Old Ayci Continu«d from •Q* crimhial eode,” laid Mr. X#tU«. |"From Mvcral parts of the ■taU division liiuv rvesired infMr- nation oa tKa «n «4^vitie« of individukli v^ho SovMwm Suildiac iin« of Pric« At Ndw 4n a Wealirly dt««c- 14«i §9 Uat to • ainka tl» point Of plM« bacinnloff. 6m dead fron# Lticlous Johnwtt »1fr"Wlfe to H. R. Holt, book 90 at 697. X^riiMi Countjr lUsiatry. ^ ttmt lot of land eanvayed by L. J. SpauldSng to H. R. Holt aianta b fabe claiipa. **Increaaaa la awardt of from to 120 a montji promlf^d r a paynafft «f |S to th« aoii- citor an immediate awaird of the UO legal morMt mettimum would nuMfti reeiplenta have been aid. One aoMeitor ipromiaed tha^ Ho wiBuldi place a recipient on receive |)50 • n^Ti'n^h, Threat# eipient on the selected lirt to failure to Join. 4n orfanisa> tion oir to sufeKribrfM a pubK- eation wotild result in canceIU tion of their awards have also !>een made to some reoiplents. ve been able to vietimiae rfrt-^ and ilfairsrie Hblt Ji> J«^ notice or 9ALB OF REAL BSTATS lORTH CAROLINA : )URHAM OOUNTY UNDER and by virture of a ?er of sale contained in a cer- lin deed of truat executed by R. Holt April ao, 1940, whxh fs duly recorded in the office of (je Register of Deeds of Dur- lam 3oul»ty In Mortirsge Book 12.80 1M4 ^ deed recorded in deed book 60 page’iyWI, said lot being situated on the North sMe of Divisioh iSbreet between Payettc- viRe Stree# and Msson Struet and being bounded on the wnst by Jenkins lot; on the North by fidwards and Dunston lots, on the Oast by an Alley on this !ot {s a dwe>lling (7) room* ssqne being No. 921 Division Street: see deed book 4|6 p«ge S68, be ing 9 part of the C**if land. This the 26tj, day Sept. 1040. R. L. McDOVOALD, Trnst^e. C. O'. PEARSON, Attorney This land and buildings are sold sutiject to all liens, taxes, mortgages, curb and' gutter tc. The aale will remain open for ten days to receive increase bids as is required by law. Sept. 2*, October S-12-19. Dr. P. M. Murray Addresses Medics legristry; Def^^lt having been |nade in the payment of the in. lebtedneas as iherein provided; land having been resueeted t> by l^e holder of the said note the landersligned Trustee will on Mon- |3ay, Octol>er 28, 1940, at 12 b’ctocH noon at the court house lioor in Durham offer for sale to |;he highest bidder for cash the jfollowing deacribed property: a l40t No. 6, Block “H” Map lof Stokesdpale, as surveyed by IeL C. Belvin and said plat being Jjuly registered in the office of phe Register of Deeds of D«r- liam County in Plat book 6, pag:e |44, sajid lot beSng described as Ifollows; Beginning at s stsike in ■the Soultlhem building line *of iPrice Str«et and thence in a ■Southerly direction l>2j5 feet to U stak^j thence in an easternly Mirecti^fi, ^0, feet to stake; Ithence in a Northerly direcMon |l2i& feet to a stike in the OITT UNlCm USHERS officers Ifi^TALLED ORlJE'NSBORO — The City Union Ushers which is the new name for the United Ushers, page Durham County ty,eir reorgsl^ization in June held their installation services Shiloh Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. R. O. Robeson chair- Under the sponsorship bf tltc Division of Cooperation in Edu cation and Race Relations the Lincoln Hospital held its fifth annual course for Negro physici ans and Surgeons at the Liocnln Hospital ’ Wednesday. The meet> tag took the form of a symposium on msdical and gynecological di seases and began Wedneiulay morning at 9:00 o’clock. Three sesaions were held. Dr. Peter Marshall Murray «f New York was guest speaker. The faculty was composed of profesaors from the Duke Uni. versity Medical School, the TJm- versity of North Carolina jtedi- eal School, and the Saliooi of Public Health. The following ?n structors and subjects