TKK amoum tnui ~ mwat. dwc. m im* BEftUTa^ Tkt UltaMi fwaly HndrtiM WM rtrtWwi kr Mi taUhn Mw#stfiri»9 Cmm>V ** >***f amlMi tl mmmlM§ »«■«■'» Mmil tuiily, m4 I« mtim tU mtH» eTTSB^Twiiia^ iwlHWr W M ftbm. Mr. W- CS. Rand;, onr 4l»tln« rolalwd componer of Betle BtrMt Blnei, Si *Loula Blaei, Hempbls blew Ids born In Memphla tlM other day and BronseTllle ^tb- •r«d roand to do him booiage. 1 bad tlie pleasure of flying down to Meinpbla to join In the f^n and to Mfl the Bln«a Bowl gnni* befwwo Manaaaaa HIkIi of Meuipliii and Merry High of ^arkBtm, Teun., iit the Booker T. Wa«hhigtnn Stadium. Almoat •varyuDO was thtre. I had a wonderful vl«lt n« the gneat of Madame Tonng and her hosband who o|>»rBte tin* iJorluw Beauty Cotlege, She met me at tlie plane with a rerpptlon ponmiltt*^ including Bfr. and AIr«i. 8. W. Qunlla, Mra. li, B. Browii, Mrs. V. ityuH, Mlaa Campbell, and Mrs. Franl lYanklln of OhlcaRO, nnd took me atralght to an exqulilte lua*heon. After the luncheon tliere was a parade around Handy Park and through Beale Street "where (lie blnea began,’* Such a crowd! Such fun I Bveryone dreaied In lila Buu- day beat the ladles brllllnnt In their cble gowns, gleomlni;, satiny bl^k , half proTlng our Bohlevementa “n ynodem beauty culture. Aa yon know, Beale Street—or Bronzetown as the section la called —4a one of the moat fumons colored dlatrlcta In the United States. W. O. Handy atid hla horn trumpeted tbelr way to fame with the rhythm beata of the street. And when W. G Handy returned, all Bronsetown danced and thrllM in the bluea rhythm he made famous. There wna Lieutenant George W. Le«—one of the few, it not the only. THE BEALE STREET BLUES ^ ^ colored cominlsaione^ oflncer In tb« World War—Ur, QuftUs, ^manager of the Bines Bow! show, and Nat William*, high school profeasor—all diatingnlahed iMdera of the Bace, The football game marked the first big-time bowl^ame of the sea son. The atadlum waa packed b| visitors from throughout the Sofith and from, aa far away aa Harlem. Newsruper men aod photographers from the AUoclated Negro. Preaa, the A»«oclated Preaa and United Press were on hand to record th* brllllnnt events which ended In a victory for the local team. And after the game was a grand ball where the elite of Beale Street Kutliered to pay tribute to Handy anil hlM blues. I Ju»t wish everyone of you could have been with me. There was btmuty and romance, the beauty of a great people having wholesome fun, and the romance of a great oc casion with the happy courtships of tlie sleek young men of Memphis escorting the glamorous belies at this otatstandlnft social event of the year. I was happy to And that many of the girls were readers of my column and to know that they had been helped by the beauty hints which have appeared here. Wh4t art your btduty prob lems? Write Marie Downing, Ltriemte Bemtty, Room S2I — $I9 ^orm Fourth St., St. Louit, Mo., and she wiU be glad to answer them. Be sure to enclose « self-addressed stamped enveiofe. Legal Notices^ NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL FROPERTY UNDEl? and by virtue of the directions contained in the last Will and Testament of Liliie J. Bullock, the undersigned Kxecu- trix and Trustee will offer for tale for cash to the highest bidder public auction at the Courthouse Door of Durham County, North Carolina,* at twefve o’clock noon on Friday, the 12th day of January, 194(^, the following described real estatte, to wit: BEGINNING at the Street edge of the curb stone on the Eiaat side of Pine Street Ht T. H. Scoggins’ Southwest corner and running thence with Pine Street South 30 degrees W(est I.18 l-2 chains to a stake; thence South 69 1-2 minutes £ast 2.70 chains to a stake in R. T. P'aucette’s line; thence North 28 minutes East 1.34 chains to T. H. Scoggins’ South east corner; thence North 62 minutes West 2.66 chains to the beginning, containing thirty four ,ne hundredths (34-100) of an acre^ more less. Sae deed from M. Gladstein and Wife, Betsy Gladstein, to J. L. Wheel er knd Wife, M. H. Wheeler, dated Isov, 11, 1&09 and re corded in Deed Book 41, page in the oifice of the Kegister (ft' Deeds for Durham County, i.'