rROMINENI PHYSICIAN MOURNED .iK ffirv. LI vcu CWHAM, H a. M'(Limes The photo abuve shows the funily of Dr. S. L. Wurren, leav ing the church immediately after the funeral the prominent physician held in Durham last Friday. Iti the extiem* front ia Mrs. Julia Warren, widow being astisted by C; Aniey and Wm. M. Rich. In the rear of the pic ture are Mr. ^^nd Mrs J, H. Wheeler, dwughf^-ir and son.-in- 'flW. I \ V Hampton Grad To Teach In White Plains W«ITE ''PLAINS, N. Y. — Mim Maiiie i^^Cphuns Wvud, Hampton graduate and grattd- d&ughter «f NOtifiini- ^.Mveniba, king of Mplablu, Coiiigress Free State, Africa, recently received th»( distinctiou of beinfc* the firsjjt to tie ap^tiint^j to teach in the public scIkioIs of White Plaints, N. f. i Out of a gi;pup ^,of more than 600 applicants, Miss Wood was on« of four accepted. She is the daughter of the late Henry Step hen* aaid Mrs. Mary B'ields Step hens, also • of Rosemont' Boule- fC- vard. I :| ,vji^ i The appointee is a yraduate of Hampton Institute, Pratt In- •titute, and Teichera’ College, Columbia Univemity. She has al so taken special nursery training at the Riiggle Street Nursery School, which is alfiliated with Boston University. .. She has distinguisiied hei Si lf both in the fields of nursery schooL and parent education, and in home economics. j^mong her achievements as a student may be mentioned » gift fo 110,000. fur a yractico huuse at Hampton Institiite when the dblifir''was convinced of its 'n^'d and j)laee, by her demonstration and speech on “Art Applied \ to Ilifinie Making.” , Out of a class of 700 stu dents at Pratt Institute, her i co'.ttume "flesign W»s one ol* the two to be accepted by •Filens Store, Boston, Mass. . 'She ha« done eutstandinir work at Columbia Univer- >sity and tJ|e school has not been reluctjant in selecting her for pla|ces of trust and lesponsibility. ; . ■* i , As to her jjrofessional career, she haf taught in the Junior high school.'i Alexan^ia, Va.; Central High S^hoi'l, Louisville, Ky.; and * served tis director of Nurs«ry School, 'Washington Welfare A»- sociatioUA Washington, 1). C. •. For the'last five years she served as ^e only colored super* vi.«or of the Federal Nursery School of the City of New York. 'She was supervisor of-the Harlenl' Unit Nursery School, hous^id \In the ETast Calvary Me thodist Church, 'Liberalism’ Is Theme Ofi NYA Conference FAYETTEVILLE, (Special) — , National Youth Adminiiitt;ation supervisors for our of sifhool youth« in North Carolina were -••dvihed by seven cominitteea of p*pert consultants on the preiper methods of achieving the best re sults In their training projedt.» , of- the Slate NVA at a, Conjfer- ’ ence held at p’ayetteville, N.^ C. last week. This, the fii*t such NYA cO'nference held in the country, which convened at the . Fayetteville St^te Teacher’s Coll ege for four days was sponsored J. P. Bond Jr. supervisor of the division of I'fegro Affairs' in this state. Mrs. Mary Ivfv'Leod Bcthune, iHiector of the- divtslon of Negro affairs, NYA, Washington, or- ginialiy scheduled to be the prin cipal speaker, was if] and could ■ not be present. Ifhwever,. the •■^conferenc* ' heard short address ed by her aasittant, R. O’Hara ; Lanier, at Washington, Edgar Brown, of W«shingtcn, president : of the Unit«d Government Em- I ployees, and . Dr. Roscoe ^ C. ' Bfown, United States Health ” Specialist, Washington, D. C. Mr. Lanier dwlared that “con- ie?ratiam is poi the answer to ■ tha Negro protflem of the Negro P]^ie turn to page eight ASSISTANT MANAGER EDITION VOLUME 21 NUMBER 6 DURHAM, N. C.,SATURDAY, FEB. lOth. 1940 PRICE SEVEN CENTS 150.000 RACE VOTERS FOR N.C. ED BOLDEN WRECK VICTIM Durham IVIan Dies After Crash Near Burlington Durham Hampton Alumni Dance GREaGNSlBORO, (Special) — Edwin Bolden, employe of Dtike hospital, Durham, one of seven ^n an autofnobrle collisiin Saturday night on the Burlington highway,^ died Sunday at Ricl)^ ardson -Memorial hospital after sustaining a fractured pelvis and internal injuries. Botden wks with six other c nn^anlons on t)iei way to Dur ham when the d»r CoHide4 with a macTil|ie drivep by W. Frank Flythe, White of' Orabam, wh« was slightly injured in the acci dent. ’ I.. Other oectvpanlts of the car were Keith Li^mbeth, P]uRene Wall, Milton Ll(.