Home Edition , 8^ i CJwCap a tms Price ?lc dtooooeoDeoooooeoxMeflOOO&ofltieMc 5 VOLUMS tl NUMBER 2« DURHAM. N. C., SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1940 >RICE S CENTS CAB DRIVER ASSAULTS RACE WOMAN ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ TENN. MOB REFUGEE APPEALS FOR AID HEADS .insurance WRITERS Insurance Writers lake Charlotte Father Of Seven In Dire « Need After Losing All In Figtit For Ballolt NEW YORK — An appeal to MORTICIAN Um country for help by Elisha i)||kVis, who was driven from hi» buaintM, fais wife and seven •Mldren by a mob in Browne- f Till*, Tenn., is being answered by a Countrywide campatgn for fundi by the NAAOP. tlr. Davis, who is now living in another town in Tenn. (where M .is also being' threatened wit)i fiolence), i» 39 years old and was the owner and operator of » fiBinf atailon in Brownsville ^or to the outbreak of vioierikfe fbere in Mid June. The campaigrn of tertor aiyfainst colored citiiens of Brownsville, and particularly •(ainst the officers and members 0f tbe Brownavill* branch of the NAACP, resulted from the fRtenpt of several citizens to re- tiaUr and vote in the 1940 Lawrence T. Lightner, who ^•idential election*. has returned to Raleigh, and will When the Rev. Bueter Walker, *>« associated with his father, tf, president of the Brownville C. E. Lightner, in the Lightner NAACP and several other pre- Funeral Parlor, which has been Mated themselves before the operation ijor thirty yea^s. (roper official for regiatr^ion Young Mr. Lightner ia a re- they were told “You had better eent graduate of the Gupton- 4top this or there will be a neck Jones School of Eniibaling in li« party." I NashvUle, Tenn. He attended Mr. Walker and Mr. Davis Washington High School in and Mr. Dais’s brother were Raleigh and • N. C. College in run out of town and Elbert | Durham. He is d member, of the Williams, another member of the | Omega Psi Phi fraternity. NAAOP, was found dead in the river with two wounds in his chest. He had been lynched. The NAACP ia calling on cltixens to contribute to a fund for tlie relief of the Browns ville exilea and for the purpose of attacking the whole situation to the end that colored citizens may return to their homes, vote 5i the 1940 elections, Mid pur- •aa thfir normal lives. In his letter to the NAACP Elisha Davis wrote: "I gambled everytbing, my bome, my butinesi, my life, my family (wife and child ren) in order to prove to tkose people in Brownsville that tbe NAACP waa |«I1 right. At present 1 am se parated from my family. 1 am not making any -money. 1 do not feel secnre in tbe least. After baving told in this case, my life bere, even in tbis town, is constantly threatened.’’ The whole Brownsville, situa tion hjj/e been placed in the hands of the United States Department of Justice by the NAACP. Dean William Maslie, chairman of the NAACP legbl committee, has conferred with 0. John Rogge, Assistant U. S. Attorney General; Walter White, NAACf secretary, has conferred with WilliiAn Mc- Clanahan, Attorney at Memphis. Mr. White made a trip to Tennessee during which he ' gathered first hand ^ information on the Brownsvrlle case. The Brownsville situation, I from beginning to end, is a story of the most open, flagrant, and ' unc.t>hamed exercise of mob terror and lynching that has come to light in many years. It has been shown conclusive ly that Brownsville officios, in cluding a night marshal and can didate for sheriff, ^ night policeman, a county highway commissioner, and others were among the leaders of the mob which drove Brownsville NAAiGP lejBilers from town. Elisha Davis was waked in the middle of the night, forced to dress at'the point of a pistol, and his wife wtb told ‘‘You will never see this black again.” We are going to kill him. Davis was taken to tJ river bottom aibout six miles from town and was asked ilbout the purposes of the NAACP. He was Continued on Page Eight NO BONO FOR WHITE ATTACKtR ‘Raster’ McDongald Shoots Estranged Wife To Death After Being Critically Sliot carter C. SMITH, Jr., presi dent of the North Carolina Stt.le