^. C. Also deed from AJ»e. Gladstein dated Decembei 31, U«idstein, dated DecenUier 31, 1902, . .and recorded in Deed Booic 26, p«ge 265, in the office of the Register of Deedjt for Durhaun County, N. C., it being the same property as that con- eyed by J, L. Wheeler and wife to ialUe J. Bdtiock by deed d&ted Nov. 28, 19l7 «pd recorded in Deed- Book 63, at page 26, Registry of Durham County, Also see Will of Lillie J. Bullock, an exempliified copy of which is duly of record in the office of the Clerk Superior Court of Durham Cooaty* ' The undersigned Executrix and Trustee reserves the right to require the successful bidder to make a cash deposit of 10 per cent of the amount of the bid on the day of the sale, this the 11th day of Dec. 1939. (Signed) LOUISE BU'LLOCK WRIGHT, Executrix and Trustee Of The Estate of Lillie J. jPuliock, Deceased. ~ iii» > BUSWESS CoBtinded fnrn p«K* 4 tars of ths pUcs of tb* in bosiasaa world ia to b« mcsz^ aw' V 'JMsMiiaiU Tbs CsQstts of Business will bt|^n January S. It «U1 «OT«r ntail toad*, wluiltiaala trade, Mrvie* busiawHM and laundr ies, thsJ^u and other jilaees of amiuement, bvtels and tour ist campa, and eonstruction) Mtivities. It will be the lint eonplcte survey of kind made sinca l9S6. ^ , “Negro buaineis men. al^ over the country should give extra Uma and attention to filling out the schedule blanin for the 1940 Census oi^ lousi ness,’! Dr. Powell stated. “When comp^te^, thia Census will famish the whole nation with a wealth of infoixaation aboat i colored buainess enterprises that could be obteined in no other way. If the ' information is in complete or gives a fale picture in any way, Negro busineM ia certain to auifer.” Dr. Powell pointed out that in (ast Censuses many small laradesmen were reluctant to give correct information, about their^ enterprises, fearing that facts would' be disclosed to creditors, income tax collectors, %r the like. , ^ Plato Price I ...3Y WILLBNS MsCl«A£Y.» CHASixym: — Th* vt. ouv« i^esbyterian ehuich spoosorvd a play, “The PaUiwey to HMven” at «,ur school on fVi- dsy night. A large c»wd wit nessed *nd enjoyed it. Tha Annual Christmas Pro gram will ba ^vea Thursday night, December 21. Monday morning we auem- bled in the auditorium for de- Totiona. Dr. Davidfon gave many helpful comments on tb* birth of Christ. The Xmas spirit hovered as many gifts were broughit to the rostrum to help make Xmas« barfcets for the needy in the community. Aa these gifts were brought, “Oh Come All Y« Faithful” was play ed, With head bowed, Mrs. H. George led ui in a prayer of praise for the birth of our Savior, while Silent Night . was played very softly. The Xmas spirit is truly with us at Plato We have a echool song at Plato Price, the words to which were written by Mrs. M. P. HSl^, second grade teacher. They are typical of the school spirit shown here. Should you chance to be in an assembly of our student body yo»i will hear Church Notes ^ CHURCH NEWS CHARLOTTE The New Hope Baptist church in the Ch*eenville section of which Rev. McMoore is pastor will have their Xmas Tre>/ Tues day evening Dec. 26, at the church. , H^i Rev. M. McMoore pa’'tor o^ New Hope Baptist churcb has Accepted a call to th« Bed Branch Baptist chujxh in Mint ” r' a' V » i ^ Rev. A. H. Prince «nd F. C, S'hirley have retui^ed from Terin. .where they have beeji^ it- tend^g » spedal meetijog fofl the Presfcyterian church. Rev. I. S. Poag of B°ck Hill, S. C., i>aBtor of Herman Pres byterian church waa in the city visiting recently. The Hecklendi)urg county school will close Dec. 22, for Xmas holidays, and will i^esume work again January 6, 1940. Mrs. Susan Price, principal of the Paw Creek Hoskine School ‘ has improved her school build ing with lights, windows (hades. and a pisno.- Price has been the priiwipal of Paw Creek Hoeldne iScHo.^ aeverl^ ye»”- , J ' I “ Tuck’s All-State Grid Team because these men were- strictly 60-minttte players and (barring injuries) no substitutesc wouJd be necessary in a game in whkh all of them played. THE TEAM:* Play«r Pot. Sch«ioi Howard ^End — — — Shaw M(eadows — Tackle ——Smith Anders Guard NOC D. Mack — Center — — NCC Gould Guard — A & T Banner — Tackle — A and T Willie End — — NCC Bruce Back — — A & T D. Mack Back The Charlortts Medical Ass’n held their monthly meeting at the Private Club Housd on Martin Street Thursday. John Lyles was boats to mem- bero of the Pick Wick Bridge Club Thursday evening at hki on S. McDoiwell St. Those play ing were members od the club. C, R. Brewii^cton won fira^ priie and Roy Perry won se- ond p#i*«. ( , Pastor Gets B. & W'. Apology From Corporation Letter Brings Answer 0HA1UX>T^E — las hsu been l>Tought to the attention of the rOAiROUNA TIMBS that among the firat persons to write letters to the Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company protesting the word "pickaninny” on a recent Paul Sullivan Broadcast sponsor ed by that company was the Rev, J. Lewis Powell, engergetic and active pastor of Friendship Baptist church here, and thnt Rev. Powell received a speedy apology from the Tobaoco Cor poration and 'ater a letter of apology from Paul Sullivan limself. Rev. Powell’s letter was one of many protests which follow ed the use of the obnoxious word in the broadcast, and the tdbacco company has made pro fuse apologies' for* the offense caused by the word. The letters from Brown and Williamson and Paul Sullivan follow; # 1 i» Rev. John L. Powel 1. Friendship Baptist Church Charlotte, N. C. Dear Reverend Powell: This will acknowledge your lettft' of November 20 concem- us burst forth in thia aong to eximpli^ true loyalty to Dear Price, ing tha uae of the word “pickaninny” on Paul Sullivan’s broadcast Sunday, Nov. 19. Wa regret any offense which may have been cauaed by thia reference and we aaaare you that we shall immediately call this to the attention of Paul Sulli van and there will be no re ference that will cause any ill feeling in the future. You understand of couse auch broad casta are prepared by the com- nentator, ovei which our com pany baa no control,* but we assure you that no remt>rlis made by the commentator are made intentionally to offered any listener. »a»|'i We appreciate your interest in our program and we hope you will regularly tune in the Paul Sullivan Newscastf in the future. , ^ I, mitlit Yours very truly Brown & Williamson Tobacco Company D. T. Dunn ij ^ copy-Paul Sullivan. The letter from Paul Sullivan ^o Rev. Rowell wjhich came later read aa follows; Rev. Joihn L- Powell^ Friendship Baptist Church Charlotte, N. C. Dear Reverend Powell; I am very unhappy that my YOUR HEAJ-TO— Continued from page 4 man is necessary, he sholld not shoot the rabbit which is on the point of his gun, nor take a rabbit found dead nor one which has been killed by a club or one whkh a