PALMER TO •VUEEN OF SWtNC” TO PLAY IN RALEIGH V-, i',' 1 ELLA FITZGERALD '‘Queen of Swing” wIm) will swing tl'C Chdlrlotte , dance will be 3 out in the Charlotte Armory Mammoth Jitterbug Contest, to Auditonum on Wednesday night,! the v^inner of which will b® prC' Ifiiy 20, and Raleigh May 24,'aer.ted a ' Benrws Shockproof along' with her fiJLnous orchestra, j Watch through the courtesy The Frt?i;erald group will render Schneers Jewelry and Clothing invny of the recording that have Company, made them famous. A feature of • , . Durham Ready 7o \^eicome Jesse Owens SPIlTrNG WORLD GENEHARRINGTON REACHES FINALS INCIAA TENNIS MEET Kiclmiood Elks ToOpeiiSeasflo The Richmond Elks under the management of Jimmie Rhem will open their baseball c^mpiaign in Durham on ^Saturday after noon, May 11, fit S«30 " p. m. wnen they meet the strong team from Klnrton, N. C. at Durham Athletic Park. Manager Rhem, who nmr.aged the Durham Black Sox laat yaar has ^most the «ame memlbera ai were on the Durham team. Such stellar players aa Craddock, L. BiJ.-fcee, Knuckles and W. Bi^e» combined with players frt)m Vir- gi.iia ar6 the makins of what promises to be amonc the strong est teams in this section. LOUIS-GODOY MEET IN Crawfords And Clowns Here * Sun. Afternoon The Sports Bazaar -vi Boxing leel Te ll« Held 3 ftavs A & T COLLEGE OP GHEElN’SBORO has the distinction of be ing the North Carolina,.school to be host to the CIAA tri.f?k ai)d field championships. This almost national event t^Kes place in Memorial Stadium there S^.urday. Attracting ali^st as much attention as the coinbined'represenlatives of the 13 members coll ege and Universities will ibe John Borican fund John Woodruc who have consented to run the half mile exhibition. This will be muclT more th^n an exhibition, however. It will be the renewal of ^ bitter feud that has gone between these two for quite some time. It will also ibe their first meetinj- on and outdoor tr^fck. BORICAiN is rememlbered in the CIAA as Virginia State’s one- man track te^. Since his graduation he has studied art at Colujn- bia University. ••• WOODRUFF, former Olympic star and indispensible member vbt the University of Pittsburg track team been running for * club in New Yorlt since ihis graduation. GENiE HARRINGTON and his tennis racket fire making their presence felt in the CIAA this sei8on. Gene, Shaw University’s fre»hman all-roUnd athlete and pride of Hillside Pfirlc high •Cihool, has accounted for Shaw’s being on the' winning side in several interlcollc^rja'tie matches this year (nd he waded throu^fh th« best that the CIAA could offer in the men’s singles at the toDrnament at Lincoln, Pa. laat S|iitiirday. He took tliegi all in stride until he met his chief rival, Roland McDaniels, who novr a student at Union. After three sett. Gene wJ» the loser. Durham is still proud of* him. WEDNESDAY NIGHT, Mrfy 16, is the night when the Dur- hsni Bullj and the fans of Dur ham 'are to observe “Chappie Jonson night.” He is the colored trainer for the, BuH». A with President Fred Flieg of the Bulls revsals that “Johnson ■ night" honors the trainer in name only In reality, Johnson is promoting this niffht himself in the attempt to pror* thjBpt >Jegro«s will at^ tend games gt the park ai low pricM. I^e price of admission will he cut in half for this gabne and if sufficient interest is shown th« price will be permanently re duced for colored. Hr. Flei^ st?t«d that he h^ thought that the number of Negro f^ina at tending Piedmont leagoe jfames here would have inereesed ^t«r « Metion was reserved for them MN grutd«tAs4. If inter^ i* not shown on Johnson night, he ltir.eatens thf.