Insurance Underwriters Associa- nuf^ting in Charlotte Thursday, Friday and . Saturdiy of this week. Mr. Sml^ is well known in North Carolina business cir cles as assistant manner of th^ Durham Agency district of the North Carolina Mutual Life In surance Company. DURIHAM — Tragedy, grim and gory, stalked the Hayti sec tion of Durham Tuesday after noon when Clem “Buster” Mc- Dougald shot and killed his pretty young wife Mrs.. Elizabeth Mcpougald 01^ tbe corner of P^etteville and Elm streets, after she had first shot her hus band twice, once in- the abdvmen and once in the back of the left shoulder. CHARIX)TTE — Clyde Bar- bee, (white) cab driver here, was bound over to the Superior Court without bond Monday on U charge of criminail'y assaulting ^n jrobbing a colored woman resident of t¥is city, Mrs. Roeie‘twice by her liu^nd. Otie Withers of Kasl First Street. |bullet struck the young woman In this unusual case, heard in on the left shoulder ^nd glanced County Court, the charges were ' off and ploughed its way into her brought l>y the woni.;i, who gave ' brains at the bottom of the skull. I her age as 24. She told the court Another entered the left should- tion which is holding its annual- jjenday that she was walking on ' er and came out through the Mrs. McDougald was also shot' ^ i-4K IN HAWAII MARIAN ANDERSON IN HONOLULU Queen City Host To Underwriters Association CHARLOTTE — Underwriters of-the state are gathered here this week, yeeterday through Saturday, for their annual con fab, which brought to this city • larg« group. The North Carolina Under writers aisociatlon is holding MMlens in the Ebenezer Baptist sKttrch and so far the sessions 1mt« been interesting, e^Jcation «l in value and far reaching in «ffcd I,arge nuiflbers of persons bftve int«rested themsehres in the sessions and many Have taken part in the various deliberations. Compaaies represented are the North Carolina Mutual, tiie Botttttrn Fidelity Mutual, and tk« Winston Salem Mutual, and other wsll known concerns of tils state. Prominent men, many holding Ugh invarance posts, are 4H|i« IjDd (KT* lirogr^med for the Featured yesterday and Friday was a S^es institute which is be ing conducted by experts in the sales field. This ptomises to be the outstanding feature of the meeting, with many attending and others coming in later. On Thursday night in the City Auditorium the local underwrit ers association was host at a huge reception honoring the vi^to^ and the many friends of the body Policyholders were also recipi ents of the grand affair* A warm il^elcome and recep tion was accorded the visiting guests and more will come as the climax of the • meeting nears. The meet will Tnclude Saturday, it is understood. Leaders here In the local groups went far in mak ing this session one of the great «st evsr held from every stand point' CoMliee To Meet Bishop Davis DURHAM — Bishop M. H. D,tAis, presiding head of the Second Episcopal District of the AME church consented, this week for a conference to be held be tween the plantiffs and defend ants in the Kittrell College case in which an attempt was made to restrain the Bishop iind the trustees of Kittrell from dispos- inv of $100,000 worth of Duke Power Company bonds belong ing to the school. The agreement was received in the form of a letter sent as a reply to a telegram dispatched to Bishop Davis L^t week 'by Editor L. £. Austin of the CARO LINA TIMES requesting a con ference between the two factions be held in an attempt to settle the matter out of court. Editor Austin will dispatch letters to various persons inter ested in the side of the plain tiffs next weeic With the hope of securing their aj>proYtf.. The time and place will i>e announced Utsr. HONOILULU, Hawaii, Miss Marian Anderson (CP)— has dr- rived in Honolulu to ^ng before , "";YaTer'made'‘lh7^'|rest. """"I m-bre thhn 8,000 music lovers on j I the islands of Oahu, Maui, KaMt,' and Hawaii. | East fourth street Saturday chest. nlght° Aid entered « cab ia | which two othei- men were rid-1 I«m*di^ely after the shooting ing. with the defendant. She McDougald