^e Sports •Y WIIXIAM “tHILIHC- TOCK unflK- Wift JHIl lH»ck ?*c»tlottta» In B»ltiinor« and N*w thli w*«k, Mias Hvui* ■»»*» Bumttt, C»iM«r m i« “Pteek Colunalit. — MMrt«i^'MMiMiNififtnrtTffmi>noi~rtVT~r’trrt~i'Tii SWIMMING AKD ITS »ENEFITS _ ^ BY MISS NANNIE ItUTH ftURNETT iTafH— HilW4« Park Pe^ fl^-P ntiiilTT- te tiM 7^7 dMtIl*t»te du« to dtowaiof. Y»t, did H 9T9r occur to you th»t your Art re*pontitol«T Th*t i», you are Vt^iriiTr'- ii i»nor«nt of the fund«n«iit»l principle* of iwimminc •Bd Ul« If you h»Y« ever witneMcd the freniled •tru«lin«N ‘•I a peraon diownin*. you eouOi not help but feel vour guilt, ttand- ’int by unprepeped to offer iJMiiUisee. The majority of drowning* ^*cause of ignorance on the part of ttie victim or the I* * Vm friaelple cause Mgkttal loaa of life is 4r*i8amfBaii of this that so •rt prepared to Tbe percent- M* 9t tboM who arc able to affl^ b foiall and, oat of .tta .tkoaaaad who know how to still haT* any de- «r clear ideA a* to tb* of ftocedore in case of •» ^ ‘ ■ with no knowledge ttte methods of rescue heroi- feoUshly lose their the endeavor to save d penon. If this loss of iMTt l» k* radaced the percents tfft fi persons aqaipped to give •U aMi M increaaod. The test •t traa aittMaahip ia to pre- par* pwueelf to meet the needs at jmmt fallow men. life Saving ia Ika hrgadaat aaaae should aoaaiat in ade^aately training ■Uart awiauier to save ^e Urea «t «th««; Uien to reduce paaa>ia drvwaing hy teaching •vary iB^Tldiial how to save his •va Ufa. TIm popular axiom, “Cvarjr paiaon a awinner, every aartMaaar a Ufa seller/' stresses IpilC to ^ raacar after the ia done, instead of pre- l>y first properly eve^one. Oar goal ■very individual a aad every swimmer his 'a' mrtr, then if properly "Aa life gaard of taaat a wBTie JK.aaiaHBiBc is to rank in witb other educational Eta, Jt mtwt be taught in the fundament- kt iBib iUMi principle of educai- : Wavy taacher should be ^ ^ lawa ot learning ur fha talft forai3ng processes, aoccaaaful teaching is based ^ wl^ people learn. The of learning are; ^ Jpw ja^ pf exercise hold* ^^^y^ttion ia a necessary fac- process. So on each assign- fieient number of until the' idea has been :f|ia«aridly candied over 'into ieHam. 'S Xbo law'of effect asserts -tti* Ira Mnd to repeat that w|iak ia aatisfying and avoid t^at ilkteh Ja annoying. There Java ao^dnct your work in such it. way ttet the student will have a faaUag af adtiafaction. This dMMttids ike proper. planning of y*ar ieaaens; foUowing a detaii- •d K*Sraasioa from the simple «> tiM canplex; helping studenU to aolva their ivoblams; and naafhiag. them how to tiiink is a motor way; tliat is helping them . tw ijaia|ife tbc body in move- meat. To ^omplish this have iha stadenta determine their probleai or objeetsves. TlMn go. uito a discHsaion. of ^e theory, or t^ why, behind that particu* tar pr^iem. By means of the M-iaatific method of aPP'oach aMaapt to reach a succeuful s^tiaa by a carefaUy thought- oat appUcation or experimenta* tiaa m tha mter. Finally, have tkas carafaUy ifead constantly ekack tbair ideaa with their aMvaaaata; this ia to determine arkather th«y fir* -being executed fsrw^ly. nUa naeeaaitates and ' direction of their taUag it very aiowfy at^fliat, ao that they can varify WtriMM with t£e resalta. If aaad go te the extrema to *v|Rai ^ laaan. Tiiis assuring af gatting a conscious ; :lMMailoa'batman, tha idea and. : iMritHMk Make yoar. cl^s oiie