iPiWP Tin eAlioLmA timii •atur0ay. iiiv. i«i i«m NEWS AfiOJHD DURHAM TO VISIT IK NEW YORK are corJially igviUd. L«urm Ahiton left the 6 i t y| An addrtissi will be ^iven FVldaji Aufuiit 25 enroute tujA v-iy s|)vatk«)r. ' N. Y. wh«re she will apcod tome time atudying. ENROUTE TO NEW YORK , ' ^n. Bessie McLiturin anti two daugkteni, - Eva and iithel te^v the city FriUay afternoon enroule to New York whern they will Visit relative! and^ .t h e World’a F»ir. „ , TO VISIT IN KINSTON. Mrs. Etta M. cify left ^a^fliB^y^^truit ^6th •urout« toJKmaton wbero she wilt BpcBd two watka viiitinR rciativaa. SEWSBOY RETURNS HOME- Hoy Crawford, CAEOLINA T1M£S newsboy h«i returned homa ytec apendiny „ JKaek’a racation visiting in New York, .y^ % Joseph Lyoos haa retarned hone after spending: most of the hot sDmmer montha with his brother in Whitaken, N. G. Lawrence Lightner vaa ^ recent viutor in the city. lir. 'and MJT. "Jimmie WilliamI rtaidenU of Portsmouth Va. and relatives of Iienry Lyoaa called by to Visit tSe Lyons family winie enronte to Chapel Hill, ‘ N. C. ^ ^ilUam Fuller passed away, WSSnesday Au^st 2Srd. He leaves: two aon,a one daoght(.r " and one son in law: William Fuller Jr., Leuis Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Luther Gardner of Wash ington as well as relatives in ^.geclyr Mount ^ Mr. and Mrs. rWr. and Mr*. James Reaves and father B. Atwater, have re! turned to the city after spend ing. a week at the Nation’s Capitol with Uie aunt of Mrs. . Reaves and the sister of Mr. BMvea. I^eir anat, Mrs. K. J. Braham ^nd aon ^^ts;e H, Bra ham have returned to Durham with them. Mrs. S. O. Fitsgei*ald left the city Wednesday foi^,New York to yuit her sister. Misa Theodosia Cotton has retuqKd to the city after spend ing a 'few days in Charlotte. The Aid Age' Assistance Asl aotiation of Durham County calls a meeting in the Courthouse IB - Durham Connty .'Sunday even. ^ in^ Sept. 10th at 3 o’clock. All membere an? general public 'hOMil auAJn .. .. All'S. Mary Fiances Curtis and ilaruid Joynui- relumed to their home ou Mureland Avn. after visiung Mrs. Cuitis’ sister, Mp Maliye of New York. VISITS SISTER .... . . .. — Juineii Dai'w^Ui ul 'i'aylurvili/t IH. returned to his*^ hdme Friday ing after visiting his slater, Maty i>urwiii SSc^i'field of 40b I’owe Street. - VISIT BEACH .. Mrs Georgia Taylor, Miss Uuth Sl^h^s and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson spent thv week end at Ciiowan Beach, 14. C. .Mrs.-Mary Satterfield and her brother Jawea Darwin of^ litylor^ ville, 111. motored to William* stun last week where they spent a few days with their sister Mrs. J. J>, Stade. Miss 2elmd'^. Jones is visiting ftkndft in Littleton, H. C. William Henry Jones, College' Inn proprietor, returned from *New York City Isat Friday. Mrs. Lotti'e Evans of 607 t^yetteville Street spent last week end in Winston Salem visiting friends. ' ♦ THE KINGDOM SEFKESS CLASS of the Mount Vernon Baptiiit ChurclT^'Sunday School has' announced that its mem burs will sponsor the presenta tion of a picturesque “HOUSE Ci?AT” • wedding on Monday i night ^ept. ll a^ 8 p. ni/for tlie behelTE 61 tlje building fund. Mrs. Carrie Barnes and Mrs. Annie L. Filmore are directors of tae “wedding.” A ProMiimrt Bushmss WonKm Prai90s Mim.C J. Wolctr’s Frtparotioiis COLLEGE, ORANGEB URG, SOUTH CAROUHA SOUTH CAROUNA 4 (X) Hodge Hall, Chemiat.