ROOSEVELT HI CROWNED NAri CHAMPS Gary Gagers Win 6thStraig;ht Championship BY WILLIAM “SMILING” TUCK (SPORTS EDITOR) •UkYBrTBVIUjK, N. C. — Th« nintji annual threc-d«y bfuaJctt- kmli of th« Natkinal Higrh School Athletic AMOci^ion whicit brought •uct««ii of th* nation’* top-ranking hifh i^ol t«am> fipOM fiT« dilfarMit ^aUs laat Thunday, 'fViday, and Saturday, {Mmrch a»w th« unuraally »tp«rior team from Uary, iiMtitiia. ftiun atamp in tha miada of all, that they are still ia a •laa to thasMMlvM. A climax to the continuous proof of the Indiana taaa’a auperiority in avery department (jMma in the thrill-packed iaitl gmtna on (i^urday ni^ht when Gary, Weat Viripnic; went tha of all the other three callei^ra who tried their luck a«ai«ai ^ chM4>iona. The aeon in tbit c«me whi«dk gave C»ary, Indiana, ^ national chAinpionahi2> for the aixth time was 24-^7. Gary, .Waat Vkpnia, reached the final round by getting yictoriaa avar &o«ky Mount (28-40); Bine SPORTING WORLD PACE TWO— THE CAROUNA TIMES WILLIAM A. TUCK, EDITOR CREECY HIGH WINS NORTH HAMPTON CHAMPIONSHIP fieM, 6t-M, and Smithfiald^ 44- 34. However, their dream of de- fci»ainc tha Mr»ryift shampiona ■nowad laaa and ieaa hope of be ing aa tha championahip game con tiaaad. Tha taaou that fall in ttie waka of Indianll’a march to Oh* flnala ware Stateaville, 42- 8t; Hillaide of Durliam, 46-2&; Charlaaton Wait Virginia, M4. FINAL CAME 9EC1NS CLOSE Foi moat of the fiqiC game, it wa« fa> no wajr dafiaita Juat which wmy the cbampion#hlp« would go for tha game started out both taama playing ^ilmoat ovar cau- Oionaly and without aitfaar t«^'s tatting any scoring advantages. Tim reault waa that tha nip Mid t»ak first quarter andad with Inoiana bare! ahc^ by 7-6. Whan Owens and Scott were ad ded to tha Indian^ lineup for tbe aacond quarter, tha smooth, effortlaaa play and amazing shoot ing of tha champa bacjtln to live ■p to ita reputation to pa EkXVEN GAMES PRiOAY , Fridf^r waa the most crowded dsy f the tournament with 11 games played in the main and consolation fbi^^ets. Statesville stcrted the day with a consola- tirn victory over Greenville, S. ) C. Then Rocky Mount in the The Sports Bazaar By Wm.Tuck WERE YOU THERE them o«t in front aadad. 19-lS. as tiia half ^^lation jacket drf^ed ! r«y,tt'eville’ Tee.chei» Columbia, S. C.; Fayetteville de-' feated Camden. Later in the it was Smithfield' ovar Execkior; Gary, W. rVa. over Bhiefield; Atlanta over White- ville; Charleston W. Va. over Le.urinburg; ,and Bluefield over Columbia, S. C. As the laat half of thla game fr.r tha i^ional championship got under way, the tenseness of tfca q^tators became greater and graater, for both these teams wara plaQrisg the brand of basket kail that can be expected on aothiogr lasa tban champiolns. Tk» calmest persons in the gymaaaium were the mend>ers of the Q^fry, Indiana, team led by Ci^tain I. Brown who calmly acorad 14 pointa for hia team. H.** scored a total of 67 points a« Uyh point uMtb of the tonrn»- ncoi;. .... i Indiana drew fiiM blood at tha banning of the second half to make the acore 19-12. Alli- aoB of West Virginia s(tlik a baanty which waa followad by another from hia teammate, Haaaa. Tha acora “aee-sarwed” for most of this qu;drter with both taams continaihg to play calmly and cantoiualy and with Alliaon of Waat Virgina /itnd L Brows of Indiana becoming more and mora impresaiva. Aftar Bess replaced Alliaon in the Waat Va. lineup,. Indian be- CLsi to move ateadily and far ther ahead. J. Brown put one thrcogh the flashing Hoop from the outer court as a thriller for the grandstands. The aoore- boc4.*d read 92-24 when there were 8 minutes to play; a min- nte later a free throw had brought it to M-2i8; at one minuta to play the' count stood ft 23-37 and finally Gary Indiana took 'the championship for tha sixth time to the tune of J4-17. .. GARY HAS MANY HONORS For tha past eight years the Gary, Indian^ team baa been aoaahad by John D. Smith who h a gradoata of the University af lUinoia. Aside from b4ing akan^ioBa of the United Stataa tfcajr ftn tha 1940 champions of Indtoaa as wall as tha Mid-Waai. Thf lost only four out of 23 games playad daring tha 1940 actMoa. ^ PLAY BEGIITS THimSDAT Tbia Bikth aaan^ national iMukatbaU toumanant got «ff 'ta •» axeallaBt start ThuradBy aftanMas