„ the regular prices 1 will maintain and colbred will be seated^ in the bleachers only. SO? THE BIGGEST thing that North Carolina has ever afforded in boxing Is coming -^o Greens boro during the last week in Maq. Clarence Palmer of the Windticjjr *Commuii(ity ,Center i» promoting a Bi-State Amateur boxing tourn,R.ment to give the amateurs of North and South Carolin'^ a chance to show who’s who. It is through such meets fls that southern athletes are to be brought to the ' light and will stop being the roses that “waste their fragr&lnce on the air.” GREBNiSBORO, N. C. — The CArolijBas Negro Boxing Cham pionships of the National Ama teur Athletic union are to be held in Greensboro, Thurs, Fri. anl Saturday, May 23, 24, and 25 according to an announce ment from C. M. Palmer direc tor of the Windsor Community Center here. This three day meet is open to any ^mateur athlete in North or South Carolina and will be held at the Greensboro World War Memorial Stfillium. Contests will be held in the following classes: flyweighit, bantaweight, featherwelgrht, light weight, lig’ht heavyweig'ht, ted heavyweight. All contestants are required to register as certified Amateur Athletes, and must be above 16. All entry (blanks should be be milled to C. M. Palmer, Windsor Community Center, Greensboro, N. C. not later than Tuesday, May 21. Weighing in and physi cal examinations will begin at 2 p. m. Thursday, May 23, and the fights will begin at 7. Gold and silver med^ and championship certificates will be avarded to winners and runners up in each weight cl^s; trophies will go to the winning team and the best all-round boxer of the tournament. President Fred G. Fleig of the Di'ri^m Baseball Club has Just about completed his plans ^or Sunday’s meeting of the Toledo Cr.iwfbrds and » the Ettii6pian (Clowns who are now on Southern toiir. He will offer as iU added attraction Jesse Owens, Qnad- rnple Olymflic winner in track events, who will run the 100 yard dash ag;alinst locjil college students. Owens will also do the 120 yard low hurdles while his opponent runs straight away with out th^ hurdles. A novelty cir cling of the bdses and a speech will climax his exhibition. The Toledo Crawfords and 0\7ens have just completed a tiur of Texas, where they played to week day crowds of 6,000 ttaif up. During the past week-end tbey defeated the Kansas City Monarcii 6-0, 2-0 and 5-0. Sunday’s gjame is slated for 1:00 p. m. ^gles Torn Back Black Yankees HILLSIDE JUNIORS DEFEAT SENIORS Friday was an unlucky d^y for the Hillside Senior class soft ball artists, when they bowed In hum ble su/bmission before a crack desert' Junior outiit to the tune of 5-2.. The 8iell|af pitchini^ of R. T. REGAL THEItTRE TUESDAY—SPECiIAA^—WEONESOAX Cat And The Canary ALSO COMEDY “FRAMED FOR A BLONDE” V THURSDAY ^ BARGAIN PAY II 2—FEATURES A SHCWRT—2 X V/W Geo. Eaft IN The Lady From Kentucky ALSO “CONSPIRACEY” BY jerry KESSLER ' NEW NEWARK, N. J. —After hanging up at brilliant 5 to 2 vic tory over the New York Black Ysiikees in their Negro National League opener at Ruppert Sta dium Sunday afternoon, the Newark' £agles soared away on a two-week trip through the South. Diminutive Jimmie Hill stole the whole show before 11, OGO fu>s opening day. JPhe i^les return from their barnstorming trip for a twin bill with the' Philadelphi afitars in their home next May 19. Manager Dick Lundy sent |l new combination flying across the diamond and they effectively clawed their first victim. In addition to whittiiig out a home run with two on in the fifth frame with the score, 0-0, Hill served seven inklings in which he allowed three hits. Under the doctor’s car«-> all Perry, ably assisted by an air tight infield plus an “ink well” style of oulKelding, kept the Juniors safely out in front. Spring, Hill did go ^ the Savannah, G&. * training camp. He was taken from the game and relieved 'by Max M^&lining, lanky bespectacled twirler. The club showed well with Mule Suttles in leftfield and his first base post in the hands of the dependsble rookie, Frank Mathews of H^tford, .Conn Third base was also in new Kands wtih Clarence Israel