were pre sented Dr. W. L. Tijomas Jr., Dnke Rev. Parham Jr. To Edit Church Page Next Week DURHAiM Bp:>;mning with the issue of next wcoi*, October 6, the OABOiLINA TIMES' church page will be edited by Rev. T .D. Parham, Jr., assistant to tSie pastor of the pastor of the Pine Street Presbyterian Chupch. This p«ge will include^ * complete directory of ItJie Ne gro churches of the city, a feii- ture artidle by Rev. Parfiam, and news artifles concerning many of the local churches. All churches in the city, large University, on “Modem Diagao^ amall, are asked +« give Rev. sia and Treatment of Carvinoma.’ Dr. Bayard Carter, Duke Uni- versit);, on “Diagnosis and Treat ment of Ulcerative Lesions of tne GeniUlia.” Dr. E. E. C. Hamblen, Duke University, rn ‘Sterility.” Dr. D. T. Smdth, Duke Un^er- sity, on “Treatment of Old^lse- ases With New Vitamins.” Dr. 0. C, E. Hansen-Prusa, of man of the pwgram DukeUniversity, on “Examination conduFted devotiohala after whirh the following offisers were m- stalleci by Rev. J. T. Hairalon: W^. Johneon, President Harvey Cooke, Vice-President Miss E. Motley, Ser’y-Treas. Miss M. Tuuker, asst-sec’y Miss C, Stephens, CMirman of Sick Cammittee poKir L.ST POOR' BUSmBSS GETVOUOOWM "ny WONMRPUL REGAL THEATRE DOUBLE SPECIAL Tuesday and Wednesday MaeWest in “MY LITTLE CHICKADEE” also Pigmeat Markham in “Mr. SMITH GOES GHOST” Thursday BARGAIN DAY-5 and 10c 2 Features and Short “THE FORGED PASSPORT” also “ONE HOUR TO LIVE” of thft Eyes and Eye Crounrla of of Medical patients.” Dr. C. E. Gardner, Jr., Duke University, on “Peropheral Vas cular Diseases.^ Dr. M. J. Rosenau, University of North Carolina, on “Pub* e I Health Medicine.” Dr. Peter M. MurTay, attending gynecologist at Harlem Hospital New York City, was instruct jr and his topic was “Conservative Surgery in the Treatment of Re curring 'Gonorheal Salpingitis.” Dr. Clyde Donnell of Durham is chairman of the committee on health problems, and Dr. D. T. Smith, Duke University, secretary Other members of tRe committee are: Drs. N. C. Newbold, L. E. McCauley, C. A. Dunston, E. Branch, and J. M. Fleming, ill of Raleigh; Milton J. Rosenau, director of the School of Public Health, Chapel Hill, and W. M. Pa'rham the cooperation !he de serves when he makes contacts for the church page. lliis young man who is com pleting his work as an honor student at North Carolina Coll ege this year, has eiSmed for himseltf an enviable reputation during the short time that he has had ciharge of the Pine street Church in the absence of the pastor Rev. W. T. Nelson, who is stud3^ing out of the filtate. 7 Killed Continued from page one highway 50 yards from the in tersection. All persons except Gillard suf fered fractured skulls and other injuries. Gillard had a fractui\?d jaw, crushed ribs on the left aide. Walter White Attach Greeo NEW YORK — Chiding Wm. Green, preaidenit of the Amencun Federation of l«bor for failing to back up hia prounouncemcnla against rtloial intolerance with action, Walter White told sever al hundred delegates attending the fifteenth annutp convention dirnier of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters at Mseca Temple here Monday, Sept. 18 that “I will l>e more impressed by Mtl Gt^en’a q;>eec)hes when he expresses himaelf against rs»:ial intolerance in deeds as well as in w>ord».’ Tho NAAQP secretary was re ferring to a speeidh made by the AP of L president before tihe convention „at >Sakm ME Churrh, 129th Street and Seventh Avcm e eafrly in the week, when Green said, “So long as I can expnss myaelf. I' aihall fight against racial intolerafice and hatred in America.’