sit 2:M^«haa Gary, Watt l^rt^nia xAog «p the «ar taia BB interesting 40-W. riatory ovar Rackir Monnt, N. C. BUUda Park Sigh School Dmimm took tin . nazt game froBH GreaBvflla, 8. C., 21-18. Ib ^ evaaiBg tka ciyimpions fn-Bi Gary, tadisaa, tarnad the ♦afclaa on tka only taaas that was ghrm a poasMa eb(ttet to up- sat ttaai, Tbia was the taaa wkkk Caaah Sayal Brown liig fcnmlt 4an inm Matafvflla; Iktf atooM • »-4e MX m turn-- iqpM* hr y«4 iMitf HA Crntm. HILLSIDE ' LOSES During the night session :^harleston, W. l|a. dMisively trampled Atlsnta, G«a and Gary, W. Va. treated Bluefield like wise. The game of the evening wan th^ between Gary, Indiana, and the HILLSIDE PARK HIG« SCHOOL HORNETS of Durham. Although the boys from the Bull City lost this game (46- 24) there were times when they provided plenty of thrills for the spectators and never ceased show ing- the fighting HORNETS SPIRIT. -J. .. .. .. REAL GAMES ON SATURDAY Every j^^e that came up on the final day of the tournament wai a thriller in every sense of the word. The first game of the afternoon tk, 1 o’clock was the victory of Gary, Indiana, over Charleston, W, Va. and of Galry, W’est Va., over Smithfield in the semi-final matches. The other afternoon ijiSmes were in the consolation bracket in which Fayetteville pushed Rocky Mt. aside and Statesville triimpled Laurinburg. Statesvijlle became fourth place winner of the tourn^ftnent by their victory over Fayette- v.lle in the consolation finals Saturday night. Smithfield waa impressive in tfdking game for third place from Charleston, W. Va. _ .... WELL KNOWN MEN PRESENT TROPHIES Immediately after the final game Coflch "Army” Armstrong of Fayetteville Teachers College ceme to tha official table and CjMlled forward the winners and the famous men who were to piesent the trophies. The first trophy w«s .present to Cfijptain Brown of Gary, Indiana by Wi!li^ Cooker, Director of ax- i tension at Hampton Institata, who was present by President J. W. Seabrook of the host coll ege. In his remarks President Seabrook expressed his appreci^ tion to the high school princi pals for allowing the North Carolina teams to ^e part in the meet and to tha oflkials of the tournament for choosing Fayetteville. Then he greeted the speclfXors collectively and extoled the many "virtues”, of the^champiohshlp team. To the runner-up* of Gary, West Vir ginia. Principal Pops of Burgaiw Please turh to page seven in tha Collars Gymnasium for any of the 23 games that \rere a part of the ninth annupj National High School Basketball Tournament? If you weren’t, you missed a rare chance to aee in aation the future court s^s of the na- Although there were as tion. many as 11 games in a single day, even those who were forced to see everyone of them never became bored, for e|dbh one of these teams, which waa^ the cltfimpionship calibre, put its heart and soul into ^jach gams, the result being that every gama was a good, clean, thriller. The teams from Smithfield and Statesville, who took third and fourth place respectively, proved th«.t in spite of the lack of a rounded athletic program in North Carolina (thanks, to the Principals) the teams of the atate jtire only waiting for a chance to show that they can compare favorably with the best of the nation. These Norlh Corolina teams, some of which have very poor inmitations of grymnasium facilities, competed aj^ainst teams that c^e as the result of well-planned programs of high school physical educa tion and did not make such bad showings. What would they do if physical education became a part of the curriculum and if they were a bit more f|«lhiliar with tournament competition? , The team that won the tioral Championship for t sixth time was Roosevelt High' School of C^dry, Indiana, a team I that had already competed in and won two tournaments. They had taken the cUalnpionship ol tho State of Indiana as well as the mid-west and h^i played se veral games on their trip down. Al'. of the teams * from other stutes had attended at leakt one other tournament this year knd from this point of vant^e, that made a slight difference in the type ol playing and mental at titude. ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM In trying to select the five best players in this tourn^iment out of around 130 who took part, there is the temptation to say that -the five best players were the five first string men on the championship t«dm, but while they -wee tops in their reapeetive departments, therq aia others who stood ' out like wise. The Gary team had four seniors, Townes, Hardy, Smith, ard J. Brown. There were tiso four men over C feet tall on the team. This height meant the difference between winning and losing in some of their games. One of the five groups that might look good on any tournament team are; Allison of Gary, West Virginia; 1. Brown and J. Brown of Gary, Indira; Patterson of Statesville and Vines of Smithfield. FOOTBALL AT HILLSIDE COAQH HIBRMAN RIDDICK Na- I of Hillside is sending his ch^rikgas h • through stiff drills these daya the attempt tor gat those Please turn to page seven Tk Heallb FimhI of a Lifeline- Southern Dairies Ice Cream TRY OUR NEW ICE CBiEAM PI® FOR YOUR NKXT PARTY OR DINNER APPROVED BY ^ GOOD HOUSE KEEPING ' WE ARE COOPERATING WITH NEGRO NATIONAL HEALlll WEEK Garretts Bllmore Drug Store E. PETTIGREW STREET Vbom* 1JP991 DR. Y. D. GARRETT, Prop. DURHAM PRESSING AND HAT CLEANING PARLOR WE HAVE CLEANED AND BLOCKED HATS FM THIRTY YEARS tN DURHAM. ALL WORK guaranteed Seaboard Drops Championship To Rich Square BY ED GLEED JACKSON, N. C. —T h a Nortbamptt^ Coanty Baaketball tcurnaiaent was brought to a sensational and thrilling closa here on last Saturday by tha al most unbelievable victory of tha W. S. Cfeecy High School boya tci'fan from Rich Square over the highly rated team from Sea board, N. C. This Championship game was full of unexpacted thrills and^ chills ^d after the last whistle had blown tha “Little Giants” of Kich Square found themselves championa, un believable as it seemed, ^ evid enced by the score of 26 to 16. It is hal’d to believe even aftar having seen the game, that for one whole quarter tha Rich SqiMk-e boys were forted to play with only four men on their team. It was in the third quarter when the two teams were battl ing their ha>'-^clt' that the offi cials disqu«l.ified Qattling of R:'ch Square for unnecesaary roughness. There was no one left to take his place so the game went on with four men left on his side. At this point tha fira- works began ( Inate^ of thif being a handi cap to the Rich Square boys, it seemed to ba just what tbay needed to set them off. Inatead of the Seaboard boys walking awd^, as everyona expected, they began to march on Sea board. Sparked by ya/ brilliant per fom^uice by the left forward, Tan> the “Little Giants” caught and then passed tha Seaboard boys. Seabo4rd scored only two pointa during tha remainder of the game. Coach Creecy finally found another man in thf alos- irg minutes of the gama jtfnd in U; >t manner his team was abla to hold its lead. Tan, in thia re porters opinion, was unquestion ably by the fineat player on the fltior during the whole n|ght. He was later chosen the most outstanding player of the tourna ment. — CARYSBURG GIRLS DOUBLE SCORE The Gary^urg Girls ~ High School t^m proved themselves true champions by defe^ing the Seaboard team by 3^-li, Garris of Garyi^rg was {paying her last game and 'Vill graduate this year. She turned in a remark^la performance, scoring 20 of bar teams 37 point in the gama de cided who ia tops among the High school girls of Northamp ton County. Thia a very hard fought gama with L. £d- mondson, center for Seaboard, scoring all of her team’s .14 points. — elementary SCHOOL GAMES well PLAYED In tha girls’ game tha Conway te^fin won from the JackaoB girls by a score of 2^16. R. Boone, center for Conway, acor ad 18 points and wag chosen as the most outstanding player in her division. The boys gama wjl3 exeeading- ly intansting. It was also a hiird fought c6fitat end fomr reporter waa aml'.ed at tha brand of basketball that was playad. I might sa^ hare that the average high schboT team Would have a hard tiiife defeajb- Plaaaa turn to page aavan Regal Theatre TUESDAY* * • SPECIAL* • * WEDNESDAY JOAN BENNETT WARRiEn^ WILUAm -4N- Man in The Iron Mask 5c THURSDAY BARGAIN DAY FEATURES A H10RT —2 Woman In Prison ALSO BOB BAKER IN ^HONOR OF THE WEST’ FRIDAY—SATURDAY BUCK JONES IN “MAN TRAlLEfc” We have on hand- several undreemad hats. 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