. '4^.» '■/'t ‘-r*r Ifegro Fair To Use L^ofl Fair Grounds men of the county are now I#/ batter, however, the little f-l.|th« 60b Jolly *unch Club at herjrtspectlng labor and Inaiited that I I||tfnCCN ^TA APPR(1VF PRflW)SFD u'^ni? farin exhibits together *low*« ability is nothin? abort of^home recently on West Twen^,every effort wiH b« mad. to in- LUllI/EiEn lU iirrilUllJ 1 A1/1 UlJiJlV YOUTH TRAINING PROGRAM! aiuailn;^. Johnie stands on one Fourth Street. Aftar b\isinei'8 hand .tnd swings the bat with ^«esiion the hoBtcMi served rc- Ihe oti«er. The out«tandingr ffature of the freshments. •ure the Negro an equitable ami propoxtionate ahare in training abd placement in the defensa in Mr. Ehd Mrs. Clifton Mit-hill.duatriea. t«*rinif farin exhibits togc with the Nejrro sehools *nd ho fi'p!3 c'-'rtain that the large cx- h:bii '.sH on f;he fan grrd’inl v^fill Xh"tattractions this year will t.e'of WalkertowIT announc«i the] Li^at Oxley asserted that na- October 7 He further staL,Captain Jack Oliver, the worlds' marri4?e .>f their daughter, Mis»,t»onal defense can become eflfpc Cr.n. forth. Xc^rro fair this year. .that he had completed arrfsns^e- rtrX’^ united T... V. r„ fair ,pen« Monday xnonta with R. B. Nichols suoer-'»>«=kward from a tower 126 H. Leake of Watfesboro^ T^he . , cf .ni.at C.t.,ber 7. The do„rs open iutendoni „f the Durham County in « li»«rht blcN of fire Into riage tgok place m the city ^ ^^rt 5 dpmocl 4 foot tank of water. (l2. The couple are making viiair strength m support of deniocf- acy,” and thjit there .must be an equal articipation in .the aifairs of our Government iby all per sons, regardlesa of race, creed '•r Color. Above sfll, he added, eveiy individual and each local com munity m«st be mindful of a reaponEiihility the activities of the Defenae Projrram. "There must be a spirit of ac- T. A. H*mme. Du’-hai.4 ty Nc^r^j far ni;t'i’nt and tary and itent-ral mani • the Durham County Xc'^rro Kair‘at 6;30 P. M. Immediately aft r Home, whereby Mr. NichoLs will ^ .. n u *. w n •r.nouneed lart nipht that he hnd ; the w, .k of the Amerk-.ln Legion have on exhibit for Durham I Arrangements have been made home w|th Eobert ccm|»J«ted a contract whcr. by Mr. llHmme stales that the County a large herd of pure-bred »«^ham Public Service Prescilla Friend of Durham Countv Xecro Fair n:il responm from the poople of his cattle and several pens of Dur- Company ^ operate buses to »*d nersiiille now of Brwtol, Tenn. be held this year on the Am. i- racc been unusually fine tais County’s registered, prr^- «>e durin? the was the guest of Mo, c»rt Lcsri«‘Ti Fair ground. iu!=t nff year and if c rtain that this hred swine. a di8,play for the week. the Oxford Highway. ‘y«’:^‘* f***" "'I ^he nio.«t out- ]>urhain County Home in ♦^he I Mr. Htjnmc expres ud hfni.' lf,f‘.andinu one the Durham Coun- niain exhibit hall. This jc#*rHl as Wing biphly elattd over st >--tv Nefirro Fair has yet staged. consist mainy of a large se-j » * *115?I."*" Ui-ing the l^ion Fair ground A cTcat .percentage of the far :p^tjon of various ci| ned vege tables, fruits and etc. put up at the County Home, for the use of the inmates along with othir phases of food and feed produci tion at the County, H6me. Mr. Hamnie e|m) stated that he had been very fortunats in being able to book for the Ne Salem Naomi Hines while in the city. Miss Friend left Friday for AUantic City, New Jersey. The Ladies Aid of New Bethol Church were guest of Cassie Penn Club Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ellen Talley West Fourteenth St. Circle No, 2 of St. Petul Wo- WASHINiQTOS', Oct. 2. (ANP)|every way. Now that our beloy^sjdj •Last week in tho house of ru-, country If fac® to facd with »H“ other emergency, they are mani festing the same spirit of patn. otism that has guided them m presentatives, Louis Lundeien of Indiana totals; iho ,‘toor to offer an amendment thd initiated by "crisis of our national the Federal Security agency, with history and the amejidment I Ihe approval of the Council offered would remove racial barrier* and guarantee their right to serve." The amandment was ilgreed to. National Defense and the Bud get bureau, patrticularly interest ing to Negro youths with reg.