WM, rushed to Lin- asked, she stated, to be taken to prounced the Greenville scommunity. I Phv^cians to be in a critical fihe alleged that instead of i coi'ii^ion. taking her to that section, the j According to information ob- cato driver drove out the Wilken-' tained from various persons son boulevard in the vicinity of closely acquainted with the the old airport where she was' c^upie^ Ur. sfcid Mrs. McDougald criminally assaulted. I had been estranged from each She further st»Aed to the Coun other for the past several weeks ty Court that Barbee took her' and it was with the intention of purse which contained about |3 forcing his wife to return to him and then forced her from the that 'McDougald approached her caib. She stated that she walked Tuesday afternoon, back to the city rihd immediately j When the young woman refusr reported the incident to police other men in the cab took part in the assault and robbery. Their The distinguished contralto names were not given either in Sind her accompanist, Kost^ the police releifee. Vehanen, are wearing Hawaiian * The case is being watched Leis festival necklaces of flow- here with much interest by sev ers. M) eral of the Citizens groups. Times Gets New Cliarlctte Mgr. CHARLOTTE — Here to take over the Managership of the (Cihf.-lotte office of the CAiRO- LINA TIMEIS, the oldest and largest Negro newspaper in North and South Carolina, is LeRoy M. Washington, former news editor of several publical- tions in Jacksonville, Fla. Washington, a newspaperman with an experience of ten yeirs • on a widely read Florida weekly, ^^tgj^ed a bi-weekly and recently news editor on a whito daily in J^k- sonville, his home city, arrived in the city early Monday of this week and began work immediate ly. ported by the citizenry this city may soon be boasting of being out of class of the most murder ous cities in AmeriCji. *■ Editor L. E. Austin is giving his full support to the new Charlo-tte program, and just this week he sent his Business Mana ger, Herbert It. Tillery, from Durham to this city to meet the new local mand2:er and assist many , ways in getting Two IVaiKii For CliarloUt Jury ing on Fayetteville street. So I much ^ real weapon did the toy pistol resemble a gun that Mrs. McDougald in fear of bcr life is sJid to have turned m- round and reached in her hand bag and secured a revolver with ^ which she shot her huAaMl j twice. i I.lii According to persona at the vicinity of the tragedy Mrs. )M«;|L>ougaid, alter sihooting bcv husband, attempted to flee from the £nene, but was overtaken by McDou^Id who was succesafui in wresting the pistol from his wife and pumping two buileta ill to her body, Before she weakent'd to the ground as a result of > ewn wounds. Mrs. McDuog^ fell morta|ly_ wounded on E to a^ets, opposite the A ' store. Winsome Mrs. Elizabeth Mc Dougald who came to an untime ly death ait the hands of her es tranged husband, “Buster” Mc Dougald, Tuesday afternoon on Elm Street. She was a popular beautician in the city ^d at the time of her death had just com pleted her day’s work at the Friendly City Beauty Parlor. (More Pictures on Page Eight) Reben-Rndolpb foto. ed the attentions of her husband and the latter is said to have drawn a toy pistol with the inten tion of frightening his wife into accompanying him to . his lipart- ment in the Bankers Fire Build- j Mrs. MoDougad, who was em ployed as a beautician at tbe Friendly City ftarber Shop and , beauty p:lrlor on Fayetteville street, ft has been said, had lived in constant fear of her husband following a severe beating which he gave her several weeks ago. When her husband is said to have threatened her life if she armed herself for protection. The deceased was popular «nd well thought of in Duriuin, anS had recently joined the White Rock Baptist church here. Funeral services and intermeai will be held Friday i.ttemoon ia Wake County. Scarborough and Hargctett, Undertakers. •1 He wis recognized in Florida as being one of the most cap able newspapermen, and enjoyed a large following in all of his posts in the Sunshine