cat or dag has brought in, that is, & labbit whkh does not run is a sick ratbbit and in skinning or eating this animal the individual is bpeniing himself to ingection with rabbit fever. Miss Minnie Bell Hunter of Pharr St, left the city Wednes day for Brooklyn New Ycik to visit her sister Mrs. Frankie L. Hunter. g , NCC Smith who would merit making any. Walker Back — A and T “All-Star” team if seen by the * Drop the CAROLINIA TIMES right people. And if these men a card and let us know what could be rounded up and put on y«“ think of the selection. Tell the same team for a single team what you said as soon as you for a single game, what a great finished reading the Uneup. smile the (lucky) coach would I For All State High School spread. ^^ , 1the entire Hillside f ir^t /* I string would get the ‘call with If an “All North Carolina” j Coach Herman Riddkk in ^-^he team should be called on for a Coaching position. - Football in North Carolina era. right here in North Carolina — Back has become something to talk Bibout at this season and. the dribbling of basketballs on the College and High school courts IS becoming louder and louder. However, sports writers have not yeit ceasecj replaying cer tain outstanding plays and games with this jirinter’s ink, and heaping laurels upon players who were made outstanding be cause of the excellent support they got from the other 1,0 men on their team. Some have gone so far as to select an All thia N’ that team. Far be it from this column to give the impress ion of being “law and grspel” on the subject of fi>otft)aU but there are certain college play game, the following men would (wobalbly get the call for ser vice .because of the work done on the gridiron during the sea son Just closed. All of these men made their presence felt whenever they went into a game and were respected by team mates and opponents alika. No ^ second team has been named i A — Si Joyous Yulelide Bull City Cafe 41i2 East Pettigrew Street Phono L-OfllS Sing Lee V V V M % „ 120 South Mangum St, HA^D LAUNDRY^*] 107 Chapel Hill Street and^^ CHRIST MAS JOV lierrj! aristmiis R. S. M&GHEE COAL CO. PERFECT STOKER COAX , 5-1% , . V TELEPHONE i to AjLL OUR f ATRONS Hollywood Inn 118 MANGUM STREET Mra. C. C. Hayswood, P>op. A Promiotnt Biishi«ss Woman Praitts Mim.C. J. Wallnr's Prapamtlons "1 use Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations exclusively be cause I get results from them that 1 am unable to get from any other preparation,” stated a well known business woman the other day. The secret of the remarkable success of Mme. C. J. Walker’s preparations is in the* fact that they were blended by the late Madam C. J, Walker to reach certain definite conditions of the hair, skin and scalp, and today, after over thirty-five years on the market, they are growing increasingly^ popular, anl not withstanding the fact that the Company has always refused to reduce the price on these gdodM, they are stUI in demand every where. 0 Mme. C. J. Walker’s Glonine. vllthough more than thirty-five years on the market, is still the leader in its field. The reason for this is because it not only serves as a scalp oil, but it gives the hair that silky sheen and natural gloss that is the deUght of every woman. Mme. C. J. Walkev’s Brown Face Powder is not just another Face Powder, but is the result of years of experimenting to pro- ■duce the perfect blend to imsart a velvetlMe softness ahj[ at the same time cooling and refresh ing. Just the thing for these hot days. The Mme. C. J. Walker’s won derful prraarations are aold by Walker Beauticians and Drug Stores everywhere, or you can write The Mme. C. J. Walker