Ho me ED T ON Cb^Cari V01.UME 1 NUMBER 4 Reaches the Masses of ^’Readers tATURPXV AUG. PRICE SEVEVf CENTS BURGLAR HUY FACE DEATH StateijUshers 7o hold Fifteenth Annuai Convention Jn Burlington August 25-27 Plans Mplete $100.00 CHECK 01 (Iste BUaUNGTON, N. C.—PUn» hav« already been completed for entertainment of the 15th annual seoion of the North Carolina Interdenominationat Uirii ers Association to ibe hel(^'at the fc^enecer Christian Church on Apple street here Auifui’t 26-26 and 27. The local committee which ii headed by Mrs. Fannie Walket, president of the Bur lington Ushers Union gave out intorn^tion week that Burling ton is ready 4tnd ha» left no vtone unturned to entertain the many visito:^ in tirst class .rdcr, who will come hare foi^ the three-day rMaion. reiMH-ta fvem L. E. Au»> tin, president «f the asMciatioB ate to the effect that the largest delegation in tSi| _„hiiitory of the organisation will gather at Bur- ,1 .i n g t o a for this y tsar's session. Hr. Austin '«aid- es in Durham where headquar ters. of the aaaociation are located and stated this week that an extra cleric has been required to take case of ^e large amount of correspondence Bow ^ethg carri ed on in connection with prepara tiona for this year’s* aniulAl session. Many new cities and churcheit will be represented in thie year’s anTiual session and t3ie larger jBamft>«r of janioiB usherK. ever to attend the ashersr con^i^ioi^ |Will| be pre|ent.^ The Junior department which is headed by Mrs. L. A., Foster Of Greensboro haK worked 'constit ©ntly during the past vear to "luring a Isrge numlber of youi^g iwherr*' to the convention. The crorwming event of the- 1939 sesmq)) will be the annual address «;hieh will be delivered •by Dr. Jamtt £. Shepard, presi dent of North Carolina College for Negroes. Dr. Shepard will speak. Sunday morning at eleven o’clock. " This year’s session of the association will get under way Friday morning .promptly at I'O o’clock. The atate itreaident of the association will be present ed to the convention by Mrs. Fannie Walker. Appointment of committees and registration of delegates will follow. The Fri day afternoon seyaion will be taken up 'with reports from -field agents. On Friday evening at eight o’clock • public program will be held at which time several ad dresses of welcome will be de livered. Welcome pn ^ehalf of the business men' will be given Youth Accused Ot Burglary CHARLOTTE. N. Mayes 19 year ol^ C.—^Richard . According to Rural Police, youth who ' Mayes entereu tne home ol i*'. Cliaiigelii lives in lieeklen'burg County a few miles from the city in. he Morning Star Section, was scheduled to face a jury of twelve men on Wednesday HMtrning on a charge' the penalty for which is death in the state’s busy gas chamfcer. iitayes is a handaome- iad and looks younger than 1>9 years, but his youth will avail him nothing if he is convicted of first (fegfee bu^lary , the crime with which h^»is charged and whifh many persons think should be taken off the list of North Carolina^ espitel^ crim Nation Defense For A. Fowler a v/^ite farmer who lived near nim and crawled in to- a bed in which the farmer’s two daughters were sleeping. Tne girls, awakened according to the police, and arotised their father. Mayea fled but was easily reconized by the girls, who knew him well and h« "’as’ tvreaieu soon afterward. The alleged burglary tooK place on the night of July 25th, — lA special venire of 26 men has ^ been called for the Mayes case and is expected to get un- de^jjt'"■'sometime Wednesday Eeropon. Judge Don Phillips of Rockinghtfm will hear' the case. Starts NBW YOBiK.