Mailing Edition 7 c Pay No More VOLUME SI NUMBER 23 - — DURHAM. N. C.. SATURDAY, JUNE 8. 1»40 N. C. COLLEGE CLOSES 29TH SESSION ★ ★ ★*★★★★★★★★.★ ★★★ ^ ★ TEXANS HOST TO 36th SS CONVENTION 28 San Antonio hnrcties Greet rgest Congress ANTONIO, Texts, — With 28 Baptist churehes actinf hoati, the 34th annual aeaBion ^ the Sunday School ConKf^M bt'gun here WedtMsday, brinjr- in( together Sunday School t«aeh«rt and ministers from pvery section of the country in one of the largest meetings ever beM by the group. Holding sessions alternately at the Douglas school and the J'inlt Biapti!^. lehurch, progress^ hrc methods for Sunday School and BYPU programs are the primary topics of discussion by chruch and lay speakers. "Youth ■nd the OhOTch Program," was the theme of a strimaUtting dis* euseion at one of the meetings. Aimong the visiting delegates Please turn to Page Eight BORN UNDER LUCKY STAR Kegri) M I'isils M«n BOSTON, (ANP) — Among recent visitor to the Hub was the Rev. Father .Vincent Smith, S. V. D., one of the first Negro Roman Catholic priests ordained in 1934 by th« lale Pope Pius Xt in order to raiitc up a Negro ckrgy ander the direction of the Society of the Divine Word', a Ool-maii missionary order with five houses in America. Father Smith, who is an ac complished scholar in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, is an eloquent preacher, He has been commiss ioned by the cardinal archibishop of Boston to do work in Mass. on behalf of the -seminary at Bay Saint Louis. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ATTEND PLASTIC SURGERY DEMON STRAT10N The above ^ group of South CaroHn4 Funeral Directors who ar^ attending a demonstration and lecture in Fla«tic Surgery ccndueted by Prot, tharles J. Latimfv, Laboratory Tecnician for the Bordol Labor^(ltories of Madison, Arkansas. This lecture w«8 a Part of the progrjUhi of tile South Carolina State Fun eral Directors Association whicli conwned in Sumter recently. Mr. Latim^-I has been invited to demonstrate (before the North Cirolina Funeral Directors when they hold tbeir Amntial Convaii- lion in Durham June 19-20. Noted Educator And Race Leader Passes At Virginia Home Friday CAPAHOSIC, Va. (ANP) —| black and white, perhaps the Robert Russa Moton, 72, presi- last individual leaders the race dent of Tuskegee institute; fam- ,. MJaS EVELYN LOVE, the ^h.lm'ing daughter of Mr. and Mri. James L. Love of Jeffer- fon, S. C., a member of the junior Class at Bennett College, ^ho has Just been awarded first rrize in a state wide es^fy con test sponsored by the North Carolina Tuberculosis lAsaocaition Miss Love's essay was entitled *!The Role of the Negro College in the Control of Tulberculoiis.” Policy King' Nabbed KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — In a determined effort to wipe out the local policy racket, police la«t Saturday, headed by Lynn Bom- ar, director of public safety, raided the Vine Avenue colored scrction and centered ita attack I on the alleged headquarters of the ring. Nearly 1,000 persons watched the raid. Taken into custody, along with 30 others, w|is Walt Kennedy, well known for more than 20 years as a business man and sportsman. Police said he was charged with operating a lottery and a slot machine. More than $2,000 and a large amount of Jewelry, were reported confiKca- ted at the policy “bank" by police. Kennedy and the others were later released on bond p«nd ing their appearance in court. Duke Auditorium Scene]of 29th A nnuai Commencement ous widely loved, leader of his people, educator and interracial stbltesman, died at his home here Friday night, after an illness which had kept him inactive for several years. Funeral services were held at H^umpton Institute 2 p. m. Tuesday afternoon. With his family gathered a^ hi& bedside in bis palatial home on the York River, just