THE CAROLINA Tfflfl BAmftSAy. JUKI Ik l§4§ M Of THE STARS B/^obe'UJallac^ Ifotit—Tom QuwfWN Vu. Ba AMtvtu* ’ttam’’ m Th Oainnii Mr b lUIfy* . . . Umi mdy 2f« for mr mw AtrsotMf BiMlW * Lwn Day CiUkT tad t*Miv« bjr man atfl • ■oaMolfal Immt ti tm iA4M Mlija li« ilwM (1) QmmImm rririnif. >■■ ytm fall mi hinlhii M a iMtta, m4 phtm iarliHi* • atlf-xiiinMd. lUmffi tmrtUfu hr jmm Mflr. StmJ tU hthfi §»: AMtV WALLACB, tm» W THB CAKMINA TIUBS, f. iX «M DVKHAH, N. CAKOUNA. 1CKL—Again I .am comin}; to you, ioT help. Th«ie has berti i\ cliuncc in my h|indling of thn loan on my farm and 1 wimh tu know what to expect? Advise UM what would bt best for mu to 4o about this farm? Tliia change won’t affcct you any if the not«a lira kept up properly. After civinif your rase careful consideraltion 1 seenv to think that you wouM perhaps be better satiafied ah a smaller plaoa. See if you can*t sell your ffcl'M any liuy one smaller nnd botver suited to your^ prcai'iit neo4a. RBC—'Do^ this girl that I am interested'in care, for me? Of oune I know that I wrote hT a silly letter but I would do al most aiiything to win her back. Tell me how? Ans:. Go to her and come clean nbout tke letter. Tell her .exaeitl.v whait a sap ywu were to do such B thing your being frank will hay* a tendency to make her cfatnca her mind about your imiMdiAaly. She likes you, 'but let|«ra such as. the one you wrote, disfuated her. ■1C- "My pro(>leni' is a person al' one and I need assistance. I hiM« weakness which dis- pletfan myself «iid wffe. I have t«k«n 'tonics fetit they don’t seem to hVilp.‘'€an you help me? Ad»T 8top”tektog all medicines and arrangA to go to a good phy- siciah.vConditiona such r.i yours haV« be*h greAtly Improved dur~ ing-th« pakt few years with the proper m^ical treaiment. Con- wUt with some good doctor in j(^r city a^out this subject and give him your cooperation. A cb^ige will np doubt take place. ET—Several months ago I wr(Ue yqu and every day that pa^cf proves to me that you were right. Thank you. Tell me if my mother-in-law would keep my children awhile Would this be th^best, thing for me under the present eotidUiena? Ans:—She would he h, #ppy to keep itheso youngsters while you went to wovk. Yen, it i* nece* sary for you to find work im mediately and your kids will be in good hands with their grand mother. Within cix weeks time you will be iihln to help them coiisidera'bly . AHW—Tell TOO please sir will I succeed in llie iitleinpt that I r.ijH mnking? Ans*—Yos, it, scorns to me thiit you are goinir to 'he succesa/ul in your present plans. There is no need to w o* r r y seri- on.sly your FATIIIOR is srolng lo stick by you. MBC—Haft l.hifi mn'n jyot. me “root worked." Ife tri«?fj t'l with me throe months I'ofirp F yielded to him. 1 know I dop’; love him, but fi,V-«anio rea'^oi I feel that I nin’t !o without h'm sometimes. Help me? An*: He rnii’t iiffect your I'lfo with ^oots. The wholo trouble is, you |tlre lonesome If you Wiido some worthwhile friends, you wouldn’t even consider going with^hi* man. Don’t go with anyone that you know you cai>'t Itani' to care for. EP—1 wish to know if my hus bund is (^ointi; to build me a house? He promised me he would some time ago and he b^ked out. Will he? Ana: Lack of funds was what made him change his mind, le’d as anxious as you jlce to build, but it can’t l>e done without money. He is mnking every ef fort to build hy he first of next year. j. GiH—Do you thln-k the Job in Jacksonville would he better than the one oflfered me