^"d to the proposed training pro gram, “Nkj trainee under the fore going appropriations shall be d s- ^anna bet? criminated against because of sex, rao® or oolor ajid where se parate schools are required by Pemocracyi according to the totalitarian boys, is on its last What happens in the war zones is more important than tive cooperation itnd helpfulness ]aw for SSp^rate populaitiofn expert guesses as to what might beitween Negro organizations, no- groups, to 'lihe' ex'tenT needed for happen, minlstrntive agencies and local, trainees of eaSh such group, equi I By Mrt. Naonii Hine* Miss Ludlle Berry is in the ci^y visiting her brother Joe B«i-1 ry on Ridge Ave. rarBonBK**- uu»....~ . j • .11, president of tne circle. educating emnl.'ivers to the em-l in defending his amendmeAt, P.,, «„e of .h, M.cS™'''*’’ '"^1 «»■ M US V.Wo tudl.; ^'.r.hU'provS-^ men Division of Service held a|authorities,” Lieut 'Cfxley soid. tabla provision shall be in^de fori When criminals, either men meeting TuesSay night at the,He .nclnited ojit thilt much can facilities anTT TraffriThg of like nations, ge oge er i i» on Kiage Ave. i t 4« v j i. u , lacuiues ^ folks to Mrs. R. F. McCullum spent the be and should be accomplished ^n quality,’* hi* amendment ^ad^ together. It's about time for some seer oi Lilt; wuLSLaauiiis nUSuanai ftev. iviuv.unuiii. i ^ „ - j«,,o • , « • .. — * .• «*w«v —-— carnivals of the nation-Barney Mrs. Daisev B. Pearson WiHon ton, D. C. spent a « clo^r relationship bet ,lo„ is n.t Inserted in the pre-come forward with ."accu- " ' ■ the city visiting her pti^.ents, i»r. ween Netrro orgamiations end gent le|?\r you will have one pro- j-ate” prophecies of what will T'MpH tinit Shows. This shaw’^f Philadelphia PbI, is visit'ng carries 10 shows; 8 riding devices relatives in this city, and the usual number of con^^cs- j S. G. Anderson was reeleet?d sions. : president of the local Urihcr One of the most outstanding Board of the St. Paul Methodlstj features of the show being John Church in a recent meeting. He Eck, known as the miracle man |ia now serving his seventh year and on whom Bob Ripley has pin as president. and Mrs. W. a. Brice. Mrs. Dazelle Lowe of 2403 N. Cherry Street is spending her vacation in Orange, N. J. Mrs. ned the title “The most rem^lrK- able man in the world.” Mr. ifnd Mrs. Thomas Beatty of 660 West twenty fourth st. NEW YORK, N. Y.—Chairman hope for nothing under govern- Joseph W. Martin Jr. of the Re- ment by dictatorship. The jneet- publican National Committee, ing was held at headquarter.^, 70 tells New York meeting of Easl- E. 46th Street, Tuesday with a1- ern Planning Board of the Colo- tendance of representativds from red Division that the race can ten eastern states. Johnie having been born with- had a* their nouse guest Mrs. out any hips or legs and does his Henry .Smith of Lexington, Ky. walking on his hands. Being only^ The J. W. J Sewing Club mot 18 inches in height and an ex- at the home of Mrs. Grant on pert swimmer and climb Hargrave St. and showered Mrs. fences and jump rope. He ad-jgheeks whose home was destroyed mits that his ability as a base-jby fire recently, ball out fielder “is only fair.” As Mrs. Annie Tatton entertained policy forming groups. I vision with reaeT5H?e""to the })Bppen in 1941. Lieut. Oxlev discussed the pro-1 draftees unde? the conscription gren and objectives of the N«* law and a lack of We same pro. CTO Placement Service and told vision under tnis act. Lowe is State Superintendent of i,jj, Ijgteners that this spe'ialj “I think tBe'proposed amend- Home Demonstration Agents. [un^f was ijrimarilv concerned with ment upeaks Tor itself. As I say, The Brotherhood of St. Paul jtjn)ulatin«r f^warenejfs among it h?V the”bacKing of the Fede- Church renftTed a program States Frnnlovment Ser- ral Security administraiion, and Brooks Memoritl* Church in Hit?a personnel that all avaiTshi'* it also has 'th® su,port and op- MR. MERCHANT SEE TBAT SHE READS TOQR AD IN THESE COLUMNS Point Friday night for the beno- ■=t of that church drive. J. H. R. Gleaves is president of the Bro therhood. sldlls rt’-e needed for provfl' of the «dvisory commission of the CounctTof Nationif Defen se, which finas it to be in har mony with i?* labor policy; and i DURHAM COUNTY COLORED FAIR One Solid Week, October 7^9-10-1142 J American Legion Fair Grounds Oxford Hrghti^a5^ Biggest Colored Fair In The South Jee Dare Devil Oliver World Champion | ^ High Diver At Durham County Col ored Fair,'Free Prizes Given Away Each Night i Regal Theatre ut?i7.ifion in defense Indu8ti*ie9. After statinsr .the nressinqr ne- cp5«titv of trai^ln.a- neri^ons in the various trades and skills rpouirnd, o^ the Budet oureau, whic% finds Oxley Uhtm Employment Of essential in defence «ii-; it to be in Tiarmony with the] Race in D«f«n«« Industrie* the pnpnVpr en''otir»r.