — _ - - — ONLY whta you lacfuda m elipsSBt of thi» colama aiga yoar fall MM. hirthdmf. mad eofr»et adixm to 70m Uttn. For » •‘PriyaU Raplr” ...ttmd oaly tavalopt tor my aew ASTROLOGY READINQ aad roetivo hj ntarmmaH FREE ADVICE oa O) QuoMtioa^ stnd all lattara to: ABBB WALtACE, cara of THE CARO LINA TIMXS. 117 S. Paabo43^8tra«t. Durham, N. Carolina. P®J«—Will wa get our i'ouse finMied 'befote thia coming winter and if about wht-n? 4kil*: Soma incident wtll ariie- in the life of your mother that, will makf her CHANGE HEB MIND and d31ay the repairs asd finishing of the house. It is 'jiist going to be a matter of months until the place will be finllfced. \ NtW -My hu.^and is going with my best friend woman fnd she didn’t know him until she met and I wish to know il I shuuld stay on with him? Ans: Ye? Running out be cause he is acting aorry will not help matters any. You have found out that this party it not try to forget himf tAns: Tfaa logicAl thing ^or you to do is to atop thinking >nt hte «ven thonfh y«0' do feel thaF you loVe him yot. The affair between you two Just couldn’t be worked out favor ably and it is well that it war realised whila you were lM>th yoang. CHS—Should I go home my vacation or would it better for me to say kere? Ans: Tha trip home would do you good fbut you would be miserable while aw£y' worring about your TWO SWEET- HBABTiB. Decide for yotftself whether you wish to go 01 no*^ it will not very much difference a friend to you....if ro she w'ou'ltl | between you and thase friendi' not stoop, to such conduct. Re main- in your home for she can‘t do more than slip around and see him occasionally »f!id he will soon tie of iTer. JWS—I read your column and like it fine. Please tell me if there is anything seriously wtong with my sob and should ha gee a doctor? ' v * ’ Ans: Hik condition is serious enough for him to consult with a doctor. It is so foolish to take a chance with aicknes.« when it ia »o easy and * expen sive to have the very best ad vice from a capaible doctor. He will recover. ||. g VMC—The gentleman that anked to marry him, waj.he really imcere? Ana: was tout not ysTi.' You shpuld not think of Wiirry* ing a man when you aren't in love. Return to school this fall and finish your education ; and don’t get the mati-iage bug until ” ydu have finished your T' i training. VBJ—Should I of our reuniting live or„ in hopes should I if you do leave for a w6ek. ARC—^For the past few years I have been fk constant .ader of your column. Now I have made up my mind to sisnd my prolblema to you but i want tnem to comet>ack tC me in a prhrate letter. Can this tre ar ranged ? tAns*: Ye«. Send a quarter for my latest Astrology Reading covering your sign. Send your full name, correct ' birthdate and address along with three pressing qurtions, and I will send your Astrology ’ Reading to you by return mail, along with my free opinion on your prot>lema. MLG—I suffer froim a chron ic conciition and my sickners puzzles the doctors. Tell me what to expect? Ans: A cure in time. TJie doctors are able to relieve >ou temporarily and if you do as they say and try to build up your resistance, it shouldn’t be but a short time until you are on the road to recovery. JlACkSONVILllJE, F5a.—Climax ing the most active period in its history merslbers/of the Homa and Foreign Misrionary Society of the AME church attended its quardrennial convention held in Jacksonville last week and rej»teed or«r reports w -h 4 « h showed 72,000 rai«ed for miss ion work. Bishop and delegates from every section 'of the coun try were jiresent. as Mr'. Lucy M. Hughes of Cameron Texas dynamic president of Ahe or ganization described her 6,MO mile tour, of Africa dur*^? which «b«- -inayMtod- -flung missibn outposts of the church sCimmer. Mr?. Hughes will olde*t member of the executive be a candidate for Secretary j board vote life memiber^ip in, of Missions at the General AME the society and the board be- Conferehce to be held m • De- ' cause of her untiring work, tioit in 1940. j CROUP LEFT Bishop and LOW'EU C'EN'i'lvR, Presiden’t ’Bishop’s wive--: seated left Mrs. Lucy H. Hughes. I H. Y- Tookes wife of the host and Mrs. Christine Smith, presi liciil Mit Missionary So«icty. I ' STANlJIN'G UFT Mra. W. I 1>. Johns'in, wife of l*te -fetshop; ' .