THg ^JJbOUHA liliu S^tTWAY, XUGUfT f$ tM^ wi ammw, miimaamwm, ana v^f PHvMtt JitpJf’... M»ad omif _ mU-mddt9aatd, ttampti Miva/ojw /0'r ’mra9^ 4STK0t06Y RfADIMO aad ncaivt by rttutm mail FMEB AliVICt oa C3> QatMtiotm. Uni all Uttcra to: ITbBB WALLACE, c«r« of THE CAKO- LINA TIIIBI. 117 X. PiMlK>47 8tr««t. Durluua, N. Carolina. MlLQ;;-^o you think , that I am doiaic the right thiof to . let my oicce «tsy h«r« in my ham«7 I am telT^ljr woriied about this matter. Ani; Y»ut nleco i» NOT IN liOVE with fyour huabanci ^ut if it inakst you unhappy to ifo th«m carry on...arranjre at one* for her to get anothet place to May, There ia no need to keep anyone In yout^ home it has a tend(^ney to make you unhappy, lo atop thii matter right whero it Is before ^roufble does arise between you and your huitband. ILW—r am thinking ef tail ing a course of art at home and wonder if 1 will be success tul in it? • ^ Ana: The course would' help you but you wouldn’t have work after you complsfed the courne, I favor your lakiHf" something that you couiU de pend on> as a future profession ajid I don't believe it will be art work. ; GiB)—I ani( correaponUln^ With a married man and*l wish to know If be telU me the truth and will h« do anything to please me. Does he love me as he says and should 1 pot all my confidence in him? Ans: Ife your age—you act like some thirteen year old girl instead of 26 years old. This married man will never anything to you and if you want to fiipd yourself in a let trouble Just continue on with him and you are botfnd to be made ulibappy. Wljir don't you go with a single boy. EK—What does .pay huAand d® with hi». money and where d.oes he go and where arc his shorts? ‘ I j Ans; He left his shorti> at the same pUce be left his bat and also where be l«ftV|t«' larger portion of hir money. Tfeu had better give him a piece of your mind and out a stop to his frolieing around. RGB—Do I stand a chanee of getting thtk Job at the clu)> where 1 worked last winte^ How can 1 find out? Ans: You ftiipd an excellent chance of gettitig iback on there the firFt of October. You had better call the Manager go by to see him right »w*y...let him know OTt,']^u are wailjpg ^r your old back. HT8—I seem to b* crasy in iove with nay lady friend and 1 wish t'' know how 1 stand with her? Ans:—This girl likes * ou... jbut she isn’t as much In lore with yof as you seem to . be with her. You are mighty nice to her but I don't think that she appreciates you as much as she should. Don’t let yourselX fall toovdeeply in Iqve until you feel more sure of her. MEC—Will my daughter over come the apeils she is having and will ahe ever cvorcome them? Ans:Her health is quite poo* right. now. If she were to get the best of medical treatment mean for a period of a few months, I feel that ahe will be well again. She is young, and should react to treatment rapidly. GK—Plesii'e tell me if the man 1 have been keeping eom^ pany with loves me? • Ans: Yes he does. He also would like for you to be his wife and i» anxious for it to take place soon too. lYNeKED’NEGRO ALIVE IN Chas. Williams Reported Killed By Mob Is Alive HONORED FOR 4* YEARS SERVICE Poe(’$ Corner JANE BOLIN t t t t $ t Thirty one ye*rs |j^go in Pongh kfeepjie was -born, Jane Boline whose £ame.