V E%UTH IDEED SA.Tinu>AY, riB. ir iImo NUIOIIII • VOLUME ai DOCTOR juoct Mori coifTKiirr CASt ^AIMT liu T. MTANt tAHF) — CmiMiHpit coar| eJwrgcs lr» T VryMrt. MCr«- tary-tvMUHr*r uf tk* Ain SniMt^ SdMoS unioo wtrt by F«^r«i Urn- #r Dsvis. Thr coart, Mjrtng h* ®f Ui* whole Mild aom* of Um imum raiMd (houM b* fcaw41#l fc; eliureh itMFlf rmiCE StVKN CENTS WASillNGTON CARVER SAWINGS TO FOUNDATION Colored leaiihers Object To Giving Cash to Finland Fund Will Per The Work In Creative Oiemlstry In the South'gQ^ j pi^Hg Newspaper Uga Crowd Hiars Judge Speeiel ta tka TIMES XUWtBGBE, Ala. —Dr. G«o. Waahintton Cwvef. acwntirt t 'Pa«ktg*c InMMttt*, T»««(iiiy itutcd |iSt^600 in c)u^ » & d |0T«nttn«2U bond* to » founil»> tiflr. to TtMMch in ertttiv* «lMeii#try. Drr CkTlln' said ha w«a wiUtac hi* M« aavlnf#, d** throatli A failure MSM fMn kgo, ta th» p«n>et»«> tioM rf thii trork htemue h« -4tn«v«4 that expt'ritnen^^ott a- ieiMT tha Hn«a of soil bnlkh»f Md utilisation cf waate aa w^I •A tlia n«w ul«a for lui- tii^ p»pr«a*nt an im* eh lo the fsiatkm xm ifitrtSi aad the Hatfen The foandati^ alf6 will ba aakad to pruarve the Carver Moaeum at Tutkegee Institata, Pleaae turn to page eight TAKES WESTERN THIP Five WOMEN, PIVB Nt- QROsa CAixeo for pep- EftAL JURY Hi KY. * IMXlHCTOn, (AMP) —For * * tht flrit Uto* In the hiatory • * of tJMi EaaUfs Xantadky * diatricl, five woman aiul liva * V Negroea ware uaauf par« ^ ^ * sona aaltctcd for Jury aar- * Ticea at a crimtnal and civil ^ * term of federal diatrJet ♦ * conrt onanii^ Moodt^, March * 4. at Jaelnan, Ky. Negroea * aeieetad wert'-®aarae>s Craw. * jMloMm; Aij^ttr J^ia^« * J * fioonevfUe, and Iloy fiinin>> * * Cody. • Spaulding: Lauds South Carolina Towns On Visit City Officials Already Mapping Plans For 31st Gathering Of NAACP HEW ORLEANS. (ANP) — The Orleana Pariah Achool board has denied Negro teachtra their rights, refused ta give 'ci> cent pay, contiAua))y turned down the Ntgroea' p)ea fta better schools is praeti^ly de- »«f ndii^ that N^ro teacbart ? ^ and c4illdren contriibtite to the! jFinniah relief fund likt whites, In spite of the economic eondi- tloii* among the students, and is^ sfiite of tha inauJta tiie sehoo} ^ft BY C. C. SPAUUpiNG A fow weeks ago, 1 visited the State of South Carolina. It was by no meana my flrat viait to this state, yet on , this particular irtp, 1 found so many things of interest that have stamped them* lahes indelibly on my mind. I Spent consideralble time in 0orgetowon»~a town of ap proximately 6,000 inhabitants; hb per cent of which ara Ne groes. It is interesting to note 4)mt the whites and colored pao- pla in this toVrn live dde by side, and the very excellent e- lations which exiat. , Negroes In Geo^etown a r ♦ 'Jary progreasiva. They have a loeal Bustneas League, officered by a group of enwrgetlc buai- •peakcr nm men. Its officers are a* follows; tt. B. Anderson, Presi dent; *J. jankins, Vice-Presi dent; Waller ManiguU, Secre tary; Frank Johnson, Asat.