.-“■ ’"w^r’^Kssr '' '^‘ 3^1 Ml. nUNK CSAHAM DEDICATES A A T croULXCX BtflUllffCS VOLUME 21 miMBBR 4 DURHAM. Y«. .C,. SATURDAY, JAN. 171^ I940 PRICE SEVEN CENTS DtES UN-AMERICAN SAYS NEGRO CONGRESS Negro Congress REQENT BRIDE ICharlotte Jurist Denies Charges Of Papers W. F. ALEXANDER' th« 10 9«r cant popuhtioB ^HAELOn% In a tcn^hy Jn[t«rview »t his i^iec in tha l#w BaiMing hare, ^udfa Fimnk K. Sima, Jr., «f tha City Record- ar Oonrt ttated that ^e has baaa misquoted bjr local daily papers who put int^ tha papers that ha h»d stated, “I d^n’t know of m N**to doctor in Charlotte wbo will stidk a aaedia int{) a iying Na(ro unM the money ia put on tha counter.” (Indga Sims then explained that, al tha cutset of «hia apaach ha no intention of entarinff •nto any contfovanias im his »d- 4reaa on, “The NegrO ^UaM," but that k^e was going ahasrration irtBa^ lOi City Rxiogder*B CMUt, ^ad in* i^\ Jurfsdictlorl. all mia^ demeiant^ comnititted , ii^, the city of Charlotte. ' ’ Ha told this ivprc««ntativa that he had hot spoken from a manuscript, but only used an OBtline, which he produced, and raconstrnetad, as well as ha* eould the entiM speech from the out* line. differential would normaHy call for. Judge Shas stated that he aid not beliava in tha new state l*w requiring medical examina tions and certain fees before n>arriage, because it brought the coat of getting married up to lit .00, whieh in his opinion To Attack Dies Klan Attitude (•y Wlr. !• tka TIDIES) NBW YORK —The mid-winter meeting of tha executive board [cf the' National Negro Congresa Which met here Sunday complnt- •d plans for the holding of tha Third National Negro Cangresa ir the city of Washington, April Zi-2'8, 1940. The Negro Congreaa body also scored tha aetiarity i further increaaa tha “large per- the Dies Committee and openly «aatege" of Negroes who ioat, "l^e together," and stated that hel had never triad a Negro •otple for **fomieation « n d ^Itary,” larg^ befnya of ^(fdl»praad common« bar Kan. ta ^ Ju4|c Sims stetad tl^ JVM' aaiNWto i» tha Rae»iM«% in OwMrtstt* iMid ^ntaouncement has been made of the marriage of Misa £telyn Luctetia Walton, (aibove) daughter of Mrs. Iteggie Lee Watton, Thonasville, Georgia, to Booker Washington Kenny, Durahm, North Carolina, on becember 2|6, 19Qi9 at the home of the bride's sister Mrs. Alma Walton Thomqpson, wife of Dr, J. S. Thompson, SOI Urn- stead Street, Durham.’'The Reverend O. D. Stanley, pastor of the Titus P. £. Church, officiated, using the ring ceremony. Tha bride, a graduate of N^rth Carolina College Fur Negroes, is a mem ber of the faculty of the Lyon Pai% Elementary School, Durham, and is affiliated with the Alpha Zeta Omega chapter of the AKA sorority. FViUowing a brieif wedding trip, the eoupU re turned to Durham where they at« vakinf their home at 404 Formosa Avenue. He started his speec^, .said Judge Sima, Dy stating thf^t ’^e Negro problem of Charlotte can not be completely discussed in thirty nrfnjite’or thirty days, b»t it is a vital part of the social economic life of the city,” .He also atlited the he was, “tir^ of the Recorder’s court being knoWn as a Negro court," and cited figures to show that more whites tiian Negroes, both men and women were defendants in fels coart, and even more whites eharp>d Martin OIm, the Te:^a cot^aaaman who is chairman «t the ^Coasmittee with covering up the un-American aetivitiaa of the Ka Klax Klan. aiti^ ed i^t the meeting and pladged his organisation to a paaaeleas fight a^inst the hunger, Job lessness and lynch terror inflict ed upon the Negro People. Officials of the congress es timate that 3,000 delegates will be in attendance at t)« third national meetings. Previous Con greaa in Chicago have draiwn batwaen l,fiOO and 2,000 deleg- ataa aa well as several thousand obaarvers. .In a statamaot uiuwimously approved by mend>ers of (he na tional board the Natioaa), Negro CoBgraas gave the He Martin Dieaacc uaations that lil|e Cm- gresa was un-Americaj^ jThe 'Rm meeting of CoDgTasa offki^la was attended t»y re-> J»4|c Sims stetad tl^ i^aMatetives of more than a ~ oi local councils from tha i statement exposed the tect that ImiA lM«n noddle Waf^ J^at-and South. ^|the Dies Committee bM consis- paradef* bafovm hfan ia evsar Plnjiip 'Rai*j»^h, nattaael paeat Itantly- to pen^ Con- shifting never changing: pawor- dent pf the orfiniaatioBy officials to testify. • mil pt comedy, ioa).Qdra»a and —— - —' " — .