ftii CAftOUNA niiti T ■ 1 I lATmtSAY. APRIL IS, 1M« — Mtfinr MOUND CITY DSNTAL SOCIETY PLANS NATIONAL C(»IVlNTlOH TO MEET IN SAINT LOUtS AOfiOst IS TO ICTH diamond JUBLIBE lUAItTST TO SINO AT ST. MABK AME ZION CHUMCH THE “BUITS” of St. Mark Aim ZioD Church will present « pUr/ on Monday nifht, April nader th« autpicca of M r a. IXiaikN!) D. Sly. Muaie for the oc- caiion will be rendered by the Diamoir^ Jabiiee Quartet. The public ia cordially invited to attend. MOTd Adult Clib Holdf CommeBceinent Membera of thtf Convention i Auitiut 12 to 16. Thoae ahown Platininf Committee of ibe Na|top center, left to right are: Dra. tlotuil Denta} Auocifttion cf(ught ^ LaMiniore, Jackson, Howard, by tba cameraman as they met ^ Gibaon, Wiseman, CutJ^ia, Mra. r»cspt!y'1n St. Lonia to pVm for^Gibaon, Dr. Milter and Mnr Miil- Um convention to be hdd there er. Seen in the inner row: Dr. Cullnm, Mrs.. Laync, Dr. Lclyne and Misa Oilliam at a banquet htld for the viaitori. liOwer left, Natioi\|»Il Conven- ttcr. Planntnf Committee diacna** injf plana presented by the Mound City Society for the con> vention, left to right: Dr#. Gib son, Wiseman, Jackson and How ard. — .... . . liow«r right, the offieen* (iti they arrived from Houston and delegation meeting them: Drs. Maasey, Gibson, Howard, Gray, Lsttimore, Willia^mis, Cullum, K&n-dricks, Harper and Layna. (ANP>. - m -Jmm mssfca_wOi ■■■ytwi Ja Ms •**. r*t • raivMa Rmt, N I* enr a«r Jlaieeaeer pwwee 4 S»>> \ S{I Kl t I! *1 I A U l» I S I I’ I Al I M M) L- \ I A I H» rv Ikt UriMH ■i—ty fissfcWia «as *r lbs isnNs W OMaftar ts sMlr SNlMi iissly, mt I* Mhs fmrn^y a ■* \ w, w, . ■i.-'w- ! : - T •» l»dy tail VeM !>■-.« !■ y u.‘ lii I cl cJcttiM with her >ill ' no I '^:k ci Sfnt ter them. 1 wrot* and asked lipr to sand lhain to ma and iha sent me a Viler and said sha had aold my lhlrn nnd tl wai DO US* fd ma to roma a" ' liiem. What Is bast lor ma to do dcw? Aaa4 Tee bad. bat row clotkaa ata Tea eaa^ UasM tUs bdy lot ska al wpm &a S16.00 at tha tmm and ska «ava ya* piaaly el Haia to «at lUa siaasT lo«ahM. Ton will hart hava to sisit baylag aaw clothes all OTar afaia, L E. F.—I am a girl 16 and is not atatrlad. I hava bacoma a mother. Doaa'. b« guT cara anything about his baby? I am vary nudi Intaraitad in tha guy. , WBl ha help with tha baby? Will he and 1 aver marry? Saai The "giiT" Bkaa yon wall aaaagh to suny yoo. The tUag fliai fcasps ktai iroai geiag ahead sad doiag Ma la Hut be fliiaks yon are a Bttla b» law Uai. Tee eeomoa, to be irank with yaa. Try to aiaka Urn sea Us mistaka a daaa. healthy Hie and briag* lav Am baby up ^kt. Ten caa wla him hr saWag the right axaraplo. O.- G.—Win you pleasa tall me If my huaband will ever return to ma and the baby? ' Aaau Raviag msnlad again . . . you ^aacaa far gdag back togathar are oat af Ike qnasttoa. Proper iBvasUgatlon on Toar pMl win tevaal the tact &at ha Is abeady auoriad to aaothai woataa. L M.—My mother always threatens to send me to reform school for soma chtld* Isk things sha accusai ipa of. She often says she wisL ' would leave home. Should I go to tha Reform School? Aaaj If yon go abont It la tha light way ... yea caa gat yenr mother to let ya« ge sad Bve with you cousin la aa- elher cHy. TUs duaga wil^ solve year pnblea sH flie wsy srennd. for yoni Ble al yoaf coosla's home would be much hsppiac ioc yea. M. B. R.—My husband seems to get oaaner every day. We have been mar ried 5 years. I am not perfect but I do have a gantl^^ heart and he is so brutish. Ha doa't give me one penny. I have iMde up my mind to leave him as he baa kilM aU my love. 1 can't pray but I do ask the Lord for uercy. Why do I bave to suifw {« such an unjust cause? Aaaj No smms la either ei yea o^ ■aalBV to sattsr. Beparste sad get a fob. Ala weal be iMid to do sad will solve law dttkuMes. I dilak yonr husbaad Is laal aa isd np wtdi you as yoa are wMi kfca. MICKY DAY CHART FOR NEXT WEEK I .Waek af Apra 14th thra April 20tk) r — If You Wera Bom Between — , ttmxh sut Ml AtrU tolA iARtBS) tacav Oaisi April ISA. ITfli aad tOlh. 1 April im Uai tttt (TAURUS} iMcar DsTSt AptH IS^ ITIh aad lOih. Mmj BMnd mnd 7hh« tttt {GBMINn ieaa* Dstsi April I40i. ISth. ITlh. tOA. /■«« IM4I tmd /ah tstd (CANL BR> Lmmt Daw April 11^ ITI^ aad tOflk t4$k m4 Aug. tjrd iLBOt tacar Dsrsi April 14ih. ISth, ITdi. MA. , t4tk mid itn. t.ird ly/KGO) 1 laeavMrst April Itth, 17th. aad SOIh. « Stt^ 84M tnd On. tya (LIBKA) ' lasav fiufi April Ulk. Utt. 17th. Mth. Oti. 4lk easNcv. ttnd (SCORPlUt Ever since the first breath of Bprlng has been In the air, I bave been receiving lettera aaki^ how to hnvn a rtenF mnftfti and Bummer. What few of you aeem to realise is that a beantifal Skin starts from within. Too jsnat get yourselves in good physilu condi tion if you hope to glow wiu youth and bMuty and apringtima fresh ness. Qet Mora Sleep and Exarclae The first step in gett^g ceady for q>ring and sammer is to work out a balanced routine of sleep, exer cise and diet. It you luve been burning the candle at both ends, you are probably paying for It now with dull, lusterless eyes and sallow skin. Remember tliat eight hours’ sleep every night is more effective than any beauty treatment And if you have difficulty getting to sleep early, the solution is right at hand. Ton probably need more outdoor exerclise that will leave you pleas antly relaxed and healtliMly tired at the end of the day. A brisk walk, say to and from work, or, if yon are a lady of leisure, the early part of these sunny afternoons, is one of the best forms of exercise for all around reconditlonliig. Don’t feel, however, that you can give up your special indoor exercises. Select tlie ones that do yon the most good according to yonr individnal re quirements and stick to th^. Eat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables And watch your diet Throngii- out the winter yoa have doubtless been eating more than yonr quota of heavy starch foods. (Now that spring to here, there la an abnn- dance of fresh fruits and vegetables on the market Why not try eat ing a spring salad for lunch instead of sandwiches or meat and pota toes? Ton’ll find it Just as sastain- ing and a great deal better for yonr bealtb. And be sttfe yoa have a substantial helping of green vege tables for dinner, and a few less potatoes and bread. And drink lots of water — at least eight glasses jQf, KAtec. xHI bslc purify yonr entire system. 8ele«t Make-Up With Care After you have taken care of these ftmdamentai rules, start on your skin. As 1 have told yon so often before, it ia Important that you cleanse yonr face at least twl^e a day, either with soap and warm water, or a good cream, depending on the texture of your skin. A good skin tonic which tms an astringent effect is a great help in toning up the skin after 9eansing. If yonr skin is inclined to be dry, a rich night cream is a boon in helping smooth and soothe and in discour aging tiny lines and wrinkles. In selecting your make-up for qpring, choose shades that will not only blend well with your natural coloring but also with your new spring wardrobe. Never buy cos metics by tiie hlt-or-mlss method. Weigh them ail carefully and don’t buy until you are satisfied that the shades you select blend perfectly with your individual «kin tones. It may take a little longer but it Is really fun and is well worth the time. I hope this answers the questions of those of you who have bmn won- dering but liaven’t got around to writing me peraonally. Follow these simple suggestions, and here’s to an exciting spring and a glamorous summer, Wh4t mt your bemUy prob- Um^ Write Marie Downing, Lurieuse Beauty Foundation, Room fit —319 North Fourth St^ St. Lomt, Mo., and she will be fW to answer them. Be sure to endote tt lelf-adit^sted stamped eurdope. YWCA Notes «4lik iMBT DJITW , Itam. »»rd.m4U*t. u«s {SAGITI ARlUSi tssaiMvsi Ajrt and Itth. IOm. tfri and J*». toih {CAPRiCOJOtX Utfc. 17lh, aad SOA. dpie. m Mrd •, _ tecar Ojiiai April Mih. Jam. aii$ and Ftl ■«>* iAQVAJtWSt Iscav Dstsi Aprt ^4lh aad ISOi. Ptb. aolA and UartH loth tPISC'BSi tiscar OSTSI April 14ft, Ulk, I7lh, MA. *Compiltd bf Prof, Jkb*’ If'aUact, SHAMING TEXAS— Continued from pasre four SCSI'S: “Upon what principle of law, either of God or man, can one stand in opposing this bill so vdientently as to filibuater it throughout long periods of time? Concert WOODING SOUTHLAND SINGERS TO SING AT HILLSIDE The Weeding Southland Sing ers, the ofTiicial chorus ci the Ntw York World’s Fair, will be ptrsented in • a concert on Sun day, April 14, 3 p. m, in. the Hillside Park High School Audi- toTium, under the auspices of Saint Mathew’s CME Church. This group, regarded one of thi- finest on the concert stage, was presented last year over the NBC network. Acclaimed by 'critics for their m.rl;terly renditions, the Wood ing Southland Singer* are un rivaled in style. According to James Francis Qocke, of The Etude, Philadelphi(El, “The rendi tion is the work of a p'enius." The iwogram on Sunday after noon will consist of Neg^'o Spiri tuals, American songs, Planta tion Melodies, aa was well as Modem. Rhythmic songs. MRS. SUDIE COLEMAN FETED WITH SHOWER Mrs. Sudie Colem^4t, who prrdf to her recent marriage was Miss S'idie Price, was honored with a miscellaneous shower the home of E. R. Perry on Procter Sireet by the senior choir of Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. Miss Price is the bride of Mr. Gole ms n of Petersburg, Va. Among the many present were Rev. Brown and Tom Suitt of this cty dnd Miss Pope of Philadel phia. The mJor interest at the Harris tTuibman Branch is planning for summer camp. The Durham assoc)(L)tion and Raleigh Y groups have completed pUns for a joint camp to be held July' 1st to 7. It will be held in the Crabtree Arci^i at Reedy Creek. This is tht new cafnp sight for Negroes. ~ High school students a. n.. 1 young adults are the two groups el'.gible tWs year. All reserva- tiona ^e' to be made as early as possible. Watch for further pub licity about the camp. If further information is desired immedi ately, it is avaiUlble at the ‘Y’. Calendar for week: The Girls Industrial Club, Tuesday, 8 P- m. Fireside Guild, Monday, 7:30 Girl Reserves: Pollyanna, Monday 4 p. m. Jolly Girls (High School), Tuesday 4 p. m. East End School, Wednesday, ^;00 p. m. Burton School, Thursdj4y 2 KM) Lyon Park, Friday 2:00 College Group; City Ko-eds, Friday 5:00 National Heal^ Week w a s celebivtted by all clubs. Dr. J. W . V. Cordice lectured to ths Jolly Girls Club on Syphillis and Tubeculosis. The topic w«s dis cussed in simple lay language. Questionas were cleared for tha members. Deleqatea to National Conven tion held in Atlantic City, New Jersey were: Mesdames S. L. Warren, C. T. Amey and Emmet Pratt. The secretery, Miss J. M. Biount ako ^tended. ATTENDS FOUNDER’S DAY PROGRAM AT TUSKEGEE iSome of ths Durhilinites who attended Tusltegee Institute’s cetebration of the issoance of the Booker T. Washington post age stamp were B. F. Page, W. H. Cole, Reuben Freeman, Dr. Preen^-.tn, Dr. R. C. Stewart, Dr. C. C. Spaulding,. Roy Smed- ley, Milton Johnson, W. Rich, Andrew and M.^ M. Jackson, A. B. Massey and C. C. Malone. OXFORD — The Aai.o. U Ad- ult Club held its e .'nm-M'»ment exerdMS on Monday iM«(ht, April 1, in the locaJ schi .1 bulU.!rt, Speakers for the occasion #cre Mr. Mornn, County Extension Agent; Rev. H. d. Davis, priiM- pr.l of the Mary Potter High School; and' Mrs. M. B. Willu.kns, Siaperviser ef Nef^e Scheol* ef Granville County. Mr. Morgan spoke to the group on Soil Building and Conserva' ticn. He also brought out in his speech the impcrtance of grcuw- irrg’ home gijSrden*, rat»tn(t bet- t^r hogs and pigs, and living at home. Mr. Davis gave g ery inspir- ir^g address on The V|tlue of Thrift an4 its ■sesssiiy tow bttter and asore coaiflaC* liviag. Mrs. WtliiMM paid