-.hs.' b. L. Flipper; Mrs. J. A. 1 Grc'^jf,, Mr?- H.' Sims Mrs. i .1. A. FountaTo; Mrs. R. C. B. Thompson of -Mrs? -G. .bishop, Bi£haP'> Mississippi, W. A. Fountafh; J. A. Simsu^ Gregg Tookfs prelate of Florida Mo. Univerisily Continued •xw equal to from page 4 th» one m the IJpiversity of Missouri) appell ant’s con.otitutional rights will Have been satisfied and there fore the writ should be denied. Although ■ expressly conceding that the new act eliminates the dipcretion left to the curators and places on the curators an unconditional obligation to open n^ents appellafnt (Gtoines) say^ '“But assuming for the purposes of argument only that the cura tors did create some sort of a law school 4>y Septen^ber 1939 this court could not determine by judicial notice whether such law school satisfied the constitu tional requirement of equal protection of the law.". That would b% a patter of evidence to be presented to and weighed weighed first in the trial court. In'" this we think appellant (Gaines) correct. The Supreme Court of the ' United States said of former section 9618; *^It appeari that the policy of establishing a law school St Lincoln Univerwtv has not yet ripened Into an actual estmblbhment and it cannot %e said that * - n^eferdficJaration of purpose, atill unfulfilled is- enough, ! "Wc are unwilling to under take to determine the constitu tional adequacy of the rovision now made for relator’.n legal educatioif within the borders of the state by the expedient of coupling judicial notice with a presumption of law. Orderl^y procedure requires that the question be submitted to and determine)^ by the trial court in the first insitance. If the facili ties at LincoTn tJniversity to be available at the commencement , of the next ^ool term which schools and —aew^ Ht*part. [ ie jm Septemlber are in fact sub stantially equivalent la thoFe afforded at Missouri Uiliversity, the writ should ibe denied; otherwise it must i.«sue, as a denial un^er those circum-t stances would amount to an ar- itrary exercise of discretion, he Judge is aCcordingl./, re versed and the cause remanded for further proceedings ’n con formity with the views herein expressed. SUPREME LIFE— . . Continued' from page 4 in the entire history of the company and compares quite favoraibly with the records of larger and longer established ineuraRca companies of the country,' During National Negro In surance week in May of this year, Supreme Liberty autceed* ed for th® third consecu tive JtJma »s the company pro ducing a larger face amount of insurance than any other Ne- g r o In^surance company in Editor’s Iviall Bag ltf07 N. Mangum iiyt. uurham» N. U. August 8, 1939 *Jear. Sir: ; •lapana new outiburt of terror and brutality Americans in China, particular^! bY J. ARCHIE HARGRAVES ly. avounu Kaifeng following | OKEElNiSBORO, N. C.—in an logically the sii&tSitijess wotk uj j inipre^ive wedding ceremony the M««lationists’ in Congress. rcharacterized by simple dignity. This clique, led the pro-lascist I Francis Walia«e became Repuiblican Hamilton lish, pracjthe bride of Alexander Corbett, Prominent Gate City Couple Is Wedded r ^ tically gave the go ahead signal to the Japanese militarists Ay scrappping the Bloom bilU This meaauije would have revised America’s un-naturri ‘neutra lity’ Iew through which wa now.aid the war making _fa.