-y and Agricultural Building (i2) New air view of campus ('3) 4 5 Activities in the Agri idl&kltilM cultural and Trade Divisions. PJtBlOB, ATTENDS FAIR Rev, J. H, Tucker, pastor of the St. Joseph CM£ Church left Raleigh last Thursday for New York City for g vacation. He will attend the World’s Fair and will return to .Chapel Hill around the 10 of Sept? GUEST SPEAKER .. Rev. Mathey of Durham, pastor of St. Matthew Church was the guest speaker Sunday morning at SWJoseph CM£ Chureh. HUfm Vera Fearington hui re- turifed home from Moxville, N. C. where she has Been visiting her mother. GIRL SCOUTS IN CAMP . Captain Brewington an^ the Girl Scouts of Troops 20 and 21 left for camp, at Efland Tuesday evening Aug. 29. This is the first time that the Colored Girl Scouts of Durham have be^n camping and it is hoped that they will have a wonderful time with their outdoor cooking and many ot^er acfi^tiea. went on this The girls who camping trip are: Miasea Dotis Cameron, Watkins^ Dqcja Greene, Rutlli Allmond, Doreatha Watkins^ Mildred Malette, Laura Henr^ Katrina tatuau. Bimiinfr Fostei> Margaret Foster. • CARD OF^TJlANKSy WE WISH to thank our friendly for the many kindness shown us during JJxe illness and death of our daughter and sister Miss Bennie Stewart, BENJAMIN STEWART - MISS MAJPT STEWART married in Chester South Caro, llna August 29, 1921 eighteen years by Rev. Ayers. Chapel Nill MEN'S CLUB RENDERS PROGRAM THE gXCETSiOR CLUB ol the Saint Joseph CME Church composed of a group of young men rendered a proffram Sunda.v ntght August '27. The Diamond quartette of, Durham randered music. President of this elub is Kenston' Cotton. Thomas Cotton is treasurer. ATTENDS .CONVENTION^. - Miss Firnetta Bynum haa re-* turned from Burlington where she represented the Usher Board of the St. Joseph CMiS Church at the Interdenominational Ush. ^rs Association in its annual session. i ^EST Mrs. Grace Sorrel of Baleigh is the guest the hom* of her sUter Ifn. "Mattie FearisKton of this rity. She will return to Raleigh the latter part of t ,h e IN GREENB80R0 Isaac Edwards spent Sunday afternoon in Greensboro visiting 9.1 ■ t PER^NALS (DURHAM) MIm th>^hy Shepard 1ms reu turned to Ksi Univemitj^ after” a ‘short viau with her mother, Mrs. C. n. Shepard. Mra. 'DaTis....aa irisit- iitg her aister,\^s. I^ttie Hufh es of Sallsbury^Nv^C. Rev. C. D. ISlanley'V^^ return ed from a trip to Ne^ York City in company ^^ifh his mothe^(4 Mrs. Glover of. Philadelp is visiting the home of Mrs. ffv'^Shepard. Mrs. Mae Withers, formerlyX of Durham, N. C. was visiting in fne'~city iSSt" week. .Cr,ngcccccc ccc> ,w M M M and Rev. Bass pastor of the First Baptist CTTiSrcTi ~In ’Relds- ville, is conducting revival ser^ vices for Rev. 'Morgan. TOURING N. C. .... .. 1 use Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that I am unable to get from my otEier preparation.” stated a well known-business woman the ottierday^. ^ » Hie secret of the remarkable aiicocss of Mme. C. J. Walker's preparations is in the fact that they were blended by the'late M^am C. J. Walker to' reach ontain definite conations of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirtjr^ve years oa tbdl^lBarket. they are growing inirea^gly popular, and not- withstazMling the. fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on .these goods, they are still in demand every- wdtere. p Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glossfaie, although- more than thirty-flve years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only aervesas aaOBp oQ, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloes^iat a the delict of every woman, Mme. C. J. Walker's Brown Face Powder is iiot Just another. ftee Powder, but is the result o( jwati of experimenting to pro duce the perfect blend to impart a velvetldte softness and at the aaoae timf cooling and refresh ing, Just the thing fM- time hot day^ - The Mne. C. J; Walker’s won- •*11 pBtoarations are sold by Walker Beautieiuis and Drug $tctm everywhere, or you can The Maw. C. J. Walker ^ y, direct. AddrMs: IMtnf Itwilan. THE MINNIE C. LYON Missionarjr Circle of the Mount Vemoji Baptist Churcfc held a short meeting M(%iday night* August 28, to receive the^ re. port of visits madeuto the sick and money given for. charity. According to reports 14.. jviaits were mad^^nd $1.60 was donat ed for charity. This short meet ing was closed with prayer and ainginf^. Dt* the idieme sdng: “Endure Me With Power Today ^Visiting this meeting were ReVi,...and Mrs. Morgan, Bev. V. E. Brown, and Rev. F. 0. Basf.