>>fey leaps and' bounds "has grown. Honor graduate 6f Wellesley, and of Yale, A career that sound like r fairy tale. m Only seven short years since . you to the bar f In severt sliort yeara yoa have gone far. From Layfer to Corporation Council to Judge were simple steps,’ To you j»oressing a birthright of ibeautyr. ^'brains.v- personality |nd pep. In posterity you will take your place mhmhm As the first woman Judge of ■ —ysiur race. Freedof charlotte 11 t t t t Misses Inei Porney Ornetter Biggera, Mrs. Freda Exvin and Dr. S. N. Troas spent the pa?t we«k at i>ivingstoii$ .College at tending the "Leadership Train ing SchooL ii^^^p-*-.- ; , t t t t t t Mr. Julius Fox entertained his cluib Monday, nigrht and plan? were made for a S{|^aniji|i Party to be'given August i?th -At-the 9t'. Benedict Club Room. ' BY O. «. TAYLOR ^ KNOXVULiLE, Tenn. (ANP5 —The word of a white woman that a Negro and an ex-convict had attacked her cut no ice with Judge Mynatt, who Wednesday freed the afiegei rapist when the case came before him. P The wAnan, who have her h*bme ka. Washington D. -C. said late Sunday ni|^'t she and a man of her own race were out walking when they were attack ed by a big colored man on he Clinch avenue bridge. She said that at pistol point her asscilant forced her to acoompany him to a stop beneath the viaduct where she was raped. Her com- oanion, meanwhile ran for hilp. Fred Wade whp had previous ly served a prison term for ^murder was arrested and iden- * tified as the Culprit. But when j the trial wa.» held, Judge My natt listened lb the testimony and said,, fl do nOt believe there is a thing it. He" dismi?»- ed the case and freed Wade. lATLi/^TA, (AJn»)—Chjriey Williams, who was reportoo to have ^een lynched naar Wood- cliffe, Screven county Ga. on March n is alive and at work in Savannah. Wb«n found by Detective Sergeant E. A. Fitls- gerald on Thursday of last week Williams said, “1 heasd I was lynched but didn’t pay any at tention to it because 1 kn««r I was living.* He also said that when he first heard the report he knew bis mother would be worried, so wrote to tell her that be was “alive and working in Savannah.' Wiltiams was reported to have been taken off a train near Ugeechee by a group of white men and lynched “for having said aomethmg out of the way to a white woman.’ At tu>s re* quest of the Association of SouUiern Women for the Preyen Sion of Lynching a thorough in vestigation of the case w a * made by the Rev.' J. O. J. Tay lor, pastor Grace Methodist church and Sergeant ^itagerald ooth of Savannah. ^ After reieiving Mr. Taylor’s report whicn estwblished t' h e fact that Chancy WiU.ama had not been lyncaed, Mrs. W. A. Turner''chairman of the George CouAeil for the Prevention of i.{|icnmg sent the^ fulioiii'ing tetier to the menvbers of that body; on July 1, Tuskgee - . rBported four lynchings for the first six, muntiis of 1939 o^e of these in Georgia. We had not heard of the Woodciiffe iy»ciiing re ported to h^ve occurred March 11 but following our accumrtom ed practice to find the facts and make them public, we rfirst contacted tfte sheriff by phone and asked for the facts. We found that the Savannah Jour^ nai of March i,2 curried a story of the lynching under the cap tion ‘Mob Takfc Cuarley Williams Off Train N^r " Ogeerbef, Leaver Note dh Dead Man's Chest. Victim . Committed No Crime. SherifI "GMfin insisted ho lynching took plac^. Mrs. Amei, executive director' of the Association of Souther* Women for the Prevention of Lynching then a°^ked the Kev. J. O. J. 