VOLUME ao NUMBER PRICE SEVEN CENTS ari DURHAM, N. C. SATUR^Y. SEPTEI^BER I6ik 193^ 8 FILE APPLICATIONS SOUTHERN I/NIVERSITIES Durham Committee hiegro Affairs Meets Officers Electioii i Expected to Swell Attendance Sun.^^ DUIiRAJIl—Th« 19'38 arnnaal meeting uf the Uurhan^ Com mittee on Negro Atfaira will be hu.d at the Uillside auditorium. Sunday September 17 at three o’clock m was announced tSi» week by R, N. Harris, secretary bi' the lj,cal branch. Several vacancies the |£xocutive Committee ar« t» be filled this jrear this p»rtjealar part ol ^uuda> ‘s program is ekpectcd to dra>^ a large number p Boni from all walks ol life to the ii^::eting. Membership on Executive Committee is limited to three two one year which means that three post are to be filled. j ^ Because of tMc importsMV -«z ^ ^^the^_ExecuUve Committe# sele^- tion to its mcmber^ip ulwHys calia^ for ah unusual amount of ijjjterest. While there ^ has been lire eoncer^4''9>^'%lie only ie|uir0 ment for membership is that be indentified as a Negro. Every Negro in Durham is invited to Sunday’s meeting and officers of the organization hope to fill the high sSho 1 auditorium capacity wit^-citUans from secfions\o^ the^ity. ■ , PROGRAM PLANNED ' In addititm to Uw «>Mtioa thfse plare on ^ the .* Exerotive Committe, _ intec^tlug^ pro- the planned. Sewral speakers will ftppear on th« program and several quartets have been iviCed to render muaic for the oc^ion. Other Equally interesting numbers ar« expect ed to'b» 1 'The pur^btle ofthe flnrhara Committee cn Negro Affair:, is to look «ut for the civic, politi- ' lio iiftTicStteH that «nV--of thos» ~eaL-acflnomic welfare of all tbo who come up for reelection this year will not perjjpit their names tn I^e used as a candidate, sever* al persofts have been mention as being in the race, and a Leatetf contest is expected to take place ^n next Sunday afternoon. LVERYBODY INVITED The Durham Committee o* Negro alfain is a wide open organization so far as Negroes race in Durham. A report of its actiVltl^l for the year will be read by the secretary. The cffjnmittee ia now com- pcsed of €. C. Spaulding, chair man; Dr. James £. Shepard, vice chairman; W. D. Hill, R. N. flarris secretary; James T. Tay lor, Mrs. Nell Hunter C. 0. £fiarson^ Mrs. 'I. H. RuMt’ll and R. L. McDougald. HEADS Fi%MILY MRS. BMMA DAVIOSON, 88 year ^d resident of the Hoskina section who was the oId«a4^ jr»p- resentativf at the EXavidson family reunion at Sunset Park in Charlotte, recently. Thp re union was the tenth confAcutive annual one t)^ family hat en- and-,WM,th« Jtiil So his^j. The Amify num bers among its members a large number of miniMters and some oi the liioi^ influential persons in life. HOLY CONVaCirTIDN TO HOLfl 45IH ANNUAL SESSION IN DORNAM DU(RHAM--Tlie ^Sth Aunual Convacation o the United Holy Cliur^ of America, Inc. iSouth ern District) will be held at the (.uspol Tabernairte Church ou Piedmiyit'Avenue for one week, bcginiiing Sunday September 17 and continuing through Sunday Sept. ‘’‘24th. The church“"^iU be evening ser in the Audi- Hillside Park the sccMie of Sn - meiitiiigs but all vice will be held toriurp of the llifth School. The convocation ^ill (fct off to a start at 4 -a. m. Sunday morning with a sunriae service which \\ill continue' until 7 and at 9;:u) the Bible Church School will take place with Supt. F. W. Bowden conducting. ■This will followed by 4.B minutes of pray er and conseisration and at noon 11ie Hpccinl opening will taka place, during which time there wiTl be fellowship greetings. The niessage to the convocation ir. scbedulcd foi; 12^:80. The afternoon will be ocoup- od with a 3:00 o’clock special l)latfo|m service, Intjercession for dinner and devotional ser- ^ces with testimonies. Another gospel message Wll be heard »t V p. m. . - Monday is the day of conse cration and the devotionals and prayer service will ‘begin 10 ft. m. anif will continue until 11 when' the Tlrat busnesi sess ion will open. Th'^'^lBTe Study period begins at 2:00 *>• Hj.ere it »notl»et