—Aroused by th« spectacle of a klan domina ted police -erTinization which forced the speedy conviction and Jailing of youti^ul William Anderson in Greenville, g. C. July 24 a frame 'up charge of disorderly conduct, more than 3,000 youth memberr of tiM ^sK>ciation for Ihe Advancement of Colored People prepared to launch a national campign this week to ruse funds to fight the case. Anderson, president of the hQAACP youth council in Green Viile and-Janitor in the city high schodl has been the leading figure in the drive to get Ne groes of the South Carolna city to register for the city primary which occurs Sept. 12. TThe U> S. Department of JuKtice bas" investigai^d the situation in Greenville upon request of the NAACP but main tains that it Has no authority to act ^because the election for which the registration is ti.king place is purely « local, munici pal one with no Federal' offices involved. 1 Thurgood Mars^iall, M.^CP counsel is still urging . action upon the ground.*, that registra tion is also being held for the right to participate in tlie pri mary of the general election. The U. S. attorney’jL. office in Greenville, however insists that no Negroes are being denied general regietration. Such dis cussion as has appeared concern.^' itself with the local election, thia" office reports. Young Anderson who refused to be intimidated in his a'^mistra tion work by the Greenville klan and who war- framed and Jailed on a trumped up charge has become ttse rallying point in the fight to secure the ballot South Carolia* «a4 elsewhete in the South. (Please turn to page 8) -by—Br S. Thomas^ on behalf of -August Mtlu_ education, Prof. J, V. Avon. Berponse 0. G. Donnell chair man of t^e l)oard of directors of the association. Welcome on behalf of the professional -.men will *be given . by Dr. J. E.- ^tnuai; an hohsK ^ «f the city ushem union, Mrs. Elma Sellars. Response Mrs. Morgan.. A. sola will be deliver ed by Mrr. Clara isley. Re- maHoi by the president of thfr association will close the*F?lday The Saturday seisiont will be Jevoted to the ngular '■outine of busin«Nu ' On Sunday morning at six o’clock thy imprfMiTA a of 'tht 4»cea»a| oshtw. famous Vocalist AppeiffsAtNCC Miss Mary Frances licknortp, famed meszo Soprano appeared in recital in the Duke Memcrial Auditorium at North - Carolina College- for Negroes, Friday MiFS Lehnerts, a naiive of of li{!nn6Bota sludied at Colum bia in New York City and since that time ha« been appraised by critical as being among the best vocalkd^ .at hope and abroi^.' In a^diton to Mim Lehnerts rare voice the audience recogni led a beautiful and charming periiionality. It was this combina * ^ ° „ tion that made students de mand that Mfss Lehnerts render encore after encore. Paul S. Ro'binson, Duke Pian- iftt accompanied Miss Lahnert at the piano.' Sunday afternoon Mira Leknerts gave a vocarilion recital at Duke University, the first in America. Her ~ich and powerful voice can be heard ft. HILLSBORO CITIZENS DIES beautiful memoriaT seiricet wiH former president of the at>socia tion and treasurer. Iliis ia an annual part of the convention and is held in commeinorat}on "^' Hillsboro, N. C.—Impre!>8ive funeral service for Mrs. Susie Hill«iboro Rt. 2, were held Sunday ’ August ISth from the Cross Road fihnrph nf Orange which she had been a member for^^eral years Mrs. Pearlie was born 1JS62 and departed this life August 11, 19S9 -at the age of 77 yeitk iidWorkm ^ DXJRHAM, N. C.—A, chanj.e in the Social Security Act whic h was enacted into law during: the recent session of Congreji will it* of grc«t benefit to iu'uied workers who are now approach- I age 65, according to Mrs. Nina H. Goodwin field manager I ul the Durham office of the I Social Security Board. ln«teatl j of one lump sum payment of old age insurance which ‘ h e j governmc.it, has paid hereto- I fofe to insured '|vorkers who reach age ^65,' a monthly benefit wul be prpvioej' after January Ir* liW,0 for qualified workers who attain age *65. Ccmsequent- iy Sociist Security" Board is no longer accepting these *lt\|e j^laims’ or ‘attainment claims’ as they are called. • Mrs. Goodwin said that T,23^ for old age insurance payments amounting