CAPTU CUT NEXT WEEK •, Th® aiSomNlA TIMEJS will curry a eompleto coverage of th« CIAA 0|>«n Tr««|k And FHeld ChAmpionflhip to be held at A and T Green*- bono Satardar *» told fcy ito Bporta £Utor “Smiling Bill" Tuck In pictures ana wordi. ORDfSl YOUR COPY NOW I MAILING EDITION VOUIME )! '' HUMBER 1» DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, MAY 11th, 1940 PRICB SEVEN CENTS SUICIDE AHEMPT FATAL TO NCC CO ED _r-|_ ^ ^ Aegro Affairs Committee Sets Goal For 4,000 Voters Henry Rucker Is Cut In Gambling Gaiile By- Fellow Student MAN NAMED CHAIRMAN ^LAST RITES FOR CQ.ED SUICIDE HELD RALEIGH Henry Rucker, ■tudei>t gt Shaw University and fc«tbaU capt^lin was aerioysly cut fthout the face witAi a razor here fast Friday in M ^mbling' brawl- Wth another student, Dancey Out law.^ The youn^ men its is alleged, "■wra gambling in the men’s dop- %^ory When ^n jdt'gament arose ®»er atakes in the game. Outlaiw I* i» jail and Ruck^er ia in Saint Acne* (iQspital where Jdtachea say k» will recover provided ccmplica- toin do not aet in. 6 Rucker who was one of the out standing players ori U4it year’s fodl'buU eleven is well liked on the and l^s in/ufjr .^as r«- gre14«l fcy )iis many friends. Officials at the school were re- luctMit t« give mit any statement «a *0 what a:tions would be taken againat the young men re-e«ter- ing school should Ruckar recover aiitJ Outlaw S»e abeoiv-ed of the Clime. Gambling at Shaw is for bidden by the school autfiorties, and it thought that the officials •f the achool will take definite action a|(Ainiit such infringent of the rules. According to information ob tained at the school it is the first tima in jnany years that a matter of this kind }ias arisen on the Shmv. university campus, and no (Ufinite action will be taken until koUi young-n^en are able to ap-. pear before the school authorities. Rumors that Rucker had |vccun>b^d to the inJuriee were ■aid to be erroneo-us by achool officials who were oontaoted by a representative of the 6AROLJNIA TIM^ late this week. On the contrary it'was stated that Ruck- ev >Rrill doubtless - be discharged from the hospital late this week 'ir early nex week. A.M.E.' CONFAB OPENS DETROIT, — With an atmos phere daignpened. by rain aind •now, but ncTie the less enthuai- a\tic, the thirty-\fir»t quadrennial general conference 'W the Afri can Methodist Episcopal dhurch beg^ here laat week. Meeting at Erenezer AME church, one of the largest churches in the city, the more than 600 ielegatea im mediately . occupied themaelves with problems of tAie conference, the most serioua of which ia con>- cerning the aecrotary-tceaaurer of tile Sunday Schotol union. Br^ent, N’ashvdlle, who has held that poaition for maay years but was defeated at the last qi'jR^rannial in New York by E. A. Selby, has consiat!ntly refua- e>i to turn over the office to- his auccaasor. Also hoUiing funda which the church declares belong to it, Bryant has offered a seri ous 4>roblem which wound up in the 'MaiAiiville courta. Bryant, here as ^al delegate to the' quadrennial, faces a fight to ba aeated aa many contend hia credanti|aBB have not been signed fay lliabop J. M. Howard ot the thirtaenth epiacopal dist,rict. Flaaia {urn to Pag* ^Ught ^ PROMINNT TRfCINCT PRECINCT CHAIRMAN D. B. MARTIN, prominent young business man who was elected chairnu;m of the Brady Store precinct on last Saturday after noon. Mr. Martin’s election in.‘4rks the first time in the his tory of Durham that a member cif his race has headed the Brtlty Stotic precinct and his election now places two Negroes on ttie executive commititee of the Dur ham county democctlic conven tion. SS Meet CHARLOTTE — The City Sun day Sc'hool Association held its Annual Meeting and election of officers on last Sunday afternoon at the Jane M. Smith Memorial Church on the ctlnpus of Jo*hn- son C. Smith University. turn to Page Eight ’ DURHAM — D.* B. Martin, pi'oniinent Vouhg business man of Durham was elected chairtntin of the Bsrady Store precinct here Jaat Saturday afternoon in one of the cioaest precinct meet ings ever b^eld ire the county. 