'Taylor of Savannah member ©I the Georgia. Inter racial, committee) to try to get some information on this lynch ing. He went to the job like a trained detective » and to show his spirit I am quoting from his letter of July ,12. Resrardlesi of which way the case breaks, the puiblic is entitled to know every fact connected with it. If such a lynching did occur and was suppresed, it is nothing,,, short of the lowest form of "crime and we will see that if it did not occur, then this area ii en titled to vindication and will get it. But we are in the case with open minds and will see it throuyh.* Mr. Taylor with the splendid cooperation ofj Mr, ’Parr, super- intandfent of Q*- R- "R- -*b€ Rav. £. It. Harris of Rocky Ford, Mr. Fita^srald of detec- Civa buraau of , Savannah Mr. Cbarlton city editor of the Savannah Morniag Neiws and others, proved no lynching t»ok place. S«ve»l reliaible wit naatcs staited that Charley WiUiaxns was .working in Savannah. FinaUy, on August S Mr, Taylor and Mr. Fitsger- ald found Charley who said I heard I was lynched but didn't pay any attention to it because I knew I wa.«t living. Mr. Taylor writes, Charley Williams seems to be a good ,^ype Negro.' He toid a good straight story. went into this inve.aiga- find the truth. Frankly I feared th« reported lynching might be true, but even so we wanted the facts known for only so can we build a public opinion iwiiich will not condone lynching. Needless to *«y we are very grateful for the fact that Charley Williams is alive. story a.iuiounc- carried The original ing the lynching was in the March 12 i'sue of the Savannah Journal, edited by Davis Lee, along with an editor ial. A second story appeared the following week. Dr. Q.W. Bowles Delivers Speech at Medfcs Meet Changes At uennsii An unusual tribute to tba filth* ful sod Intelligent service of one man was given at Wilmington, N. C., recemljt when cItIo offlclals, vzecutives of the North Carolina Plvisloa of tbs Standard Oil Com pany of New Jersey, prominent Negro citisens and fellow employaae honored William Frank Dodd, Negro plant man, on the occasion of hii retirement ^ Mr. Dodd, who retired oo an an* nulty, had attained a ramarkabla I record of nearly 44. years of serrlca with the tompany. in tha first tS years and nine months of hla tai^ vice, he had never had an accident, and was abi^nt throngh Illness only nl&e days daring bis long career, I ,J. B. L. Wade, eommlssloner d public works at Wllmingtoo, repr*' NEW YORK, (ANP >—On Tuesday August JS befure a 1 joint it!Lion o7 the NmUumI M>-dical association haru. Dr. (jeorge W. Bowles Y»rk Pa. NMA pr« lident delivered i s annual address in which he re- viewtxl everft"! >>f the pasi year sffectiitg the nation’i( Negro physicians denti'ts and pharma cists. As was expected Dr. Bowles ju tfie implications oi tne V*a»in;t ^tiationar tieaitn act m ptk'.Hiiiing Lu i.'«L‘i^ro profe»ito«; utis siiu iiieir patieats ana paia irtuulc to the NMA »p«cial .;uuimitlee (tir. Uuscoe C. uitS's Chau man, Ur. Uat1 U. tioberu unU Uk\ Clarence H. Payne all u{ Chicago) fur ltd spitaata wurk un uetmlf of NMiA. Amoug other .thingii, he cited the res- 4 poii.'ijbiUty yf the white Aueri- nsnted the mayor at the city at tha can Mt:iicai us8>ciation iu secui- baoQuet and ceremonies. Above, jujj just and equitsible recogni- tlie cognate profeadoaa tiuit ara definitely tha re*|K»»ibility of the Amcrieaa Medical Asao- eialiflTn. GILES COMMITTEE BEFORE AMA Yoa have knowledge of tba ■pecial conmlltaa appdtateii by me Sept. 1938 of wbieh Drctor Giles was chairman, Thii cob- mittee was appo*ated orer the (Please tars"»o page •ix) ' C, M. Byers. North Carolina man ager tor tba Esso