BEHIND THR APRON Bjr Hcmaa J. Di. d/Hm STN0P8I8 CHAPTKR VI' John hai finallf (otten a conTeiMtion iHtb th« waitmi whom h« to win, «ad now w« find him telkini' OT«r th« phona to her. 00 ON WITH THK STORY “M«yb« U I could hart pcrmiHion to jroa aomatimM other than at tba oaf*, yon would undaratand,” said Joha in rtpljr to why ha thought iha waa diffartnt from other woman. “Juat why ahould I undantandT" aha aakad in raply. “Bacausa I think yon are different.” *Ununh! That’a atnuige. I am a woman, I waar draaaat, and I hart a femala Toice.” “Ye« .... Oh now don’t try to be ao hard on me. Liaten. Why ia it that women are daairoua of beinf woad, md pursued, yet whan they are puraued, they try to ba ao hard-boiled. Don’t you aee it to hard anoufli to get acquainted with a decent woman when thara iant any one to introduea us, without Tour makinr*it harder by makinf ua atrunla ta know you better?’' “Do yo« nally liln me as you say you do?” ’’Wliy ia yom aak dm that? Didn’t I maka tl FST College Holds 62 Annual Comniencement Taa." tha first adraacaT** *Pa«9la dMilk waata time on those they don’t like, you know. If I like TOO, ye« hava power to determina it by your cautioua acta.” potnr ta aaka aa Uva vp to tha reqaimnenta that you hava with you. 1 like you, and I want a break ^ . jaolaly with yoB." ‘^ant la aaaaa oat today nichtT*' aha asked with a sudden start fkat fnm hla aarvaa. “Want to aoaaa yamfcm fmfwy ahrdl mfwy cmfwypmfwy mwfyfww “Taa ... ar... aay 7:80.** “Jfy OodI in aiaka good too,” he aaid to himself after hanging w m paooa iriiMi thay eoneludad the conversation. THE END I -+ BLACKOUD ^ Jshinia W. Baidatt Inaida tka ^apartment atoia thera was littla aoimd lava flia mntad drowsy Aum ni ««ieaa. ZoTly stepped oat into tha antranee and, hoMtng the door open vitk Ua left hand, looked vp and down fie straat with darting, faithw glamsi, It ana lata aftamoon. The downtown bnQdinfa of tha metropolis were pointing kog fingers of shadow towardtha east Tha home ward roA waa oa, and the streets were filled with tha incaaaant din of traffic. Antomobilea and trucks, from rary new to vary old, vied with one anothar for first position and quick^ getaway. Tha hlara of horns and tha whine of gears, was not unlike the angry qoan complaiaiag qoarralinc among •> w _ Jungle beaata. Hard oriven motors raised . ^ tha echoea rolling back and forth through the narrow straets in long swells of sound (hrer it all ro^ the occasional h^ pitched shriak of a policeman’s whistle, sharp and insist^. The kawkaid their waroa on atrata^ eomers: "Extral Xlztral Bead all about iti Extra! Extral Bead all aSost..." aloatof derica tugged the door from lolly’s grasp, and 7^ Ha atood with ^ Eack to the aawing in and out of his longs in hurried gasps. The hot, throbwny praaanra of pounding blood in ms face and ears £mmed his hearing iw ^ noisa of tha atraata. Jlot a detaU of the shifting Wtarar, aach parked car, even the caauM ^aaea qr thoaa harrying on their way. For long momenta he wmainW tiya, > wan, bronaa, temobpe atima; than moved quickly- fcnward to ba awallowed np ia enmd. ^ BLEAC^gCfiEAM offan next week the outcome to ZaBy. wTiy Is ha iu6ralaf Bleach your skin mth Nadinola, aa admMaad Mow, and raad naxt wak’a issue of this atory B1^Ch"o5JSF* «•“»»» ynltm, diacovarad by NADINOLA ' UiTIdiaeBt^Nadhalo'lo* BUACHtYOUR SKIM ««a had daAj aoataa,' imn aaMetbar^U^tar, FAY£T1V£V1U^ — The e2nd a.'tnual commehcement address at the Fayetteville State Teach- crs ^ollegc was delivered on Wcd»ie»t^rfy, May 2», by Dr. W. C. Jackson, Dean of Adminiatra tiun of the Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina. A cilpacity crowd