- ftw*ratary; and Samuel Wragg, Treasurer, The town can boast a beauti ful club house for Negroes and two graded schools, v^'ftich Are supervised by Prof. J. B. Beck. There are approximately K-OO Ntgro students and teachers. All of the mail carriers In Georgetown are colored. The Negroes have one very nice grocery stora »nd meat market on Main Street Street—T h « Atkinson Grocery. They own and operate two Uquer stores, several small grocery stores, baauty parlors, barber shops, and one drug store. Oaorgetown has never had a lynching. It la a town of thrifty, engergetic peo ple. Ona of Oeoi^atown’s most progressive citisans la Dr. tl. G. Teele, a yoang physician, who ii a graduate of Shaw University, Oasa of 1912. Dr. Taele enjoys a bcrativa praeti«a and is the only Nagro pfiyslclao in the city. Ha U a leader in civic, aocipl, and eliureh affai^a. Ha an8 hia wUa—flia formar Mias Gladya Caldwall of Ralaigh, Korth CaTQllBai-hava a baaotl- fol boma and «ra among the highly Mipactad citi*etia of tha ' city. Another interesting character In Qaoi^atown ii Ale* Alford. daformad from DR. iJAMES E. SHEPARD ' ft-iKdehV^of Noith CatoUw Collage for Negroes ^11 leave this weak*and for Camdan, S, C. whwe he will be the main, apeaicar at tha eobaitijttion maat- iag of Maithar AMdwny’a obaar* U N*tioQ«i Hafro Kiatoiiy ^9^ ; .. . PR, CYLOE PONNELL , Prominent physician of this city and the North Carolina Mu tual itft dulling the week of February 3 for one month’s visit in Little Rock, Arkansas. Dr. Dcnn.ell was accompanied by his wife. Dr. Shepard To At iailicr CAMDEN, N. C. — Dr. James E. Shepard, president of North Carolina College for Negroes, will deliver the main .address at the culmination meetihg of Ma ther Academy’s observance of l^atlonal Negro History Week, Sunday afternixn, February 18, ‘at four o’clock. Dr. Shepard, besides his strccessM for the College of which he is the president, has been a leader among the public spirited citizens of North Card- Una most of his life. He haa been an advocate for every pfiQse which has for its aims the uplift and advancement of the Negro. I * National Negro History Week which "begin* February II, will fiature various .phasM of the problem of lioiming at it effects the Negro. Different programa worked cut by various depart ments will include the follow: Ing; "Present Condition," ‘Specific Examples of the Relations off Housing to Health, Crime, and Pnmily Relations,” "The Ideal Home,” Cooperatives, ae a Way 0»t*’ and the sf^ial R a c. a Relations Meeting., on Sunday, Fi'braery 18. _ oney from Stflil- e^^nl^ theiir parent*, by having teachers fiuniliariae thetr stu dents with eonditiena In Finland then wrie letters to parenta of the students asking for money. While many of the teachers have protested this sitoatlon, aeme of them tlijnk it is **a very good iden" because of tbeir jobs, A local Negi'o newspaper has editorially condemned 'the whole idea and is ^sking students and parents not to give on# red penny to the Finnish Relief lund through tha Orleans'Parish board citing that Nagro education in Louisiana is 26 years benlJid that of tha whites and that Na* groaa here are in ~ ^ust as dire need as the Finns, Jty A. M. RIVERA Jr. Itt the firjit of a serfes of nd- drewm to be delivered on a “goi'4 will” tour, Jaten Joseph H. Rn|ney uf told a capacity croivitf assembled at White Rock 8a^l|at Church Sunday night public opinion is gra.'iping pillars of the te-mple of olipression-no longer groping and l«ttighted-and la beginning to trawiiile In tlie new found .atref^h those inequalities which ’*^ll * jellng, hoping * agalnit h( pe it/tb# time will come whan ta«4 |»lacks,.