=cist aggressors, even thougl^ Jt Ji f fascist alliance is ibenl upon the convention ■ of American uemd- cracy and ^afety^lAnd now that Congress is adjourned, t h e Japanese marauders * feel that they have ■ »'.free" haifd for a while. _ ca Nothing proves the truth of Senator Claude Pepper’s, state ment that the Tories endapger- ed ‘the welfare and safety of ■the Amerieaa -people’—more than [.what the Republicans and G^r- nercrats did- in the last st.^sion block President Rooevelt’s piaca- policy*' ^ That is. all tfie more reason why the fight to revise our war- aiding ‘neutrality’ act "must go on unaibated'—indeed, it should rise to new heights. The great political, economic and moral J strength of the nation should be used now ort the side of worjtd peace, if pur national security is to be preserved. It is a crime upon crime that mjch a large percentage of the war materials which the Ja panese fascists are- ursing to menace America’^ safety is be- injj furnished' this country. Only the. placing of an embai^o on war goods to Japan ,6an end America. Mrs. Mary Washington, Su preme Liberty agent in Cincinn ati was the leading womaR pro ducer for the ’^iresls. CONVENTION ISTTTDVND ’T COLLEGE Lv * mis of Lake Waccamaw ind Green.= boro, Wednesday evening AugT 2 at 9'o’clock. The ceremony was .held at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mis'. W. T. Wallace of '222 N. lltgan Street, Rev. J. J. (Jreen pastor, of the Chdrch of, the Rcdejemer as.°isted by ■ Rev. Herttage of Charlotte read the’ iniprtssive service of the Epi»copal Church including the ring ritufT. The biidc was escorted by her father W. T. Wallace wjio gave her in marri"n:e. She had as matron of honor her «ister, Mrs. Pearl peace of tnis city. Little Sara Elaine Peacoj - uiece of the bride was flower girl, Mr. Coi'bett was. attended by John T. Speller ^aurinburg, as best man. Prior_ to the ceremony Mrs. Anna ^tewart rendered a pro gram of nuptial music Janie.‘? J. Scarlette sarrg'^'Becuse.’ , TJie traditional weu(ding , maic.hes: were u.'ed as the pj^cessional and recessional. -A choral group burst ints song immediately following the solemming of VOW". . . A beautiful n'upCial sorting was created ftl the South living room by the use of »n iiiiprovis ed altar flanked with’ tall cathe dral candles which glowed emid the green of palm=. At theexact mid section stood a vaso of the post impreeaionistic period filled^ ^ithiwhite gladiolic and dahlias The bride made a lovely pic ture in her bridal go\yn- of ivory satin misted .with orange blos- »oihs and fashioned in Princess design. Her veil of illusion fell from hale of orange blossoms. She carried a white .^atin pray er 'boo& •flhWered with orchids »«d real orange 4>loBsom8. —~ ivIrg^Peace as matron of hon- or waa costumed in ^fellQW muslin de soire trimmed in tourquoise blue. She carried a boquet of yellow bud?, white orchids and asters. ijittle Miss Sandra Elaine Peace a." flower girl wore a x'own of blue muslin de soire over tafet^ Sire carried a bask Dr. Hunter To At tend National Dental Meeting bo taa ' jubior chsiyb*r of commcrec otru«i«a oc«. To yurz^iK p*itt |tS,»>»}; w er^J'taroughout ciiy. UQ jakr'wa.. m .me of Catbcfinc m an iron .SHorie* wem cavrieJ dady And for Iti. aight« Jack* i^aya awM-ctary ut chambar, eountei - p«anies atong wit^ an equal number of cick- ii and dime*. After saving this girl trom d*ath, tha iron lung haa h * anotkar eewi^at. She too ia ChapcUe . and BishoB . H. know .whether aavad. her life will h« et of white and pink asters. | DLiRiHAM—-Dr. A. S. Hunter Following the ceremony a leaves the city ear\^ Sunday reception was held Receiving at mocning for isew York ..wtiei'e the door were Mrs. J. W. Hill of * he will attend the tvVenty sixth Norman Alabama, sister of session of the National Ue.ital A. Gnmes. j^s.