t/mlt fi^ tm CsmilDn •T. LOUISANS HOLD BIG FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION •T. U3UIS, (ANP) —A mM* e«ldbr«tion of Independence D4lf, waa lutd in Foreat P»rk on Art Hill, the program arranged UB4«r aiiapicea of Mayor Dicli- man and Atended by thousand of ealebranti. Spectator* were ■catfd on the alope in front of tiM Art Muaeum and there wera paraidet, band «nd choral mnaic and % huge fireworkt dis- pUjr. The program etarted at 6:60 p. na. Politics SAYS DEMOCRATIC CONFAB WILL "SPEAIC FOR ITSELF” NEW YORK, (CP) — Her- beii Bruce, influential Harlem l«ad«r, refused to comment on D^ocratic NJtional Conven tion ^ieh is scheduled to meet in ChicJ^ thia month. “I ha^ ■•tkiwg to «ay,” lia •aid, **>• aaora than tlHit I {Mi gaiag to tk« cOUTantioB. Tka coBTantioB will cpaak far itMlf." iHa laid several weeks ago that he was interested only in elect ing his Congressmen. Cliarlollev '^r> ) RECTOR RETURNS 'c Dr. J. W. Heritage, rector oi 'Bt llichael All Angels church, returned to tihe city last w.eek, aftar alttendinir * 3 days Confer- anc# on the “Forward Move ment” of the Episcopal church thitt was field at 9t. Paul school In Laurenceville, Va. Rev. Herit age went as a representative of kba fipiscopal Dioceese of North Carolina. a Death DEATH TAKES WIDOW OF FAMOUS RACE NOVELTST CLBVBLAND;, O., ANP) — FuDeral sejrvices were held here her* last Frida]|( at Emanuel BajMM 'churtti for Mrs. Svsfiin Chaitnutt, wido^ of the late ClMirlea W. Ches^utt, famed noTfflist and Author of “The Con jure Woman,” “Wife of His Yotilfc,** Und many other best aailcrs. Mr. Chestnutt died in 19S2 and thier only son. Dr. Ed win 3 Chestnutt of C3>icago, paafed aiway last Sept. at the hoOM here in Cleveland. Educalioo NEW ORLEANS TO GET 9800,1000 HIGH SCHOOL NBW 08JLBANS, (ANP) — Local residents rejoiced this week when announcement was made that s^led bids couJd be received (or erection of a new bigh school on the site now be- inc developed by the Federal Housing administration, in 11>e area bounded by Clio, C^iope, G*lves and Johnson streets. Ac:; cording to Supt. Nicholas Bauer cf Orleans Parish School Board, tlia fcuilding will be of brick •tnultare ^id VAlued at 1^00, 000. H will be TnoSern in. every respect and contain an auditorium l«i'ge sise, for sue, for sclvool and civic events. HARLEM GETS REPERTORY COMPANY NEW YORK, (CP) — The American Negro Theatre has taken over Harlem’s Library Thaatee on West 136 Street as a pe«na.nent cooperative reper tory company, it was revealed hare. Friday. liflMHEIUiTdlUIHBI Offeriag every facility of hotel comfort at modem rates...in»- equaled location^..tmewdled cuisiac. NMy fumialted. Mod- eraiaed,uodernewmaaaeemeiit. ^ URGE ROOMS ^ *' * private bath tmn *2 Single, *2.80 Dooitta vilboiM pthu* bath from *140 Single, *2 DouUa ptcUIWftth* WALTgJI W. KOTT, iVanatfar ) Not«l TlBBBSa 71b Hat. at INiii St. Ne« Veift Cl^ Cbl. Julian Returns To U«S. tlonal Convention. Left to under their standard at MBW YORK, (ANP) —Col. Uatoart Faentloroy Julian, Black I^te of Harlem, returned to New York last week a ca^toin in the Finnish Air Force al though he offered his services to the Finnish government 13 daya after the annistice. Disambarking from the Math* ilda Thorden in a navy blue uniform, witih three gold bain on his sleeve and gold wings and lions on his shoulders, Cap^ Julian was a brilliant sight. Showing his commission from Baron Mamnerheim to Finnisii fellow passengers who doubted his rank, the erstwhile Ethio pian air Minister informed the preM that nothing would make him part with his ,He said his misaion to the UAUed StaiteB was to get 10 American ambulance planes tor Finland. _ •CHARIOT WHEELS' MAKES FIRST APPEARANCE ATLA^A, (CP) — ‘Chariot Wheels, radio's lat«st ninsieal group, made iu first appefa^ane* at the Savoy Hotel over aUtion WSB at 10:80 Snnday night. The broiUcast heard over 30 Nations, featured an address by the Rev. C. N. Ellis, president of the Atlanta Baptist Ministers* Union. •:«>xc«ggcgi&t>60tosoaiooBeia SWIFT COLLEGE TO CONTINUE KNOXVILLE, Tenn., (CP) — Swift MemoriaJ Junior College will be ready to continue ita junior