IJ. imwwi \ tl Him « IpJ* Affair given in 111* dlnninf room of th» North I Carelin* GoUage-' last FrideV •fMiiac when the b**ketb»ll te*m I |Bd iB* foott>KB WMB Jioiioy •4 ky IocbI «lti«||i#iin • banquet. The first pictare *ho>wa Dr. C. C. SpauldingT; president of Nortl) Carolina Mutuful presenting the C. C. Spaulding award, a gold Iwifeketball to tbo t^am whirh wnB, year. At the rig4it of Dr. Sp^tuld> inf; is Dean James T. T^^lor, g/aduate-manager. 'Hie second picture shows R. L. McDougaild, executive vice president of the menvber of the class of ’21 pre-1 t'nis year as the most valuable sonting the R. L. McDougiaild , plcjyer is seen , accepting the award on which will be engraved each year the name of the most vMuable player of the basketball award on behalf of the team. The third picture shows £. R. Merrick, treasnrer of the North thp teams on the splendid succeas tJiey had this year. Mr. Merrick ii a staunch Ef-igle fan. The fourth picture shows* Coach Wm. Burghardt in ^ jovial mood f k he the fine woritjot they -did in athletica this year. At Co^c.h Burgbardt’s right i* Assistant Coach J. H. McLendon. NkXt to Coach McLendon on the ri^ht is Editor L. E. Austin, claaa In Um 4xtrem» toft of th* pictare is A—Coack "Kus” U^Tmea, fom»er star and member of the claaa of 1935. —PHOTO BY KIvnA BLAST Reginald ehampionthip for this Medtatiics and Farmers Bank and cJiosan yCarolinitu Mataai team. SAM LYON HELD MAILING Vote PRICE SEVEM CEirrS VOUJIIB tt NUMBER 18 DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY. MAY 4th. Man Admits Blasting Which Killed Woman DURfltAlC >r Police arrested today Sam t>yon, ;onnnon*lUw Mukand of Mrs. Nerva Lyon «lio was killed on the morning of Aipril 9th when her home was dynamited. According to police Lyon had b««» aouj^t ainee about tbe middle of March when th^ same tome was attempted to be burned After tjie dynamiting jHaCe and killed Mrs.«Lyon and injuri- cd her two daoi^iiten, greater •ffoite were made to acoop Lyon, tut up until today alttempts wart in vain. It waa stated by police ^at Lyon waa c^toi^d in a vacant house Just out aide of the eity limits on the Oxford bighiray. Ha atalted that be had stopped at thia place to get out of the rain. Ha made bo attempta to re- aist, after he waa surrendered by chief of Detectives H .E. King, and detectives B .R. Leary, W. E Gates all of the city police depiartment. Lyon was booked at headquar- Itra early this morning find Cap tain Hardee stated that he would be chiarged with first degree murder. In confessing to Captain N. K. j Hardee ho stated that he w^ted I to get rid of her, because they I had al falling ont. After they had lived together as common-Isw , hiuband and wife for 13' ye^. He also said that he had pl^tnted (16 sticks of dynamite under the botue that did not go off. He h^ no desire to hurt anyone in the house, other than his wife, be- ' CAu«e no one else had done any* I thing to him. Hidl Young Girl For Miracle Healings ST. LOUIS, (ANP) —Miracul ous liealinga of bodily ills, by a girl who dance out her religion ^d transmits a cure through touch of her rhythmic fingers, ar* attributed to Vera Boykin, SOt'yaiiisold Sifitwe college stud- %anWevivatist ^Ippeuing nightly at ^ aChurch of God in Christ hat*. Min Boykin, who attecwls the teachers’ toalning school by and dance as the “Spirit diracta har” by night, lyia attracted iHir* ■cna from Chicago, Kansas City and Indian^olis. ^ Hearing that magic cores are accomplished by the young r«Tiv#fli>t strangers Boma with the hope that her soothing fingers will touch thtm according to Daniel Boatick, eld- ar of the church. Vra, as the congreg^ion call k«r ill «w«d toQ«s, dwxM to ^ tom^^om like rhythm of ^ 'apirif h^kid. For an hour or more she Jerks bar body in ataccate rhy- them« never missing a beat. White inluenced by the spirit of dance, ahe touches members of che congregation, who in turn begin to writhe and shout. With- ffrawing to the pulpit after her dance, Vera begins to ch^nt i« mystic tone*: “Wonderful Jesus, Hallelujah. We thank You, Lord. Everybody thilt hath, bring unto the Lord a s?crificial offering.” cm’AIR SUllDAY Teache^rs Ass^n Executives Meet D'OCTOIt P. P. CROUZOT president of the National Insur ance Association who will speak over the “Wings Over Jordan" program Sunday morning. May 5, in i^nnectitSn with National In surance Week. Dr. Crouzot’s