6ET3 HiraiBft AWAltD EDITION NUMBER 2 DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY. iAN. IStk, IMO FRiCE'seven cents h PASSES HOUSE ing house In Receivership When the Board of Directowi of North C«rolina Mutual de cided to awa#4 aerviee emblems #«r !tB employes of 10, 29j 3*0 and 40 years of service they diictiv-ered they had only dBe person in the entire oryanlst*- tion cwho could qualify for the 40>year endblem and that was ^ president who has — served th« company 41 years. Mr. Sytauld- ing is seen having the emblem ii;to which a ulamind stone ia embedded piniied on him sy Mrs. S. V. Norfleet, second oldest *r»- ploye fn point of service. Mrs. Norfleet has seen 33 years of 8er\'ice.—More pictures on.. pac« seven. - ^ . j —Pho>t4 by Reuben-‘Rudolp4^ NCM And Other Pirms Report ‘ Banner Year: At the annua] meeting:’of the policyholdera of Noorth CaJoHnw Mutual Life Insurance Company held in ite home uffice Monday^ January 8, lfl40 at 12 o'clock noon, It was revealed that more proiH’oae was outde durliig the p«at year than any previous year in the company’s history. This is in keej>ing with ‘the general trend o(f life insurance companies thivjughout the country. President Spauldin^i’s ren^rt reveals that at the close of J.939 the life underwriters of the, Country placed on the books the companies flearly fl3,000, 000,000 of new insurance an In-: crease of about f600,000,000 avfer 19^^38. The total insurance ^ in force rose to approximately ^ $114,000,000,000, a ^ gain of | nearly 13,000,000,000 Amounts paid to policyholders amount oj 12,660,000,000. , The North Carolina Mutual Lift Insurance Company was founded by John Merrick in ^s- 8oci«tioa with Dr. h,' M. Moort on October. 20, 1898, ,The com pany has made slow b||t material progress daring the paet forty one yeaas. Ait the end of the first year’s operation 1899, North Caw)lina Mutual had ad mitted ssets of $360.00 and in surance in force" of JJ247.92, President Spaulding stated that although the reports for the year 1&39 ar* not yet complete, the repprts indicate that the tssets will be aprproximately $6, 000,00 and. insuranpe in force approximately $48,000.00. Jt js inteiestini^ to note that the com pany has paid $402,816 in ma tured enloiwmenta to Its living poUcyholdeija; $170,294 of which Please turn to page seven Gaines Case Closed COLUMBIA, Mo.,. (ANP)i— Finis was written 'To “ftt?^fforts of Llyod Gaines to enter the University of Missouri as a law student, when the case when ease was dismissed last Monday in Boone County Circuit court by Judge W. M?' Dinwiddie. Gaines has been missing for ten months and his attorneys, unable to. plead a case for a client they can’t find, requested dismissal of the suit. The case has been in the courts for two years, the Boone County Circuit court and the State Supreme court both handing do^i^ dei^ ions denying Gaines admittMaca to the University of Missouri On Dec. 8, 1999, the U. S. Supreme court ruled that U. of Missouri must either ad> Gaines or the state mu^t pro vide “equal educational facilities within the state.*' When Lin coln diversity, wjth state funds opened a law school in St. Lou& in the old Poro buildin|^ Gaines’ lawyers filed another suit, con tending that Lincoln school still failed to provide him with “equal educational,, facllitiesi." It was this suit which last we«]( was dismissed. BANK OFFICLA4S MAKE REPORT The above photo , shows E. L.iport to the stackl»alder» laatl right C. C. Spaulding, presi- McDouitald, vice president-caiAi- Tuesday evening. Seated at Mr. den* of the bank, iers of the Mechanics and Farm- I McDoogald’a left is J. H. Wheel- Photo by ReuI>en-RudolpJb, Times era Bank, readinf bU annual r«- «r, assistant cashier and at hia I Official Photographers. Empty Stocking Committee Makes I Xmas Report ; The Christmas Empty Stock ing Committee of the Weaver McLean Ptst , No. 175 of the American Legion submits the following; Through the efforts of fthe committee representing t h p Weaver McLean Post, thp W®1'- fare Department and eitfzeQa of Durham, sujflficient funds were raised to give bags of food to 28(B needy Negro families and toys to approximately 600 needy Negro children of th^ pjty p| Durham thi# past Christmai. The bags of food given each family consisted of 1 pork roatt, 6 lb sMk of flour, t lb of sugar, 1 can of milk, 1 can of string