Marketers, who led tha grovp of company execu tlvea at tba banqutt, ia shown pre aetatlng Mr. Dodd with a check cov •ring his baltaca la tha Company Thrift Fund. North Carolina em‘' ployaaa of tha company presented. Mr. Dodd with a gold watch and chain, soitably Inscribed. DnHng hla y«an of aerrlce, Mr. Dodd pat thrM of hli four children throngh oollagab Two of his dangh- tan Boir tMoh tn tha ]E7llmlngton publle a^ooli. ^ Praiant at tn blnoSat n honor Ifr. Dodd wari aig&t oolojrad am* ployaea whoaa larvlea, combing iHth Dodd'% aqiulled 104 yaara, six months and thraa daya. I succeed Dr. Edward Farc.sor, I who re.=igned to head the Depart I ment of English in the Uradu- ^ate School of North Carolina ! Collego.- at Durham. — ORBEI^nBORO, N. C.—The ’ Mrs. Constance Ilill Marteens faculty of Bennett College is B. S. in Library* Science fvora to be greatly augmented at the,:;ttamptbn Ifistitute, formerly opening of aeho,^ on Sept. 14. Secretary ^ the President, will Dr. A^ai’ta ^Turjier PhD psy be in- tlWrge of the Thoma*! F. thology ’ and honie^' ^ponomic* H^lgate Library. She will be from Ohio State Univerifity a.'^sisted by Mrs.^ will direst the Nursery School head Grimes a“ and Miss Lydia M. Jetton a Benneit and of f ra(^te af Bennett , Cpllei^, * Litoi^ry School, who received the Master’s de gree from th(§ University Of Wipconsin while on leave from Bennett will resume her duties as a ftenriber of the home econ omics staff. Thus, the Depart-. ment of Home Economics which i.i headed by Dr. Flemmie P. .Kj^teell wiir he better equipped than ivjir to render efftctive service. Willie Mcro- gfaduBte of the Hampton John Grant Turner, who has done work beyond the Master’s degree at Ohio State Univer sity in the field of history, will aspume the work of Miss Meree Tate* on leave of absence to study' at Harvard and Radcliffe on a Rosenwald pn a Rosenwald scholarship. Mr?. Maggie B. Qaniels, who holds the ^Master’s degree in ^he , Jiel4„ of from the„ Univeri'ity of Wi'con- sin, formerly Piofesspr ol Eti- glish at Wiloy Ccllege, will Miss Florence Carter, B. S. State ' Teachers . College 'Pcniisy- ivania will be Afsistant in the Department of Physical Educa- tion^ Miss Blanche Wyche, B. S. i Hampton Institute, will be' se cretary to the President; and Mis.° Mary S. Washington, also holding the B. S. degree from from Hampton, will be instruc tor in stenography and ■ assist with the stenographic work. (Contnued on pag,e 5) MJOPLB* give for many /diTfenent • reS^ia, but ».eldom out of the "gBodneas of their heart. r ; ill";, RiCttI p]^flLE frequently get away w'th forma of thrift} thit would cause, poor people extreme eni|barrassment. ‘ViHiAT’ THE UaE balldingj aify systems that takes ne ac- j count on humaa nature? FOR RENT No. ROoms LecatioB Rat* Far Week 3 ROOMS. iB12 GLENDALE AVE. ~ f— — *3.60 3 ROOMS—404 RONEY STREET $3^ 3 r56MS—4(K: RONEY STREET — $3.00 3 ROOMS—S29 COLEMAN ALLEY — — — *3.00 3 ROOMS—rS31 COLEMAN ALLEY —- _ —^*3.00 3 ROOMjl—1110 l.f HYDE PARK AVE. ‘—$3.00 3 ROOMS—a.28 1-2 PROCTER S1[. ^ —$4.00 3 ROOMS—414 PErn^REW STREET — — $3.60 9 ROOMS—III lUfifUfOOD ST. — — | $3.80 3 ROOMS—711 WILLARD ST. — — $3.00 3 ROOMS—1011 FERRELL ST. $3,00 3 ROOMS—1204 HANOVER SntE^T $3.00 2 i^OO^S-10 ADAMS ALLEY $2.S0 '2 ROOMS—l^S SOUTH STREET $2.00 •2 ROOMS—5«8 GUY ALLEY $2.28 2 ROOMS—-408 RONEY STRfifeT — $2.06 4 ROOMS-^14 RONEY STREET $3.00 4 ROOMS—416 RONfeY STREET — $3.00 4 ROOMS—618 MARTHA SVREET — 4 RboMS—1302 SOUTK STREET 8 ROOMS—1204 COLFAX