through play, atnd and kava a real in- ia fowr work. v> >¥a« aaa aaa that thara are caaaa^aeaea* tlult follow ot Ok* aecoad law. law af readiness" if eae ia aat or de- to - awpaijKih a eer- tJiii obJ«ctiv to do so is satiafy ing, not tu do so is annoying, ikiid likewise so ia coercive mea sures annoying. In other words, your t'iass is interested and ready to practice a given leaaon, lu introduce irrelevant suAiject matter, to delay it, to waste u« time, is most annoying. Alao, turce your pupils to do any* iliiag which tliey are not inter- vkicd in'doing, but simply be> I'iiude you feel that they ahouid tlu it regardless uf their interest, vr ni«eds, resalta in dissatisfac- ttjii. Avoid resumiig ||g|pive measures. _ Time was, ind not ao long, ago, when awimmiiig was con- lidered a NIBOLIGIBLE accom* pllshmen^ by girls and women, doubtless desirable for pau time, yet not a taH necessary. In recent years, however, the valuable of ability in waterman ship has been recognized univer sally. Toddy swimming is looked upon a* an essential item in Physical Education, not only be cause it inables its devotees to guard 4ga>nst the danger of drowning and protects others, but because it all afforda the best means to exercise pleasantly and PROFITABLY. There is in fact, ng better form uf physicifl culture. Swimming into action the entire system, wiving every part^of the body its proportionate share of the work; it develops thoroughly and symetrically, producing supple, resilient, well rounded muscles; ii makes for grace of carriage iXid ease of movement; it activ ates and strengthens the function all ocgana; it .insures robust health and good spirits. Moreover, it is an effective normalizer. Its natural tendency is to est^ljlish standard body proportions by building muscles and tissues in the unduly lean, by working off gradually the ex cess of flesh in the over stout. Swimming will correct many physical defects also; it will help to make impervious to sick ness and disease; it has proven are for nervousness and other complaints. Needless to say, though, noth ing worth while is accomplished with effort and in order to reap the full benefits from swimming it is necessay to practice often and systematrically. An occasion al swim may help, but real re sults are atUSined only through faithful and painstaking work. It is all important too, to tfwim a good stroke and use it correctly, the effort in swimming decredbes in proportion to the skills acquired. While an inex ,ne addic HERE'S SlUC SCREEN EXPERT iM ON -r» OTHER JhNOW Al«RlU-tANT NKVy DOUSLi-PLAY OUO MAY 5E WsOe WHKN 80S teams up with BAaUSS. SECOND- baseman i HES A GOOD HITTER - fOR A 5M0OT570P. OAIVVES 6US' ClJ^ftKSOK MOINS NEWARK BjRitgit; ^AFTEfc SRiU-IANT STRETCH AT TOLBOO. * . t I 9 v««k July S7 Ever see pictures, placards or posters reproduced by the silk screen proces*? The young man pictured here, Sanford McAdoo, ' Aows just how it’s done to the throngs attending the American f^egro Elxposition at the IChicago Coliseum. The silk screen ex hibit is a part of the extensive display of NYA activities throughout the nation. SOFTBALL Schedule Friday Night, July 26 Barq vs Businessmen Elite* vs Tigers Mon^^y Night, July ‘ 29 Buccaneers vs Yanks Businessmen vs Tigers* Tuaday Nifkt, July 310 Walltown vs EJlitea Olympics vs Buccaneers Wednesday Nijht, July 31 Klites vs Pearsontown Walltown vs Buccaneers Thura^-^y Ni«kt, Aacait 1 Barq vs Eagles Olyphics vs Pearsontown STANDING OF THE TEAMS Team W L PCT. Buccanners — 9 . . 