«A4I w^ammmH&SBSSSSrntaBum NGC English Prof. Addresses Young Women DUSHAM ~ In an iafomMl t»lk to tb« yoong woman »t N. C. CoU«c«, lliN Paolin« N«wton tt til* Sng4bh D^NkrtiMnt ad- «la*d tfa* cultiTOtioB of th« art of convanatioA to incraaM ehancM'of lucccM in life. Miw Nvwton g*vt h*r view* on why pie should learn to conver»e we!l. what they might convene abont and how they ehould carry on converaRtion. “In part the weaker aaid, ‘Converution ii a loat art. Many ir.stitutione «uch •» the radio, the movlet, tHe streantedline age in which we live have made it unnecetsary to develop into con- . course. However, one must talk ar.d since one it appraiaed by his ] ability to Converse intelligible ' and since it is a part of your ! equipment in meeting the varioua I social situations in which you find yourself, conversation it an ' Please torn to page aeven GOP CHAIRMAN DEATHS Legal Notices M e T I C £ / IN SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK ORTH ti«OUNA) DUKUAJI tA>UX^TY) JiRkAJMT UUUAN, AdminiS- ttator o1 the aetate of Sailie U. Joouaen, deceaaed and itryant Hogan, ui«livi(iuaiiy —V»— Loia Uogaa Caaaidy sA als. mtsl i>K*'MiSlAASTH, Lucy tiugauKaeves, kuaie Hogan Yan- &.era, ^i rank Mogan, Lucy Regars, V«i«ie Kogeta Markae, Ltouis Kog'era, ^tace Kogera, Rdgar KHtera, Corea Uogan, La^on Kogan, Maittie U*gan, Hanry k.irlblmtk4, liable JehB&tm, Br- neat Johnsen, Waltar Johnson, Mai-y Patterson Worth' • n £ Jane Patteraon, will take notice, tliat an acien entitled as above baa been cenunenead in the Superior Court of Durham Coun ty North Carolina, to sell the landa of Saliie H. Johnson, de ceased, for aaaata; And the said deleadanti will further take notica that they are required o appear at tha office of the Cleric of the Superior Court ef aaiu Countv ia the eourthouae in Durham, N. C., o« or before tan day a sifter the M «hty ef Feb- raaiy, 1940, and aa»war ec de nar to the cdmphiint !a aaid ac tion, or‘the p^atur will a^ly to tha court for' the relief .'e- mandad in aaid aomplaint. Thia IB day ef Janoaiy, ^940. JAS. R. STOtfB, Aaat. C. S. C., Durham County. Jan. 27 Feb.»-i0-17 M P T C « I IN SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK DURHAM COUNTY) NORTH CAROUNA) BRYANT HOOAN, Adminiotra- tor af' the estate of Sailie 1. Johnson, deeeaaad and Bryant llogao, individually Luia Hogan Casaidy ,t als TH£ CHILI^£N of Susie Kirkland Sails and other peraona ihtereated in the premisae ia- ^ eluding, among others, persons who are or may be heira of ^e aaid Sailie H. Johnson, whoae namea are unknown to the peti tioner, will take notice that an action entitled aa above ^as been commended in tha aupenor court Durham County, N. C., to aell the landa of Sa^Ue H. Johnaon, de-| ceased for aaaata; And the aaid. dafendanta will further take notice that they are rtquiied tj appear at tihe office cfi said County in the covrthouse In Durham, N. C., oa or befove ten days after the 26*day of Feb.- 19^, and answer ^ dM&ur e the complai|»t or some competeat person will be appointed by the Ciiurt to represent aaid def n- danta, and the plaintiff ' wfll apply to the court for tha relief demanded in said patitiei. This 19 day of January, 19«0. JUS. R. 97K>KB Asat. C. S. C-. Dp’-baaa Ce^iity Jan 27. F«l». S-10-17 NORTH CAiROUNA ) DURHAM COUNTY ) HAVING QUALIFIED u the fdminiatrator of the aatata of Martha Hedgepeth laia of Dur ham County, North Carolina, Ihia ia to notify all persona hav ing claims against the eatate of ihe deceased to preaent them to the nndanigiied gt 3S08 Fajaita- ville Street o» before t h ® thirteenth day of January 1941 or. this uotice will be pleaded in. bar of their recovery. All ersona ^ indebted to said eatate will j please made immediate paymeat. * Thia 3rd day of Jan. 1989. i . OWEN TRICE, Exacutor C. O. PBAESON, Mt’y. Jan. 18—%0—tr Feb. i-lO-17 JAMES LEONARD LEWIS Prominent Florida