in Charleston? Ans; Yes I do. The job in Jacksonville will be perm,'#.ient. The people will return to the southern part of Florida next winter instead of going back to Carolina. You will be kept on permanenly. m 1 AMUICAN ^ cmcAGo COtlSEiM WHte Texaiis3\ell|lhnrhaiil Connaliy They Want Me b Bill NEW YORK — That white I Texans t-lra mor* and more ax- |Lp>eMiiig their deair* to se« the Ifanti-lynching bill and ar* bfginning to resent the knife- throwing tactics of Senator Tom Connaliy who is trying to kill the bill, was indicated in three letters sent to the Tex\(i Senator I early this month, excerpts of wliirh were made public by the NAACP today. The letter* were written by three citizens, all tesidents of Dallas, Texa.'t. They are: Boyee F. Farrar, 4 business man, How ard l*ailey, and Walter E. Hamil ton. R'diculin* the argument that pa»«je of the bill would in- frirge upon state rights, Mr. Furiar said; ‘‘When the question of state rlftHts is raised it meets a popu lar chord of approve'f, but when state functions are compared w'th those of the Federal gov- e'r.ment in matters of efficiency B*'d expediency there is little to eompare. If Federal t.^-e.s is compared witth tJie unwieldy and frequently un fair colleetitin of at«t* and ^ity taxaa, again thcr* ia no eom- porison, and when th* qaaation of st|.4t* rights i* krooght sp against th* Airti-lynch bill, it is eiiliiely beside the point.” "If the states wher* lynchiog has been practiced in days gone l>y were polled, it would be fct:iid that not on* has don* a tl'^ng to curb thia jnoit un- Aniei iean pr. f ticc, a blot on escutcheon of all things Ai'ierican.” ^Howard Dailey toi.l Senator Connaliy that he was writing ► Hti "old lime Southerner,” who has ‘more than a pus.iing inter- e-'t in your in rour fight air'»r»t the anti-lynching bill, bpcau?** 1 believe the Negro is the white men's most loyal frienil.” Urging Connaliy to i.';’ ing the rolo of the dematrogue, Duilcy Sktd: “Senator, I would l.e groitly p'.FLScd if you would j )in tho forces of the> far steir.j slat^- The Toung Men's R^iigi >j* dob Met Monday night at Oak Grove FWB ('hureh at t *'(lf>ek. Mr. and Mr«. C. C. Hollaw^' »|i*?at .Suniay iri^ni«ia wiUa Mr. and Mr*. Dsvi4 Jhistie*. Mtt JuMiet it th« sister of Mtr. Holloway. They were meefimpma- i*d by litti* Mias Dorothjr L. Stanfield. SOPHOIKME CROWNED "MISS KNOXVILLE" Beautiful and taJ*nt«d Knox- vill* College sophomor* cood, won the coveted title of Miio Knoxville in the recent *tod*at election condcuted by the YMCA. Each spring the various clasoes nominate a caniddate for th* honor and Miss Knoxville is then selected by a fener;4 vote. This spring the siphs carried the •lec tion. ^ BUT MR. ceNTUV.DONfTJOU think APTBJ^THCEB WI ro >*aJb more oon6 ip YOURE goimg td exhibit this at .S YOU OUGHT BXPosmoM r* Explain Status of Colored National Guard Units BOSTON, Y MABE KOUNTZE approved tables of organi^»;ion j "The War Department does (ANP) Bearing i^f.ued by tho War Department. ,not contempLi.e the employment t e signature of Major General, “The Department has been of colored National Guard units I t ie Adjust-lnt General, United able to organize a very limited in any manner other than the I States War Department, a state- pumber of disvi^ions, some of unita in any manner other than t ^ scnt^ to this writer, which liie mere skeltons of the the purpose for which orgtKiiied. explaining the status of colored o!