boiinMji »*Mk>n iof thcr dailjr -Char^esi The- MteiatarilLjiJlk^ iuLve supper. nt 3:00; dinner is served at r>. and at 7:30 there will b« devotional anu priis* service as a prelude to the formal a>pen- iiig oi the convocation. During Uie formal opening progiam Uiere will *'e words of welcome and greeting from represcnta- livcs of- th^ C^ty of Durham, unce. Colored Business and the Press. The high points of Tufsday’s program will be the President’s annual report dt 1 ;30 p. m. and the evangelistic ntessfge at nine. Of course the regular busii^sa session will be held at 11 4! m. and 2:30 p. m. ^ , ' Wednesday will be kno^ ai Missionary day and all devo tional services will be led by missionary woi^cers. The piogram of the win consist of ipecia* prayeis for Missionaries in Hcaten Lands, an exhibition of fancy needle work special misa- ionary Song Services and offer ings, gnd a ^limaxing me&sage at '9 p.' m. on Missions at home and Abroad. .,^Tlie main address on Thurs day will come at 1;S0 and will be on tb» subjisct of Christian Education. A special gospel rfiessage will come at 9 p. m. Friday is Young People’s day and special devotional Mrvices and Bible Study periods will be conducted' by various (Sactive young men alKl women. ']^e oyitstanding features of this day Caatlnnad ait 'pac* aigiil $,INIIIUre«t FattierDid'oi; NAACP Launches Fight For Qraduate \Tofk In t Three Border States u NEW YORK—With eight per sons filing application for en- 'Urance Uo yr.rad)jaite schools in three states for the fall term the National Association for tiie Advancement of Colored Peoplqi’ announced today that it will i^ush its drive at j^ce *to open colleges iu southjernj' and border states to Nejgiroes in Missouri, Tennesses and Mary land. All the persons Have souijJit the ai4 oi the NIAACP in press ing their cases. Accurding to the Association a>pplicaitiuns are listed in the foUovring eategcHriea: Law 3; biology 1; socioloi'y 1; educa tion 1; chemistry 1; Joumalism -fV A- 'The names ei, the students, and the universities to which they seek admission follow; Uni^rsity 'lToime»»ee, ■ Smitli, ' ^CpIvmbiB: Mi*t Lucilla Blu- fortf, Kaniaa City jMns^Ntri journalism. Univc^riity of Maryland, Baltimoru; William Mur phy, Baltjniuir* Lm'ff. RANSOM TO HANDLE TENNLSSE^ CASES The NiAtfACP announcement siad thatr-L. A. Ransom ..|»rt.fess- or of law at Huward University aila""fi IBgBibcr of the-Afcseeia- tion’s .naticnal legal committee, will handle the l}niver.*iity oi . Knoxvilt*: *1*^ -L. Joseph Michael law; Clin ton IVyirsh sociology; Hom- •r L. Saunders education; Ezra Totten chemistry all Resident cf ^noxitille; flnd, W^llev 5. K: Hardy, Char lotte N. C. chemistry. University o Missouri, He will be FSN Menior s Times) Teunnessee coaco. ^ assisted by the. law firm of Cowan and Looby of Nashville. Hansota is scheiuled to go to Nashville gtpteralxpr 19 to pre- paire the. ground ©r conr^Sttion. GA.INE5 CASE TO BE ““ fclils^les tf. ITotiston. special counsel of Se NAACP will handle the .ease of Miss BIu- ford at the Utiiveraity of Miss- Wi4-.- lie is oxpccted' tcr^ -eave shortly for Columbia Mo. It was also stated 'that plans “* '*'^”"•.1” I Aw .1- i. 'Fayetteville to .seek fw;tiier court action in the 'Lloyd Uuines ease. The IT. . S. SupieiL; Court handed I Armstrong wer.t to State Nor- down a decisiA^i December l2th ' mal several ^ears. ago from Shaw li)38 ordering ' Continued Wire To Carolina FAYBTTEVILtE, N. C.