First Studdnt Anti Instructor THE STARK’S BE:a.UTY COti^ ECUS NUMBEtR TWO has juat rsceived an honor roll which nied to 4)iaia by Mr. Batea, one of Bendersonvilie’fl leading Jcwalen. The h'onor roll is a ■ymfcol to value -the quality of stndtnti turnad out l>y the Stark*! Beauty Oolle«'e Number ?. Holding' the trophy is Mn. Denino Austin of this city, first student of the achool fuid wife of Ijodiua Auatin, 'iiup>rint-jw«i«»Tit of the CAROLINA TIME» plant. Sitting ii Mrs. Zerlina Bradley, manager of the achool. Mra. Bradley is a graduate of the Be-Guiale Beauty Academy of Minneapolis, * Minn., largest Beojuty Academy at its kind in the United Sbates, of which she ^jth tof> i^onon. H4^r 6x=. pciience in the Beauty cultura f.eld is unlimited. Bhe has held petition from both Negro and White Beauty Academies at i»- itmetor and Haiir Styling. Hearing On KittrellLs Set For Friday In Vance DURHAM — The QAROLINiA TIMEX leakned Thursday fn>m reliable sources iihat Bishop M. H. Dkvif of the AM£ church re futed to hal\re a conference with » comtnittee of layluen in an •ffort to heal the breach between tba Biafao{> and certain membvn of the church over the disposal of ccrttpn bonds belonging to Kittrell College. The conunittee was appointed by a group of laymen, and plaintiffs in an injunction ^jtion rcftrainig Bi^op Davis from disposing of &2& shares of iUnerican Tfibac^o ^ and Duke Bowef ^ted-Ligh^^k. A »e- Igsesentative sUKes that the ef fort to confcfr with the Bishop wto made /for the purpose of nat adding more expenses to the ^College and Church by a long dfjifffn out court proeeedtire. Bariher than condescend to gKen an account of the total ilkrdbtedneaB, itemi^d, the Bis- Ik>p seemingly preferred to go to cOTUrts, and the case will be tried at two thirty Erid^tjr after noon before Judge Leo Carr in Grshau. As has been reported, a meet- iiig Was held about the middle of Fibri^lry at Kittrell College, ax>d out it came the restrain ing order. Since this order ha^ Jiwde it~-impossible to mortgage tbe property of Kittrell College, another meeting was ^led on llcpeh 22nd in Richmond, Vir ginia, at which time than fourteen thousand dollars. The Virginia Annuel Confer^ ence in recent session exonerat ed the Bisihop of any dishonest act ^n his part aind stated that tl ere were certain sums the coll ege actually owed him. The co»n- millee agrees that the college haa debts, but would like aki opportunity of going over the items which g« to make up the ■total, and feel that, a> an inte* gral p(i.(rt of the church, they have a r^tbt to see the figures. The committee feels that the issue is moral rather than legal iind it seems, to the best interest V DRESS SHOP * REOPENS M’LADY’S DRESS SHOP is * now open for business at its * n«w location at the intersec- * tion of FayettefvUls ,-flnd • Pettigrew Sts. The newly • renovated and decorated ♦ building is modern in every • respect, very attractively * arrfnged, and there ia a • wide variety of stock from • which selections may be • made. Mr«. C. C. Potter, • propiietress of the shoip, • rf”«y *i«^rnlrf7hat“YhVBrsh5^’'r % la^es ^ * 1. // 1 * Wirhajn for their P|"At pat- ♦ pledge an * c mw iirtee hav« met with iia and seMled the nuftter o«; of court^^^ is state(|i that e ar^p £er ready in process of sale and a restraining order was necessary until such time ^li ^e Bishop and his group could 'meet with the coomiittee. Wl’en the ar^p met to jliscuae this matt» the stock Wuft al- ronage, and to even improved type of ser vice at the new store. WATCH next week’s issue of the CAiSOLrNIA TIMES for a detailed ,dnnouncMnent of the Ftjr.mal Opening of MILADY’S DRESS SHOP. Elks Sponsor Sunday Program Mailing EdiHon amms rflH?TB,UTH OjsiBRI^EP'y VOLUME 21 NUMBER 16 SATURPAV. APRII dr: mills files for COUNTY COMMISSIONER DDRHAM — Dr. J. N. MiUs. practicing phymcian here for many