replacing Monte Irvin of Or^ge who was at short. Dick Seay, recently in Puerto Rico, was at second. Lenny Pearson of East Orange who led the island league in batting this winter, was the Eagles hit^ng star with three binglea in fonf iimes at thf plats«' He contributed two doubles and! played in centerfield. Ed Stone, only menAer of the original Eagles team which opened here in 19’6 under. Abe Manley. Other Eagles pitchers ‘include Haywdod Cozart, Len Hooker, Daltie Cooper, Allen Reid ilnd Thomas Thacker. BASEBALL EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION I ■ ■ ^ CHARLOTTE | BLACK HORNETS House of David FRIDAY, MAY 17tli ’ 8:15 P. Hayman Park CHARLOTTE. N. C. NEW YORK, (ANP) —Yankee sUiKlium once again enters figiht- doni’s ranks at the top flight oik> chard a^ announcement comes from Mike Jacob’s office that Joe Louis and Arturo Godoy, Chilt^i who left . Louis chilly after a li5 round contest at the Garden on February 9, will battle agaiin for the world championship at the stadium on June 20. The astute Jacobs, world’s leading fight promoter, thus settles all talk of the coming fi^ht going to Detroit, l^he move is not without its sense for it was here-that Godoy thrilled thou- ;sa:'ds of fight fans when he made one bid for fame by clowing his wfji through , rounds, thus be coming a member of that exclu sive society, “Those who have stiiyed the limit with Louis.” Tommy Farr of England is the only other member of this society He lost on a decision. Bob Pas ter Wi^ almost elected a member but was 'blackballed when Joe L( uis KO’d him in the 11th round. That the fight will be a natu ral with local fight ^ns goes without saying. With the white fi'^tic world ‘seemingly bent on finding some one to beat Louis, a man who stayed the limit is bound to draw out the crowds, who will come hoping to see reversal of matters. Comment in Harlem on the coming bout is unanimous that Joe idol of this Negro city, will blast away ejirly in the fight any notions Godoy might have a stay iiijr the distance agJlin. Durham Boy Defeated By ‘Flip’ Jackson - ^ -I ... LINCOLN, U., Pa. — Although and the ‘Mid-Western heavy skies threatened, the 17th ' Association’s nation#J annual CIAA tennis tourn4ment | ment. cume to successful close here last Saturday, May 4. . RolfiJnd McDaniels of Virginia Union University, up»et Maurice “Fiip” Jackson of Howard and went on to win the ^conference I University, Wilberfor^ dingles title by defeating GENE!®^*®» the week of tiM HARRINGTON of Shaw Uniyer-1 Tournament, Auguat IS «ity in the final round. This fii^ . match was on the most specta-1 ,, ^ ^ ^ cular of the entire tournament requiring three sets to determine Athlvtio touma^ The men's singles chftmpioii- ship for the National Intercolle giate Championship and tb* Wil- U.4ms Cup will be held at Wit- I the champion. The doubles crown W|tt annex ed by stockings and Johns of Jchnson ^C. Smith who defeated Wtight and Terry of Hampton. Before meeting his old rival in * tlie final.i, H^irrlngton had d«-!*' feated Turner, of Howard, ! • Wright of Hampton, and Marsh • of St. Paul. , • The winner of the singles • cK»lmpionship in the CJAA will * play tlie winners of the singles chKmpi^nship from the SoutheVn Ia'tercollc|giaite Conference, Thei Southwestern Atlanti Conference Track BORICAN AND WOODRUFF IN GREENSBORO SAT, I Flaslil FlaskI GREENSB(MO, (Br Wire) —Joha Borican anii Joka Woodniff, a^tionaL »>l ternational record boMwrs ia track and field eveats will ■pi^e.’tr at the CIAA track mm field meet here ^l#«rday, Majr 11, and will be featured in a half mile ezhibttica. Baseball Outttanding Colored Attraction of the Season i, TOLEDO CRAWFORDS VS ' ETHIOPIAN CLOWNS - ' DURHAM ATHLETIC PARK SUNDAY, MAY 12, I P. M. ALSO JESSE OWENS, OLYMPIC CHAMPION IN ACTION 0IIiannuxlp.e j||||£ Qerman |T^ H m ADMISSION $1.10 FRIDAY NIGHT MAY Kal61gll Memorial Auditorium