★ Mailing Edition ★ ★ an im^s voujMC ai NUMBER IV DURHAM, N. C-.SATURDAY, APRIL «tk. 1»40 Next Week THE CA«OmiA Til ••iiT •# Fa •t T«ili.«ii m ttfmmmd hr ■—!■■ 9»mm mmm, TIMES Maff OfU«l TOUR corr now. ★ ★ raicE SEVsff CEirrs ■SHOP M. H. DAVIS STOPPED IN EFFORT HOCK KIHRELL COLLEGE BONDS ^ ★★ ★★ And Companion Jailed in Virginia Miss PauH New Girls Dorm To Be Dedicated Sunday Evening Floating But Not On Air CHAiRiLOTTE — Johnson C. Smith University will on. Sunday ' tftcmoon at tturce o'clock ob' mrr«ct its Annual Foun4«i^8 lixij •XMciiM in commemoration of tkt TSrd Annivtriary of the Mhoel, and the same time ilikjrtr the beautiful, new, Jaaws B. Duke Memorial Hall, a Donsiitory for girl«. Johnson C. Smith has liad an •▼•niful life daring the Seventy* Thrte yeara since it wib founded to edacate Freedmen to be ^rMchera and teachers. It has fi'ovn immenaely and come a hw|( since 1870 when the •aly”*]i'ecomnK>datioDa for attid- Mta were three amall 'buildings whi^ were called Asia, Africa tud Australia This was during the adaiiniBtration of Rev. Step- l^en Mfttton, D. D. white, who Mrvtd the years 1870-1884. An interesting sidelight on the his tory «f the schodi, at that time to the ^t that Frank B. Perry, ftadent, lived in the dormitoiy calhd Africa, and after hr graduated from the Theological Department he went te Africa frlMre he served ss a missionary until his death. &> 1891 Bev. Daniel J. Sand- *rs^ D. D. of Wilmington was •leeted foarth president of Biddle, as the school was then tailed, the first Negro president •f the school. He served the school well until his untimely deatii in 1907 when he was succeeded by the present incum* ert, Dr. H. L. McCrorey. It is during the administra- Uoi. of Dr. MeCrorey that-Smith, lias Been its greatest growth. In Mill > Carnegie Library was Intilt on the college, after |12, too wts raised, mostly from Ne- gie Presbyterians, to match an eqoal amount donated by And rew Carnefto, famoua philan- thcrpist. In 1917 Mrs. Mattoon and Uis. Emma Thomas, dangbters of the late Dr. Stephen Maiton, and the latter the mother of Norman Thomas,'' famous socia list, donated fifteen acres of Jwrid valued at ^90,000.00 to th? school increasing the cam pus sise to 7.6 acres. Between 1921 and 191^ Mrs. Johnson C. Smith of Pittsburg, Pennsylvanii donated to the in stitution a|t>onnd |400.00|0.00 fur buildings and eqipument and |iB02,£)00'.'00 for endowment. With this money nine buildings were erected on the campus in cluding a cottage for Mra. Smith Iri/ recognition ef these donations th«u.MUDe of the ixutitution was il-ang^'In’l9®ff from Biddte University to Johnson C, Smith University: ^ In D«eember, 1924, James B. Duke »f Charlotte, for whom tlie new girl’s dormitory is nam- td g&ve the institution an en- downment eMimated |l,SO0/>0 00> This is possiUy the largest : iigle gift a N«gTO institution of higher learning has received^ and has enabled the institution received a |9,690.87 endowment from the estate of. Mrs. Sarah J. (King of Ohio. It is,these gifts, plus the management and leaderahip of Dr. H. L. McCrorey assisted t»y an able faculty that haa per- liited Smith to (Me* its place in the very forefront of institu tions for higher learning among Negroes in America. Married HELEN BLACKWELL WEDS JAMES RICHMOND DURHAM — Mra PeMdie Richmond Carlton wishes to an nounce tlie marri^e of her son, James Richmond to Miss Helen Blackwell of Kinston, N. C. Feb. f 1939. The couple will reside at '511 Grant Street. CLERK BEV. J. E- JlcMIIiLAiJ of Ssoi- ford, N, C., who has been serving as clerk of Yfldkin Presbytery foi ten years. Dr. McMillan has le^rved the Sanfond Parrish for tw#nty-tWo years, which includ- •I four churches, «hairmf(n of the Board of Directors of the Young People’s Summer Confer ence in tho Synod of Cata*wba, and a grads^e of Johnson C. gnitb University College Louis Blasts