packed the stittcioui, new college gymnaaium to see the 97 students receive th« U. S. degree. President J. W. Seabruok presided, Supt. Horace Sisk of the Fayetteville Schoul introduced the speaker ai d Mr. Richard M. Lilly of tha Bttuid of Trustees presented the diplomas. Reverends Charlaa £. Ferry and B, F. Jordan of Fayatteville and Kev. H. S. Davis of Oxford aUo particif^ed in the exercises. ^ In a scholarly address Doctor Jackson stated that change is (Accepted aa the everlasting na ture of tha universe, but there ate few changeless things that wu can locate. Even though there i? a belief tha-t all things will pitsa ilway, yet there are a few eternal truths which we may hold on. Dr. Jackson took hia changeless trutha from the livea of Galileo, Socratea and Christ. Gdlileo dared to defy the ac cepted beliefa of thia time to prove that truth muat be aought by i^n open and alart mind. Galileo’a experimental demonatra tion of the lawa of ^ling bod ies laid the foundationa for the age of science «nd of mod^n civilization. The speaker raad Pt4to’a 'de scription of the d«ath of Socr- Pr. Jackson said Socratea could have eacaped the bitter cup but integrity and courage were more important to the great philosopher than life it self. From the life of Jesua, the speaker said,'’on* gats tha leiaona of love, of humablaneaa and of conaideration for otJiar paopla. If one has not laamad to ba pati eiiit, gentle and kind his coUega life has been wastad: Dr. Jackson concluded by »A- ing that if' one would reach theaa eternal truths tha Mount Olympua on which dwella tha Coda, ha muat aet hia course in that directions. In a world gone mad with slaughter Ibid strife, is only by clinging to a few changeless virtues that life holds any hope. Prizea ware presented to AUegra l^ea Westbrooks, the valadictorisn, for eiScallence in scholarship, to Juanita Whellar Aid Janet Croom for excellence in home economics, to Margaret Currie, freshman saboktrship, and to Rose K. McCauley, the BelktHansc^e prize for neatness Jird tasta in dress. Emaatina Nixon received the sccond honor. The other honor students in the graduating class are Nannie Bry4lnt, Virginia IConbett, George Duncan, Eddye Leathen, Bettie Newaome, Margaret Sawyer, Eliq^eth Smith, Sadie Steele, Gladys Treadwell, RiAert Watson, akid Yvonne Yarboro. Candidafs Foi Chain Coiinty Coimniiisioiiers —m CAMIES INSURANCE FOIl NECKO TENNANTS ANNOUNCED CHARLOTTE — Harvey Morris, candidate for Chairman of the Board of County Commisaionara, subject to the run off in the De mocratic Primary oif June 22, hall in hia own i>usiness for many years ahown a spirit that should st'cure for him the vote of every registered Negro, according to a c>ose friend. Mr. Morris, operator of « dairy fiirm Just outside tha city limits of ChfUi'lotte has three Ne gro families who have worked for him more than five yeura. They have worked MK. WILLIE SMITH Elh'ERTAIN GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith were entertained at their homo at 409 1-2 Sowell Street. Mrs. Smith it the former Miss Lillie Mitchell of East Durham. The gueata wore aa follows Miaa Annie M. Baas, Henry Walker, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Barbae, Miss Ethel Perry, Mias Ludlla Lane, Richard Wat son, Miss MildMd Roland, Alex Chavis, Miss K^tie Stewart and Miss Bertha McClain. The above niantioned gueata were served 4 Salad Course, Chicken supuer, irr cream and ci.ce. Mrs. Smith’* parents acted as host and hostess. Classilied Ms REAL ESTATE FOR SALE One five room houaa with «>n paved atreet in atrictly re sidential section of Dtirham Apply 117 Peabody Street. TWO LOTS MXlAtf - On Fayetteville Road short dia- tance beyond N. C. College. Phone N-7121. . . QUARTET CONTEST inne years respectively. As soon as each of these falini> lje» had Worked five years took out a thousand dollar in surance policy on his own life “••"•Iwith the employee as beneficiary Th^ above photo is that of Miss i * aimila: policy with the em- Maiiiia Perry whose marriag-1 Ployees wife as beneficiary. He ed waa announced last week. * P**y® premiums on these A Quartet Contest will be held at St. Mark AME Zion . Church Tue«(toly, June 11, 8 p. m. under tha auspicies of the Usher Board 16, 11 and of tha church. Contestants are the Diamond Jubilee Four and ^ the Just Come Four Quartet. I Samuel Miller, president Rev. S. P. Perry, paator. BABY CHIcKS , fSj2» hundred. C.OJ). writa^ Nichols Hatchery, Elngstoa, Oa. POSITION WANTE0-|«ALE Men 48 years old deairea jab aa yard man, butler or portat ia store. Reference Phone N-71B1. Miss Perry was married in Fort Lawn, S. C., last Jjlfenuary to Uyod Stinaon of New York. COMMENCEMENT— Continued from page One Announcement waa mads that | tha gradu^ing claas mada a gift to the institution of |300 for an intra-campus communica ting ayatem. It was alae announc ed that summer school would opan June 10. WEEK-END VISITORS Bill Nunn and James Mdver sp^t the week end in Baltimore viaiiing friandk. a world torn with strife and storm. ■ Tba clo«ing number rendered by the chorus w«b “The Hallelu jah Chorus” by Handel. The benediction was announced by Dr. J. A. Valentine, pastor of St. Joseph AMIE church. Those graduating fvith honors ware Miss N^mi Thelma Mc- Laan,~Summa Joseph A. Christmas Cum Laude policies himself. A fourth family Mill soon have worked with him f!ve yc^s and when Uiat time Cornea, he will take out policies in their favor. This can not ba construed as a purely political move, for he took the first p(^y ten year| ago, when he had no thought of entering politics. (Adv.) MISS FANNIE R. McLEAN TO SPEAK AT USHERS UNION The Darh()lm Ushers Union Cum 'Uui iTnd ' “onthly pro gram Sunday, June 9 at 3 p. oi. at the New Bethel Baptist church H’ckstown. Gueiit speaker for J the evening will be Miss Fannie R. McLean of Raleigh who is the State President of the First Aid TO KINGS MOUNTAIN Mrs. Hattie Leak of this city spent last week* end at Kings ... Mountjiin where she attendied ^ patltluient. the graduation exercisea of Lin- crln Academy. Regal Theatre TUESDAY—SPECIAL—WEDNESDAY Fafs Waller -IN- King 01 Birlesque ooOoo—ALSO SERIAL—oeO*a RED BARRY NOTEt—A Short Pictur* will bo ali*wa “COLORED A M E Rl C A” Sc—THUROAY BARGAIN DAY—lOa^ a—FEATURES AND SHORT—2 ROBERT PAIGE in Highway Patrol ALSO BOB BAKER fm “PHANTOM STAGE” EYES EXAMINED/ GLASSES FITTED.' Aubrey L. Palmer O P T^O M E T# I S T (Oppoait* Psklic Mbrarj) 317.A N. Tryoa St. W« maintain • coiapktoly aqnipped offic* far th« •xclasiv* conT«iuMiC« of tka Colorod Poopla. AT AUCTION! Fayetteville Heights ^QBeautifii I homesites^Q LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF FAYETTEVILLE ST. JUST BEYOND CITY LIMITS, ABOUT 3.BU>CKS FRCMC^IHE. UNIVERSITY FOR COLORED{ PART OF FAIRGROUND PROPERTY. THE SUNNY SIDE SOCIAL CLUB HOLDS REGULAR MEET ^ The Sunny Side Social club held ita regular meeting Tues day night. The meeting was open ed by the president and all busi ness trjAnsacted. Meiiobers pre- se'nt were Misses Gazell Trice, Irena 'Jones, Lena Turner, Eliza beth Andarson, Catharine Henry, Magnolia Jenkins, Janie Cousin, Tempie Morgan, Jaunit»/ Chavis and Ethel Taylor. CALLED TO RALJEIIGH F^d Hines of the city was called to Raleigh Saturday June 1st to attand a meeting concern ing First Aid. The