Sttfte, where he spent most of his life. In the daily field he served as news editor for Seven and a half years. He comes hcrt> ii commended and sup ■ of Cluft^lotte and all (' and surrounding for him in this n w i lafcor. He is civic minded, thor. trained for the work is, p)' •hre and if hi* program io n,; News of interest to this com munity, especially that which re gards community betterment, will get first consideri^tion, the new manager states. He will welcome 1 civic, church, social, school, coll ege, and all other types of news items so long as these items are of constructive nature. The offices will remain where they are at 420 1-2 East Second Street, and every cooperation, and courtesy will be given the CHAiRLOTTE — For the time in the history of this coun ty two Negroes were named for jury service on Monday vi^en the Mecklenburg grand jury be-1 „ ~ ‘ ’ 7 ean ^ six monrfh period of duty. 1^. DURHAM - For the second Thp Negroes named to duty, two days tn^gedy 1 ai. „ 1 near tragedy reigned in Dur and setting the unusual record ^ ^ J nam Wednesday, taking the form are W. G. Jackson, and King _ . , r White, both well known and prominent Ch^lotte residenU. I ‘ * ii. • ■ tic relations. The second victim Named foreman of the jury was „ , • w . ^ ^ TT . I was Mrs. Lewis Love, a student R. E. Harris, a white ;nan. ... u i ^ .u , ' in the summer school at North Judge J. H Clement of Wins- ' Carolina College, who received ton Salem presided at the or-'an abdomen wound from ^ knife igiPiization session and in his wielded by her estranged hus- charge to the jury he explained hand, Lewis Love. He attacked the functions and duties of the her iii the basement of the Coll- grand jury and cautioned the ege Administration building. ji:rors to give close attention j According to a statement and security to all evidence pre- from Love, he had permission sented them. He told the men,' from ^rof. J. B. McLendon to wit4i much emphasis, that the | ol»serve in his cUijs on some body is to investigate rather than phase of recreation of which actually try c^ies. i Mrs. Love was also a members iNegro residents here are en- during the 10:00 o’clock class couraged over the seleotion of . period; however, he was excused the two race members to serve -efore the end of tlie period to Irate Husband Runs Amuck On NCC Campus m anint,' idate h-' „ir.. Mr« go to A nearby store. On his return to^ the building he waited outside the classroom door until I .. fopl thia ^' .opc ■ til. ' i!\ i n! 1,0 1 ' - lety th:4t capacity. ■ (rs, including lei'. i /kiaiaiu There will be Mr. Richard- energetic young man, on the >1 staff. with this important body, and will watoh with interest the deli- ber^tiiions of the group of well Vn'iwri citi’en^ ep in th re ext*. -i!i/ to this. , ■ i'le for thi- » liai recognition. It is expeete4 that there will 1 who were nesrby *t the time at- be more considerations of this tempted to intervene when they type accorded the race citizens I were attracted by the yeuMr that he was holding her agyiin«t her will. It was then that t^ knife was brought into play. Love's version o fit is that he was using the knife in the attempt to “thin out” the crowd fhat W9A gathering around to disturb him and his wife. When he made the wild swing at the men, the young Woman’s stomach caught the foil force of the blow and a cat w/b made couipletely across that part of her body. The wound was determined ■■ • upefficial by tbe authoritiee at Lincoln Hospit;!! sltbevgb tvierffj stitches were necessary to close it; Love was arrested immediately after the affray and booked at the Durham police station ea a charge of assault and battery with a deadly weapon. Hf was ri leased on bond. Mrs. Love, a graduate of HUizAbcth CUy State Teackm College, has lieeu teachiMr ia ^ ■ .. t at 1 building. Members of the fdculty berSk woman’s screams and o» noticlHg Uuee uf those yean, it waa iK. the summer of 19S8 tbaft ste met snd married Love aa4 formation received ia !• feet that they have m4 itved gether for mvn Am •

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