^ociation. The Headquatiers bride and Mrs. J. presiding in the gift room was Mrs. George Simpkins. Shortly after the reception, Mr. iMili Mrs, Corlbett left via automobile for Chowan Beach. After a week they will be at home in Gceenaboro. For ravel the bride cho.«e a dress of olue chiffon with navy bluo ac- cessoHes and and an orchid corsage. Mrs. Coiibett i= the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. WaUace. She received her education in the Greensbooo schools and at Bvnnett College from which o.he was graduated in 1937. At present she is teaching at Lin coln Heights High School, North Wilkesboro.. ^ will be estatlished ats Public School No. 113. (llStn Sr."-%et- ween 7th and 8th Avenues). The scientific sessions will be held at >^lum>bia Usnivers-ity, College of Denial and Oial Surgery- 68th and Broadway. Dr. fluntef will , act as Chair man of one of the sectioiii. 'Without, a* doubt the Ne\v iC.ork jgroup undei" the chairman,^ .«hip of Dr. Louis H.‘ FajpeJiQitfch * is presenting a constructive pro gramme that will eclipse all efforts presented in the life of the Society. featuring the latest in tecbnic|ue and procedures in some in stances by clinicians of national leputations. Dr. S. C. ‘ Hamilton Chicago is President. -Dr. Waldo Hc^ard Houston Tex. Presid ent Elect; Dr. J. A. Jackson Charlottes villa Va. 3ec-Tr«a*^ l>r. Hunter reporta that there were twenty six men in Chicago kat summer ' registered ffom Texas. The men who were in the ori ginal combine are knofm as the Old Guard and certain key positions are Tilled from this group. 'I'liese are the men who see to it that although national in Hs scope (and embraces the BWI) it does not stray too far afield,, from tlibse ri»e ideas and sacrifices that gave rise to its humble origin in a little a«a shore spot on Cheaaapeak foy, in O’y i Virgini*. Mr. Corbett the »on of Mr. The Naticpal Dental; Oi*- ganizction was the dream of the late D. A. Fcrguriun of Riehmond,T^a.—who — ealleJ to- getlier a numiber of me'n"irom Md. Va. and D. "C. in 1913 At Lake Waccamaw is a,. ... ... , T r 11 'that time an organization k.nown as the Tri-Stale was * lauiu^ed. graduat^ While in college he participated in athletics, and _ was a member of Kappa Alpha^Psi fraternity. At the pre.'ent time he is mana ger of the A and T''^^oilege Inn. this disgraceful situation, .ypur? truly, RUTH CULBtBBSON A THOUGHT EVERY DAY IS A JUDGE ?dENT 7>.\Y: The son of man diall come in th* glory of the hi»~ angel* and then hs »> U »'»war4 every man according to hi*- work*.—Matt. 16i27. NEW ERA CLUB— (Contiviu?d from page 3 Jackson Mi'. : nd Mrs. O. Bar bee, Everlie J,.nes; Miss Idona Grines; Mr. and Mrs. W.ever Ohaglen, Mi.ss Jes.'ie Green i-J James McCraig, l»Ir. and Mrs. Thomas E- Lann luid Mr. and Mrs. John Long. Uvery^bri# ^ Si e; e nt had swell time thiTr arc the -N. B. C. Bfl^ will" keep it up and go placcs in a big The actvity presented , s u c h terrific' possibiUties t.hat in 1914 ‘several men from Noith Carolina ,were invited to t h meeting at Bayshore Hotel, Buckro %eaeh Va. Six men went an(^ were tendered mem berships. The six were the late Dr. Ed. Smith df Winstori the lat* Dr. G. G. Evans of Kaieigh Dr. Chas. A. Dunston, Raleigh Br. . C. 0. Lee Winston, Di. W. H. Wallace formerly of fculis- bury now of Phila, and Dr. A. S. Hunter. jelink§ -have been staged way. Sandwiches, drinks; mints; and Peanuts were «erved and were they swell or were they? Here’s luck to you N. E. C. Elvers Bruce, Miss Jessie Bell Jackson; Misse=. Francis and Josephine Harris, Mr. ami Mrs. Norma Walker and.. Bernia Bourough. ■ A ^hort talk w a ?, given by the President 0. Bar bee. The Charter was ^changed to read The Inter Slate in