THC CAROLINA THH9 SATURMCr. JUNl •, 1M« Hmiltoi it CmiRg Stnioii Of JL M. E. CMferM«e AnoonRoes SpaMini MEMPHIS, (A/4P) — Dr. J. IE. Walker, pmidant of Univer sal Life liisuraiiee comf^tiy and piesidfiit of the Nsti^nal 3uai- ncsi Lcageu, annoui^^ad l«at ' wc«k that C.,C. Hjuiaidiag, praii- dent of^thc l^gua and president uf the North CtroUna Mutual Life lii .uranie comj^ny I of DurMi', hcs offcrad to pta- Jient each year duiinj{;_ the an nual convention of (he buaineas league a gold meJal to the Ne- Kfo man o rwoni, ►, who in the judgment of a hoard of judgci, has coniiibutfid i; ant to the ad vancement of Noicro hu.'tiue’s. Dr. Walker uiito t4jp;>in4ed a committee troni thi; husineii Ita- gue to work ^iit details for the award. Geoige W. Cox uf Dur ham it chairnuii and the other members are C. A. Karnett, M. S. Stuart, Don A. Davis and A. L. Holst'y. Ettiiy in luly, this jsppcii^l committee will announce the committee of judges, j Nominations for this ye.^r’e tion passed by the Cooference and extended his Gpreetings and those of the iTepublican party j’award which will be pregant^3 to the Members of the Board of Bishops, officers, delegates and others in attendance. I during the annual convention in Detroit, August 28-30, may ibc set to Mr. Cox, in care of North C^lolina Mutual Life Insurance company in Durham. Pertinent facts regarding the achievements of each person nominated should be included’. Local Negro business le^ljues, Ne^ro chambers of ’comriiCTce and other local groups are also invited to select or endorse such candidates. “Mr. Sp;4ulding’s offer,” said D". Walker, ‘will be an added in centive to Negro men and wO' men who are engaged in buai ness and will give the public a htghef i.topreciation of the efforts made by Negroes to achieve success and stability for their enterprwes.” CHARlj Social Notes BY MKS. BESSIE HARDY TELEPHONE 31«2« Mn. M|iinie Urowii wai tjiejy^rs. Mva. who waa charming hostess to mrtnbera of considered queen of the parson- the Idle Rich Social Club at her age delivered an excellent talk, home on Umat Third ^Street Uwt w!th cosing remarks by the pas- John Hamilton, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, is shown here with .three Bishops of the African Methodist Church after addressinsr the closing session of the Gen eral Conference of the A. M. E. Church at Detroit, Michigan. Hamilton also spoke at the Negro Progress Exposition held on the same date. Left to right in the picture are Bishop S. L. Green, Bishop John A. Gregg, Mr. ^Hamilton and Bishop D. Hv Sims. Mr. Hamilton expressed great interest in the progressive legisla- AJ 1 1 A.%. ^ ^ ^ Jt A J_Ji A* 1 At 1_1? A week. The persoBnell of the cluJb .Are. Mrs. Pearl S^iimon, I president, Mias Kuth Tillman, vice piesideut; Mrs. Minnie Brown, secretary; Mrs. U. A. Allen, treasurer and Miss Louiae Littleiohn. After the business }.-urt of the meeting was over the hoatesa lierved a delightful rH>ast. .. I Mist Liiltt M^j Johnson, Mrs. Lillie Marcus and John Conidian tli of Washington, D. C. motored to Charlotte Inst week and spent t.’.e Week end with Mr. ff.d Mrs. l!.5ac lirown at their home on l:ast Tliird Street. The fr'iiciidship Baptist church wus highly favored with the presence uf the S'Wanne Uar- nioi.y Singer, tt>d by Profeuor Kenneth Diuiiion^, Sunday even ing May Everyone present ei’joyed every Meluction that was icnUered. Fiitmdship wifhes this ,:ipup the highest success. IBPOE OF W HOLDS STATE! CONFAB IN NEW BERN JCSGraduates NBW BFJRiN' — The annual state convenion was held in New ! Continued from Page Six borah Jennet Craig, Charlotte, Bern May 2S-39 witli,one of its*‘-n Hidloy, Louisburg; Mattir Hurry Chambre