* listened wfbh amusement yesterday to William Green,” he said, “telling you that, ‘So iong ata I can express myself I shall fight against racial intolerance and hatred in America, and liis statemenit thalti the AF of L is leading the way against racial hatreds and prejudices here similar to those tliat have calused the European war. CCC EMIOLLUS LEARN MUSIC TOO Many young men have discov ered latent talents in themselves they knew nothing of. Abo/e >s shown aereral music atudenU levying the «rt of playiny must. cal instruments. Many of them are now gainfully employed in orchcatras, bands and otohcr ur>! g«niationa throogboot the c«br- try. Thus the CCC program be gun dhrini: the depreaaion Jays has beromc ^ penaanent fixture in American youth deveiopaent. Wife Preservers ■me—ri" r "T" Wh«n the men of the (•mily apend • lot of time in • b«a«m«nt workshop, t«e to it that there a • bottle of oil Jimd an old shaving brush handy to brush oil on the tooia i^en the work ia done, to keep then from gettinjnaJs, CHEHINOWITZ, Bukovina, USSR-^In six weeks since the advent of Soviet power in north ern Bukovina, SS.GS-O landless peasfats have received shares of In Los Angeles trained the Ifends formerly owned by the rich Rumanian landlords. “In Tampa, Florida, five hund red skilled Negro shipywrds' workers are wtalcinc the streets today because the B^jilermakers and other A*F of L unions which bar Ntegroes from memibership [ by oon*rtitutk>nal (provisions, se-1 cured a) closed shop contract with the Tampa iShipbuildin'? and Dry dock Company which is buildin? ships for the United States Man time Conwnission. We have ap- pesfed repeatedly to Mr. Green over a period of more than a year to act in this situation but, to. . date, completely without result,. 1940, Wnzing Ne^oe:, who seek their Constitutiinal Langston Hugbes On the Air NEW YORK — Langst.^n Htughee, famous tfefpro author. Dnrhamites G(mg TeWinstoo Classic All Durham is making plans to is to be Prof. John T. Frederick’s j lourney to Winston Salem next guest on “Of Men and Books” I Saturday night, October I'Stii, over Columbia network Satur- to join the throngs from this sad day, Se^t. 2P, when tihe CBS other states wfiicjj will be oo literary crktaca discusses “The Negro in American Liter*»ture” WABC-CBS, 1:00 EDST. The 'broadcast is the first '>n [the program’s new time acheJi’le. Men I presses himself against racial in- tbleran'oe in deeds as well as in words. , , • , . . , The NAACP secretary drew a >‘^0f Men an.^ classic and will give an exa;t searing picture of the discrin.ina: '®^*'*’' Tuesdays dei to wha should be expected hand to see the North CaruUna College Eagles open their CIAA schedule against the Big Bluea of Bluefield. This game is being offered as a key inter-dtate tion against Negroes in Nattcnal Defense industries and ihe Army and Navy, the six lynchiivgs ti.us from 4 to 4:15. in the conference this year. The People who accept invitations should sometime send them out. Rich, superintendent of Lincoln Hospital, Durham. SCOTTS SCRAP BOOK BI4(CS Mu^KAUONflb lYW. WAS UOliK J. CoUMAM *i( Ik^U. MS»- 60 POUMOS, By R. J-Stafr Do you Khow Your CAfs? N'orthwestem University whic^ ami‘Prof. Frederick is giving in con- jfviation mechanics have f o *“ " junction with hU " many months been iarying to get, • employment in j ^e- Students in tihos course a*wm- which are filling orders for tne i j x i x «c Wp in the studios of WBEM, J roes to respond to pleas to ‘Save ble in tne siuaros ’ United States Army ^d ^a/y | ^ jg. Columbia’s station m Chicaf? •. Eecntiy Hhe Boe.n^ plrtnt Br„therh«od .t U.