—- Rumors that “Arm|y” Armstrong Fayetteville State Normal men tor had resigned his position as coach at the schsol was denied this "waek in a special wire ;wnt to the Coroltn Times by Coaeh Armstrong himself. ^ It has been going the rounds for several iteeka that Arm strong had* rcsigto«i. hia^ position as head of athletics at the' Scliocl to study medicine. * • PsHILADEILPHIA, —A crowd of 8,000 of his local followers greeted Father Divine at the Broad Street Station on hia ar rival here to lead a three day series of “peace” meetings. The • cult leader arrived by train from one of hia New York “king dom**’ and was accompanied by 640 of his “angels.” • He later addressed •& meeting gi 6,00 person at the Phillies’ baseball park. When Father Divine seated on the back pf a large touring car with the top down arrived at tlie. ball park at 3:30 jie found some 1,60$ persons in'^iJe $mtj an equal number without. He announced to his discipl?! that he was going back downtown to . “I’ll be back' at o’clodc with a message,’* he told them. “I’ll be here in the spirit and I’ll be here when I get back.” Asked ikbout tl:e war situa-. tion. Father Divine told Inter viewers that h^Jcould net com ment until it gpme,“voluntarily” PENNSYLVAiNIA WON’T DAH. “CONE WITH THE WIND”- piTTSbUUGli, C N A) — The Grand Army of the Uapublte ^lerans heading homeward thU week from their annual encamp ment head fTial their protest against the s!tS>ving of the movie “et»ne WHh—WiAd’! old be in vain KSJR^lican domirated Pennsylvania. A resolution charged t h ^ film based on Margaret Mitc- hellli anti Negro novel depicted a Union iloldT8!r as a “hideous marauder atdtl^ing women.’* It urged that memibeni absent from aay .'theater showini^ ttia “defamatory film.'* Mrs. Edna "9. Carrol jf Phil adelphia chairman q£ thu State Board of IfSTTon Picture Cep- Pleai^ turn to pag« eight 0 Unj^ersity ori^niversity. Since taking up^ liis pag« eight w,prk head coach the Fayette vi’fe'’ Sttte Normal Athletic de partment, has taken on new life. He lias turned oat some of the best teams in football and basket ball the school has ever had. Last year the Fayetteville team- iftet some pf the strongest teams in and TOt of the CIAA and on very few occasions did they shew sigli5 (5T not being well ti;ainedf This year’s schedule is equally as hard if «ot a hard er one than last ,j_ Above is^show a recent crowd before' Baptising conducted annually during the . month ~of September by the House of Prayer in Charlotte. Standing in the black robe is Bishop C. M. Grace, "Daddy” - Grace to his followers in Charlotte" and many Sthi>r places. jV view 0/ the Bishop Grass parade at Charlotte last Sunday showing several fnember^ of the C«-l. Charles Young Post of the -American LegTon's Drum and Bugle Cf.rps, which was a verj pppular feature of the paiade. A vie% of "tire B.ishcp Grace membera cf one of the Grace •Auxiliaries, e^ffr^ing as moat of the paradeTs, large anJ smaU aanners showing “Daddy” Grace Holding the world up in one hand, “^is year marks the firal time the banners hsr» h«efi ed. — (Another picture on page 8> ^en^iiiisters Baptize^iSd As CHARLOTTE, N. C.—Last &u>day might will be termed “Daddy” Grace Day here as it marked th^ culmination of a week’s convocation at the House of Prayer, featured by a mam moth mass baptizing with .four hundred and eighty nine men, women; boys and girls sand babfes being immersed by seven preach ers connected with; the House of Prayer beforea crowd ,>f .ap proximately four thousand thai packed #very inch of avuilable space around the pool behind the Hutise or Grayer and parade many bl cks Tongs before streets crowded with people to \v:iness the' spectable. Grace fownjer I Oil iHi'sro Prayer, atart^j ^|y&^^hds of people tried to~'gJrt~ cations in Sectnd Ward to see tlie par- Bishop C. M. of the House of a.seri.es of Conv fork City on August 6 and conclude the series on Oetobei| ^ay ib paasetl 1 at Columbia South Carolina. In each t*wn he visited there was a week’s convocation prc- MRS. MARTHA JOHNSON, who fqr thirteen years has been ^ taTi Store einployed by the Duke Powiy: Company in fts Charlotte Retail Store. In addition to seriring maid on the sales flooi;i,.keepih{ all appliar.ccs in perfect order, Mrt>. Johnson also sells appli ances of all fflnds from electric light bulbs to ranges and water heaters. Mrii. Johnson .s an active member of Seventh Street Presfcyter.an church, and has one son Robert, She is one of most popular persons an the entire «taff of the Charlotio R«- NEW YORK—A~ n«w biblio- grapfi Tistfn^ «i4 tke. latest lefer- ence. books