bean#, 1 can of P^rk »nd beans, 1 t>ag of candy, 1 of mmad n»ti, 1 bag of raisins, orangM, afiples and cakes. Some of the bags contained ,L_ ean of toma toes also. A toy was given to each child under 14 years « ag# }n each fami)y. The l»til coit of this project in cash was $349.98, in addition to M»h txpesded, wir^ quite a number ot toys donated by the Durham Sun Toy Fund, the United Dollar Store, W. C. Lyon Hdw. Co. and Miss Mabel Bowling, Welfare Case Woifcr er. Fruits and candy were also giveii by the Well**’® Depart ment and business estafclish* fnents. Awipng thos^., 4pnatipg was the Early W. Beck Whole sale Grocery Co. who gave swer- aP pack^es of cakes aand some can^y. Keiiiif To Star . liiMe HOiLLYWOOD, (A N P)r- Marking the fii^t time a colored football ace has ever been sigh-j ed to star in pictures becaiise of I his fame, Kenny Washington a as placed under Contract last Sat- ( urday by Million Dollar produc- • tion, I Harry M- Ptpkins executive producer scooped another all colored cast company that was angling for the great all-Ameri can. Kenny was repr€sen.ted %y his uncle. Detective Lieutenant Roscoe Washington^ Gladys Snyder “Misa Oxnard” ¥ated as California’s most beau- ful girl, was also signed «• Kenny’s leading }ady. |^o C. |»op^i^ will ^Irept them, in • specially written story now l»»- ing prppiire4 fop e»rly predoe- lion*! Southern Senators Filibuster Law anng On Lyr^ing apeclal to the TIMGS WAiSHINGTON, D. C. %. The Gavagan anti lynching l>ill pass ed the Hbuse here Wednesday by a decisive vote of S'S-! to ISS. In aplte of bitter opposition front southern representatives ir the form of condemnatory speeches, and attempts to tajs the bill with amendimeifts the margin was saie enough en courage its supporters to fight for its passage in the Seni(l« Voting for the bill w«re 140 Republicans *nd 109 Oen»Qcrats, two progressives and on • La- 128 Demodrats and eight Re publicans!' bers did Twenty not vote. three mem- Although it is believed the bill has about th« same* propor tionate amount of support in J;\ie Senate as the House ihere is much doubt that it will be aible to run the gaumut of snags that will be placed in its path' by Senatgrs opiposed to it passage. tAlready southern senators have served notice that they wlH ’•er sort to a filibuster before hey permit a same me thod was used to defeat the bill several years ago when Senator Jcsiah W. Qailey led a filibustW that last lung enough to bring about its downfall. Several Southern opponents 'f the bill threatened that there would jnff in their community if it were passed. ' » “Yp« pass this bill and the therilf in my town will be some.t where else when a crowd gathers to lynch a Negro,” Rep. W. Poage of Texas declared. Rep. William M. Colmer of Missieaippi attacked Gavsgan Please turn to page eight WORK PRAISED Tot«l Cash Donations Durham County Welfare De-pi. — — $200.00 Organisations, Churches and Individuals — — $171.68 ; 1 Total ^t|h rtcfi¥«d $871,013 Total Expenditures — $S49.8S Cash Balance in Bank $ 2i2.20 ReapectfullT W. W. HARDY, Chairman Empty Stocl({nf Committee of tha Weaver l|c- Lean Post No. 17^ Ain«rie«n Hiss Zora Neal Honton, ai«- thor of a book a year and wutfiar of two Gu^genhaiM feltarwiAips, ia bj^init hfile^Jn Ut«xst]r lor her most raecat snceeaa, ‘Moses, Man Of Tb« lioynt*Mt.V Miss is d|irac,treas of the little '^eatrc Oroup, oi North Garoliaa' Cpllece NcfTou. She is the | flTf feoelWt - i Judge Denies Judgemeni NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Friday, December 29, the ene mies of the AME S«Miday School Union took what they thought wa.i a triumiphant march ««p the l ilt, only'to find temselves c^ib- pelled to take a march righ back down the hill with dts- ’ointment written upon” their countenances, for they had come to Nashville with the full exjpectation of having the fed eral court grant them summary judgment, turning the propefty cf the Sunday School Union over to E. A- Selby, and for that ixirpose it is rumored that they had already prerpared bon^s in his behalf to the amount of se veral thousand dollars. Their counsea hlad ^ur|^ charges to the riglrt and to ^e left agartntt the managemeiU of the Sunday School Unioa, in an cifurt to establish the fact that the affairs of the concern were so mingled with the, personal atfairs of Secreitary Bryant that a suspicion