to 1242,2126.50 have been paid by the Social Secur ity Board in this State during- the past 2 1-2 years. About 40 per cent of the claimants were men an3 woRfBft who h«d leach ed age 66 after participating in the oll sg^ insurance pro gram. Now, unSer the revised program insured workers who reach age 66 and who meef'ilie requirements have an opportun- tg get a lifetttne monthly bene- j Termintation gf the payment of lump sum benefits to. 65 year old workers is the only change ^n the iSocial Security Act which became . effective when Frepident signed^he bill August 11. Other emendments will go .nto effect January 1, 1940. f Monthly benefits, will become I payable in 1940 Instead of 1942 las KchedulSd uiffier the original law. Survivors of '•eceased work ers who are entitled to lump sum benefits may continue to filo claims for payment of old age insurance. Miss Mptle Brodie charlotte:, N. C. (Spfeal) Mits Myrtle Broadie became ttie bride of the Professor Crawford who is an instructor at Louis ville Municipal College, the night of August 16 at Brooklyn Presbyterian Church. Several da^a before the wedding tlfe popular Misft Brodie was honor ed with many showers by vari ous friends and acquaintances. •a Miss Estelle Smith gave .a -m^ellaneouf. shower Tuesday night for Miss Brodie at h«r home o° Sast 8th Street. Mrs. Helen Rdbinson of New York, t Mster of Miss Brodie jfas ,n special guest at the affair. Friday night August 4 Mrs. S. J. McGill gave a linen., shower at her home on 624 CrocSett St. in henor of the new biide. A china rhower yras given by Durham M^n Dies in Weli DUBHAM—Cleveland Myiitt," who had been digging and car ing foJL weils for 25 yeai s v'ith- out serious injury, went down in hiii last well here W'eilncs- day morning^' and was Ucati when taken out. He was the Victim of CaiUon Monoxlue poisoning, according to Coroner A. S. CampibeU. w'no examined ^e body, and a wound he sus^ tained on l-he head . was only f uperl'icial' and not dangeious enough to Tiave caused his ditath. ^ ai a Myatt went to tlie home of Charlie Evans on Ferrell Roau here Wednesday morning with a hjelper' to clean out the well. Tuesday he had gono to the home and set off a dynamite charge preparatory to his work W*e(Jnesday morning. .^He w»e lowered into the well but soon shouted to hi* helper to get him out as he srffelled gas. Felix Baldwin his helper quickly low ered the fope' which Mya^t grasped a>*d he was pulled to the top he fell back to the bofloiir of the well Wel-f ther he fell beccuse he lost his i grip or because ho «as 'jvei- j come with will never ibe,( kno\.’n. I A tl:!;;!' wfin wa3 near the scene rtin qul^y to t'le ne.i’iEt teitiH.oae wurji v.aa lo^sitiid at t n Muiiiiead €ou;>tr4jction ■CoTniMmy a d>^^»ce of about a ivuie, and cal.s were quickly Life Insurance Cju made to the fire department I NEW YOR7T .CITY—Speaking,, jfrom the Hall of .Special Events' a. me Npw V'ork Wofjtl’s Fair ovtT a, coast •^O'Coa.'t buoa^fast, August 9 Dr. C. C' Sp#ul^‘«g, I’ltfsidcnt of the. North . ,>paulding, himself a Har mon award wiimtr ani most succes.iful NpsH) bu.'iness man, exprt' - id !>*»• h - that’, the opportunitie? afforded fey th* ^rgaftizatio.n would be extended jtiiw every rarsl eommunicy ■ and the sheriff’s office. A fireman was ^^y»■el*ed into t h ® well wearing » gas mask but had to be puHed out when_ the mask refused to work. An air ^ line was rigged up and First EieutBtrant C. L. Cox of —« ' fire departm^it -descended and' tied, a rope to the man’s body by -whlth he was- fulled *»ut f, the well. This ocjcurred about 9:45. lArtificial respiration w a s ^ tried but Myatt showed no signs of life. He leaves ^a wife -atid j five children. 1 100.00 tb J. \V. Smith Gause Texas «»per- ior ranking farmer of tae New Farmers of America r - ^••‘gnition of ^ oucsCanding ac- i.oinplishmcnt. ^ ^ I’raising the N. F. a. * o * in?tiHing, tjj^rfid*jw?