—r-— DR. PRANK P. GRAHAM, President of The Greater University of North Carolina, t^ an audience of 1500 which had gathereil for the dedication of two new buildings, at A A T Sunday that b"th cooperation and education are to be sole means of working out the race problem in the south today. “Intimidation and domination has brtMght no solution," the educator ssid. (Photo by Rivera) TT Dr. Frank Graham Dedication ing coMponaHt part# of all ttiree. Ha^ told several storiaa to illustrate tha comedy ha called on to witnaaa, atorias mainly centering avoond the vivU tm* agiuatlona of aavaral of h i a tfcl^eats.” Melodrama exiata, the Jurist stated in the karge numb« ef common law wives who will Please turn to page e^ht S.C.IudgeWts Mask Mlob Gl^SNVlLLfi, S. C.—1^ a stern charge to the Gtaan^e county grand jury Monday, at the opaninjr of the first ganfral sessions court term of the yaar. Circuit Judge J. Strott Thur mond atrongly condemnad *ihe sctivities of South Carolina Ku Klux Klansmen. Many local colored residents consider the Judge’s statement as a direct step at Greenville Kluxers, since it is here that the Klan has played havoc in recent months in several Negro dis please turn to page eight Daddy Long Legs At State Rev. T, S. Harten Out To| ‘Build A City* In N.J. JiY J. ARCHIE HAJtGRAVZS GR®ENSBORO — “Both >aees ioii^'hajda here this afternoon «ne m2>>e '"atep toward the larger fuIiMlment of the Ameri can demoeratic dream and the Icingdom W God,” ^declared the Univeriity uf North * Carolina’s young and liberal Resident, Dr. Frank P. Graham, addressing ISOO people at the dedication of the new Richard B. Harrison auditorium and Alexander Gra ham vocational building at A and T college last Sunday after noon. Presidept Graham was intro duced by Dr. M. C. S. Noble, chairman of the A and T board of trustees who said of him “all are,proud of hi* great work.” President Graham said “the twin dedication represents a fus ion of great forces out of the past. Alexander Graham for wht m one of the buildings w named was a confederate soldier, Richard B. Harrison %as a slave. Yet the accomplishments of these two men meet at A ♦sd T ^li ege ’Ijr a common' %a»ise *a*4 in es of a fitnily long a staunch friend and a«ivocate i>f Nf^ro education said of |)is father, Alexander Graham, - “he devoted a Common humanity.” The liberal educat. r who eom- his entire life to ’^e education.il uplift of all peuple, white and black, and if alive today would, I consider the new vocational ' building named in his honor the 'clowning achievement of hi. career.” Speaking of Richard B. •Harri son who won international ac claim as “DeLawd” in ‘Green Pasttires,”^ PresFdent 'Graham' that he was one of the greatest figures on the American stage ‘ and with simplicity and dignity created an immortal role in dramatic history. i„. Special enfphiels was placed by the speaker on the fact that the Negro-, is asking fcr just an opportunity to make his way in Please ttirn to page eight tY WILLIAM H- PERRIjS.M. A- Aatlier of ‘THE AFRICAN ABROAD.” Mound City, Mlu., a n ' Bolay Oklahoma at% two no.«d Nagro communities. But now, Rav. Thomas S. Hartan, the jH^rogrataiva militant pastor of JtUlLDER DR. THC»IA»*4. HASTEN h tha Holy Trinity Baptist Church, Btwdd^n, N. Y. ha* launohad a bulMiair propram which will ^Mcisid tbt towM matitipafli| Miapah, N. J. hia “promlaad land” is near a larga City and alao near a popular iummer re sort. - ( Dr. Hartten is «f*'’^.