J918 and operated as such until 1932 when it took on the propoit'ons of a National activity..... From the rtart the chief idesT 'ol! the Organization has been one tijat'i would render the greatest aid t.0 thosj in tfre practice of Den Elks National Conveiilioii New York Aug. 19th to 29tli~ —AND TrE— World’s Fair In order that Elk* and tkcir friends frOaa Nortk Carolina' m*f travel togetJ^ on tke mo«t confortabl* and »co«o«nic bssia possible, jrOuy transportation committe* kas arranged! with tk« Dt.ugatfcs from CHARI^OTTifi, A^EVILLE; (SAJUiSBURY; W'IN-STON SAJLiEM and intermediate points will board Special l.ar at GR®Ea«{BBOiRO. - g-plan [I UouRd^t^ t^ frem GOXjDDIHma. iLAJLBW: Dtm. ger imltor? werf iir ^ttendunc# irt the aeventh annual state wide school Janitor* >t A and T ooll- «ge last week. Heading the icbool w«» ff. £• Sen dull of th« 1 Other mewfrtxti o# were F. B. Wheeler and L, L. Vaughn of North C«rolln» Stat* College, lUUeigh and Dean J. M. Mtrtoona »od Clyde Dehufe A and T Cotiep, county county school units In attepd* /ince at the ?«hool while Hickory, was in the lead in the city unit division! Scarboi (Tugli & iargell FUNERAL DIRECTORS—AMBULANCE SERVICE fHO|ES DAY J-3IIi__ *22 EAST PETTIGREW ST. NIGHlJbgMZ DURHAM. N. C. EXECUTCr>’S IJOTICL NORTH CAROUiNA, DUR.».4M COUNT¥ ' . HAVING QUALIFIED as ex ecutor of the Will of Allen L. Goodloe, deceased late of Dur ham County North ■ Carolina this is to notify all perrons having claim? «gain8t tho estate I of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigped at P'ost Office Box D.uham, North Carolina or, II4 fi/zish Street, Durham N, C. on or ber fore the 8th day of .\i%ust 1940 Of this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All pear.»ons indebted to saic? es tate will please make immediate payment. This ^Ih day of Aiigii«t "IS3a.' W. J. K^iNEDY, Jr. E.KK.CIT TOR OF the WILL OF ALLEN L. GOODLOE, Deceased. M. HUGH THOMPSON, Att’y To operate ”one or more'special ceachea a» may be ueuded troiu Uolosworo through to Naw York via Durham, Burlington; Geen.-boro and Washington on the folRi^ing schedule; SAlUkUAY AUGUSl 19TH SOUTHERN RAILWAY LEAVE RALEIGH -r-; 3:18 P. M. LEAVE GOU>SBORO ^ — 6:25 P. M. LEAVE DURHAM ^ ^ TsJi P. M. LEAVE HILLSBORO 7:23 P. M. ' " LEAVE MEBANE — 7:44 P. M.— LEAVE BURLINGTON 8; 10 P. M. J-EAVE GREENSBORO 10;Ei5 P. M. LEAVE REWSVtLLE ^ -11:26 P. M. 5UMDAY AUGUST 2®TH LEAVE DANVIJLLE LEAVE WASHINGTON PENNSYLVANIA RAILWAY ARRtVE NEW YORK — 12:05 P. 7:15 P. ithSfi P. M. liAivl; BURIjINi^TO'N, GR£ENJSBOdtO and all iBtermediata pomta according: nanbar 4n party'be as foBowa: NUMBER IN PARTY—ROUND TRIP FARE 2S to 29 inclusin $14.55; 30 to J4 incluiv* $14w23j 75 to M inclusive $13.75t lOO to 149 jnelauv^ $13.1i5t $tl.S8 _ j| Our minimum goal ia 75 and rate of ^13.716, bowever collec tion will be made on >baais of the sm«U*r numl»er at the fl4; 55 rate and difference in thia rate »nd other ..asis be reached refunded on train or invested in refreshment* lor benefit of the part^ aa may be deeaieit advi.«able yoai committee. - Jie;'iittr Now-r-At th« iUka Bom*, 307 E. ^G»b«rfi» Raleigh for your group tocket «r with your Soiitberii ticket agent who will make collection and secure tnvel „ ficra Mr. J. S. Bloodworth, DPA Ralegh N. C. — — ” A group ticket will )>e issued for the goi«g trip but W- iividual ticket# will be issued for the retom trip wkldt will be horiored on any train handling coaches withiD tea fimit. Stopovers will be permitted on' return trip* statioitsi-a • . jv.i—• a . . SPONSORED BY ELKS OF KALKIGH LOOCd For further inforroation eoiMKttiricat»_ ,twtngpor^ioii eommilitt AlpKoaaa ' Yance--^JUlfti||r^. AayMtg. Bklft Blanche Dover—Mary —Ifthlali Pfcltg S. Wilcex Chainaan 724 ^ C.

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