‘~Rey. Morgan is-pastor of the 'Baptist Church, Mra. Eliaabetih Carrington pieft Monday for Wilmington where she wiU spend a. few days. Later she will visit friSpKls in LumJ|erton 4*>d Maxbon *1iefore ‘ retvrning to her home in Dur- haaa. , ^ IN NEW YORK Mias Connie M. 'Truitt left Durham Saturday night Augrust 26, for a short vacation in New York City. She expecta to re^ttJF^ — next Friday. No need to be a Sh#locE " To-find the iSings you need Just shop'our advertisers; They “'will w^come ydli, indeed. "MISS OKJLAHOMA CITY'' flowers. While the guests were "plaj^ng" g"amiS“'punch'w ed. The two receiving prizes . were Misses Johnson and- Stan- I ley. Sherbet and cake was serv H ed. Miss Estelle ,Thorpe of Pine THE HILLSIDE H 1 G SOCIAL CLUB held their regu. lar meeting August 17, 1939 at Steeet has returned to the city the home of Walter Barna, 414 Pine Street. Mr. Hines presided over the meeting. Thos% j?re, sent were delightfully served a variety of sandwiches, punch, peanuts and candy. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Afdi^l Greepie 618 Dupree^ Streef, Ai^usj^22, 1939. is spending the week Durham end in Wilmington and °n his return home he will visit /rends in Goldsboro. return from fair Misses Mary Louise and Margaret Stephens returned.^ to their home" on Powe Street Saturday after spending t h e past,two weeks visiting New ifork City.* ' . ; Mrs. Florence Jones and child ren, Elisabeth, Lena and Ro bert returned to their honie. on Powe Street after visiting Mrs. Ljw^y Brown of Farmvile, who is a sister in law of Mrs. Jones. MRS. HENRY HOLMAN —J FETES VISITORS Mrs. Henry HoJraan enter | tained at Stirept.ij^jj^-a'irecent evening ^Jn honor )f 'her Addie Hayera and Pauline Syann from Johnson City Tenn. and Miss Mary Lee Mills, R. N. from Weldon N. C. TKP rooms of the Holman after spending a" seven ‘ day va cation with 'her sister in New York City. RETURNS FROM N. Y. Miss Lula Mae Pai*ke. an(f Mrs. Nannie Roberts have re turned to the City after -spend, ing the past week in New York City visiting the Holt family at 116 Street. While there they attended the World’s Fair. The^ ^tB5-?5eirr^'Tr6«r“Mi~fn“ ad€lphia with brothers, Mr. and Walter barker ' and Gar. land Parker. There will oe a baby popular ity contest, HeTd at St. M a r k A£ip Zion Cliurcb on Friday night Sept. i at eight o’clock. A prize will Ife given to the most popular baby. . NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE STUDENT IN PA. Paul A. Green, N. C. College student (, left the city Thursday night, August 'SI, to visit a sick relative in iWladelpiha, Pa., Mr. Green is a'^Tlifember of the Scrollers Club of Alpha Kappa Chapter of Kappa Alpha ,Psi BEAUTY PLUS BRAINS her home, 608 Gxay-jY ^ stated that , -r v. o ' f . , irames were played. The he intends to become *a- member » of te- fraternity*’tbia fall ■^Misses Kathryn and* Dorothy Toole gave a surprise ^arty lor theif mother on her eighteenth wedding anniversary* 'Tuesday., J. August 29. ' . 'The guests met at the home of Mrs.*' Walker Farrington 401 i Pekoe Avenue at 8:00. The | guests left the hom^ ot Mrs. f FamngCon an3 1came’ up Mrs. Toole’s and were seated . quietly-! in, the living room. When sh^ cam'e to answer the door they shWeted_her gifts. The friends who' i^ped Mrs. Toole to celebrate were Mes- dames Roxie Davis, Lill Farr_ ingtpn, Mary Ray, Plassie Har ris, Edna Lambeth Irene Gates Lyda Wray, Winella.y. Peddy, Garling Lambeth, Alberta Walk er, Eva W«ody^__ Consuela M. Foreman, Margaret; Sheaiiin', Roxie Rowland, Etihel Berr^ thematiis at the June commence jNew Orje^ns Margaret Samuel^ Isadore Micn^, the tfniv'ersity of Michi' aux and Betsy Mills. For entertainment, Chinese checkers, bridge, .and other MISS MAJORIE LEE of Mem gan. She is