ii CARNATION" KILLWG ROCKS PURH* / m HAPPY NEW VOL. ao NUMBER 82 EDITION ftA,TUIU>AY, DEa‘ 30tk l»3t PKICE SEVEN CENTS BRIDE OF ONE MONTH DIES Durham Youth Confesses Slaying Boy Over Flower CHRISTMAS BRIDE fiURHiAJC — Out of th« doseti ca«ea of Ticledca that marred this city’a ^^od r%eord ov«r the €hrktinaa Holiday*, the moit talked of was the killing of 18 year old Sylvester ThontiMon of the 500 4>lock of South Queen Street by Herbert Hoover Davii, 19 year old propriftor of “Tho Sweet Shop” ^ hangout for Hill- tide Hiffh School students in the lipo block .on Pina Street. The younger boy ahot in the htp with a piatol, and the Wound which was not at first rei^arded as serious caused him to bleed to death less thaii fif* t«M minutes after was ad- miHeti to\Lincoln Hotfital. It is ..uajjl^^ood^th^ #. «fV9r«l m*in artery waa the'leatueif of flST' excwive bleeding that took the boy'B life, / , , ' ^cording to Police, Oavik, the young* proprietor of the “S*eet Shop" confessed the kilUng, stating that it grew out of an 'argument over a stolen CHrsAtion, A search of the dead youth’s effects failed tp diacover the missing flower. Davis is in jail without bond on a murder chu^e, and as we go to press the date for his pre- limin«ry hearing has not been set. The shooting took place shortly after three o’clock Sun day afternoon. Other a,ct» and alleged acts of ^violence during the holidays in* eluded lAiice GiU of Canal St., shot in the foot. Will Lee, Matthews Street, shot in the leg. Mystery surrounds the shooting of the former, as she refuses to name the shooter, but Joseph Tim Young, who lives in the house was charged with t h ^ shooting. Knife victims were Johnnie Bennett of Canal Street, cut in the right aide and Grover Brownof £. Proctor Street. Not expeetcfd to lhr«--ls WiUio Mie " Cray of Plum Street, rtiot Just below the heart while attempt ing to rob a fireworks stand early Monday, was the word from Lincoln Hospital where all the victims were treated. Isaac Evans, white, of Carden Street, who shot McCray was himself wounded in the mouth/and leg by a shot gun. He is not con sidered critically injured ac- sording to word from Watts Hospital where he is being treated. Other shootings, nQne of ^ serious nature were that of ^ Marjorie Whitt and Drueilla Drum, four and sixteen respec- tixely who were injured by the TO ENLARGE BUSINESS Lath Alston tT' MRS. C. C. POTTSR, proprie tor of the M’Lady Dress Sbop who is in Durham arranging for an extensive expansion program of her popular business es tablishment. Mrs. Potter ia a teacher in the city school sys tem of Princeton, N. J. The Durham store is managed by C. W. Potter, husband of the proprietor. ■ ; 'i YULETIDE BRIDE MiRS. GILfil£B TIfOMPSOK the former Mias Georgia Streetfr popular young teacher of th» Durham city sdiool system. Mr. Thomfkson is one of Dui4iam'* best known beauticians and » former nthfete at N. C. CoUege. The couple was ,mai^ried Ctirist- nis« day at the home of Rev: Caldwell, Chapel Hill, N. C. same blapt from a shotgun and wlio were released from Iincp}n Hospital Mter treatment. Miss Streeter Bride Of Gilmer Thompson DURHAM — The marriage of ]#ss Georgia Streeter, popular teacher tn the Durham City School gystem a n d Gilmer Thompson, well ^ known; young business man of Durham was •nnuonced her* this week, ^ Jb# |T«ddlnf o| til* jpopnlpr young couple took place in Chapel Hill, Sunday, December 24 at the home of Key. Cald well, Baptist minister pf that dty. Tke former Hiss Streeter is well known in the younger social set |n4 DURHlAJI Lath Alston former Star AthleUc of N. C. College, and welt known young business man of Durham, ^ was weddeKl to Miss Christiaeii 1^- lor oa Ohristmaa eve, ar.* at 704 CMeron StreiU, The ceremony was quietly per formed by Rev. J. W. Tabron of the Victor Etnannuel A M £ Churchi ^ 1, Mr. and Mrs. Alston are both well known in the young set in the city. ^ Relatives and friends present were: Mr. and Mrs. Issac Alston parents of the groom, M r i. Effie Cotton, Mr. and Mrs John Markham, Miss Mae Lanier, Miss Addie Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scarborough, Jr., E. R. Mer rick, Miss Julia Mitchell, David Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Avant, Miss Kthel Taylor, sister of the bride, Billy and Pauline Mt^ris and Miss Ro«is Brooks. RECE|l|T bride, AND GROOM Mil ids . Honeymoon oi Popular Conple DURHAM — Mrs. Richard A, Witherspoon, the former Miss Nannie Green, a bride of one month dted at Lincoln Hospital, Wiednesday, Dec. 27, tragically one monih from the day of her marriage to Richard A. 'Wither spoon of Greensboro. 