y^4/s, recently filed as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, subject to t'le Demccratic Primary. E. R. Avant, campaign ny4nager, sta,tl ed to the OAROLHSDA TIMES that it is their mtention to make a real fight for the position. He emphasized tb^t the campaign is in no measure for the purpose of securing pul>licity, but because the candidate feels that, if elect ed one of the five Durham Coun ty Commissioners, he can serve well both his community alid people. Dr. Mills 1^ a his9ily success- fcl physician' hiving been f>ray> ticing here for ■ twenty fit* years. He is «t present chief «f staff at the Lincoln iHospitj^fl, and achool physician at ^ North Carolina College for Negroes. He also holds high office hi the National Medical Associ»> tiun, and is past president of the Old North State Medi^, Dental and Pharmaceutical As sociation. E D 1 C A T I N G NEW U R H A M U B L I C |€ DURHAM — The Elk’s L B. P. O. E. of W. joined in. the t4th annual education session at Mt. Gilead Baptist Church, Sun- he quorum*day, April 14 at 3 o'clock. of trustees present gave the Bishop authority to hypothecate the Duke Pwoer Stock left fb fen endowment fimd to the in- •titution to liquidate the indebt- ness against the college which tctals more than |50,000.00, pf which amount the Bishop claims the dollege owes him more Oi.ening- Shaw by Ch£.fplin, Brother Welcome address Holloway Re»ponse Pratt J. L. E. Ruler t.j the end of my journey.” Recital ^— — Miss Plassie Selection — — “— —r* Diamond Jubilee Quartette Recital — — Mrs. Denino Austin, “God’s Gift to Man” Solo Attorney Avant, ^a:mpaign manager. Dr. Mills' slates that there are two main, reasons be believes the Durham County Veters should support his candidate. Said the attorney,' “Dr. Milk is, in the first pl^e, eminently qualified by training, experience, and all round ability for the position. In the second place, being the only Negro candidate, he represents the I^Jigest minority gproup and * eUction to the office will enable DB. JAMES El SHBPlARD, president of North Carolina College is shown as he delivered the main address at the opening of the Stanford L. Warren Pulb- lio last SundjWy afternoon. The exercises were held in the main ai>ditorium of the library. At far ' controlled by a corporation. It j accumpliriied through cooi>er»- lelt is Prof. E. D. Mickles, Mas- is supporter by the City and ter of ceremonies, and next to County, and by rent(il income him is Mayor W. F. CM-r, who frc^m three parcels of real es- bi'ought greetings to the group.! tate owned by the corp^jratioh. The library represents an in- It is modem in every manner, vestment of ^^S.SOQ.OO, and is , and an ex^lmple ^f what can be tion between public and private interests. It was named in honor of Dr. Warreii, phyoKlan, who served nwny years as president of the Durham Colored Library. —(Re«ben-Rudolph Photo) (itizeiisLeagie Gov. Clyde Hoey Is Holds Icet — Mrs. HoIlo.way that group to have fuller partici- Speaker — Bro. Freddie Johnson pption in particiation in govern- introduced by Bro. Harris Selection — — Quartette Paper Dorothy Allen ^« 11 Remarks Solo — With Mrs. Roxie Alston Joining the choir, “When I come lerly, pastor. Oollectit^n mental function.” Dr. Mills hold* suibst|asitiBl property in th? city and county, — Rev. Wimb-' and is one of Durham’s most I respected physicians. While his Please turn to page eight Speaker At Bl Race Meet JAMES A. WHITTED FACULTY HONORS PRINCliPAL CHAjBLOTOE — The Citizens Lee(;ue held its annual meeting at the Phillis Whaetley Branch YWiCA here on Monday evening arj elected officers for the en suing year. Much business of im portance was discussed during increasing the moral and spirit tlie evening. uail progress along with t h Despite protests from most of stae’s materia] prosperity was the persons aft the meeting, Dr. emphasized