Mfg. Company, direct. Address: The Walker Building, Indian- apolis, Indiana. FOR BEST THE®E IS IN BARBER WORK C3LLL AT— THE CRYSTAL BARBER SHCM* Four masters Barbers to give you quiek *nd cour teous service with a snfile Closing hours from Mon day through Thursday 8 j, m, to 9 p. m. Friday and Saturday 8 a. m. ’tilll'SO p. m. Please call early and get your work, r * «IT FAYS TO LOOK WELL Crystal Barber Shop 706 FAYETTEVILLE ST. J. S. SHIPMAN, Prop. ^ Cbrislias GreeliDgs m Carolina Cab Phone L-7191p »**« of tbs wurd “piciianinny" is a recujt bxuada^t tmt tne*a fniseondtructed. For ma.ny jear* “pickaninny” ba» connoted for ma a charming and aUractive Negro baby. It was in ay rt^ tempt to convcy thia idea that I used the word which 1 ncfv •ee was an unfortunata decision on my part. 1 inswt, and yea must believe me, tiiat I had no intention of using the word as an epithet or in sny o^rui>rioaa sense. Neverthless, I apol'^ize if I have in any way hurt the feel ings for you or your race in general, for which I have al ways maintained a sympafhetj^ understanding. Very truly yours, Paul Sullivan Radio Station' WHAS, 4 ~ IN GRA,TEFUL APPRECIATION ►♦4 We take this opportunity to tell ^ you how much we appreciate 1 ■ -s- your pfttronage! I Bull City Barber Shop I And BeautyfParlor I Ml f^knne - U/Ukont the 'Bathe/i IT 1 A real treat for the -whole family! Mother doean’t have to herself out by cooking huge meal, and Dad and the children enjoy our home-cooked food. You’ll * enJoy this Christmas dinner with all the traditions of dinne:^ at home. No reservations necessary. Make the holidays complete—Give the family a treat— - DINE AT Malone Cafe 801 Fayetteyjlla Street Pnone J-6221 J.C. Xmaa iROCK HILL, S. C. - Lowery will spend the holidays in Chester. Mrs. Mary J. Clemmon) of 137 Coluirtbia Street, Spjratan- burg, who has been ill for sever al months, is recovering. Mrs» Clemmons is the mother of Bill Clemmons of the Flint H'U »ec- tien. UOICCOIIIig Contlhtied fr->ui pa^a Drug Company, Bfckwtth B«aaty Shop, Fiigels Mub'4 Htore, Knox Batto Ser^few, The Cabin, Second Street Imi, Art Flower Shop. Intlividual and club included. Mi ;. Delia >hr p^hire, J. Z. Miller, Mr, and Mrs. I*. Duren, Mr. and Mn. JaaM,* Duren, Jamen M. Uuren, Mr. Mm. G. E. Duren, Mr. koddy. talesman, Mr. Towaaend, In surance S'( I tman, of th>> Wina- ton Mutual, Mr.*, J. L. L«-wery, Mra. I Jbmi ion, Mrs. Maggiii Morse, Pidgah Lodge t*i £lju» No. 26€, U|le Y’s No. 2 Bf>y Scouts, Stewards Board. Golden Glube Club, Charlen Buneparte« Mary ^SSbinson, James Douglass, Mtsa Frances Snrop- shire, Scorpin Social Clob, White Rose Social Ciob, Mr. and Mrs. HdwlTrd Hill gad the Socialites club. We thank everyone that eon- trii>uted to Ihe, success of this program. Christmas Greetings Take With You Home A Six Bottle Carton Of COCA- COLA, The Pause Xhat Refreshes Durham Cocoa-Cola > Bottling Co. West Main and Milton Avenue Reddy’s ELECTRICAL GIFTS Make A Cheery Christmas You inay be perfectly sure of the plea sure and joy your gifts will bring . . . when you select electrical ones! The services of Reddy Kilowatt can always be counted on to p>erform to perfection ... SO for those spedal names on your Christmas list, select Reddy‘s gifts. You can pay much or little for them, but no matter the price they will be sure to -pitase. Choose Some of These: ElMtrie Rcfrigeratora Elcctric Ranges Electric Water Heaters UniTeraal Oven CocAmra Vacuum Cieanera I. E. S. Floor and Table Lampa Pi»*It—Up Larapa Sunbeam Toasters Sunbeam Coffee Masters Electric Percolatars Unimal Waffk IroM Electric Irona Mixaartim Electric Heatiair Pa4a YOUR ELEenUGM. KMa m 4