of wrongdoing w * pronttoneedly apparent. There 9 as a large concourse of minis ters afwenmbled here, coming from various sections of the Church, as far away as Detroit, Philadelphia and other eastern plaices, to witness as they thought, the turning over of the concern to the force in the church that Mr. Bryant has all these years op4>osed with might end main. The gloom of despon dency upon their flices after the verdict w»s declared, • was a*«- parent to all. The Secretary of the Sunday School Union admitted himself upon the witness stand, that with 'a big building program in front of him, with governaient -the——NfiA and others confronting him on Please turn to page eight REPRESENTED AT BENNET SOUTH CAROLINA WELL R. N. Harris, aecretary-man»- ger of Banlsers Fire Insurance Company who was elected to the Board of Directors of the Hechamcs and Farmers Bank at the annual meeting of the atitck- nolders held Tuesday' evemng."' Mr. Harris ia. well known in business circles, being'the execu tive .officer of America*! only Negro fire insurance conrf^any. wBrAnf McDoupId Elevated Taking an active |t|rt in life Winnie Shelton,/’ Sp«r^aaburg^ ©f Bnftiett ^oV«g« Is tha group!Portia Taylor, Flcrfence. of sevsnkesn charminir voungl Second irow; Fannie Stewart, ladies from the fair »tat« «f I Greenville; Esthfer Knight, Ches- South Carolina. Reading fromIt«r; Third row: Laura AJston, left to right,^ ww, they ara Rut^ IJvfMtie, Cohimbiai Evelyn U»a, Uihxioni McClw% eMsdaoj WMm 1Mi Parlington; Mlsiiie Beitbv Dar lington; Lynabel Torrence, Ghf»- 6rt«Kfrc«4. • PlUinche DeLesIine, Charlea- ton; Mary E- Simms, Union; Ruth McCottry, Charleston; Alice Brevard, Camden; 'Snd Margaret Weaver, Aiken, we:|^ not present when the picture w« taken. Kapias Urge Bies We 1)1 Elan DURHAM — Members of the undergraduate chapter of K»pp» .‘Mpha I^i Frattrnity at North Carolina College For Negroes aroused over renewed activity of the Klu Klux Klan, wired Rep. Martin Dies of the Committee On Un-American Activities tfiis week to investigate the organ- ixation. Fn a telegram to chairman Dies under date of January 5, 1940, the group cited the flogg ing of l,4inier Rruitt on the night of December 2?#^.. and recalleii that Fred V. Johnson, Klan chief of staff, according to newspaper reports, is being held pending the dutcome of the floniBC probe. - “It appears that Pruitt was forcibly r««soved from his hosse by a group of masked raiders,' telegiSBi . reaad. “This i* v«i;y un-Aaaarican and ia of vital importance ^ the American pao* pie. It has caused a bit of -p- prehension ibnong studenta North Carolina CoUeg* "for He- groes who vary mach oa cerned iiifetiii asUatcwKM* of th« DURHAM — At a meeting of the Board of Directors *>f the Mechanics and- . Farmers Bank held here Thursday afternoon R. L. McDougald was el^cteil 'HxeCu^ive Vice President of tht Iiistitution and J. H. Wheeler, was elected cashier. Prior be the meeting Mr. McDougald held ,he position of vice president and cashier and Mr. Wheeler held the position of assistant cash ier. The elevetation of both these two men to jjigher positions in the local bank is considered a tribute to the fine manner in whic6 they have conducted the affairs of thq nations large.it Negro bank. Mr. McDougald has devoted 20 years cf service to thie institution during which time he has seen it grow from an in- . stitution with aMets of lesa than $100,000 to one with a^ts if more tbi^n, a million and a quar ter. ^kDetailed Story in Next Week’s issuie of the Carolina Times. * Slepn Kills Father KALEIGH, N. C., (ANP> - A ten year old boy last Wednes day had to resort o extrenx* measurer as he rushed to the defene «>f hia mother whan «he was being whipped by her bus band. Silvan brodie. The boy. Willie Du^l, fired a slkoxtgun load into his stepfather's side killing him instantly. The boy* and ^is mother s^id Brodie had been drinking haavily' when he arrived home and ’*eie»r abusing ||is wife. Ceroaer R y M. Banki, who took eharye at the ae^ae of fha tragady, said Willie told him that Britdit' frequently beat his gaother and forced her to give him h» asoaay sh* eww** 4mm* work in ^ivatc faiiHaa ^Buth the boy *ad his ■lothe'' told sse that Brodie was whipe ing her with a Ml, osiaf thf >ttekle en^** saM the conHr ^bey wont Me tk* tedll- oofi the keoM. get him ti^er^ tw aad akot Ite. * ..