by Gov. Clyde R. B. L. McOrorey who has aefveS Hoey in the principal address ^It as president for several years the 21st annual meeting of the would not stand for reele«tion _ State Interracial Conference in because the pressure of other duties required his absence from the city much of the time. Prof. W. H. Stinson was elected to fill the president’s cJ^lir. Other oflicers include. Dr. R. L. Ander sen, vice president, H. S. Adams secretary, W. F. Alexander, as sistant secretary and J. S. David son, trefllurer. REOPENS DRESS SHOP Murder KILLS ESTRANGED WIFE, TH^N TAKES OWN LIFE PROf*. G. A. EDWARD, prin- of tiis jfubSs*^ a. ^^tted •Innentary school, shown with nemlben of )iis i^ult, on the CPCftfton of » ment fionontry Sutprise Birthday party given by them for him. Shown in the pic ture are, seated, left to right. Miss I. E. Horton, Mesdames LociU«r J. ^Mi«oek, W. D. W. H. Hill, Miss Kenney, Mr. and Mrs, Q. A. Udwards, Mes- dames M. L. Nevi^y, Sarah J. Pratt, G. M. Roberson, William AUm, KmUibw HortsDM WU- sfln find J. B. BnMManr, vtandii^ MeiKkunea W. Alston, M. L. Gil more, M. M. Hill and N. L. Bald win, MIm C s. Youncr. TMo) GOLDSBORO — Failing to efteSt a recbnciliation with his wife of 1^ y^ar from whom he had been ' sepai^e^d since March 31, Clinton Jones, 23, fired three fhots into her body and head then took his own life, last week. The dead woman is Mrs. Chris- tlr.e Jones, 19. The shooting oc curred in the block of East Spruce Street as Mrs. Jones, jMCompanled by her cousin, Miss Annls B. Leegette, were enroute to -the Rkovies. _ Sines their separation, ;Jones tars to ^ Spccial to the TIMES Gordon Street Church of Christ KINSTON — The necessity"Sf last week. The conference lent itself to the g:cneral discussion of housing problems and various speakeirs suessed the mutality of the pro blems incident to sub-standard bousing and slum conditions re gardless of racial lines. Bishop Edwin A. Penick, Ralegh, chair man of the State Commission, presided. Governor Hoey outlined the progress made by theState along educational lines, declaring that an eighth month’s school term is provided for both races. The speaker observed that the state has erected six new build ings on colored campuses during his administration^ “In 1933,” the goVetiSW stat ed, ‘North Carolina sj)ent $16, OpO.'OOO fbr educational institu tions: in 1940, it will spend $26,750,000, and in 1941, $27, 000,000,” The governoi' reviewed the prison record and commended the parole system for its rehabiii tat.'on work. He urged the ap pointment of local eommittees thi'oughout the state to assist former prisoners to reaasimilattj tnemaelves into useful places. '“The officers of the state are thoroughly imbued with the of refponsibility of their duties to protect people of aH i^em from naob violence,” he eoatinued, and during mj ad- mmisfcration there has not been » Trad* Uoioa Athletic Aseee MRS. C. C. POTTER, proprie- ttess of M’Lady’a Dress Shop now located at the comer of Fayetteville aftd Pettigrew Sts. Mra. Potter welcomes your pat- rocgae ^i^d assures you of a vsriety of women and children’s ilppaivl in all styles and colors. REGISTER A (ID V Q T e SEEKS OFFICE OR. J. N. MILLS, DurfaMoi physician, who seelis the office r f County Commissioner in the coming elections. Dr. Mills is tlM only Negro to ,file for office. His campaign will be managed by Attorney E- R- Avant, and they promise that they>will fight lo the finish. ' Burned MAN IS BURNED IN FMEAK ACCIDENT^urg — garage aittendsnt here wss : ou3 burned when sharp bsc) fr»m an' automobile struc flames trcm gsseliM on his «lk thes, setting them /ttirm. .jfcew- ins; out of tbs gSMgS if Harris was knocked several pssraB staadtBr bu. whs itottttd m him Mi rolled him «m tke f«oiaal MiS sid e«BM. HsnHs n«^ fcpif rwpimiiK

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