STREET— 7 ROOMS—1108 GLENN STREEt — $3.00 — $4.80 — $4.50 57jOO Vf 1912 FAYETTEVILLE ST. DOUBLE GARAGE 78c p«r aid* mm INSUflANCE & I ■r I I a All# H. M. MICHAUX. Maaagar PHONE J.8821 BURHAM, N. C, tion fur the Negro professionals America. I’re. iuvnt Boiwles said in part: Uiganizea meuicme nas raised lie niiuiruutu Biundards of educa lion or of competence. ainevicuti iJledlcal aarsociatiou lias '\i«i.i'ki;d untiringly to luiee the niininiuni requirements. l,ow,urade medical schools^* are luaise, tuu coaijyelency of a i^ra .uaie oi all* American medical iSchool iiLfcd no longer be que!>- tioned; the AMA has consistent ty iouijiit and opposed quaek- ; it tia.s ekpt'sea the non«cnse of healin'g cults; it has , held .ugh .tue pi'inciple of medical ethics and the sacrednes«! of the Hippocratic oatb> It ha* projecled a practical program of health education. ONE WAY FERiMlLE RnUNO TRIP JO I.ESS fhtin *h'' Of*. FROM DURHAM TO ASHEVILLE ATLANTA — — *«-*® BIRMINGHAM BURLINGTON «•« CHARLOTTE GREENSBORO GOLDSBORO — . —»>•** t Through labbracory experi- ment4ilioii it has established the value? of ne*v remed'Ca and it ehjouraged ,, medtcak' ro- seareii. Ucgaruless of the iiTipei-feetioiJI of organized' medicine, it has done all this and yet there are % eertai-i ine* j quitie-», proscriptions and discfiinTrialions perpetrated a- Rainst the Americaai N«|;ro on LYNCHBURG — MEBANE — — MEMPHIS ^ ; — »»*-•» NEW YORK —. — — RALEIGH — ^ WlNSTOil-SALEli WASHINGTON r4FCTY. MrmMtittle ■ray Trmf9l ay Air-c««c ii««—*~a.i av T»»a—liTa SOUTHERN RAILW’AY SYSTEM Durham. Academy" Of Medidne PROFEiiSIONAL By Relaxing In The -^ LEO G. BRUCE, M. D. Physibiin ^nd 'Surgaon 814 1-2 Fayettevilla St. Telephones Office J-6222 Raa. L-4684 DOCTOR V. W. LOVE DENTIST Warren-tStrudwlck Bld^g. Office Hours 9-8 Dial J-6671 J. N. MILLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON Office 106 1-2 _ Parrish Street SPBCIAL ATTES^TION TO DISEASES OF WOMEN ^Trained nurse ill {tttendance Going to and ,from work cam b« a plaasur* if you rid* tha bu«. You get home Mrlier. You spend ^ts jnOSley for transportation (4 tokens for 2Se), You omjoy a safe. comfortabla ride. Public DOCTOR E. P. NORRIS DENTIST 707 1-2 Fayetteville Streef Hours 9—1 2—3 ^—7 Telephones Office J-8S21 t Res. J-9042 DOCTOR A. S. HUNtER DENTIST N. Ci' MfUuai isttiidmg ijtfice ' ttea. k>-ao4i. uuciUK M. c. a.*ru ^ Telephonas Uffice 253-» Ees. FranirtintMB, N. C; S. M. BECEFORO. It’D. GJEINSKAL SUSGEBY 2tt Montgomery Straat HenderMQ, N. C. R. A. BRYCE, M. D. Dapot St ^ Ruxboro, N. C. Office lioura / 9 a. m.-ll a. m.—2 p. m.-4 p. na. , ^ Sunday Taiephonas Office 4t>9« Rea 40Sr K. P. RANDOLPH, M. D. PHYSICIAN AllD SURGEON • • 312 Dowd Street ! Office Hours 9——10, 3- —4, 6—7 I Telephones Office N-&211 Res. N-5562 J. W. V. CORDICE. M. Dl GE>«£1£AL SUEGEEY 711 1-2 Fay^taviUa SL.iv. TeiaphonM K E. TURNER, HI. D. INTERNIST 618 Fayetteville Stre«t t Telephones Office L-^254 - - ?Res. 8SC4 J. S. THOMPSON, M. D. PHYSICIAN 709 1-2 Fayetteville St. Teiephonaa Office L-2S41 Raa, L-8621 ELLIS E- TONEY, M. DC 303 Hillsboro Strmt Oxford, North Carolina Office 445 ' tSI Talephoiies , W. A. CLELAND. M. 1%. PHYSICCmI AMD SURGEON BUtmora Hotel Bast Pattigrew Straat - Htran: SjSO—lOaO 1-2 Talev^nw: OffH^ F.4021 liw. J-1CS4 DOCTOR N. H. CORMtt DENTIST m 1-2 South MaiMpua Stme* Offie* Hours »—1 TalaphoQa Offtea F—tSt| DOCTCNR J. DEimvr N. c. HWN Otficv INW »4 ' Evaaiiit ^ m ■ "J

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