Cui:ry, Birming- delegJi.ions ever to at- j D^*l*Kiie fc>pt‘armmi^ Asheville? j h.iin, Al!ib,4 njij Tlisdon II ale tend the IBPOE of W under the leadership of Brother F. C. Hes ter. Many thin^ of interest were Annie F.lizabeth Stevenson, Curry, Birmingham, Ala.; Wil- CliarloUe; Mary Klizaiieth Thom,- liam Nathan Dnnsby, Tuscaloosa, Wilson; Glover llaroUl Tor- Alal; Wilmor Baxter Dusenlbury, discussed and appropriate pro-•F***® liornih-y ^ Vorice, Youngstown, Ohio; Jame» Boolthe giam rendered throughout. - At 'l'a>l’otte; John Henry Ward, I'l'lis, AukusI.t, Georgia; Hermon one o’clock o** Wednesday a J''- Charlotte; Avon Ny,:(iza Curti.-i Coins. Carthnge, N. C.; irrOInd para(k> took place with Williams, BuH City wirringf first prize. jJvuby Candidate* for tk Bachclor Science Degree Armentris PriScilla Alexander, Charlotte; Jo.'ioph Primii/j Bow els, Orange, New Jer.sey; De- Avon Knoxville. Tenn. MOUNT CALVARY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev, N. E. Higgs, Minister * The revival meeting of the Mount Calvary Christian church was a re^tl success. The meeting was directed by Dr. William H. Watson of Newark, N. J. We were blessed with the addition of 33 new mennbers, and a re^l churcHik revival. We had a par tial baptism Thursday night others wifi be IWptised in the near future. The meeting closed Sundby night June 2nd with higb tide of the Holy Spirit. We thank the sister chu/ches for their cooperation. The Rev. Wm. H. Watson left Monday for Long Branch, N. J. JUNIOR CHURCH PASTOR RETURN TO CITY Misses Mary Belle Johnson and Gertrude Norris, pf.ktor of the Junior church of Mt. Calvary Holiness church returned to the city Monday, June S. crimination is based on race or color uloiie.” Judge Way dis missed the ci'4e, neverthlefcs on the ground that the teacher had aKiecd, when he signed a teach ing contract, to accept a lesser s.AIary and had theretby “waived” liis constitutional right in the matter. „. Appeal of the case from Judge Way’s decision is expected to re sult in determining the uncon- atitutionality of the practice of paying white teachers more thf_!h colored teachers, ' and also in ditermining whether or not there has been a waiver of con- stitutior\:.S riifhts, when colored teachers sign contracts stipula ting the payment of ■ salaries lov.'cr than while teachers doing the H^tne work. The decision in the cast is ex-jline Yarborough;, Louisburg. pected to have a far reaching BEflUTin tor Rev. H. M. Moore. The pas tor Aid and Men’s club gave the P'.litor 120.00. Thus ends the 16 i years of the pastor Rev. II. M. Moore’s nijnistry at Ezeneser B.iptist church . 48 Get Degrees At Shaw RALEIGH rr— Dr. Arthur D. Wright of WuLhin^ton, presi dent of the Southern Education Foundation, urged a Shaw Uni versity graduating class of 48 n>emb«rs to find “a main high- Nathaniol William Gray, Char- Ic.jte; ptho Evonte Hi; I ris, rharlotte; Edna Elizatoeth Howe, Wadt'sboro; Maryland Derondo Kemp, Macon, Georgia; Bessie Kirkpatrick; Frank Boddie Ls4in, Macon, Ga.; Ethel Evange line Leat'h, Burlington; Turner Donald MicCottrey, Charleston, Edna Gaddy McGeithanr Char- Irtte; Sara Janies McVrfy, Char lotte; Rosalyn Thomasena Mar shall, Robert EMward Mcore, Bl|J(?k Mountain; Frances MtKnigth Nash, Charlobte; Lil lian Margnrita Perry, Charlotte;! NEW ORLEANS, Lai (SpscfaJ) Ffnywood Nathaniel Robinson, —Dr. Foster T. Jones, for many Rr. Augustine, Florida; EuljHs years the anestheist and radiolo Conright Rosamond, Winston- gist at Flint-Goodridge Hospital, .Salem; Paul I,awrence Ros«, died Tuesday, May 28, fM the Vr. F. Jm Siicciinbs Winnsboro; Irene Elizabeth Step nfcns, Charlotte; Charles EuRene St^]2;^[^on, Columbia; Phillip