below Gloucester, Dr. Moton, who re turned a week >il^o from Dixie hospital at Hampton, Va. where he had gone for a health check up, passed awjiy peacefully amid the acenes of his native and be loved Virginia. When the dross of present d«y glamour has vanished ^^d his tory reveals the true story of I -studying Negro leadership in Ameri^*. a”'* the ! Robert Russa in Moton America, will un- I will have had. Born on August 26, 1867, a4 Rice, Va. of slave parents, young Moton grew up during recon struction, which he has vividly portrayed in his auto>biography, “Finding A Way Out," published in 1920. For two years he work ed in a lumber camp, hoping to get enough m«ney to attend school, and would have been a candidate for the state legisla ture had he not been under 21 ->.id his mother refused to ad vance his age. When this fell throtigh, he went to Hampton ''rom which he was graduated in 1890. Younir Moton taueT.;rin a back woods school Cottontown, Va. law state bar. For 24 years he w^as ^CHICAGO EXPOSITION HEADS VISIT DETROIT SHOW ^ S«prettntiiif the American S^«(|ro Ettpoaitfon to be held at til* Chicago Coliseum from July 4 through Sept. 2. Truman K. Mbaon, Jr., executive direc^r, tnd Horace Cayton, hia auiatilnt Vicited tha Detroit E«]fpoaition iMt Sunday. This pbotogrsph, t»k«B at th« 3oe^ purity mc* hibit, shows, left to right, Charlaa Franklin of the Social Security board; a girl machine operator; Mr. Gttmon; Austin Scott, ^matant manager i>f the Chicago Social ^ Sacoxity office, and Mr. Ca^n. Saatcd is ano ther girl maeUne oj>9r«tor at 1 , : OURlHAM — The North Caro lina College closed its 29 annual commencement program here Tuesday morning in the B. N. Duka Auditorium with Governor Clyde R, Hoey aa the comm^nc^ nrnt speaker. 7be occasion was marked wiith dignity and splen dor as the academic procession entered the ^dluditorium promptly at 10:30 to 'the tune of Wagner’s Grand March from Tannhauser. There were 97 in this year’s graduating class from all de partments. One Master of Science degree w^l awarded to Miss Maude Josephine Yancey Thirty four persons were gradu- ^l^ed with the Bachelor of Arts d«gree; sixteen with the Bache- loc- of Science d«gree; thirty with the Bachelor of iScience in Commerce; nine with Ihe degree oi’ Bachelor of Science in Home Economics; four were awarded certificates in Library Science and three received in Commerce. Music for the occasion was furnished by the college chorus under the direction of Mrt. C. Ruth E:dwards, Miss Thomasina Talley was the org-Rist and Mies Leona Wilkins was pianist. Immediately following the ad dress of Governor Hoey, Miss Yancey wili presented! by Presi dent James E. Shepard and was awarded of Master of Science degree. The renuAning graduates vcre presented by Dean Alphonso Elder. — Priiea were awarded, by Dr. N. , Newbold, Director of N’®firro icaltion in North Caf«lina. 'Presentation of awjUtds and scholarships were by Dr. W. G. Feanon. ... Aa has been the custom through the years Dr. Shepard presented each gsaMuate with a copy of the Holy Bible and admoniiJied the claai to read it for guidanc* in Pleaat turn to Pac« COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER dottbtedly stand revealed iii one > Hampton and of the greatest Negroes who has of the brilliance of his trod the American stage, and many honorary one of her truly great citizens ^f^^om regardless«4(f race. Stepping Virginia Union, Wilberforce, 0*berllw, Willi.flms and Howard universities. In 1930 he received to the shoes of the immortal Booker T. Washington in 1915 as principal of Tuskegee in-i !