«anization and strength to I ^National Guard unil? and the im- they would be raised ini ^ . probalbility of organizing a Ne-^ ^.e event of an emergency. Un-® gro Division at the present time, the present authorized stren-Personnel has perform- The M.ilor General’s statement gttj, of the Army it is not chpprfnllv t>vt>rv tn«k FHA Applicants Flood Charlotte Profect Office The Mi^Vor. follows; “Reference is made to your letter of April 21, X.940, request ing a statement for publication relative to the utiiizatiun of colo red National Guard organizflf tions and the assignment there of to divisions.” “The Federal Government without power to t]RARI.OTTE — Applkations ar* coming in fast for residents In 'Fairvifew Homes, Negro low coat housing proj!ct here, accord ing“‘o J. Frink Hanley, 'manager, iLnd the iKhcdulo for rents, in- conra schedule and eligility r^ i]uit«menta have been set. Mrs. R^ert Glenn is the first applieant, with a family of ^iir. Tho rents, including water and •leciticltyi are |8.80, $9.40 Mid fit.SO per month, for three room units, four and one half room unita and five and one half room ut)^a respeotively. These rents are, far lower than aimikc- resid- •iicM cun now be secured in the community, in^fact they are one ' of the lowest ever achieved by any housing project in the coun try. Only nalurSIl families .or close ly knit family groups who have been living in the city for at lease three months are elegible to live in the project and no family tha;^ miiJkes mor« than I7S4.00 a year or $16,07 a week need apply, for,^ the homes will rent only to the low income group. .. .. A circulating space heater, kitchen rdnge and ice refrigera tor will be furnished free to all tenanta. VARUH6. your HAIR IS BfAUTirUL I ( I WONDER WHAT SHt DID TO IT f ) B*li«v*k or not, this chanttlng young lady'* hair waa gray y*tt*rdayj • How did sbo conc«*l k?—you’d k Rirpris^ Just a iimpIa'appUduloa of •GODBFROY'S LARIBUSB HAIR COLORING! And by using ( LARIBUSE, you, too, can have b**otifully colorod hair—*T*n though 'L It ia gray; or has b*cooi*str*akyerotf-oolorCtomtiieui«ofhotiron*t ed cheerfully every task assign- Iposaible to consider the organiza- tion of a colored division. had nothing to j to do with combat, and I am "Colored units of the Army sure the colored soldier and his hnve performed in the and friends can appreciate this ide«l. continue lo perform, fine ser-, Very truly yours Major General, vice. All perform services The Adjutant General, United of all sojt.s regardless of color St«tes War Dep|4.’tment." ! and .there are no regulations that | I have written and received ^ apply especially to colored sold- replies from the War Depart- compel any ^ Individually ^nd collective- mcnt before. Some of the as- „ , , . ,ily. they are subject to the same sertions of the Department are I regulations as other troops, have ^ aptomistic 4nd some, I am sure, ttie same proportions of grades [ will be challenged. Nevertheless, and ratings, jUnd colored units in establishing a regular method are given the same forms of field and combat training as corresponding white units. available appropriations, the or ganization of Jl National Guard unit within a state i.s entirely under the control of the state concerned, exceipt that it mo«t be organized in conformity with Any family filling the above requirements who is interested in living in Faii*view Homes is asked lo conlac.1 the ,tenant selection office at F|iiirview Homo.s on Oaklawn Avenue in tho Washington Heights section of tho city. ot contact with our people, es pecially in