Ru-har) Stewart, John Thom*h Stockijig, Jr., Daytona Beach, Florida, Evans Taylor, Robeson, Ireta Carroll TiP,ylor, Asheville: John Leonard Walker, Charlotte hospital. Dr. Jones was graduated from Fisk University in 1914 and from the Meharry Medical Coll ege in 1918. After finishing school he oime directly to the old Flint-Goodridge Hospital on Canal Street where he served as ‘ft**ct on the NAACP’s campaign [ to equalize the a-taries of white j and colored teachers thx'ou^hout j the South. The Hattie Hannah We.stbrook,! an intern for one year. He later Statesville; Lawrence B,;lichusjgi.rved there as house physician Wrijrht, Council; Samuel Evange since the new hospital open' jed on Louisiana Avenue in 198^, I he had worked there in the de- Thurgood Marsiwfll, NORFOLK SALARY CASE Continued from Page Five sot'iution, this marks the first effort 'of the association to get a ruling from a high federal court . ('.I the question of equalizing the counsel; William Hastie sriuk'iee of white and colored ; R**nsom and Oliver W pi'blic school teachers. In dismissing the case last FebrufUry 12, Judge Luther B. Way,^said, “The authorities are cleaM-,F I think however, that there can be no discrimination in H case of this kind if such dis- MARRIAGE AtVNOUNCFMF.NT C1IAR:L0TTE— Mr. and Mr', announce ’"'"the assodation’s Fred McDowell lawyers in chasge of the case marriage *of their daughter Jjiss Bleeker McDowell to Mr. E. O. Ctfthey on Sunday, April 28, 1940 at their home in the city. parments of radiolog-y and anes- thesa. Dr. Jones wda a prominent member of the New Orleans Medical, Dental and Pharmaceu tical Association ited a director of the Douglas Life Insurance Company. «:UNGR A TULATIONS GRADUATES GEORGE JAMES’ SHOE SHOP 503 South Myers Street NEIGH BORHOOD SERVICE STATION Gas, Oil, .Groceries •nd other Accesories 1401 Beaties Ford Road ■ C. W. Withers, Prop. • MONEY to'" LOAN On Oiamonds W|Atcbes, Jewelry, -Siivet^are, Man’s Clothing, Type writew, Slwt cans, music insts. «ad aa)rthiag of vsIm. Reliable Xoan Co. 121 EAST TRADE STREET “Charlotte** Oldest ««d Largest”' SOLOISTS PREPARE FOR SONGS AT AMERICAN NEGRO EXPOSITION Wh-i/ of usefulness in the challeng Mrs. J. L. Puwell the wife of ing world of today” at the T5th annual commencement of the ih- w,rc..rr. ».■« > stitution held in Memorial Audi-1 bit limp and dragged before the day Uev. J. L.i'«/hWtttl left the city Friday for Suiiimer School. Mrs. Powell will attend ths Univer sity of Pittsburgh. She will r«- tidti with Kev...i..PoweU’a mother wtiile in Pittsl^lirgh. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McDonald entertained Ut. their 10th Anni- vf^r^itry Monday evening ut their Grill on Beatties Ford Road. The evening was spent playing games fltid dancing. Guests includ ed M«sd»mes Lillian Ramsey, Lillie W. Thompson, Glendora Moore, Christiqe Patton, W. B. Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis, Mr. ^d Mrs. Reeves, Mr and Mrs Lester L. Little, Miss Louise Mason, Messr.i E. B. Massey, P. N. Chresfield, Elmore Alexander ',V. O. Grier, C. W. Withers, Whitman James, Charlie Withers and W. H. Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. G W. YfiCes. Ciosfcs Revival CHARLOTTE, N. C. — Ebeneser Eaptist Church closed their spring revival the first .Sunday n June. Rev. C. A. Jones of Columbia, S. G in charge of the meetiac during the revival. It wlM truly an awenking among the members. The first Sunday in June wtte also the Anniversary of the 16th year of pastor. Rev. H.. M. Moore. Rev. Jones was de lated to preach the Anniversary secmon, which was clim^lked with djL'ner being served to a large audience, and the auxiliaries haiv ing charge