college courses again in Sept. as in former years, the Dr. W. C. Hargrave, president of the college, has Just announced. The school was supposed to close its college department at end of, the 1&39-40 school term. North State Laundry Co. 20 PER CENT » PER CENT — DISCOUNT CASH AND CAARY QUALITY LAUNDRY BET-R-WAY CLEANING 7ie-726 S. BREVARD STREET PHONE 3.312* Jacob$ Radio Setvice Honest work, Honost price, W* give you better serrice for I*«» W 408 EAST FIRST SJ, PHONE B4«2 I King’s Food store ^ REMEMBER GOOD FOOT IS GOOD HEALTH 530 E. FIRST STREET CHARLOTTE. M. C. rigrtrE:xrpitttS™ Sydney R. Redmond, Delegate from in Mis«ii^ippi; C. T* jbu^er, Jf B. Woo^, Dutrict P^legato elegate from Missouri, born Harlem Physician Gets Degree In Public Health NEW YORK, (ANP) — At a tin»e when, the entire medical profession is faced with an is sue which may soon see state and federal control of private practice, a degree awarded a Nec;ro physician in Harlem by the faculty of medicine, Colum bia university, at the June eommenioement exercises, defin itely makes news since with this certificate the oi^ner Ts es tablished as one of the very few colored doet}rs in the coun> | try go prepared to take a place in the new medical setup when it comes. _ The degree—masirer of science in public health went to Ur. Anthony Goai^ey Featherston, a practicing physician of New York City. Of the coniLined 6,000 candidates from call departments at Colunvbia this paut June, only 11 received the degree in public health *nd Dr. Featherston was the only Negro to win it. Com- p&l'atively a new field, master of science in public heaith degrees have gone to about six Negr5es since classes have been conduct ed in this field at Columbia “The degiee has no municipal meaning at all.” reservedly com mented Dr. Fe^UierSton in an intervie^!>-^iJi«weyer, it qualifies the holder for positions in city, state and federal public health agencies. I felt Uhi.*t the trend of current medical practice made such degree necessary for me to be able to be properly prepared when such changes as are due in medical practice" come about. The subject' of trends in medi cal pr^tice, veering toward government control, is on* of peculiar interest to the Negro. For years the press has been hammering home the view- that colored people belong to a 'sick' race ,aind that Negroes have not been place into, administa«tive positions were they could aid their race in a tan^jible m^ner. This, it has been found, is true because Negro physicians in the main, did not have sufficient prepfJration to hold the positions sought for them. With 90 per cent of mothers in the njfcion’s various metropoli tan . areaa giving birth to their babies in slate and city controll ed hospitais; with most of the tivberculosis patients living in these areas also cared for by state and eity agencies, jib well as reportable cancer cases, the trend toward governmen.t'all con trol of private practice is be^ coming greater. Especially is this true when over 50 per cent of the Jobless population is eligible for indigent care. A school physician for the New York Depairtment of Health and an assistant visiting obstetri cian at Harlem hospital. Doctor Fealtherston has an interesting and varied background. He is one of the few Negro surgeons to perform a successful opera tion 0*1 the heart of a living pp>- t;ent; has traveled extensivelly Continued on Page Seven I Sarboroiigli & Hargtli FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone* Day J-3721, Night J3722 522 E. Pettigrew St W V i* C. p'. HODGE SHOE REPAIR OLDRELIABLE ^ Price ri^ht, come to^see u( 126 N. College Street. y Compliment* Of A V! IS mrling . yOURHAlKIS BMAUTirUL I ( I WONDIR WHAT SHE DIO T^fT f I Believe it or not, this charming young lady’s hair waa yesterdays How did she conceal it?