Cbaflenger JMEW YORK (Special to the BS) — It was just another night for the Brown Bomber on Friday night, March 29, when he cashed in on Johnny I^pi^hack, cancelling: him in thi second round of what was to have been a 16-round championship fight tor the world heavyweiglit title. The fight rtflrted fast and immediately became one-sided while Joe Louis, still master of the ring held his opponent at bey with his ever^clever left Jab and stiQgiog right. It war p hand rieht to Paychecks Jaw that sent him under for the final count. The thousands who witnessed the fight had l^^rdly adjusted themselves for another gi'eal battle when to their ears came Uie long-familiar, “The winner, Joe Louis.” The title bout wdi sts^ged 'n Madison Square Garden, Arthur PoMTM A CASdSED PAYOHBK—First Ml,me Johnny—lies supine oW the eauvas at A(adison Square Gar den. Said Johnny Paychek having been deposited on the canvas in j Johnny down three times in first i in 44 seconds of the Second an extreme state of coldness by round of their scheduled fifteen Round. INTERNATIONAL heavy handed heavyweight ch«m- round fight for Joe’s title, and NEWS PHOTO, pios Joe Louis. Louis h^(f! | deposited him thusly for keeps | Restraint Filed In Vance Connfy By A\fE Church Beard Of Trustees HBNDERSON, (Special to the T1M£2S) — Bishop M. H. Davis, presiding head of the Second ^iscopal District of the AMiE church, wjk prevented this week ,^rom selling (166,(H)0 worth of 'American Tcrt>ricco Compajny bonds, belonging to Kittrell College, when a restraining ord er signed by Judge V. C. Harris, of the superior Court was filed in Vance County. The restrfi^ining order, which ciirried the names of D. B. Mar tin of Durham, Kenneth Jones of Chapel Hill and Watson Law f Greensboro plaintiffs, and Ui»hop Davis, J. N. Mills, C. C. An*ey, A. D. Avery, W. C. Cl^- lar.d, J. A. Young and D. Cor nea, all menrtters of the Board o? Trustees of Kittrell College, S3 defendants was filed on April The hriinng in the matter is Set for April 19 at 1'2 o'clock neon before Judge Leo Carr at t!'c courthouse at Hertford. The complaint, with the ex ception of an amendment and 4 few changes, is the same as thst published in the CAROLINiA TIMES, iasue of March 2. It ch«,rges Bishop Davis with at tempting to borrow (2|5,'000 on the fl66,000 worth of bonds, given the school by the late B. N. Duke as an endowment, for the purpose of raising money "for his own selfish purposes, and not for the benefit of the college.” .. — The complaint also charges Bishop E|4vis with recently pur chasing ten acres of land ad jacent to the school for the ex- horil)ita«t sum of $10,'00’0 when the property is only worth (1, Please turn to page eight HOME MODERNIZATION EMPLOYS E NTERTAIN ^''' I' ^ HMNM mm ! . EMPLOYES OF THE HOME MODERNIZATION AfJP SUPPLY COMPANY w«r« host to themselves last noontii St the home of Marcelles Spells on Banks ftreH. Tb« yboto ahows the i^otip enJoying tbs luQchson which wsfs destroyed in • t9w alt«r t h • boys got started. (RBUBEN- RUDOU^ PHOTO) Jim^rrow Bus Dispv fe Leads To Girls Arrest In an affort to r«««al tk* tratk of tha arrast anj ua- pri(fcnmant of Miaaas PaaU Mnrray and Adalana Me- Baan, wall known yoBng woman of New YoriC ai rap- rasantativa of tka CARO LINA TIMES intarvlawaJ Wtk kara tkia waak and Aa at«ry is herawitk pnbliakMi aa it was racitad to tka TIMES repreaentativa. Tka stcrjr is a* follow*: Every Negro who had occas ion to use the tireyhooBd Bus Lines, Inc. is 4«are tiMk this company practice* pri>tl# crimSrioti .n against ite Negra prtrons in the North and brn^ discourtesy towards them in the soi'thern states. This policy was contested In a dramatic incident Petersburg, Va. over the Eas ter week end which has resulted in legal repercussions. Pauli Murray and Adelene^ jitcBean, lJI New York City, tiie Ciwtestauts were arrested ^P-d u;rown into prison