~a«d raisiBg: the s'anilards of the rural boy. - I 4, D. SUi. •»' -, Xationiil Ere- Secrecary NFA, looks on ‘ t-ii.' lad who inherit- # farm from his du^ cutive pruJdly ed a 250 acre late father and successfully with.*_ The is an ^amfya^nS' im. oiitati.. NCCCoaches Surtim^ ro^Uavepay/it T|ie:Fair Monday As Life Guards NEW YORK, (Special >— tJie Fair ha.-" had. Ihe Katioaal l>aptist Convtnl All Baptises and their friends tion, led by Dr. L. K. Viiiliams are asked to oreet at exiictly of Chicago and hia * t * t f 2:15 p. m. at the Tewple of 0/ othc^rs and a multitude of*Peligion. Tfie Temple of Kelig- IowLts, • w^ll tnvade the* ion will be the meetiut place foi: Wo 'a,..- the • pool while McLendon i? cap 1 tain o^ the life guards. Under' their direction some twenty or 1 Coaches Bu’ghafdt and ’Mc Lendon, footiball mentors pf the North Carolina College for Ne groes, are spending th'eir sum- more boys ar> now mer saving live.' and teaching toward receiving their others to do the same. | ing after which they fully, ptepar^d to work fied life guards. Working with the mentors i.g. a corp of well • Both, Burghardt and McLen don are serving as life guards at the Hillside Pool—Durham; Burgardt being the director of orld’s Fair at New iotk, Sept. 11. The Convention, with largest member.'hip any Negro group in the w^rld wiU I close’ its ses.»ions in Philad-1- wor mg pjjj^ Sunday night, September ' Ko and move into New Y o-r k wiJi be ‘ . f early Monday morning in read mess for the Convention Fair (Pleas? turn County of *he Alpha Kspfa Alpha Sorority of which the bride Is a meinber.' iven at the homo of and Mrs. S. 1|. Adams of Beat- in7lie Ford Road. Among prevent 'rorej Misses Cecilia'' ^ Jackson, Lotiis* l^esra; lonC iffliutk- Fmay Battty; page BURGHAIU)T McLENOON wnere the religious ,«ervice3 will begin and wnere there iiill be‘delivered a message to the world by L. K. Williams, president of the National Bap- . tipt Conventio'n, Inc. I'he' luosic for the occasion will be furnish ed by the Concord choir of Brioklyn, directed by Frof. ■ Day. The headquarters for the' Boatner and the Mount Oliveti .meeting—^wiH-be—^ ibe Mount-’ehiWir—gf—-¥»rk, ilirectfti hy - Olivet Baptist Cliurch, 120th * Prof. and the conventioa Street and LenPx Avenue, Dr.' choir of Philadephia, directed 0. C. Maxwell pastor. The N«w * by Prof. Dorsey. There will be a parade .• from the Temple of- Religion to the Court of Peace. York Ministers’ Conference, the New York Baptist Cofivention and the New^ersey and Penn- .'■ylvania conferences and coiw' ventions are already formed into committees to make the Baptist Day at the Fair the ibiggest and most colorful day At 7:15 p. m. a public meet ing will be held in the Court of Peace at which time the Mayor of New York and the President of the Fair have been invited to adSVesi*’ the Baptists. Value of Time Pointed Out To A. And T. Grads G®|BBNSBOiRO. N. C.—^“The privileged group must not cut the line of salvation in all its forms from the underprivileged if the base of Tiuman rights, liberties and progre.as continue declared Rev. H. C. ' Miller, pastor of St. James Presbyterian Church in t h ¥ baccalaureate address to- , 39 members of the^graduating ci^.-s i, at the annual summer convoca tion of A and T College Sunday afternoon. The audience was and outspiten ' C0ACH9S the.*creed of i|iy mintHity people must sbe ‘wet^aU togetlMr and we all go down tocstliar.' Takin«r as th* mbj«ct of Ms discoonM tte Saais of Achievments.’ Rev, Mill*r aid tha^ no worthwhile thiai^- i« tained except by agon^ ‘aerifies and shedding of botii figuratively and literacy. are^^ttt; ^riptural ba^is of t^ serMoK ” was taken from lleiiatews and read.^*‘And ahirai>t all are by law purctexad witk bl'jod, andL.»P»rt fi'>itt tlh« dbsM ing of blood there is no ion.* Too ofteA, fbe fe?ted sn Muqf Thus kft Ike H for breejU' i;i ¥

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