ad dress will Irbunch the annual in- surance drive which will extend through May ll.th. MONTGOMERY, Alfn — At the call of President Carrington L. Davis, principal of the Dun bar High School of Baltimore, Executive Committee of the American Tethers Association * will meet in Wai^rhington on Sun-j day afternoon, May Bth. j As the second meeting of the current year, these officials will give specK^l attention to tlje pro posals for the nTeme and for fhe perticTpapta for tSMi' annual meet ing to be held at Pine B^ff, Ark^insas, July 23^26. Reports will be received from Executive Secretary Trenholm and Trea surer Long of the successful out come of the objective of this year to clear all the past due in- dibtedness. Note will be taken of the st;4^ua of the current mem bership campaign for which re port is carried in the second is sued of the association organ. The Bulletin, which hua nitlFled this week frM)i' tfe office 0? the Executive Secrat^^'. ^ A preceeding meeting h*a been called for May 4 at Hotel Penn sylvania when the Joint NGA- Pleaae turn to Page Eigitt SOUTH CAROLINA UNDERWRITERS MEET HoetaM Coat Wadding A Hoateaa Coat Wedding will be given at the EUk’s Hall on Fster Street, across tlw »Urfi from the Armory Sun^y night, May 1*2, at 7 P. M. by the Duugh- tara oi SoloBJon Tempi* No. 704. Tbe public it cordially invited. Irs, Calhta Redwpiie To Join Hyskiid DUiRHAM — Mrs. Cathie^ Redwyne will arrive in the Bull City next WednesdAhr to Join lier hiisbahd, Howard C. Redwyne who ia manager of tbe New Regaiit Ice Cre^im Company. She will be accompanied by her three months old daughter, M & r y Dorothy. Mrs. Redwyne is ^ gra duate of Tennesse State' College and received a degree in Library Science. Mr. Redwyne is former member of the faculty of Tenn. State College in the department of Industrial Education. In *n interview with Mr. Red wyne, he s^es that, the, piifigjcgfw he haa made in the operation of is new Ice Cream Company h^6 been fine, and that it was through the coopeif-ltion of the Ncsfrjies of Durham that has made it so. He states further that hi is so satisfied with the future ou'tlo)}k on Negro BusJ&esa in Durham that he fJnd Mrs. Red- w}ne plana to make Durham tiieir boma ptnaimently. jDARUNGTON, S. C., (By Way man Johnson for ANP) — With the election of O. A. Hf»ell of 'Charleston who represents the Pilgrim Life Insurance Company as president of 1940, and elect ing I. P. Stan4>iaick of Columbia Please turn to Page E^ght Over 100, Says She Is Ready To Die Now MANAGER T * OHARXiOTTE -— J. Prank Han ley, recently . appointed m(E.inager of Fairview Homes, new low cost housing project. Mr. Hanley is “ne of the you-ngest men appoint ed to a similar position in the country. He is exceptionally well quiitified f . r the position, having served as industrial interviewer for the North Carolina, State Employment Service. At present he is in Jacksonville, Florida, observing the working of the Bientwood Homes project. ’To RALEIGH, N. C., (ANP) — Living in a cabin built by her fa ther In I860, Mrs. Betty Byrd, known to the community as Aunt Betty Byrd, knows thfJt she is over 100 years of age and thia week expreaaed the thought that she. is ready to die. “All I do now is have the misery,” ahe confined to reporter, “I have lived lang enough, aind I gueaa I just at %ell go along...up to the Lord.” This attitude ia understandable on the part of Aunt Betty, for tbe cabin, which her father built 90 yi|airs ago, now is dilapidated jutd cheerless. It ia located on ■ diit road to Leesville off tbe naw Durham highway, 70-A about S miles from here. One of Annt Betty’a two son* livea with ber, but must le^e her alone a great deal in an effort to earn a living. Refusing to leave the cabin where she has lived for so m,aiBy years, the aged woman said; “I have lited here all my life, here I am going to »tay; I don't want to live a^y longer, bat while I do live I want to stfiy herei" Showing remarkable atrength for a woman of her yeara. Aunt Betty told of days when her ftl- ther and mothar were alive. She asserted proudly that her daddy and m^^mmy were free issue per sons and that aha had never been a :slave. The free issue waa aH act of Congress passed in 1834, guaranteed the rights pf Negro- e« w4io had been freed by their meters. The act, accordikig to the court clerk here, waa passed by Thomas Jefferson liberated