on Saturday, March 2’3rd following a dispute with Frank liorris, bus driver fvr the Greyhound Lines. The yOung women were on their way I'l Durl>4.n, North Carolina. Pauli Murray who had recently left the hospital after a serioiia .l^neas was rushing home to spend Eater week with her mother 4od aont and Miss McBean was ac companying her. In Richmond they were assign ed to ,ua old style Greyhound relief bus. Halfway between Kiehmcod anu Petersburg, Miss McBean complained of a pain in her side which was intenaified by the discomiSrt of the r^ae: wJheel-«eat. PJvuli Murray ap proached the driver, Frank W. Morris, explained Miss Mc- Bean’s pij^icainent, and asked him if he would .be kind enough t'j move forward two young white children to Uis smpty seLts behind the driver’s s«at. Morris pushed Pauli Murray backward ^lad ordered h • r r}iig4ily to sit down. She asked ai;ain emphasizing Miss Mc- Be^li’s discomfort with similar results. She then appealed to tie mother of the children, ex plaining the situation. The mo- ti er refused to reseat her child ren stating that the driver would take c«re of it. Thus thf- matter stood until the bus reached Peterrfnirg. In Petersburg, about fifteea or twenty Negroes crowded to- wand the ent^.lice, apparently to beard the bus. Several people got off and the remaining pu»> engers both Negro and white moved forward, the Negroes m.re comfortable seats, the whites to make room for the incoming Negroes. Pauli Murray and Miss McBean moved forward one seat. They found it out of place tVid after trying ttnsuceesa fi'ily to fix it. they* moved into the next forward seat, the fourth short row from the rear cf the bus and behind all white psssangers. Hcire the fun be^til the driver, whirled s^ut, cam^ sight of their actloB and psauBc- ed upon them with the fttry of an oatragad hoUdoct aboat eharfe two iagifBift^t He jrowled from the frost, “Yvu’ll ,have to move back! Startled and bewildered at Us tone, the girls reacted simnitane- ously. With the fervor of ^ e- cuit in a new kin of “Civil War” employing the use of inteUigttt persuasion in place of kvlleta. Pauli charged into battle. As sha drecribed it to this writer, she wa!> holding 4loft the oM Union flag under which her fTiMif father Fitsgarald had fo«ghC ia Pttenfbatg, bask in June ISCt. perhaps on the identUI spot. She let go a nschise gaa fira of legal quetioRa eoaeemMS( ^ polieiee of the ' Grcyheaad Baa Lines. She pitched cassp on the anrimid that when the additional Nefcro p.4)sengers got «n, they would still be within the “jim- crow” section. aa Miss McBean is known to her frienda) bristling with oatraced dignity, insisted that she was ill sad entitled to every comfort aiid convenience which could be provided a passenger who luul pycid for equal accommodationa. She added, that if such comforts cculd not be provided, she woold gladly leave the bus on coadi- tion that her money were re funded and her baggaga a- turned. Morris, tha driver, disdaiaiag any "discussion with the two passengers, threatened ^reat if they didn’t move. Panli comter- threatened to invoke the aervices of the NAACi*, and to call o«t out the legal forces of the 14tii eutendment, the Constitution and the Supreme Court of tha United States. Hoping that would “fix him", they relaxed. But Morria was to have hia pound of fle^ on thia Easter Eve. The threatened more fc>«i- ly still from the front of tha bus. Whereupon Hsif delivered an oration which woald hava shamed Portia on the iahnmas- eness of a soc^I ettstoas which would force a pnfelic servant (Mr. Morris) to deny simpla k»- Please turn to page ei^H IN TRAINING GEOftCUE W. LOGAN. ML This wasfsor of Mr. ai^ Gaa. W. Lo0aa ef DwhMi «ka ha* a«> ccftad a poattioa wilfei tha ■liM ^mnieassaA ia Iteiisitta, Ttmm. ht prcpwtioa l» tik* af«r iNl fasnstsisat if aM at tha paaiat thsMlM. Tavit I«ii» h • fcmar mmm