instructor in phis Tenn. was the r^cipRnt of jthematics and health education j a.Master’s Degree in Pure Ma_|for girls at Gilbert “Academy in GOING TO NEJV YORK Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edwards are leaving Frtday for Neiv York City to attend the World’s Fair. home were ted with cut' TKey will retui*n aroupd Sept. 10. refreshme.nts served, wea»& ice_ or'eam and cakes. Miss Alma IJerndon ihelped thfe Misses Kathryn and Dorothy, Toole act as Hostesses and- helped plan entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Toole ^£wru/n^ SPOiMsoRro By LARIEUSr BFAUTU FOUNDATION ^ e r e NEGROART Tke Itittue iMaly int nliblMiil b)r M« Gedcfroy MiMfictttog Coapiiiy t* ttndy aMthodi •( praMfviig \wwta^ attmi bMntr, nd ta nuk* Ifee NMtti «f tkb NMMck ivslMIt 10 the paUk. MISS LONIiErFA JOHNSON | designated by the Oklahoma When the Hation#il Negro City Negro Business league Business lea^rue convened dn j “Miss Oklahoma. City.” In a Oklahoma Monday, the deleg-s.-c«ntest stages by seven beauti- ates assembled were greeted by t,he ch^g’ming and very capable Miss Lonieta Johnson, employe of the Black Dispatch Publish ing company, Mira Johnson was ful girls. in the “Sooner” capitol Mim Johnson edged $60 ahead of her nearest contestant, Miss Evelyn Clark, raising the neat sum of $366. CANP) VISIT OUR DISPLAY ROOM 109 ^0*ni MAhfGUR STREET Awnings, Tarpaulins Tents. Trucic ^OveiB, Cots, Bags Venetrian Blinds Pic tures Frames. Camping Equipment. Shades Wxie Awiiing Co. INDUSniY*’ The Labor Day week-«id ii tipon ns and u.nless we have been tmusual- wise and careful, there arei a vast number of repairs to*bff^idren t»re of before the fall aeason sets In. Let’s start with the face. (The chailees are the summer «m hasn’t I.one it any good. The texture of M)c skin Is coarsened, there are a ,ood many new squint Unei around oyes, and the color Is nottc^bly nker. A series of good facials, uiien professional or at home, will ,0 lar towards improving the skin, i jt a good cleansing cream and a good #lght cream and use them both regularly. You’ve got to Ret at this and atlck with it unleis you want i nu’lstmas to find you still lodclng a !>:t ragged. Re-Coodltlon Voui* Hair " now about the condltl(^^ JOTW •lair? Did yon, as 1 sugi^Med early TTtlia summer, rememMr to keep It ■ vvered when yon were In the^pm Ol- auysjength of time or did 'Jrou ’ng your bat aside with careless niiandon-while relaxing on the ijach? If you did, your hair Is irohnbly dry as straw and streaked a thousand different shades. So you’ll have to get to woA on iLtoo. A series of oil tiiampoo* Krill help, or, if you prefer, oil can be rubbed into the’ scalp and left thera over night and then removed with a good shampoa In cases of extreme dry ness this latter coane will probably be mote effective. A good hair col oring will cow any streaks and give your hair its natural-looking hue while watlag for nature to take Over. Start brushing your hair again too. You’ve probably, neglected II shamefully daring the heat of tb« summer. You can’t expect to have shiny, healthy hair if yon don’t five It the proper attention. Soften Rough Hands Tour bands, too, are likely to be rough and dry and tl^ cntlcle around yoftr nails ragged-looking. Get a hand-'telion and use It every time you wash — every tintjj, mind you, nbt Just when it happens to be eonvenient Give your tibows ‘a break, too. The summer hasn't done themsany good either. Bough looking elbows are an eyesora at any season ef 4he yeaf. Whenever it is at all possible, rub a little lotion Into them. Set about yeur sscondltioning at once. Every day that you don’t look your best is a d^ wasted. Whdt we yysr btMly prch-^ ^lems? Writ* Marie Downing;' tarieufi Beauty fTounJatkmf Room North fourth St., St. Lotdt, Mo., and, the wttl^ ‘ be ^td to answer them. Be ntrr to enclose 'a 'self-aidretsei stamped envdope. * • ....r