tiibwte t* Kattr>}Ml Negiw Wetk. with a speech m the Me “The Bible, SriaMh aad Soap" for the preper developnest boys and girk. She mMs aa ap peal for continued cooperative ■imdemran tor attaiinwiiC at .community health. ^ I The ffa^ meetiaf waa atts*4- ^d by sixty persons, aM«t df whom were faroMM aad fan* wi* es. The program wm arraqg- eJ~by R. A. Lewis phd S. C, Rogers who sponsored the Adult Class and who are’ Voea- tIo]!al teachers in tha Mary Potter High School. NpC Alumni DR. SHEPARD CALLS , I MEETING ALUMNI Dr. James E. Shepard, Presi dent of No^th Caroling College, has sent letters to the members of the Durham Alumni associa tion asking that they meet at the school for the discussion of im portant matters at five p. m. Sunday, April 14. In part Dr. Shepard’s letters stated: “I am' very t^ixious that there be a clos ef affiliation between the local alumni and this institution. I also desire to explain to you s me things that we hiSlve in mind for the expansion of the Institution.’ — ATTEND TUSKEGEE CELEBRATION We Congratulr.^^e... Johnson C. Smith ' University . On Its 73rd Anni vcrsary AND ITS NEW GIRLS DCRMITGRT— JAMES B. DUKE MiiMCRIAL HALL SOUTHEASTERN CONSTRUCTION COMPAN PHUHE 4184 218 W. SECOm> STREET CKARLOTTE. N. C. B. P. Page, left and A. B. last Sunday fo join in the cele- Massey instructors of History and bration wliich accompanied the ^ Chemistry respectively at Hill- ' issuance of tfte Booker T. WasK- side Park High School, were ii'gton postage st^knp. They left ' elnong the several Durhamites to Durham by motor Saturday and ] journey to 'Tuskegee institute returned Monuay. Let us give the black m^ln that ■ assurance of life, liberty and the ! pursuit of happiness which we ourselves as white men like to ‘ read out ff the bill of rights.” DINE AND DANCE IN OUR PRIVATE DINING ROOM BEST FOODS—WINE & BEER FRED KEMP’S CAFE 4)4 EAST SECOND STREET mm rwmwmr ■ ADI lY fHI lyriWIITIt mill OP THKWORID A MONTH A MOMTH UNDIRWOOD MASTiR fYPiWRITER Outstanding typewriter performance made possible today’s big demand for Underwood Typewriters. Business has bought more Underwoods because Underwood Typewriters always offer more in speed, accuracy, durability and typing ease. Telephone or write your nearest Underwood Elliott Fisher office for a demonstration of this modern writing machine. Tb^ ara Rva Million UNDERWOOD lUIOn fISHER CORVANV ‘ Undarweod* back of tha Under* i^T^writar you b«y today. ^ Bvary Undarwood Typawriter is ROWE, REP. bockadbynatfon-widacompany eWMd Wfvic« _ *• “ORGAN ST. DURHAM Vour Whole Family Insured Against Hospital Expenses Adults 75c Each Children 25c Each Per Month JOINING FEE—$2.00 PER POLICY THINK! An average of ONE person per family is hospitalized each year; ONE person out of four need hospitalization each year; every four ticks of tha clock ^ someone enters one of the 7,500 hospitals in this country. Be prepared to PAY CASH when you or any member of your family need hcspital services. The Family Group Hospital Policy provides this ready CASH "WHEN YOU NESD IT MOST. Premiums may ba paid Monthly, Quarterly, Annoally or H*lf-Yearly HOSPITAL ROOM—Per Day (including " Meals and General Nursing Care for Plan “A" Plan “W* one te thirty-one days per policy for each Insured) ^ ^;go f4.5> fS.M OPEBlATING ROOM 10.00 t«.0» I*!** ANAESTHESIA 5.00 i.OO 7.i>0 X-RAY PHOTOS—WHILE IN HOSPITAL 6.00 »-•« 19.W 'ICEJDIQAL-SURGICAL DRBSSIN&S—IN Hospital oMy— 3J)0 4.00 . S.M. LABORATORY FEES—WHILE IN HOSPITAL — 3.00 8.0S 'VOO AMBULAiNCE—ONE TTAY—^ITHER TOot from Hospital 5.00 8.00 »,*0 OBSTETRICS—LIMIT, 10 DAYS OR MAXIUM OP — 45.00 6S.0Q ««.0t 11.00 li.10 .36 .S« JOINING FEE—S2.00 PER POLICY— EITHER PLAN MONTHLY PREMIUM for each adiilt age 19 or over — $ .75 MONTHLY PREMIUM for each dependent Child under IS ^ .36 Southern Filisliiji Mutual Ins. Co. HOME OFFICE —DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA HEALTH, ACCIDENT AND HOSPITALIZATION INSUEAMCS