—you’d ^ surprisedl Just a slmflt'appUcatloa of GODEFROY’S LARIEUSE HAIR COLORING I Afti by uslnf LARIEUSE, you, too, can have beautifully colored haifl —f\n though it is gray,or has become itreaky or off-color from the MMCf hot ironsi CODEFROV’S LARIBUSK U M*y to mix, ciujr to appljr (Just follow dirac* tloiM IB packaga). Choice of 18 cokm, Incliuili4 Jet-black, black or brown. COLORS HAIR ALMOn* INSTANTLT —'aranlf. Won’t tub eB er wash out. Ptnalts wavtng and uMef bet Iron*. Gat LartouM today — lo(^ tonlghtl GUARANTEED to satisfy, or dealer will promptly refund jour money. If TCur dealer doesn’t have Larieuse, send $1.29 (we pay postage) direct to GODEFROV BfFG. CO.», 3510 GUVB ST,ST.XOUIS, M%( ooDEin#rt HkX^i Ca/b%im9 2nd Street Barber Shop HAIR CULTS 2S! BOO East Second Street SHAVES 16c Robert Reeder, Prop. TRIAL OFFER GOLDEN-GLO BEAUTY ESSENTIALS MAILED DIRECT TO rOU CaO.Oi^ •MMr f«r fMl mm 90U> mAMA-m.Tt.jfi A bic bcAQty box Mmiafnftts Mven fftcial all of tiM flnest insredlentt and wdvhlac over two poanda sow Mily M#, plua poBtav*. Yoa wiJl th« cmooiii tex« tara of theae Golda«-Glo prodiuta. They c1t« that appeal whkh la tha alttoata fa feminine beauty and tha aubUa IntrisiM at parfaet makarap. GoMan-Gla'a Ineomparabla eoamatie aombinatioB ^ aeren invaloabla aid* to beantr. flaeat ^nalltr. H!R^ IS WHAT YOU GET-ALL FULL SIZB II.S* Talaa bax at T Oal4aa-CU baaatjr alda I _ _ Becnlar ntntl |i> '^ Cleanslas Craaai | VanUhiBK Cnaai 6s, Fowdatiaa Ctaaai 2}‘ I Faea Pawdar “Taa" ,50(> ' I.ipatlcfc ^ I Bair Draaaar .....i Oiataiaat '. S«^ | an tha raqalalta* for eompleta esgolaiu beauty treii&i ■aent that would coat you tS.OO it bousht indiTiduallr. Onr Speelal Offer brlnsa you thia entire aet of T GOLDEi;. Gl^ COSMG^CS for only 96^ plua poataaa. i Aaaat* Waatad far Qaldaa-CIa Pradaeta I ■ II I SKWD COtJPON—a IM>LDBN.3U) PRODUCTS, lac. j IH Baat «lat Mraat. Naw Tarfc. N. T. Send »a root Oaldaa-Gla beauty box eontalnlne T full *l*a 6ald«n-Cla produeta. When Slivered by Postmrn 1 will pay him 98# plua poatace, or I an eneloalnc tl.lS ■on«r order which eerera all eharcea for delivery to ina.| M«bm . _ _ I (Print nanaa clearly )h •r _atn. X I A Cool Summer When Riding In Air Cooled Equipment on the SOUTHERN !♦ RAILWAY SYSTEM. Modern Air Conditioned Coacke*. PuU- *y>^* and Dining Car* on all Through Train* over the entire Sy*tem. ^ f i . Between 1^ d Creen*boro—Raleigh—Durham—and Green*boro Pi TRAINS 13-14 Air conditioned coaches between Gold*horo 1*4 and Greensboro. Pullman* between Raleigh-Durham and New York. *»»>»»»»»»»»»»ra»Ia»'a»>I«a»»I*CK«a>C^ Z*Z*Z*Z*Z*ZK*Z»Z*Z*ZK*Z*Z*Z¥XKK*Z*ZKK*l*Z*Z*X*yXKK'»!^KKKK*XK*ZKf^^^/0^ ANNOUNCING V A NEW HAT CLEANING SHOP ! Deluxe Hatters § 307 WEST TRADE STREET ^ (We Clean, Reblock ^nd renew all hat*. Special opening fer ^ July ^nd A4ja*t 29c and thi* coupon i* good f*r pmm HAT CLEANING. iThis Is ... . - 'Jin- Rd^inson One of Our Fhr« Tire Changen Its the Utile de tails at Shawt that keep you iree from tire troubles. Jim says: “Yes, sir, when we put tire# on your wheels, you just know they are mounted right. We are not allowed to just push a tire on the rim, but are trained to use a specif preparation of soapstone in the tire and on the tube to make a perfect fit. After ^inflating the tire we let the air out so the tube seats properly before finally check ing proper pressure. Then we balance your wheels." VICTOR SHAW CO. U. S. Tire* e a. Complete Tire Service 6th & Cottage gtB. Phone 7111 I Comiilele BnildingServic c * ••♦REMODELING •♦•♦NEW construction' ♦♦♦•roofing SERVICE ♦•♦•BUILDING SUPPLIES Eatim’ataa Gladjr Fumiahed For Painting Papering and Decorating' we use ROGERS PRODUCTS. SMALL PROFIT. LARGE VOLUME ALL WORK GUARANTEED TRAINS 15-16 Air Conditioned cojache* ' between and Green*boro. „ Raleigh ■ S V TRAINS 21-22 Air Conditioned coache* and Pullman* bet- ween Goldsboro and Ciaicinnati vie A*heville. A 3 Attractive One Way And Round Trip F«re*_ Everywhere. Consult your local Ticket Agent or communicate with ^ V V . Southern Railway J. s. BLOODWORTH, D. P. A RALtlGH N C l>* We Use Lon^Life LOGAN- LONG ASPHALT ROOFING EXCLBSIVELY. L0N6 LIFE ASmAU THIS COMPANY OPERATES ON A VOLUME BASIS Home ModernizatliHi And Supply Co. >;! 614 FlayetteviB* St.. Durfc», N. C. PImm J-4BSt aa» MTC fll8 MMMCOM COPf. 6000! 6000/ ® MJHOTTA tOTTA WATin! ITSMIASASA FAUS^ PftPSli CLUCK/ PQtNt^ fLAVOQ tOOf OUUiTM I © till -1

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