of the services in the evening. C. S. Gill presided at the evening services akid the two chairs of which H. L. Miller is diciector rendered the music. All »he talks hinged around Rev. M,i(>or’8 successful ministry for 15 With the Ant aeorelUiig ray* «C the sun, we all msli frantlca^ te the rioeet and dftg «ot ivtat’ M- niiilns of last •mmwT'a wmt, ptMii Inwnrdly or aloud, clap oar tau on our ttMds and set out la of some cool elothea. tJliflHtaaalely. that's Just about tiM lyvUrai v* do use when caught abort by Ot» flrM hot day&^ Bat those of oi who boy our summer wardrolM In hafts, have a good tlx*** BOBtha to wUt repent onr thooghtleai purchaaea. Chooee Waehable Materlala Unquestionably, the first requi site of a sunnner dresa !a TOmfort There are ao many attractive wash materials on the market today, so many daloty-looking abeera, tliat there la no reaaon whf the modem woman should auifer firom the heat unduly. Unleas economy la no eon- cprn of youra, b« aure that the pm- lerlsla you chooee are washabla. Tlie heat being what It ta, few ef us cao wear a dreaa nwr* thus eD» ilay without tubbing. It la my eon- «lrtloo that cottona, llnena and at tifvl matertala are cooler than alllb, hut If .von have a preference for silks, there are plenty of pretty, cool looking washable allk& TiM girt who starts out her (lay In a dress freshly washed aod ataiclMd feels better able to cope with the problems Itefore her tbnn If she la worried about whether she looks a WABM WKATBCB OXyTHBS Mian look loaia wtttoA after a t»w honra* koat thaa all wMt«. Do«^ Wmt SMifl DfMooa M torium. "I Wonder if some of you have thought of what you’re getting in diploma,*^ the speaker stld, addressing his remarks directly to the senior class. "Normally it idnicates that you have finished four y^rs of college work; but unfortunately it does not give evidence of what you intend to do.” The speaker pointed to the progress along the “highways of educati^" and emphasized the futility o fany one’s m^;ing an has gotten under way. Another Important factor to con sider In selecting youi sammer wardrobe Is whether the.tnbrlc will hold ap throughout a hard day without looking too I'.mp ami mussed. Printed dresses, as « rul*. show muss less than soliil i-oloiii la mat ■rird IWI tMafe Iftai I vocato ffalBf a»e—d la ■ 4rtm ■ alo* »o»-taaio aa ttal yo« look t»f an tho worfd llko a aaet tM hi ih# Btddlo, hut don’t havta ymwr f*4lsra too hlf^ ymr Mta too anwc or yoar Metis too flgkt. Ofro tiM air roooi to drvalafla If yo« want taka ndvmingo of aar atray fcrtasea tlMt COM yoar way. In rc«ent yaofs eattoa aa»r- rtothaa lava eoaa Baa» TOgae aaanaor waar nd tkay are a bnnn to tha baay wooaaa. Cqttea alfpe ara leaa I’Haglin tkaa slfh ofeaa and -tihay ata aaataf fa watt aatf fma. Cootfortabla ahgai^ tao^ ga Ihr lat' a tniMt ■at aaaaaeafT (a aat tbamjaa larga^ bat yaa win oflea fortsMo a aNa wMar Itaa yoa are McaMaiaad ta waar Ih arfatci. Ronenroar fliAC eaarfbrt aad afll* tty ax* of 9rtM tiaBtoMaaea la aaai- nar. Baaaty ta matmtr asgaw^ to a gtaat axtant oa cfaaaWasaa If your l^waaOier ata aaatly tnbabla and tubbad fraaaaatly ynw major wardroba prebloai la aolTtd. WS^ mt ytm htmtf ptik- Urns? Wfilt Mmk Oaaasag, L^rUute Bemtj ftmitim, Rcom 521 — 1/9 Nortft tamth St^ St. Lomm, g/W lo «arr.T%m. Be mre to eneictt m ttlf-sJJttsied HampeJ emrtiape. attempt to progress on a read” of life. side-‘BISHOP B. JOHSOW RETURNS TO THE CITY SUNDAY Bishop JohnSbn wiR return to Cat'iw’a Newapaper Service TESTED RECIPE ^ Irtmet lt€ Sdrtee—-J Lighter cakes are In order as the temperature rises — par ticularly If these cakes may be made with com paratively little exertion, and yet prove delicious