* Lincoln (Pa.) and Btitute and virtual leader of the j1929 an A. M, from Harvard. Negro race, the modest Moton I Before being selected as Book- quietly guided the £timous institu er T. Washington’a successor at tion into even greater size and Tuskegee, Dr. Moton had .been scope and by hia self effacing secretary of the Negro Rural Dr. Moton also claim for his secor >ook^ the Negro This . ’ " agfe^^ peared in iau9 aj,d L t bt ^ l«C« ^nd first' rtk-ion. ' ' gram. He lived to win the esteem president of the Virginia Or- I 'He was also a trustee of Fiak and realty of American leaders, ganization society in 1912. | Please turn to Page £igbt At Tuskegee Or. Moton e»- tabliahed a reputt.(ioa for fear- Icfs Aid capable leadership. Hia diplomacy aud Ability steered the ifiaiitulion through trying tiiaea there in the heart of the Soutk. One of the greatest teats caat* during the Veterans Hospital crisis when an impurt^^t group of white friends asked Uocter Moton tu modify his advice that Negro surgeons should be ap pointed and . wake some change in his stJ.ement in order to aave himself and the school from mob violence-. j- He answered, “1 cannot say anything else but what I believe is true; ^ad I t>elieve that if I remain ^hcre and take the cenae— quencea aud am made a *ivrp fite, it may go f^a towflrd cm- vincing the nation that lynchiMt ' is such a black blot on oar c|ffi zation that public opin«([y will put an end to it.” For five minutes thcs^^ silence. His white friends so 4itounded at his fearles and willingness to be a for his ideal that they ti.unded. Later they told You are everk.«itingly but if tAey kill you, they kill us first.” greatness of lieart helped to School Fund board since 1908 «e« forth his philt^opl./ , carry on the lA^aahington pro- and was organizer ■•..i i ia*. • LONDOiN, — The Colored People’a association, compriaed af Indians, Ecyptiatis, and West Indians, has assailed the film* Dr. James Edward Shepard, president of North ClUx>Iina College. I “Gone With The Wind” as ‘in- Dr. Shepard delivered his address Monday morning. The exercises suiting to the Negro commun- CIO Comicil Biir$. Kluxm KNOXVILLE, Tenn., — Meet ing here last FViday at Andrew Jchnson hotel and with 2150 dele gates present, many of them colored, the new Tennessee State Industrial Council voted unanim ously to bar from its member ship all members of subversive groups or organizations. The State Committee for In- dvstrial Organization sponsored the meeting. The convention, amid prolonged applause, adopt ed the following clause in it» constitution “No delegate shall be seated in a convention of the Tennesse State Industrial Coun cil who is a member of the Ku Klux Kian, Industrial Workers of the World, Communist Party, OI a Nazi or a member of thi> Naxi Bund.” Officers of the new ly formed council were elected on Saturday. RETIRING PRINCIPAL HONORED OEMANO LONDON BAN' GONE WITH THE WIND’ — The commencement speaker at Atlanta University this year was j Itihis year was the Tlst and brou^'ht to a close one of the best years in the history of the university. Dr. Shepjpird’s addrtaa was pron ounced one of the most scholarly ever dslivered at an A. U. commencement. In addiition to the large number receiving degree* from the under, irraduate dep(Ltrtments, approximately^ 60 received def(T«ee from ib« gndaate >;hool. ity” and haa asked he bomi office and the London Coanty covacil t^ ban the picture. An aesipbmt secretary declared, depicts Negroes as servile and content to b« in ala- !!!|^^ wroac- - F^iOF. W. G. PEMASON, jretiriAg principal of Hillude Hi^ School and J. M. Schooler assistant principal were heaoved at a hincheon last week by fellvw fli«atty in tiie cfeifetena. Prof. Pearson has served approximately 60 yeare ia Durham city school system. 1H>. Sckookw is bming ■- ta tke principalship of tbe Lyon elementary schooL photo shows Prof. Pearson &nd Schooler ta a Jov^ the luncheon^ Prof^. Pearson’s position wiS %a that of priaeipsd-easaiilM^ H|4 soperrisinf prindp^ of purlw|>|lnrn

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