|yd, Robert Bell, Jnmeft Harris anlii George Luns ford, ' ■' Bruce, Hnlt, an4 Hurley Foust, both of Graham, were in the car driven hy* Flythe, but M^f»r¥ not tnjure|, 1 \ . ! LEAGUE TO SPONSOR PROGRAM 9UNi)Ay I DURHAM *- The 4)len Chrisitian ^ndeavcjr Lea- gie of the St. Joseph AME , Church will sponsor a pro-^J’^ gi^am in honor of Richaril Allen, the Founder of the African Methodist Episco pal Church February lUh Commencing at 6;V6- thru the Evening Worship Seiprices. The program wlU begin In the ‘regular way. There ’will be many inter est features, The public is cordially 4nivited. ’ ‘ SCOUTS TO HOLD 3011) BIRTHDAY- DURHiA&l — All the C(Jlor«d Hoy Scouts of Durham are uniting into one trotp cele^br- ate the thirtieth Bby Scout An- I niversary. Among the several I features which ^Ivave been plann- led by the scouts, on February 8, *, all Uoops will gather and ^^ten I t.i the special broadcast message gjven by President Roosevelt at 10:30 p. m. on February 9th, there will be a special meeting of all troops at the St. Mark AME Zion Church at y p. m. February 10, hinkjng by all troops at 6:30 #. m. on February 11th all Bty Scouts will attend the White Rock Bapt. chnroh jointly with the Girl ScouU at II a m. R. S.^ GEORGE, assistant mana ger uf the Home Moderniiation and Supply company who is making an etiviable record help ing one of the leading small bust- noas instituitions in Durham. The dirert manageipent of the store is under the #up§ryi#ion of Mr, Georg*. Ferbruary Ut at 7:30 p. m. the scouts will render a >p«cial program at St. Joseph Church,. February I^, witl mark crovniing features for the week’a activities when the tro«ps meet at the Hillside Park High school at 8 p. m^for the Father and Son banquet, .«ll ac^uig will be-seated along beside Of a long table lad en with food while each boy*a father set facing hi* son on the other side. Those who do not have fathers will be accompanied by •om« othtr reUtiva, Times Ediior Elected To PusliVolIng BY A. M- RIVERA, Jr. DURHAM — In view of the- antipipated st«»rmy election ytar, L E. Austin, editor-publish'er ’of the CAROLINA TIMES News paper, has been elected chair- nlan of the political diviskvn of the North Carolina Commjttee on Negv" Affairs to Inicreaae the registering and voting of the Negroes in this state. “ Approximately seVehty-five thflusand Negro«' alreMly registered voter* and Mr. Au^h hope.s to increase this figure ty seventy-five thourand be'fore the ’40 elections. * Through the' editorials of the TIMES and other race news papers, colored citieens have be^ come keenly ihterested in- the hsllot. The first state-wide meet ing designed to organize Negro es for the purpose of exercising their vote was called in 1930 at the request of Editor Austin, Consistantly the CAROLINA TIMES has n>aintained an edi torial bombardment on the ne cessity of Negroes voting. Under the leadership of Mr. Austin the significance of the Negro vote is expected to play a unique role in the elections of 1940, Mr. Austin stated this wvek that he is making a general ap peal to Negro leaders in every ctty, town and, Hamlet to begin organizing immediately braiurhes of the Committee on Negro Af- fjtips so loc^l organizations will hi'Ve the hacking of the parent body, Said Editor Austin, “It is my Please turn to page eight UNION TO MEET N.' C. STATE FLASH! FLASH! NORFOLK, Vn. —, A post-scas' n game between the Eagle.^ of North Caro-' lina College aud Union University has been ar ranged for Friday,, March 15, in Norfolk, under the sponsorship of the Norfolk alumni of Union. Norfolk’s Ne»- Cniniunity Gym- nasfum has been chosen for the cla^h. Th.i.s game comes as the resist cf much publjc de mand from h)Vers of the gsme who consider this a “natural since neither team has been defeated in CIAA Coppetition. fhe North Carclina Coilejje team ha.s no man less than six feet tall and while Union has no six fo4)ters they rely grea,tly on th»» deadly shooting of "Si up” Camp bell. Plans for a fir^t meet ing of the teanus in .-.J-hi? state will bo Tuesday, March ,'jlh in Dui+iam, ■ The Durham Hampton alumni «UtUce given at llillHide audi tainment. The abuve photo shows , Hampton, Virginia. The dajie* ii vui (1 « (v siivna I lAaiiipLifiiy x uc tm some of tjie gay daiyiera enJoy-1 an annual affslr and aUracta toriuiif last . Frilay ' theiiiselws betweeli dances; i ntany social aelebtities from e( llpJted all mid-wtnter social Many of the city’s well known I nfher cities as well. activities in Durham for the season in brllliajwry and enter- citizeps are graduates of the in-I M''s!