*titig that j aa^ Colorad Ait'ericans, w a “ftijild , City" fi - ourseivaa. It will -^lot be segregation, becaoaa no one will be barred. Mli^h, N. J. is foity milea ttom Phil adelphia and a littla mora tkhn twenty miles from ° Atlnntfe City. ^ A wealthy man hat alraady promised to 4>uild a factory which will giva an^loymant to our group. Mr. N. Rathbloth and sons have agreed to giva a^ffici- ent money to erect a building a building for collaga adttcation and to make annual e ntribu- tions, w^ich will raaeh from |7«, 000 to one hundred thougand a year for the education of Color- ' ad Youth. ' J Tha laad ia dry and laval. Tha soil ii fertile and will produce anythieg that tha N. J. apil «U1 grow. It is one of the fitiast placaa in N, j. for poultry is- in^. Tha National Baptiat Con- vaation. Inc., USA, Dr. L. K. WiHiaais of Chicago, Praaida^Bt haa already purchaiMd fiftaan acras of farm land and savwal building lota to araot a National Baptist Rost Bona. Hon. J. Fla> lay WUttfa, Qfasd Ixaltad Bolar •f tha Site hag land f9t a J^ational Elk* Home. Other NationaT, religiow^ and fraternal OrdiiTS will follow suit. MARTEN’S ECONCMliC ntOGJtAM N E G R ' O CBimca, PRESS BU'SJNESS E N T E R PRiai^, and tha BALLOT can' chaMS the aconomie status of th.l^ca,?' «iys Dr. Hartan and axc(^ we five more whola naat«ad support to our o^n ^uai^pte entarprisas, and- ba>- «oma piroducars aa wall aa eon- ■um^ it will lia difftctilt « •urvj^a. “The black man’s dei- naaaa tnm |o paga aeven 2 Saved Erom Lynching ATTENTION 'ik'l A P s R S CABOONA T4M£ft Wn*» to you this waak a l|^tal articla from tha pan iif Mlaa I^ttli Murray, fofta- ^.ef Durham, on tha dia- Waaranca of Uoyd ^hi«a, w^o ehallancMli tha aaaqual^ jMucational satup in tha ^te of Mteoort only, to 4M»feat of aigbt aftar bain^ irietoilooa in the moat mo- Aaataai dacitfon ainca tha to^ad Scote c«|a. , i . Bar attkla'-bacias on our editorial figa. W'' PRENTISS, (Miss., (A3^— Hilton Fortenberrv ari(» ,Jerome Franklin, convicted the moi'd-pj er of J. C Sinfori}, former ‘ marshal here, 'airt. week wci- j sentenced to hang February 2S j by Judge J. C. Shivers of Fop- larville, Both men, arrested shortly after the New Year’s day slaying of Sanford, plead not guily. While the men were held pri soners at the eourthouaa, S)ieriff S. C. Magee asked the state militia to protest them from m4> violence becausa of threats of lynching made by the people in Simpson county.' the home of tha slain marshal. • • Fortenberry and Franklin wera brought to trial under the protec tion of drawn 4>aya&ata at na tional guardsmen, yat several at tempts were made to saita than. Lynch hysteria sBbaklad only sfter the national troc^pa h ^ j armed themselves with tear gaa and riot guns. SPEAKS AT N. C. ST^fE tNa^. yottr ayaa doa'i dacaivt y^u* and. naitbar. hM eassarman. viaitad tba land of Os. Holdi ng tiM )«»da two saw aqrolatir' at Cawaiina Kn^a la 14MMrt Down> ia)r. fli” Miiimt Va»on, Indian, Xf If 9mm m Ha fifl0 fi|» ivm. , ..- To hi* i^t ia Musaandon, 4’7 1-4” . oo-ad from ^a VitHix, N. Y. Sha is a graduate I «f Braadar Chi}d High S^o^l. ' )• IMm# Wlliiasaa 4*4** and native f at VWeltiB, iiailaa ara mute fvt4i«6« ttet 9X9 don’t Major T. B.. Birdsong, com mander of the troopa, kept sold- itra atationed at all four entran ces cf the caarthouse dvriag tha trial. Governor White authorlaad Uiia action as eztm i^raeautioa becausa of tha anti-lynch WU diaeoMioa in • CoBgrwa at tbia tint. DOCTOIk C. E. 5TEWAJIT. Prominent elergyman of P»rt»- MOuth. Va.. and fora^dibll ca^idate for the biahoprtt ef the AME Church, daUyarad a atlting addiiess to tha i^dants, faculty and visitors of dw Harth Carolina Cllege Per Wa^vaea Sunday. T^a suh«i«f|. of tha alia apaakar was: **Tkl Saeond notSIs fS too iba laartiad. or tee g( Ms

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