enough to please all who sample them. Here’s a recipe that I am sure will fill the mercury - cllmt>^ ing bill: Marble Angel Food Cake % cup sifted cake flour; 2 table spoons breakfast cocoa; 1 cup egg whites; ^ teaspoon salt; 1 tea spoon cream of tartar; 1^ cups sifted granulated sugar; 1 teaspoon vanilla. Sift flour once; measure. To 6 tablespoons flour,^ add cocoa and sift together four times. Sift re- nialnlng Vi cup flour four times. Beat egg whites and salt with flat wire whisk. When foamy, add cream of tartar and continue beatp Ing until stiff enough to hold up in peaks, but not dry. Void in sugar | carefully, 2 tablespoons at a time. Divide mixture tai two parts. To one, fold la flour and H teaspoon vanilla. To other, told In flotir and cocoa mixture, ^en H 'teaspoon vanilla. Put by taMespoons into ungreased ansol food pan. alter nating white and dark mixtures. Bake In slow, oven (27S* F.) 30 minutes, then Increase heat to 326* F. and bake 30 minutes longer. Remove from oven and inv^ pan ]L ^ur, or wtil cold. “On the mainroad of ilfe the traffic is heavy but the oppor- , q _{ii . . . this City Sunday, June 9. He wul tunties and clvrlenges are ^rr>e at the Mount er. If you choose the sundry way you must have a defimte . plan and know what you’re goinjr j , to do. Choose a route i.tid stay ' .. on—it until you rcaeh yotir d^eT- tiration,” Dr. Wright asserted. RETURN FROM #IAMPTON ' Forty.eight seniors received ^ Mrs. Marthal Albright, Mi» diplomas from Presiden R. P. Carrie Parker, and Mrs. Ei.*na Daniel. Other.. p«tures of the Lambeth have etumed to the features of the afternoon pro- after attending the com- gn'tm included musical selections niencement exercises fJI Bamp- by the Univer.sify Choral SocietyInstitute as the guests of directed by Harry Cil-Shythe Georgia Alhright. and the conferring of honorary , Doctor of Law.! dggree upon ^ Frank Settle Hargave and Ar- n ond Wendell Scott. TO RAEFOSD Miss Amelia Lawrence auior- ed -Kaeford Saturday where she spent the week end. Food Stores Alexander FUNERAL HOME 323 SOUTH BREVARD STREET DAY PHONE 8413 NIGHT PHONE 3-6027, 3-2472 I—ippiipii C.W.Hobb5 GROCERIES AND MEATS WE CASH FOOD STAMPS SOI EAST FIRST ST. PHONE 9143 DINE ^AND DANCE High Hat Club BEER—WINE—EATS—SMOKES tlOl BEATTY FORD ROAD ALBERT JOHNSON, Prop. Brevard Street Barber Shop SHOWER BATHS liSc N. G. EDWARDS, Prop. 231 S. BREVARD ST. CHARLOTTE. N. C. WINE- -4>INE- -DANCE • Rehearses are taking place several times weekly by the VMCA^NYA chorus of Chicago in preparation for frequent appearances, at the American Negro Exposition throughout the €0 event at the Coliseum from July 4 through ^pt. 2. The chorus wiH have 1|50 young singers of both sexes. The photograph, taken at the Wabaih Avenue YitCA where the ifroupi re- hearses, shows. Miss Frankye Browns, diractor of ^ the chorus, and Miss Ruth Wplsbington, pianist,, diiscussing some of the number with^ Mveral m.ember8 of the chorus who are, left to right. Misses Ethel Orr, Frances Wifaon and Bomasa,] Rahman, soprano soloists, itnd Rachells King, aa> sistant to Miss Browne. ' Archie’s^rHl MEAL TICKETS WITH—DRINK—OR-^B^gRT «01 EAST 1ST. ST. i A. NIXON, Prop. YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND BEER AND GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT Kirks’ Place PHONE «9 768 319—401 FRAZIER AVENUE Alexander St. Drv Cleaners “COME CLEAN WITH US WE WILL DYE FOR YOU.” 522 SCKiTH ALEXANDER ST. PHONE »1t CLAYTON BLACK, Harvey Morris CANDIDATE FOR CHAIRMAN BOARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IS HIMSELF A HARD WORKING MAM. His iaereet ia Celerad sMa aad is w«S IsMam. *

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