these times, it may be that many «uch difficulties will Dixie Awnings ARE TAILOR MADE AWNINGS TENTS TARPOULINS LET US equippe; YOUR HOME V. L. N ortlicutt 4 PHONE L-1491 107 S. MANGUM STREET SERVICE You will find oUr SERVICE complet* to the (m^leat de tail. Our yean of experience enable »■ to finticipakt* your need ,and therefore ;«erve you better. Thoughtful Attention 'to Even The Smallett Detail. Amey’s Funeral Home 401 Pine Street 24-Hour Service Dial J-2071 ^baviieT’s XiotiKUM i« mtr to *. Iliilt, I*sy to apply (JUM Mtofr dirao- ■ Jly— to.paylra«a>. Choica M l» colon, '' laj-hHtlnt Jet-btaek, black or tewwn. COLORS HAIR ALMOST INSTANTLT — ^en't rub ofl or waah out. ftrmlta waving aiid oa* of hot IrotM. Cot tail—ae tBafay —look lovair tonlglitl GUARANTEED to satisfy, or your d*al*r will promptly nfoad your moaay. If your d*al*r do*fta’t hav* Lariause, **nd (1.2S (w* pay posng*) dlr*ct to GODElPROY MFG. CO, is 10 OLIVB ST, ST. LOUIS, MO.( o«BEfa«n InttoNEARTof HARLEM Offering every facility of hotel comfort at modem rates... un equalled location... unexcelled cuitine. Newly furnished. Mod- ernized,undernew management. V* URGE ROOMS , with private batb From *2 Single, *2.S0 DoubI* without private bath From %1.80 Single. »2 DoubI*, SpkUI Wnkh 6 MmMf fU$t$ WALTIR W. tCOrr, Manaia/ Hot*l THEBISA 7«k «**. at I25tli ft. N*w V*rk City Coniilele lliiildiiis Mce .*■ '•♦REMODELING • '' _ •••NEW CONSTRUCTION •••ROOFING SERVICE •••BUILDING SUPPLIES ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED For Painting Papering and Decorating we use ROG£RiS PRODUCTS. We Use Lofi^-Life LOGAN- I.ONG ASPHALT ROOFING EXOLtSBIVELY. 10H6 tIfE 6/rr THIS COMPANY OPERATES ON A VOLUME BASIS SMALL PROFIT. LARGE VOLUME ALL WORK GUARANTEED s * Home Modernizatloir And Supply Co; 4i4 F|iky*tt*viU* St., Durham. N. C. PhoM J-4«2> msT2 men of th* nation in stopin-? the the collection of fijjht against the * ti lyiicliing bill and pl»y the jole a true Southern gentltimtn in giving a lair and square de.Vr to our loyal Negroes.” .. __ Pointing out that despite the ft.ct that he was born in a lily- white county in Texas, Wi-kter ¥j, Hamikon said in his letter that it was clear to him that “to say there is no need for the Sill is ridiculous.” “The writer,” he concluded, sides Jre seeking better rela- ^ ‘vi’as born aSid rear*d in Mingus, tlone. Thia is much better than Ttxas, where the sun is not b« ironed out, resulting in better reUrions everywhere. The Nego and the War De partment hav* been isolated be cause of diaintereated representa tion on both sides and too few Negro officers with spirit enough t'» question U»e Government. To day this is no longer tru«. Both I’oad. Thia, in a CQuntry^ wher* all men arc created free c.(id t-Oiial, with special privileges for none. We have always con«i.ler- ed you as one of the truly ffvefit Htati.^iuen of our day, and would regret it exceedingly if you f*ll trio the classification of a d*ma- gogu.^ by continued opposition to the Anti-lynching bill.” it ha« been in the past. , allowed to set upon a Negro'* teb»ro»!!li & Hiirgi^lt FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES DAY J-P721 ^ ' NIGHT J-3722 522 E. PETTIGREW STREET DURHAM. N- C- For Buying And Refinancing: Your Home 4 And 5 Per Cent Oo Savins,s b- AND F. L. MeCOY. chairman OF THE BOARD C. C. SPAULDING, PRESIDENT ' . *. L, MeOOUGALD. S«.’y-Ti WEST PARRISH STREET . . . . «t« FAYETTEVILI K PflONEJ.*»at FHOWm DmH4MvNi€.

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