'Pie J edtetion of Ifr. Martitr^ nofirks tli|»j fast time' in the history of j hum that a Negro haa been cho#en ; tis head of tbat pnecinot and the '•pcond time in the history of the counly that a Negro has been elected aa head of any precinct Dean James T. Taylor of North Carolima College who is chairman ^ Unable To Finish Young Woman Takes Own Life More than 1,600 persons j North Caroling* College senior The ilbove photo shows the re CALLS MEETING K. N. HARRIS, chairman of the political division of the Durhi.I'ii Ccmmittae on iNegro Affairs who has called a mass meeting of Nfcgro Voters 4t Hillside High school Sunday afternoon at th»ee o’clock. Mr. Harris ia also urging all Negroes who ct-li qualify to register (Saturday as it ia the laat 4ay the booka will be open before the primary on of the Courthcnffe precinct has gathered at White Rock Baptist held that position since 1936, was church last Mond^ly afternoon to the first member of his race to be * attend the funeral of Miss Annie 8p honored. Aibout 4^0 percent of Btlle Flintall, popular young the voters in the Brady store pre cinct is white. The election of Mr. M^tin mians that the Durham cuunty democratic meeting on Saturday, May 11, at which time democrtJtic •dittirman of the county will be elected, two members of the race will be on the executive committee instead of one a^ heretofore. Mr. Martin who is ^ native of Gt^rgia has liv^ in Durham for j more tl\(Jh t5 years where he has been active in the religious, cial Ibueiness life of the city. 1 In training experiece and charac-1 ter he is well qualifield to*r^re- i sent the Negno voters of the j county on the democratic exe- j cutive committee. | , The new precinct chairman is a I graduate of the Georgia Normal j and Industrial College of Albany Georgia and Lincoln University.' After finishing school Mr. Martin • taught at Kittrell College and i Hillside high school. In 1924 he kit the field of education to be come connected with tihe National Benefit Life Insurance Company as an agent. His worth w^ ^on rtccgnizdd and he was soon ele vated to the position of district manager. li> 1926 Mr. M^tin ac cepted a position with the NoMii CuuHna Mutal Lite Insurance Co. in the ciOacity of agent | on the Americ\is, UeuTgia district. ‘ Again b's ability was soon realized and he was soon called to t'he office of the company where he waa later elevated to the position of agency supervi^r in ch.I ;^e induatri|Lil production and in crease, supervising industrial ageacy accounts and salaries. 'Inapite of his heavy responsi- biiity sm an insuracnce man Mr.! Martin finds time to devote to re-1 ligiooB work and is an active lay- * man of St. Joseph AME church j where he has served nearly three yeblrs as superintendent of the Sunday School. For four years he v«b8 president of the Allen Chris tian Endeavor League, during which time he built up and envi able reputation as a religious lead er. He is also president of the men’a organization of tiie church. In the social' life of the city Mr. Martin is a member of the Volkamen^ Literary Society and Kappa Alpha Ptii fraternity. He PImm turn 40 Pag« Eigbt T — - who took her own life when she bi'came despondent oyer the fact she would not be permitted to ginduate with her class in June. DURHAM — Approximately j 1.500 persons rrtcndinl-the last rites of Miss Annie Belle Flintall, 20-year-oid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Flintall held at White Rock Baptist church here last Mo'hdaiy afternoon at four o’clock. Miss Flintall who waa a I senior at the North. Carolina ! College succumbed to self inflict- I ed injuries from Shooting her self with a pistol at the home of her jvi'enits on Monday April 30 after she because despondent be- I ca^ise she had been notified by j fie college that .«he would not he allowed to graduate in June ; v.ith her claiS*, hut would have to J wait until th^e end of the fir-t ses.«iion '(,f summer school. Miw Fiintall died of Lincoln hopsitijh ■ early Saturday morning after ^1 attempts to save har life- had faiJed. According to members of her mains and family leaving the '"‘'y church just arter the funeral. aPP««n«y the ycung woman had })een injured I Photo by Reuben-Rudolph Mass meeting Of Negro Voters Set For Sunday *,MISS HILLSIDE” DUllllAM — According to R. N. Iliirris, chairman of the Dur- hum brancli of the Committee on Ntgro Affairs the largest crowd of voters in the histtory of Dur- “ h:»m is expected to attend a mass 'meeting to be held at the Hillside I high school auditorium on next Sunday afternoon at three o’clock to help decide on the canidates tl'p committee wiJI support in the primary to be held on May 25. j Every Neijro voter in Durham has been invited-and pastors of all churches have been asked o utge their members who have registered to attend the meeting. I In nddkion to urging every Negro voter to attend the meet ing. Mr. Harris is anxious that every Negro who can qualify will register on Saturday which is the last day the books will be open for those who are expected to vo(te in the May primary. Cars