« f«.r, the occasion waa stitution whicii is located at furr...n«c "" ‘*'wlis. BANjjUET LAUNCHES WARD FOR BISHOP DRIVE Commissioners Pass ir. ' Resolutions For Dr. Stanford, }/^arren , DURHAM Funeral services Julia Warren, w’ife and Mrs. for Dr, S. L. Warren, promin-| Selena Warren Wheeler dau^h- ent i>hys»cian and business lead- ter. er of iJurham were held at St. "Tjiis b, ard of commissioner* Joseph AME Cfcu^h’ Friday cfy^urham county records with afterno^)n at 2 o’cloft with Dr. I tfc-ep regret the death of Dr. S. J. A. Valentine, pastor f ' the L. Warrep, one of the forenwst church in charge. Int^^nient was ! c i t i z e n-s of our com*munity. I’.eechwood Cemetery.,' [During his entire life in''Dur- As a last tribute t»: the distin- h*am county. Dr. Warren has guH'ded » phymcian xesblutior^f " bfen deeply interested in the were passed hy the Durham I business, intellectual and religi- Aciidemy of Medicine an^J, raad ous ^life nbt only of the- cok>red by Prof. E. D. Mieklc, Numerous people, but of the entire coia- ‘I'ther res, lutionsi and ttelegiams munity,” WITH MANY friend^ from "WW" both Chtcagoy "anTl other section? of th(^' fourth district in attend- 4ince, a baiiquet at Poro collage Tuesday night launched a cam paign to have the Rev. A. Way- Ward, pastor of Greater Bethel AME churcht Chicago elected to the bishopric at the AME General conference in De troit next May. Shown in the picture, atanding, left to right, ai'e Rev. M. E. B, Peck, Bobert Thomas, C- W. Barber, Detroit; W. H. (iriffiit, M. R^ .^>ix«n, St, Louis; G. W. lUakeleyV Little R'^ek and J. D- Howell, Detroit. Seated, Jeft^to right, are Mrs. Janft W. Ward, wife of the can- ilidate; Hi)shop R. A. Carter of Ihe CME church; Bishi)p W. J. Walls of the AME Zion; Rev. Ward, Dr. Charles Thompson and n S; Enteminger. Col. and Mra. William E. Warfield have back# to canjtra.—(ANP. Photo) - were pas.;ed by various organiza tions aind institutions wUh which Pr. Warren had been conhected dill log his life or had helped. ' Dr. S. L. 'Varren, Pioneer PhysiriKM anil l>iisine.;s man of tl;i>s city diet! at hi.s home Wed- ni-s(l;iy evening j f an ilhu>s.s which extended "vev n iteriod of ?'vei‘al DU'nths. Di. V*’i.rn'n'who | I'rtd been in deelining he:‘!th for l\v.» years was 77 years t,ld at ('enth. Durinjr hi* life, time the phy.«i- ciun fi'^uri'd in every forwart! movement ( f the community and Was elo.'sely connected witli the educational economic a'nd busi ness life cif the cWy. Until the time of his death he was chsir- man of tlie boards f the Lin coln Hospital, the Mechanics and Fnt-mers Rank and af the colored Ifbrary, the name* of xvhirh w» recently changed , to Stanf«»rd I.. Warren Library in mem ry of the f'lithful ^etjt'icf rendered by its n."me sake. . Dr. AVarren was born in Cas well- r.aunty in Noith t’aroliiia i'l l.S‘’>3. In 1902 he marrii-d Miss Julia MKK'auley of Washington, D. C. He workeih as a time cleik in” 'be Bull Durham *Ti»baceo fac tory until he could save enough money to enter the Leonard Medical ■ School of Shaw Univer- aity from which hp gratlusted four years after entering. ThQis wi)o survivaU arc: Mra. “Having serveiT as chairman €>f various boards among his penpl», his Ability and willingness to serve won for him the love, con fluence and respect of the cora- ) Please turn to page eight PIANIST PRAISED ORVILLE MOSELEY Head of the m«isic department n' Southern university, who won praise for his program as fea tured artist one the B Sharp Musical clu>b's Mardi G r a a corccrt ia New Orljans recently. A graduate (.f the Chic ,n#» Musical College, Mr. Moseley h>n» •■eJf a compoaer, is just now completing a tymphony. CHURCH LEADER L l|^MARSH P>ominen« churchman a n'd leader of Durham. Mr. Manh ia one 1 f the outMtaflding laynea of St. Mark AUE ?ion church,'^ being both a member of the ste ward and trustee boards. Uis mo ther the late Mrs. Sarah Marsh was the founder {f Skint Mark' AME Zion Church. " SEVERAL HELD IN SHWT Murder According to police author - ties, MveraL perauna are beinic investigated in connection with the murdar of Robert Mom, 5», whose body w»» foaad in a tui- let room uf the early Sukday ninrilim^ " Moara •uffered"' • iqiMWlMve of the tMhr. tl» cause uf oeatioB, a ed down to Sw, [Coroner [whe i&'stowr,

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