kli alavea. Aid from a R^eigb charity for Aunt Betty waa dropped when the oi^niaation learned that her son lived with her, but the kindnfesa of Kobart L. Sorrell who holda the mortgage io the cabin, enablea het to live in the cabin, har father built. “She nuy liv* there aa long «• aha lives,** Sorrell said. Be Od Sir Hal! Boor DURHAM — Norfley Wtiitted’a program, “Driftwood” will moye to the B. N. Duke Auditorium for the next foar Sundays where he will be assisted by Choral en sembles from the North Carolina Colleg«, Pearson School and the Hillside School. The program will take the air at 5 >00 P. M. directly from the stjvge of the B. N. Duke Auditorium on Fay etteville Street. The public is invited to attend the broadcasts and i^e requei>ted to be in their aetc.tts no later than 4:45 P. M. I The datea of the broadcasts are May 5th, 12th, 19, «nd 26th. The | progfj^ of May 5th will feature | the North Carolina College Male Ciborua nndar the direction of Please turn to Page Eight 42 Cocnpanies To Be Represented Xi Assoeiaticn RICHMOND, -(ANP) — Mere tl)n 1,5,000 executive offi cials, emj-iyes and salesmen, re presenting 42 of the nation’s oiilstnnding Negro' insurjlice companies and local underwri- tf>r.s’' ass ciationa, (Ir# winding up Ilians for the sixth-annual cele bration Of NiUtional Negro In surance Week, May 6 to 11> in • blaze of glory, eacording to report by C. L. Townes, se«re- tery of the National Negro In- Rurtlice association, this week. Highlights of the Week’a pro gram will be tiie "Wings Over Jordan” nationwide broadcast, Sunday M^iy B, when Dr. P. P. Cieuzot, president of the associa- [iun, will speak and aw^-ding of the prizes in the eaasy contest when winning esaa]^ on the aoi>- ject, “The 0®portunltiea Offered to Negro Youth by Life Insur ance,” will receive nsitional prizes of (100, fSO and $25 and state prizes of $12;60, $7.50 and $5.00. The contest closed April 30th. The Nation^ Insurance Aa- sociation, headed by Dr. P. P. Creuzot of New Orleans, thia this ear is appe^ing to Amerciaa largest minority group to see life iasuranca aa- & fin^tocial demo cracy. During the week of May 6 to 11, more than 16,000 re presentatives of the association will attempt to canry the m^a- ap.e of “All for oif^ and ona for all" to every colored home in America. “W^h for the agent wearing the pilot Imtton and inaure wiU| y Negro hMnrance agent. May 6 t*» 11," say* Pfflak A. Young, Hew Orleans, chaitBMBi of the National Negro Insu^daee Weak c mmittee, and A. Dougiasa Doaa Louisville; secretary. These mem ■>8ve guided tbe Week’s progr^^a. which promises to be finest yet held. Deploring the lack af kne^ ledge on tbe part of tbe general public as to the extent af dM Negro life insurance buaiaea^ KiAional Negro Insurance Weak was instituted six yeara ago ta dissominate this infonaatioa aa well aa to build the conataatly ir/zreasing business. Officiala point with pride to neasly |K0, 000, OOO aod legal reaervea af $22,000,000. Member companiea of tka National Negro Insurance aa- ao«i^ion are: Afro Amaric— Life Insurance company, Jack sonville, Fla.; AtlanU Ufa iaa. Co., Atl^ta, Ga.; Supreme Caas^ of Ameriean Woodmen, Deavar Colo.; Booker T. Waahiagta* Burial Insurance Co., Birmoac- hi*m, Ala.; Centi]^ Life la. Ca, I Tampa, Fla. Commonwealth Bar- * ^ Ass’n, Chicago; Desaoatie I Life and Accident Ins. Co., Loaia !viile, Ky.; Doaglaas Life loa. Ca. New Orleans, La.; Daabar Ma nual Ins. Society, Inc., Cleveland, EiKelsiro Life Ina. Co.. DaSaa, Texas; tlM Federal Life lamat- lanee Co., Wai^iagton, D. C.; Fiieside Mutual Laa. C«» Colaaa- ibua, Ohio; Great Lakea Mataai, I Detroit; Goarcmty Life, GaMatt {state Mutaal Lif^ Loa ; I Good Citiaena Mutal PeaafW, New Loaiaiaaa laiaa I trial Life, New CMeaas; Maaa- moth Life and Accident, Laaia- jville; National Paaaifil I Chicaga* CHARIjaTTE CHROUS WILL BROADCAST CHARLOTTE. (By Wira) — The Moxart Anderson Cboma of the Second Weird High School will broadcaat from radio atation WBT at 10:4)6 £^nrday n^ht. May 4. Friends of tke p^np ara invited to liaten. DireetHr of the chojTUs ia Mrs. DeMond Beekwidi Pleasa tom to Pagv Stfirt PRESENTS GLEE CUIS The ACE League of SI. J«aafk‘a AME Church ia preaaati^ ^ Glea Club of Liacahi Hoipila^ sr ^ diratrtMi, af E, f^. Houston, Sunday, Mb at :!£ P. M. fia ptagMM li aponaored by tb«> lUwiewy ' v Society, Mr*. Mary 9f«i% ^ Chainaaa.