0 — 1^0 Walltown 12 3 .800 Elites 11 4 , 73)3 Tigers — — 8 . . iB .. .616 Other teams not reported. Therefore this standing is .offi cial, but incomplete. The big question th.1t is in the mind of the sport fans around Durham,, can be Buccaneers be beat? It s^ems that Mother Na ture has been so kind to tha winning BuccJneers by throwing bombs in the way of the games tha.t were to 4>enlayed against the Interest Grows InATAMeet WU>BBRFORCE, Hr. J. Aufcrey Lane local chair man for the ntti''nal tournament Businessmen in the form of fsin. Their Inst i two acheduled games were niined out. FATHER HINES BOOGIES FOR CAST AT EXPOSITION perienced swimmer, or ^ ted to faulty methoda, will be come exaulted after covering even a short distance, the profi cient devote of ■ scientific stroke may go miles without tiring. It requires very little effort to hold Ai efficient, well mastered stroke, and tUs is one of the things that make swimming a particularly desirable form of exercise for girla and women as well as for boys Mad men, as it permits them to practice wiUiout feeling ^i^y ill effects. Another great advantage of swimming u that it never be comes irksome. Anyone who has indulged egularly in ctfistfaenics, gymnasium work, and light phy sical activities knows how mono- .tonous and tedius grow in time. On the ott^er hand, virtually aH girls and women enjoy bathing, whether out doors or in a pool, so exercise taken in the water •eems to them more like recrea tion than physical training. One is asked frequsntiy how often and long al swimmer should practice to attain f>est results. Continued on Pi^ Seven (Special) —.of the American Tennis AssocitA- tion to be held at Wilberforce I Onivei-sity August 19-24, inclu sive, has returned from a trip through the eastern states and reports that much enthusiasm ts being shown for the coming «,'vent. While in New York City, Dr. t.ane hi4J a series of conferences with Dr. D. Ivison Ho«ge, Presi dent of the ATA, Mr. Bertram L. Baker, Exocutive Secretary, »nd Arthur E. Francis, Editor of (he ATA Bulletin. From the plans feeing made by this group, it is easily seen th#^ this will be one of the largest championsfhip p1;iy-offs in the history of the lUMoi'ialion. Queen City Net Tourney Closes ^ CHARLOTTE — There are new champions wearing crowns this week as rewards for their stellar play in J,he recent Queen City Open Tennis Tournament, which closed Mond(.ly after open ing play on Thursday on the Smit)h University tennis courts. There was no play on Sunday but in events where there were ties, play was held Monday. This was the annu£^ meet and. was held under the sponsorship of the Charlotte Tennis associa tion. Sixty two persons filed for the event. The former CIAA singles king of Smith, Walter S. Hardy, won When EIARL “Ftaher" HINBS visited the Tropical Gardens of the American Negro Exposition at the Chicago Coliseum last week where .the sensational new revue, “Tropics Alter E>ark,” is being presented, he sat down at the piaino and played his recent record hit, “Boogie Woogie on the St. Louie Blues,” while the entire cast of principals looked on. Included in the picture are Foric Chops Patterson, Dick Montgomery, Pops and Lourie, Evelyn Landry, Jeannette Grider, “Sweetie Pie” DeHsJrt, Foster Johnson, Walter Fuller of ithe Hines band, Mitzi Mitchell and Ruble