ai;d workers will be avxiilable to assist any person desirous of re gistering in getting to their re- spestive places of registration. The committee is anxious thf.t the numiber of registered Negro- ej for Durham reach 4,000 and Chairman Harris is asking those who have no way of .getting to their places ot regiatr.J ion on Saturday to call him at J-0941 S'o that transporttlLion may ibe provided free of charge. far some time before she called her father from down stairs. She w,eIs immediately ru.s/hed to the hcspital where_ several transf^s- sions were given and other efforts were made in a vain at- teftit tp sfwe her life. » TELL WHY Concicus almoat until th(^ tin's of her death Mias Flintall after much coding from her pa.ents finally di*elos«d the rea:- scn for shooting herself. 9h« atUted that she wanted to die be cause of the di.oappointment that wculd com* to her and her par ents and friends becau^ of her failure to gntluate with her ciasa in Jane. The young woaMin was un usually popular at the N.rth r^ ’.olina College, and ber ■ «»n- ttmeiy death cast a pall of gloom over the entire faculty and stu dent b*dy, ,a well u her many friends throughout the city. Funeral service waa eendeeted hy the Rev. Miles Mark Fisher, pastil of Wtiite Rock. Messages of condolence from many parts of ti>e atate and out of state were read by Asa T. Spaulding, akto- ary of the North Carolina Matual Life Insurance Compfmy. Floral bearers and pallbearers were members of file Senior cImb of North CaroIin,a. College. Inter ment was at the Beechwood cemetery on PayetteTille road. In addition to' her father and mother Miss Flintall » sanriTed bv Tive brothers and two sistera. Kills Lover Then Self After Quarrel GREE^WILLE, S- C., (ANP) —Murder and suicide snuffed out the lives of two of Green- vilk’s prominent residents Sun day. Jiian Henito Molirvri, 4i2, only Negro architect in this .sec tion, Rh(it and killed Misa Marie Knight, ^ teacher in the city schools, and then blew out his own brains. The shooting was the result of n series of lovers’ quarrels which hi*d been the talk of Greenville’s upper crust for"* several weeks. Molina and Miss Knight had been friendly for years ^»id the double PRAISED FOR MOUNT HOLYOKE ADDRESS MISS MARGARET HSLLER, Hillside high school Junior who was crowned “Miss Hillside” Moi^day evening at the achool auditorium. The contest for the hono.r is an annual affair and is held to deter mine the most popolar young la4y of the SQhoo). At the bottcm ia Mi>s Barbara Berry, PINEVILLE HIGH HOLDS GRADUATION CHAHLOTTM — The "first graduating class in the hiatory of the Pineville High Sc'hool. numbering: clevi'n persttns, were presented diplomas on l,-r>t Fri day night by the principal aftei listening to an address by Rev. W. U. Mayberry,- of the faculty of Johson C. Smith University. Revf Mayberry aSvised the gradu.^tes to avoid the pitfalls which entri-iT so many young persons and to always strive •ame»tly and honeJtly • for nicceas. ^ PkMe turn to Page £ight killing shocked niunity. thf entire com- PERClVA’t FRATTIS, editor of tie ti:y ttliiion if the Pi^taburgh Ccurier and author of 1‘The Horizon,” fv.lLure column of^ that pap;r, wlre“ received tbe-^com-! mendation of instructors and students after his talk, “E.^.ial Rtlations in United S4atea’* last w'eek. Mr. PrJttis waa form erly newt editor Th* Awycialt- Ncgro\Prew. Molina, a native of Cuba ^.id a gradivlte of the Univesity of Havana, waa outstanding a'chltect ^Cid a number of church es and reaidences here in North Carolina his if>ility. He was also ,fl manager of boxen and promoter of priae fights. He started luch fighters as “School Boy” Cook, ‘Hotdog’ Powell tAid ‘Newsboy’ Brown on their fistic careers. Miss Knight, a resident of Orangeburg, S. C., had tought in the local school for number of years. ^ The couple had been out rid ing. A quarrel developed and Miss Knight attempted to leave the c/ie. Molina followed her and a^ she stttmblel and fell MuUna shot har and then turned the gun on himself. Th»t tha killing praaaadita te dwaa evidenea by threa »oit«a left by Moltea, one ta Um laaal radio at!tioB aaking that If tW double klOlM was broaik—t, to rention jealooair w^4i mative. anoth4( to FatlMr 3omfB of tba loe.4 colored CMk&k churehf af wh^h he was a maaa- bar, aaking for pravers for tiw repraa af hia sonl. A d the tU>d rot- addraased t> the patent* «f tne Toung poaan. Mias Kdight’a body was c^kvi' ed to Onng«4>urg for btnrteL As yet «o dispaaitioa has b«a« mada of MoUna’a body awaltiiic word froM rala(Ivii~ln ~t*uM. REGISTER AND V l!> V 1 f4 A