^ir«miJwfa^ wift together hbrflif(^CfialS»u?SB» ent baniere o#' raie, eyw Went upon a truly great America,” LIST DEANS Although alll committee ehair- mun have not been named, th^ I coi.tmittees are divided int» houa ’ins, hospitality, puWicity, church I cocperation, finance, program, ' I egiatratioB, iaformati.'ii, euis- ine i'*" ^ ——-—'■ The houaiut; cftmnuttt*^, un4«r 'jHi»i Mamie E. David, ^^ttnetal se- er*ta,ry o£ the Southwest YWC.%,. work almost at Despite all progress that we in America h®''® made," the young magistrate *s(d, “the time i^as come f(t the Bill of Rights to nnake a new sssprtion of ts integrity and authority, because civil liberties keep dragging weary footsteps in a civiliiation of s>.cial chaos and economic un rest,” ^ , “With the oppttling, Increase of persecution »nd Its venemous poisvi expanding the ocean, no one In America or elsewhere can afT(*rd to fold his hands and boost of his security. Instead, the so-called majority group Please turn to page eight TO APPEAR ON STAMPS a. W.. V. CORDICE, Jr., son rtf Dr. Cordfce of Durham, and senior at New York University. Young Cordiee has maintained a high scholastic standing since •ntering^NYtJ four yeara^ago, having consistently been on the dean’s list, ,^Tffe is expected to follow in the fooTateps of his father and study medicine. Open Hiiim AI U"J ROBERT M;«:KIE TO SJPEAK IN CHAIILOTTE He baa Bsen childhood, but this haa not been # hMiidisap to'' bhM.; He -la icnowc «i the “peanut roan" and handlw —’ ■■■ ' s- buihela ana bushels of peanuts a Robert C. Mackie who is the week. He handlea so many tbat gatieral secretary of tha World ha nciw parcSaaea hi* stack by Stttdant Christian Fedej-ation ad* th(? tons. He atands on the aor- bailed the group on the aub- ner with aeorai ol baakat* of jMt, “The CWatian Student FU»9« t«ro to elf Jit qonifonti The World Today, DURHAM —• Immediately after lh«> regular vesper hour Sunday, friends and visitors oi T h e Ntttth Carolina College are invited to share in the open hoaae pragn'am arranged by the edministnstion, teachers a n d jrtodents. Opportunity is taken annu.iHy t»* better acquaint parents, e^a- tives and fiiends with the pro gram of the InstrtbTon and fwtieularly with th« rapitily jifiwing physical plant. Men and women Wt-aruig ...he college colors will serve as' jtuid- e¥. Uem''>ers of the faculty jtftioned in several buildings wjfl tell something of the work done in the different depart ments. Light refjeRhnients will be ser- vo»» by the home economic de partment. Guest books will be pt'ovlded for the signatures if the visitors. PHILADELPHIA, (ANP) — Five months early, this city is hard a work for \he coming 31st j annual conference of the NAACP, June 25-30, with Mayor ! Robert E. Lamberton, honorary ^ chairman, and Atty. Theodore O. Spaulding, general chaii-man of nrrangeroents and sut)p«rted^, by nine committees. First major project of t K t ^ . . . ■ . , \ will iiegm lUt Jojnt committees w a huge danfe ■ .. i.* , . ^ ' once scnduig su^bcommitteea to f«st to the top the Penn relays , . * ... , , , n * j ■ visit pvery home which will be weekend, on Saturday evenmg> 1 , , wt. ■ j . 1. . . open to delegates. The Jearfinif April 27, when three orchestras . , , ■ ,. . city hotels* wilT als«, be visjted; will be on hand in the Wharton, ‘ \ % Street armory Board a n di Tindley Teiaple ME church. Whartc.n streets. In his way it' Broad and PiWwater .streets will is hoped to raise the money to the ikeetiag plaae iV^erViita-tlM^ hcsd*t«selse* meetings Ihymohd Pace AUxai^- a U506 rntherine street. tt s fie finance Cow j Dr, Harry. W.' Greene is presi- iilttee, responsible for meeting dent of the Philurfelpbia branch the^«onvention expenses. ' 'if the NAACP. ^FiiKiWfh^ Clown’In.Next QoSaysLfuis in S. C. Too? GREENVILLE, S. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, New York—-As strong as t h o outcome of the Louis-Godoy scrap are the threats a n d promises of 'the champion if and when he matches again with the South American fisherman, “I’ll kill the clown if they ever match us again,” Louis said. Lcuia, who has become very proud of ,his record, showed in creased signs of anger by the minute every lime he thought o' his disappointing showing Hjalnst Gtdoy. AFRAID OF INJURING HANDS Reporters witnessed an unusual scene as Joe entered his dress ing room, crestfalieH -aud de jected. Right away he began an- ■swering jjueries, but in addition hi' added that he was afraid of hurting bi.s hands on Uodoy’s head. Rumt-rs that the champ had carrted Uodoy to fill the Garden in a return bo«t were quickly and emphatically denied. Joe told reporters that he never- carried a, figSter and he did^ not carry GoUuy. “I waited for him to o^en up and he never did.” Joo said. Trainer Jack Blackburn and Cm-Hanager Jchn Roxbdrou^, were of the oplbion Godoy had shewn himself to be a human monkey and not a fighter. Said BlacUbuiiT; “If the art of fight ing is ta crawl on the floor until you see a chance to clinch, then this guy. Godoy is the world'a beat. Joe should have been a little faster on his feet but even 1-Iait tij^t. you couldn't expect hi«n on general di»gu»t with the fight and was not tuFectoed at the decision. During the course nt' the evenisg half of _jhis same c.Hiwd had been yelling to Godoy to “Stay own, stay down,” * Please Iturn to page eight PRIZE WINNER C. (ANP) ' — South Caratica'a ’ finest and j meat complete food store, ‘ the I Basketeria, employs SO. people. Half are colored. Marion Cure- ton is a full flediyed elerk and tfumbers among hia regular cu»^ to go' ^ut there and break tomers some of the best white”'— # , ~ . faaili^ In the city. looks® T. WASBWOT0N , "Noted educator whose face will •#*L. ^**T* manager the e^^ pear on lOe atanpa honoriAf famous Americana this year. The Dr. . ” f **j WHaWn«ton atampa w«l be the firat ever l«ued of the face of a Ne ? - Pleafe turn to page eifbt gjeo. Jscuea ww he. aaid of i>r. Waahii^i^n lCb9wn «a Nafro throuflwut Aptairioa. his tiands on that guy’s skulL Joe will be ready far him anyday h* want# ta P“t UB a real fight.’' iWCH BOOINC There was considerable booing bv Friday’s nig-bt'* crowd after the decision was announced by ! Harry Balcgh, but it was based w MISS MARY LEWIS of 4i i Dowd Street was the prout winner of a ton of coat which was raffled off Saturday,^ Janu ary 27, by the Junior Ladiua At.>xiliary of the ^fneoihi Htispt- tal. Little Miss An‘n Henderaon' was tba drawer cf the locky ticket. Tins prolect yf the ciub was one ift the several that are h»ihg planned for tha yaar. Under the zealous leader^ip mt ita preat* dent, Mrs. Plasaie Harria, tiM auxiliary has done mueh toward properly e^^uippinc tiie ebUdria'i ward M tbe hoaptt»l. The prtiMry uadertaking now, it Ike tion ef «he paymettr ma iHAr recently purchMed l&f th» The eoaJ ma itamagj A Pl^»yd Cn»l CiSpMiL. ~ ' “ ft Mlaa wt» the fmtlTfin 6k