attorney, who was recently named chair man of a Republican aurvey eonunitte to work with Republi can organizations throughout the itate,.. Grandson qjf the founder of the Afro-iAmerican Life In- eutance company, Mr. Lewis also serves as a company executive. He was lauded by the national committeeman for forceful acti vity in republican politics. • ' flDddmom ftam, tfa of Fay^ttaviUa Strttt dM_ Jan- 2A, at hia homa. Funeral aarvicea were held Thursday Fab. 1, at the St. Joaaph Church. Intar- mcnt waa at BeechWood^ame- tary. Lacy Millar, age 40, 919 Sast Procter Street died January 31. Funeral services were held at tho Mt. Vempn Baptist Church Sunday, February 4. Burial was in BeecKwood Cemetaty. Williant Hayes McCraa, 4S, 408 Pettigrew Street died Jan. 31. Funeral aervices were held Febraary 2. Bnrial waa in the Baechwood cemetery. Juliua Rogers Route 1, M^l^is- ville died February 2, at his home. Funeral a»n*kes wane Sunday February 4, at the Christian Grove Church. Inter ment was in tha church ceme tery. Dee Yearby, 47, Braddock, Ph. died at hia home January 22. Funeral servicea were held Fe/b. 8. Johnnie Scott, 39, Raleigh died Feb. 4 at hia home. Funeral ser vicea were held at the Pleasant Union Church. Edwin Bowling age 26, of 1114 Fourth St died ia Lincoln hoapital Fetouary 4. Funeral ser vice* were held at the home Wed nesday, February 7th. Mrs. Julia Wilkins, died at h»> home February 4, Funeral and burial waa held Feb. 7th. . Mrs. A4a Bain, 46, 808 Came ron Street died at her Fefc. 4tb. Funeral services were held at the Mt. Vemon Baptist church February Tth.^terment waa in Beechfwnod cemetery. William H. Overby, 2, months intarit of 2208 FiUgerald Ave. d'ed February Srd. Funeral aer- vices*were held at the home. Bur ial was in peechwood cemetery. Mra. Jennie Cameron, ©Sv of 1114 Second St. died at her home Fetoruary 5. Funeral aer- vi^ea were held n Erwin, N. C. February 7*h. Mra. Maria Neal age ,&5, died February 1, Madiaon, N. J. Fun eral aervices were held at Madi aon February 4- Interment jwas in HIckstown cemetery. i Miaa Rosa Bulloiclr, 66, died at Lincoln hospital February 6th. Funeral servicea were held in Creadmore February 8th. Ebenezer Baptist Of Charlotte Has Large Membership STANDFORD L. WARREN LIBRARY ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NORTH CAROUNA DURHIAJM COUNTY HAVING QUALIFIED a* the administratrix of the aatata of Will walfte Wood laU of Dur ham County, North QaroUsa, thia ia: notify all pewons hav ing claima against tha aatata af the decaasad t« praaeat them to tha undersigned at 819 Hiffh Streak East Durham aa or be fore tha thirtaeath day af Jaa. 1941 or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their racovary. All persons indebted ta said eatate will pease make immediate pay ment. This Srd day of Jan. 1940. ESTOER EATMON WO»D, Administratrix Jan. 18-20-27 Feb. 4—10—17. The recent opening ot ;^ha I brariea in Uie atate. Tahe build-1 in the life of the community the Stanford L. Warren library pro- ing ia named for the late Dr. 7 Durham Colored library which vides for the Ne«ro population Stanford L. Warren, prominent was located at the corner of of Durham one cf the fineat li-1 phyaician of Durham. It replaces | Ptttfgrew and Fayetteville Sts. WPA ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE NORTH JCAROLINA) DURI5AM COUNTY) HAVING QUALIFIED aa tha adminaatratora cf tha astata of Dr. S. L. Warren late of TJurhaim County, North Carolina thia ia t6 notify all persona having claiina againat the estate M tha daeaaa- ed to preaent them to tha undar- aignad fit 114 Waat Parriah St. on or before tha Unth day of [February 1941 or this notfcra will be pleaded in bar of th^ recovery. All peraona indefctad to aaid estate will plaaaa make intmediaite payment. This 10 day of Feb. 1940- MfiOHAJJICe AND FABMEK8 JtAwy AND J. H. WHBEIUEE* AdmJniatrabora Fab. 