Blakey. Foint- inc; toward the ivory tickler is Teddy Blackman, producer of the chow, while seated on the bench with Hines is Kathleen Da>y. Among the many till.') contention, i train \vhi‘h is being arranged for, to bring teams and visitors from New York and intervening itnas to' tfto tournament. This truin will leave the Pennsylvania' Station in New York on Friday (!Vi>ning August 16 and return Mondny August 2B. Stops will be ni.nde at FhiladelphiS, HarriaHburg Altoona, Johnstown, Pa., Colum bus and Xenia, Ohio. The special will be equipped with first class air conditioned coiishes with in dividual reclining reserved seats. There will he a diner attached where meals at reasonable prices mJiy be sccured. Reservations I’or this excursion are coming in nt a rapid rate. The list of stars planning to attend the nationals is mounting d.4ily which bids for a brand of ^ tennis that 'has not been sur- reasons for pagj ^t any previous tournament the special ^ play. tx*X*ZK*Z*XK*’X*Z*X*X*Z*X*X*I'>KK*Z*XK*Z*X*X*Z*l*X*X*Z*l*X*I*X*^- the coveted Grier and Thompson league trophy by defei-l.ing W. R Colemah in men’s singles, 6_S. 6.4, ff..4. Winning the men’* dooblea were Sam Duncan and A. W.* Fisher of Livingstone college of Salisbury. They licked Hardy anS Coleman in four sets of lon^ duration, 6..4, 6.3, 6.7, 6.4. There wcii a deadlock in tha mixed doubles. Sam Duncan and lEiiza^eth Duncan of ‘Salisbury, won the first set from Dean Addns and Miss Minnie A. Blaka of this city, but darkness halted the match and it was declared no contest and the trophies divid ed. Miss Blake fell victim to Mrs. Duncan in the women’s singles Continued on Page Seven »X«ZKKK*ZKK*X*ZtXK»Z*7KK€K*Z*Z*X*X*Z*I*ZK*Z*Z*Z*I*X*ZK*XKK^/ I Page's Gnocery And | I Meat Market I V n lA y t* FO RBETTER FOOD AND MEATS V is W Our Store It Complete to ii^l your every -need* at all tiaie*. A And CourteoUf Serrice At All rime*. 1109 PINE STREET PHONE N-5232 V ; Z*Z*Z*XK*Z*Z*Z*Z*ZKK*X*ZK*XK*Z*Z*Z*Z*X*Z*X*Z^XKKK *»>99KiE 9 A I Garrett’s Biltmore I - Drug Store JackstHi Plumbing & Heating Co. A. E. JACKSCm, MANAGER 'JfgCIAl^--CET YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED FOR §a»OL OUUNC THE MONTH )0F AUGUST V * - . SaH* »pd DrMMM elaaaad «a oar “Back to School” All ganMai* w4D b« «slrefaUy examined Md r*9iaira4 CMI *• fot* voar elsaaiag. and aava f 11111 » » REGAL TUESDAY—SPECIAL^WEDNESDAY Pat O’Brien IN Castle Od Tbe Uodsoo ALSO “RED BARRY” NO. 6 « Se—THURSDAY BARGAIN PAY—10b 2 FEATURES AND SHORT Ghost Valley Raiders ALSO “UTTLE TOUGH GUYS” —^IN—— SOCIETY A RELIABLE BUSINESS WITH A PERSONNEL MAKING IT EFFICIENTLY FOR YOU. * 707 i-2 FAYETTEVILLE ST. jjj PHONES: Res. F-0S91 Bus. N 6871 w M EAST PETTIGREW STREET L-OMl THE BEST IN EVERY LINE M Pine Street Service Station WE c'aRRY ESSO PRODUCTS GAS—OIL—KEROSENE—COLD DRINKS WE FIX FLATS Sm h* befora you b«y your next tirae. CALL N 4213 V Si WHEN IN DURHAM VISIT THE Times Inn BEE'R GARDEN MEALS WHERE IT IS VERY COOL . BEER AND SANDWICHES—DANCE '24 Hour* San'ioa "IN THE HEAKT OI-* HAYTI” MRS. R. M, WHITE, MANAGER NATIVE HOME KIIXED MEATS AND FRESH VEGETABLES TRY OUR COUNTRY SAUSAGE A SpeciaUy 420 1-2 EAST PETriGREW. ST. Quality Food Market J. H. PRIDGEN, l^rop. ENJOY THE CCMIFORT X —OF THE— S HOTEL BILTMORE CLEAN—COOL—COMFORTABLE Grill, Private Diniiiac Rooam, Opeu Air CarJsa ThoroOflily Ron«vatsd DURHAM. N. C.

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