committee are p^ming to have the Em- blema on ha>*^ when the State Ushers Association convenes in Raleigh August 23rd. Sunday school congress Continued from page One are the Revs. E. C. Smith, Wash ington, Mrs. H. A. Boyd, Nash- vill«; the Rev. Johnson, New Orlcana; Mrs. Iva Prince, Cleve land; Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Little Boik; and the Rev. E. R. Car ter, Atlanta. The Rev. Manning Jackson ia the entertaining pas tor. Offie^., heading the Sunday School £u^aM were G. B. Tay- ior, v^^^di^rman and Henry Allan liecretary. JUNE 8 2.-00 P. M. Tha baat Colored property in Durham. Hiia proparty ia Juat tha right diaUnca from town to Uva and woifc in town. Driva o«t to big sign, look this property over before the sala, then bid your judgment at the sale. TERM S: $20.00■stjs? “"$5.00 PER MOIfTH Bay A Lot *md Let Yonr R««t BnOd a Horn or AnyoM Waatlal* to B«iU for RmI Free Cash Prizes Band Concert W. E. DA.RK, Owner J. L JOHNSON, Aectiwaaar, .Atawdat— I . . '*» '*■ STATE LICENSE 11«3M Announcing THE OPENING OF THOMPSON’S BEAUTY SilOP FORMERLY THE EUGENIA SIMMONS BEAUTY SfiOP BANKERS FIRE BLDG. 707 1-2 FAYETTEVILLE ST. June 10 fe- Tfie Eugenia Simmons Beauty Shop has recently been purchased by Gilmer W. Thompson, popular ibeautician and first male graduate of the DeShasor’a Beauty College of Durham. The shop will now ba .known as Thompson’s Beauty Shop. The Beauty Shop is now being renovated throughout and when completed will have the service of two first class beauticians and all modem and sanitary equip- ^ ment ^ . All Types 01 Beauty Work SPECIALI ZING IN , CROQUIGNOLE, WAVING, MANICURING, MASSAGING, CURLING ETC. DaSHAZOR SYSTEM AND PRODUCTS. XTo^^ra’d from page Ona untverlij^ a director of tha An^i^i^ Bible society; truatea, Pei^le^pTillage achool. Mount .M«iga,^'Ai1a.; Industrial Home School,'ijpr Colored Girls, Peake, th^o Reform. School for Jtofg, llbnover, Va. vica chair- iiMm, J^rijUional l.eagtia on Urban CoSi^tioBs Among Negroes; presi dekt: awarit^, National Negro Butipeia league; t^irman, cam paign «^minfttae, Commiaaion on IntarracUl Cooperation, 1930; diractor, Dunbar National Bank, Naw ifark, 1980; president, Tuskegae. Instituto Saving bank, and a contributor to many magazinea. Bacauae of ill health. Dr. Moton retired from the presidency of Tuakegae ^d from public life a few years ago. Untfl bis death he livad qaiatly at his .aatate near Capahoaia. ' Surviving him ara hia widow, Mrs. Jennia Moton, known na tionally for her acGvfties on be- Jialf of the women of America; fivo .children, Katherine, wifa of Preaident Patterson of Taskegea, Charlotte, teacher at Hampton Institnte; Robert, jr., assistant seeratary of the National Negro Btiaineas league; Allan, who lives with the family-at Capahoaic and Jennie, atndent at Hampton; New You Can SELECT THE Service THAT SUITS YOUR Need A ATTENTION Along with your nicer clotfaaa you can aend an extra suit or plain dress to ba cleaned on our “B” grade sarvica fpt only 25c Sui!s75c Dresses 75c Crade Is... A COMPLETE INDIVIDUAL SERVICE FOR YOUR NEW AND MORE EXPENSIVE GARMENTS. MISSING AND BROKEN BUTTONS ARE REPLACED, HOOK AND EYES PUT ON DRESSES AND ALL MINOR REPAIRS MADE AT NO EXTRA COST. Use our low priced “ll'’ grade cleaning to proloag tha life of your old clothaa. ' Grade ‘B’ A SAFE, CHEAP CLEANING SERVICE DESIGNED FOR PLAIN INEXF-^NSrVE CLOTHES. SUITS——PLAIN DRESSES iSOe Mchi—2 for 7Sc “r:0 ONE DAY SERVICE” BRANCH OUTLETS 810 W. Main Stroet 302 N. Mailjiim St. 702 FayottorilU Stroat N-138—PHONES—L-961 FACTORY 710 EAST MAIN STREET SCOTT & ROBERTS GRADF B CLEANiNC. 2 Ua., S, rr.:.. GRADE SERVICE MUfT BE REQUESTED