10-17-24 lUrch 2nd Continued from page three Unsuitable schools houses ‘ in southern states, lack of recrea tional facilities as well aa numer- oai malaria breeding centera were some of the conditiona WPA found in Negro communi ties, and which it helped to cor rect. • \ , Negro WPlA workers fired be cause of the Woodrum laiw or for quota reductions were found to be undergoing severe Tlard- ahipa. The report declared that alhougrh they “made every ef fort to secure employment in private industry, invMtigation has shown that they experienced great difficulty in finding steady work at an adequate wage. HYDE PIARK, N. Y. (CNA)‘ —Mra. James Van Allen, Socia lite of New York and Newport, R. I., haa decided to turn over tc the U> S. Government the old Fredericik W. Vanderbilt eatate near thia village to prevent it falling into the handa of Father Divine and hia followers, Presi dent Rooaevelt revealed thia week. The Newport dowager is the present owner of the estate which comprises sojne 260 acres of land and a hpge mansion. Divine followers already had estahliahed one of their numer ous Heavens Just. acrc|w.« 4ta Hudson from Hyde Paii, the ancestral Roosevelt home, and their .plan was to make of the Vanderbilt «i^te and even more imping sancturary in whi^ Father Divine himaelf would maitain a auite. UNCLE JACK SAYS Conault me about your Winter worries. See them vaniah in thin air. box ’em. 3®3—677—210—404 716fr—«32—712—463 ' 193—374-^7121—3t20 ' 267—494—753>—3?1 1816—023—617—^371 . . . C«iiipl«le Bnildiiig Stniee & ••‘REMODELING •••NEW CONSTRUCTION •••ROOFING SERVICE •••HUILDING SUPPLIES ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED For Painting, Papering and Decorating w« uaa lOGBBS PRODUOTS. Scarboroogli & Bargdt ' PtTNERAL DIBECTOBS - AMBULANCE SBRVICE PHONES DAY J-S721 NIGHT J-37M 122 E. S»ETTIGREW ST. DURHAM. N. P. Hviodel LAUNDRY YOU CAH IMSTANnY LONS LIFE Wa Uaa LaBg-Iifa IXMAK* L(»K} ABPBALT ROOnNG .. BXCLVHVaLY. ASMAU SMN6U8 THIS COMPAJ4Y OPERATES O^ A VOLUME BASIS. SMALL PROFIT. LARGE VOLUME ALL WORK OUABANTEEO Home Modernization ; And Supply Co. C. ITAULDING, Praa. B. L. M«DOUGALJ>, SWy-TrM*. •If PmrmttmrtiU Btrmmt NOW! • • • Color Hair JET BLACK! 'f, • - For Hoir Ihot ia DUil,PAI>B>, BURNT^STUAIOD^OaAYMO or DHCOiORID TEST THIS SIMPLE, EASY HOME TR'EATMENT^ If your hair is faded, burnt, gray or graying^ strewed, doll or discolored ... if it ' so unattractive that it is spoiling your entire appearance . ;. and if you can’t aiTt. tfigh-priced hair dyes or expensive t/eatmenta at beauty al^s ... HERE'S GLORI OUS NEWSl For only 60c you can now get ||ie original genuine BLACK TTA- MONI7 JET BLACK HAIl^COLORING. Follow the simple directions and one. application will give your haur that enviable JET BLACK gloMy tone. BLACK DIAMOND JET BLACK Hair Coloring INSTANTLY makea hair look soft, smooth, lovely. Try BLACK DIAKOND—try it TONIGHT.... Sea for yourself how your hair can become lovely, glossy, smooth with JET BLACK BEAUTY after Um very first application. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 1 Regardless of how faded or ugly your hair max !>«, ngardleta jof what else you may bave used without results, BLACK DIAMOND Hair Coloring MUST give you alluring new jet black hair beauty; it MUST satisfy you in every way or you may.i«;ttim it in 7 daya for your money ^ck in full. Don’t wait any longer->4>e am:a to get tha original, the genuine BLACK DIAMOND Hair Coloring. MOW OMIY €Oc AT 6000 OJVUO STOKKM MVnVWHMMKt lUCK DIAMOND HAIR COIDRING lUCK STRAND HAUI, COLORING (cantaiaiac a Ca«l Tar Derivative) ■ (C—tatniag a Catf Tv Dwht^tva) BLACK IHAMOND and BLACK STRAND are both noade from the' aanM formula, it your f 4ni|gBist doaan’t iiave BlaciK Diamond. Insist m Black Strand, tt ia eoBBctly tha iktea. *■ tt your draggist can’t sappiy you, aend Cte direet t* or BUCK muND ca nw I . II . ly aSBW— ILACK CO* Rev. H. M. Moore, pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church at the corner o( Second and David son Streets here has developed his large congregation until' now the church boasts not only one of the largest memberships in the city, but is one of the best organized. ' All i^epartments of the church work for the common good, and the results 6f his pastoratk are easily seen to even the casual visitor at the church. Rev. Moore is a native of Greenwood, S. C., where he was bom in October. 