containing any ma terial about Negroes, has just been published b" the National Urt)an League’s Department of Research. — This .bibliography which is expected to be particularly valu ^■ole to students of Negfo life and hi.story is o‘ reyiaieii #f. one issued in 1937^^^^ contains all of the books list^^n the first edition and #»e Supplement and in addition woi*k published in 1938 and the first half of 1939. It is thoroughly anngjated and eediag hU coming. He goes to Savannah and AilguST'^ ^7««rgi4. before terminating the meetings jlumbiaT*' Strvice began at the House of i’rayer uaily Sunday mjrning and the Ibapflzdng was sc%edu- u L» bogin at eleven A. M. but it was twelve thirty before “Daddy”. Grace came to the p*>ol .oiiov^od by b‘s p) eache^^-and. the four huiKli't'd pers.ns who >'cre to be baptized. Bishop Grace made a sh*>rt addrtgs to the assenvbled thousands and then the baptiiiug_«ot undtxway with seven preittthers doing the actual baptizing under the difec ion of “Daddy” Gracesi. Many tf the J>aptizings were impromp- ,u nuniUeiP-!S*r persons dre'-sed iu regular street attire “feeling t^e spirit” and Pushing into the poi)l. These along with those dressed beforehand for tlie ocraFi( n, brought the total to 489." hand to hand to the other end where they wee led up the hilt and to their dr«.ssin4 quarters.- Mure than once it was neceas.ary for the prcachers in .the water to take one or two adults, and bodily life them and carry them to the sides uf the pool. ^At the C' nrtesion of the bap tising the cr^wd dispersed and planii were begun for the mam- ..itoth parade. The parada left House of Prayer about four o’clork in the afternoon ami followed a rotlte that took i- over the principaL^lreets of tiij Second V. or.d sM^ion of town. Long be‘. .t«'it’beg^in busses and ^axical|s *iri al! f.arts of to.*.i wti tax53Er^(?V*irtl^ tkcii capacity aa The baptizing lasted about '^(ie. W’hen i- flni^lfy liO^t”^ uutfef” liicrirty jgiPDwded with people “n both ^l^s and on the t '"S of cars 2C^ind' st li ^ —. C-.e rooife of houses and tree'i that linedfVthe way. The%parade brought most of the membersulp ■ of the house I. f prayer, divided into neatly uniformed -groups, in the variouit auxiliaries ^^nifleeted with it. Many of^Jp women We¥e go^,- geoiis evening dressed others vari colored uniforms and tha men were atSr uniformed. Bis hop Grace himself^'rode alone in. the-back seat of his car driven by a smartly tmiformed chaufflur, differing from his former custom vt having 'one - or more “angels” to fan him i.n the way. Several musical groap^ werg in the parade and -the Drum and Bugle Corpa oi th« Colonel Charles Toung Poak of the American Legion was featur ed as were several boy .. scout outfits. T h e convocation coBclade4 Sunday night at the Houaa Prayer with financial repact*, and a pating mesai^ ' fPWk Bishop t3race. ' especially designed to assist per- in addition to interested in the selective ner work in tjie reading of* hooka 'by and aobut sales wonlc inside and outside, Negro.X Among the subjects he found time to assist in 36 covered are: 'General refeience two and,one half hours and went cooking schools during 1938. ^wofks, biogra:p?i sociaj ->a n d forwrrd with admirable dispatch According to a statement frar" ' tCqnOT"'!!. literature—r. «*cept when some ‘ spirit filled R. H. Watkins, sales manager of I drama arr~iflgsig^--eiHcatipjLjic convert would rush into the pool] the Retail Store “her sales have tion and history. llTSnr^ity direction and break up been mbst satisfactory aftd in ffifpool.l Icpen judire of bibliograph is mimtograph ^he petsons to be baptiped weraj f her cua- ^ through i„ ti.e pool from on.' credit standing of nef ® Department of Research of Lj^- „nd passed frtw hatd to Assoclatatf Aetow tomers..^thcre has been on y one Ur4>an League H3S '^d t.^thr^lddla PoS ««» *>*• I cants per copy gr |1.50 P«r tu*! inunowing and then from (doira eopics. I itaMV. u the [ACTORS MNION WINS [COURT FIGHT jurisdiction ^van^ during all the years ed with Uf."