'Fliis populsr North Carolina couple w!k> were iboth formerly students of NCC Dutjiam, were BMrried one day before Th^[s giving. t ^'IV|>llpli! The following Saturday Mrs. Witherspoon was taken to th^ haspital seriously ill. Her condi tion grew steadily worse despite the OfrwavcnD^ and tireless at tention of her physicians. Two blood transfusions were given one donated by Mr. Witherspoon himself to no avail. Tlie deceased was an employee •of the N. C. Mutual Life Insur ance Company, where she serv ed for four years as one^ of its n»ost v«rsatil# and eSpcieiit ; workers, and one of - its most popular cterky. j Mrs. Wttherspoon also served for a year as secretary "at Mary Potter School in OAord, N. C. '’She was very aictive in both Civic and religious organiza tion in the city^ MRS. LATH ALSTON, who Itffore her marriage on Christ mas eve was the former Miss Christine Marsh. Mrs. Alston is secretary to Attorneys M. H. Thompson and C. J. Gates and is well known among the yonnif-, er set in Durham. Mr. .Alston is one of thet city’s young business men. NEW YORK — Among th« 148 Congreaamen wh^ have toltf the National AMOciation for the Colored People that they will be on tha floor of the Houae when the federal anti lynching bill con'M up for a vote on January 8. 77 are Republt«an«, 70 De mocrats and one a member of the American ~ Labor Party. iRepUes, whkh are atill com ing ittto the NAiACP office, are In response to letter sent by the Association to Congressmen, urging, th^m to appear on the floor of the House when the bill comes up and to vote for the bill, . , . lOiSf^iiais of the AiWoclHitlan reiterated j their lor anti lyn«h' log .petitions which have been tigned, asking that .they be sent to the nationaI headquarters, 60 Fifth A.venue, New York by Jaauary It is expected that the petitions will be taken to Washington during the first week in January. for presenta tion to aponsors of the anti lynching bill in the Hi,uae and Senate. MR. AND MRS. A. HARRY | Percy Wilson of Richmond. Mr. TURNER w%o were wed on ^'Turner’s home is in Lawrence- ChristmaS Eve «t the home^ of, ville, 'and he is employed by the the brides parents in Richmond, | North Carolina Mutual Life In- Va. Mrs. Turner before her surancs Company at the home marriage was Miaa Edythe Wilson j office is Durham, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I Southern Fidelity $1.50 Share DURiHIAiM — According to a Ths organisation has the dis tinction of being the only domea- ; bonding gOMpany. white or colored, in the state of North 'Carolina and the only bonding company in the world operated band who 1* an accou^lisbed beautician is well known in college circles, having been ou^ standing as « football player at North ;i|rolina^ College. Mir. and Mrs. Thotnpton are now residing at 60S yntvood^ recent announcement v from the office of A. Moore Shearin, se- cr^ry-manager, the SoutBem Fidelity Mu^al Insurance Com pany o| ihi* «ity declared ' « dividened for 10S9 of fl.CO a aharii^, payable immediatel|^^ Dividends are no new things for the Southern Fidelity, for this organisation has paid out |17, 2^8.00 in divideneds since its organization in 10iS6. Mr. Shearin waa manager of ^e company when it was or ganized and in 19S9 was made secretary-manager, the position he now holda. Under hla leader ship the company haa had *^an unnsnal aiiioiinE~of 'aiiccess. Tlte Southeiin Fidelity writes hoq»Hal ^naoranee, health and accident insurance and all types of fidelity and surety bonda in- cladini bati Mrs. Withierspoon’a pleasant personality * endeared her to all who came in contact with her. Funeral asrvtces will be held at Moiunt Vernon Baptist Church an Queen Street Saturday, after noon at' o'clock. Services will be eorducted by Rev, J, H. Thomas. Irterment will be at Beechwood cemetery on Fayetteville Road. M’Ladys Dress Shop To Move To DURHAM »— M’Lady’s Drees Shop, popular women’s ready- to wear establishment located at 716 Fayetteville Street has I completed plans for removal to its new and more spacious quar- j ^ters located in the building now! occupied by the Durham Colored! Library at the corner., of Fayette viUfc and Pettigrew Sts. lAccording to C. W. Potter, manager of the M’Lady’s Dreaa Shop the new location will b* renovated from top to bottom with modern furniture and fix- * Please turn to page 'eight by Nsfroes. I Othsr offlcera|t of the Ggm- fany ars W. G. Pearson, pre^i- den^ E. M. Merrick and J. C. Scarborough, vice presidents and Wm. Jay Walker, assistant se- cetary. Members of the board directors of the company are: Aldins Robinson, mortician, of Winatoo Salem; G- A. Edwarda, edueator of Durham; R. L. Mo- Dougald, banker of Durham; E. IR. Merrick, Insurance exectttivs !of Durham; J. C. Scarborough, mortician of Durham; W, G. Pearson, educator of Durham; C, C.Spaulding, insurance and banking executive of Durham; | ‘A. Moore Shearin, R. N. Harris, fire insurance executive «f Dwr- ' ham; W. J. Kwanedy, insurance ' executive of Durham; J, W.- V. }ozdic«, ppnyaician of DurlurtttJ L. G. Brucs, ph]^ieian I ham; J. B, Whsslsr, b*sk«r «f lovrbi^n Wm. Jay Walksr. L jy c jc Y A group of lucky children ©f enjoyed tbemsslvss. Charlotte who attended the TmM party given annt^ly at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal church, ^s can b# was a very gala affair, and every one present bad a wondeifol titne. Tbe childma com* tfom needy famiiie^'bat on m- Mrs. Lottia Ss«d» a»rs«, was ia ebar^ 9t tbt program,'