1874. He Cliariolle Briefs BY MRS. BESSIE HARDY The Whjte Rose -club enter tained «t a tea Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mra. Garfield Sima, an Caldwell St. Miaa Alene Ross 18, died at her home Monday on North Myers Street. Miss Ro.m will be funeralized ^ Thursday fro Grier’a funeral home. Odia Knox 31, died at the Good Samaritan Hospital Mon day. Mr. Knox lived on Johnson Street in the Greenville section. Plens for funeral have not been complete. Mrs. Nancy Waitson died re cently at her home on South Duvidson Street. Mrs. Watson ia one of Charlotte’s oldest citizens. Dr. Samuel P. Grafflin of White Plains, New /York spoke at Second Ward High School last Week. Hia sulbject waa; Ambition, Inhibition, and Prohi bition. Dr. Grafflin ia a National YMCA speaker. was graduated from Benedict Ci'llege in Columbia, S. C., four times, the L. I. degree, 1901. College Preparatory, 1903, Bache toe of Theology, 1906 and the College course, 1907. The last * act of President A. C. Oaborne [ was the conferring upon him in I 1911 the. degree of Doctor of Divinity. He was married a month after receiving his college degree to I Miss Mattie L. Henry of Winn«>- boro, S. C., and they settled in . Spartantjurg, S. C. where he had already served as pastor of the Mt. Moriah Baptist church for two years. He then pastored in other places in South Carolina for twenty years, and served the same number of years as Presi dent of the State Sunday School and BYPU convention, resigning after coming to Charloitee. Dur ing Ria pastorate at SMond Calvary Church, Columbia, ha Waa for two yoara on* of the in> structors in the Theological De partment at Benedict College, his alma mater. In Feibruary 192j6,^ he was called to his present charge, and after winding up hia affaira in Columbia for three * months he canne. Oo the first Sunday in May of that year a motorcade conveyed the excellent choir of Second Calvary to Charlotte where they rendered music at E^eneaer on the occasion of their ex-pastor entering this newr fiel^. This united the two con- gre^tions in a fellowship whicJi ha." kept up to the present day. YOUR HOME lb INSUREu -1ES. BUT IS THIS9 ^See the „ BANKERS’ FIRE INSURANCE C( DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA CONS^.R^'^TIVE ~ SOLt^ - DEPENDABLEI ACME REALTY COMPANY RALEIGH, NORTH CAROUNA ^ UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY COMPAMY DURHAM. NORTH CAROIJHA PREPARE FOR • • During these days when wars and rumors of wara dominate the news, to b* prepared for action ia a Nation’s firat responsibility. ' i It ia equally as essential that,we^aa individu als, living in a copntry at peace with the w^rld, prepare far action againat the financial invaaion of Death and Diaability. . Ara you aatisfled with yeur defenses? Doesyour inventory diacloea that you and your family are exiposed to unneceuary harazda? You will find it pays to kn-ow the North Carolina Mutual agent in your community. He can •u»y you with the one aure weapon that will banish the hazard of financial insecuHty— A UFE INaUBANCE POLICY. • NORTH tAIlOLINA MUTDAL C.C.SPAULDIN6.Pr«*i^r.t * DURHAM, NORTH aROLINA CHARLOTTE DISTRICT OFFICE Durham district office 22i3 South Brevard Street 809 Fayetteville Street A. E. SPEARS, MANAGER W. L. COOK, MANAGER » •NO HOME IS COMPLETE WITHOUT NOK TH CAROLINA MUTUAL POLICIES''