™ Prof. Frsderkk’. r.dio llie Sept. 28 broadcast stlso i kickoff has been scheduled fur marks the opening of the seco’id 18:00 P. M. at Bowman Sray Me- year of the course in literature at ntorial Stadium; to' acicept Negroes if they were of U>, urlo^ 'ti'^ontinae !bro.d»at th» CBS Men.ry critic • ’ . the 4m. «KEAM, 81ACK 9AC(cAU e¥ “WK LUXURtOU5 VUR . KlMIMOi US Ot COM| AMP Am , FROM ANCEtifOHS OW VAUOUi COLORS'* I KrfliLM IM A LrT^ MAY W ' iMAMtMlOWU but this union, too, bars Nesri'o- es from membership, as the Boeing plant, I suspect, knsw. Thus the Negro worker has his life .blood ®queezed out between the upper and nether millstones of employer and ld(bor union discrnnination. As for myself I will be more impressed by Mr. Green’s speeches when he ex- present tremendously im-| talks originate. Following ach the fig-ht not only in our ami be-, continues his discussion on half but to sax-e Americaf from topic? 4nd answers ques- its own blindness and bigotry,”, tions by the students b^ed on Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, Mayor remarks made during the pro- Fiorello LaGuardia, and A t gam. The guest speaker also Philip Randolph were among the participates in this after broa*t- prominent pewons w,ho spoke at .cast discussion, the dinner. Mr. Green, w^ notj Prof. Frederick plans re view Hug'hes’ recently publishea This will be the third time that Bluefield has been an Atraction "Of Men and in W-nston Salem and they have won all games played ther, there by establishing themselves as favorites in the minds of faM in both rices. North Carolina Col lege will be p*aying there for tha first time but their decisive vic tory over the Blues in Durhaoa last year makes the attraction a natural. MkKSAS « MA5 ©IICOVlR^ -WAf «' ||, Wtc M /iovt eo^Miy «A5 yfORM »/ VAHD A.HP l^m XOOK ^ UKlt R006lVl.Vr- . SEARCH rOR A HViyLKIK MA(iruR«.',«0M4wut(^ ofviR MMio: FOOTBALL INTERSTATE UASSIC SATURDAY NITE OCT. 12tll BLUEFIELD State Teachers Collese -vs- Kick-off r 8:09 o’clook North Carolina College Eagles BCmMANLGRAY Memorial Stadium Winston-Salem, N. C. APItflSSION 7Sc Tax Incluileil BRING THIS AD TO THE DURHAM SHOE CO. IT’S WORTH ON THE PURCHASE OF ANY SHOE ABOVE TWO DOLLARS i Seeks Jobs R. H WATKINS J.C. WYNNE; DURHAM SHOE CO., ••your foot FRIENDS” Inc. las EAST MAIN STREET ANNOUNCING.... THE OPENING OF PAPA JACK’S RAINBOW GRILL '^Continued from page one ing employment policies in the hiring of Negroes. To Give Information The educational phase of the campaign. White said in the let ter, includes a program of disiem inating among church, civic, fr*. temal and youth groups concern ing the federal government’s ope ration of apprentice^ip scho'-’^a and course^ in vocational train- ing for the purpose of proviiiag skilled workers the plants to whicji federal dontreltts have been given. In order to get the maximum of support behind the prog'^nit NAAOP branches have been urg ed to work closely with indnat- rial service organizations, labor unions, and other bonafide organ- iaaUons in their communities. The association also caBed no on organizations intere^fted in working in the Job campaipi to get in touch with the NAACP national headquarters ait 69 9th Avenue, New York. Speciality, Barbecue Rib cooked before your own eyes. Beer, Ale, Wine And Everything That’s Fine. SOMETHING NEW AND DIFFERENT Opening* Date, Friday, September 27th. DINE' and WINE under The RAINBOW 706 Fayetteville St. Opposite; Bankers Fire Bldg» outobiography, “The Big S«*,“ in addition to interviewinif tha arthor on the general subject rf Negro eontrttMitions to Asnerieaii liteatiire. He also will reriaw “Dusk of Dawn,* >bioinr«pliy ^ jW. F. B. DuBois, andber jNegpo author. I Hughes had- led an intereetoNt jlife. Be waa a# eoak aad in the night cloba of jwas a seamaa a which plied the wm»im and AfricJ, ¥Rg|illli 1 im Mexico and waa ^ hnditfy R, Washinyjtm lMti| ibKmi Lindsay befnaaik^ . his earliw ixiTlff of poera«, and “Flail and a BAval, "Mut LsHightar.** _ ^ when h« returned t* ton.