*-1 program of fhe President. It in- PITTSBURGH A complete to letid everv jects no new'liblTcies into tho ad- utilization of all availiWe Nn?ro develonin«r rV^ int.-r^'st minrstration of our laws but m"- skills needed in defense industries-Nrotrroee +o reo'i'^pf in the relv m'fcer tr"^ act inpspect of was urged by Lieut. Lawrencs om-rrnm so vital to oor training >onform to itle policy ^ ^f'+’’onal defense. {already deterinTned upon by Con ■ , 1 I gress jnresp?ct “^o cohscripiees Fow wV>o ! under the new Conscription act. SUNDAY AND MONDAY “GERONIMCF t ,, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY “JOHNNY. APOLLO” with TYRONE POWER and DOROTHY LAMOUR THURSDAY SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY 5 and 10c TWO FEATURES AND SHORT “OUT WEST WITH THE HARDY’S” WITH MICKEY ROONEY ALSO WESTERN “HIDDEN VALLEY” ADDED SHORT—ARTIE SHAW’S ORCHESTRA FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “PRAIRIE LAW’ WITH GEORGE O’BRIEN A. Oxley, Supervisor of the Ne gro Placement Service, Bureau nf Employment Security in an ad dress rtt the Warren Church be fore the National Associaition for fj^the Advamcememit of Colo-red People. He stressed particularly the thought that all avaiUWa skills needed in defense indus tries must be utilized, but the speaker empha^zed that rII avail! J le Negro skin* must bo pniraeed in the prosecution of the National Defense Program. vniir bnni+h are intprppt.“(l in 11 ir(*sne'’itfuTlv ask the commit*'ee your symptoms. Chnr#*h GoilectJoriB do not. a«> vet, inrliVntp nny great prosperi ty in the land. The Aroericiin Lpap^ne has iust ended whnt one might call a real pennant rflce. . Let nobodv fool you; indi.«crT* TTie speaker outlined Pli’"’y fniinate bombine of any city will the policy as laid down by the result in untold damage. to adopt the ainendment. T am happy to offer this t- mendment because it offers to the colored people of our coun try an assurance that there '(vill be no discrimination against them in training for national defense. In every wf$% in which our coun try has engaged, Negroes have responded to the call of our country and have demonstrated their loyalty and devotion in ylA beiore She goes SHOPPING > N One-Minute lest 1. Which is the right or left hand side of a river ? 2. Did Benjamin Frai^lin sign both the Declaration of Inde pendence and the” Constitution ? 3. How can real Ivory be dis* tinguished from imitation.? GRAB BAG ■ ,* ^ - Words of Wisdom A contented mind U the great* dst blessing a man can enjoy in tiiis world; and if, in the present Wfe, his happiness arises from the Mbduing of his desires, iJt will arise in the next from the gratifi cation of them.—^Addison. HlBts on Etiqaette f ;• . Do not make your .plape ,th(> table untidy by eating bread and butter before the meal ts served. Today’s Horoscope If your birthday Is today you should curtail ^e>(penditures during the next 12 months and guard against deception. You will gain through a stranger, and. l4e ^osite sex will be w^i dis{ios^ toward you. Bom today, a child will have a fine character, being self-reliant, faithful, taonorabl*. optimistic, artistic, musical, erary and generally successfuL Vjery - early, morning births are most fortunate, those Ikte in the day being less auspicious. One-Sfinate Test Answers L The right hand side is on the right as you go downstream; the left, natuitdly, the other side. 2. Yes. 3. By examining its structure under & nUcroscope. If genuine, rittle waves maybe detected; 11 artificial, little holes can be seM in the bone. Distributed by King Features Syndicate. Inc. Follow The Sales Card Firm on the of The Most Progressive Warehouse Durham Tobacco Market SELL YOUR TOBACCO On The Day That Suits You Best. Then Go Home Satisfied that You Got the Very TOP MARKET PRICE The Durham Market Opens TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8th, First Sale BRING US YOUR FIRST LOAD For A Satisfactory Sale CUT THIS CARD OUT AND KEEP FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON BANNER AND PLANTERS WAREHOUSES, DURHAM, N. C. Talley Bros„ Wagoner, Averette, and Barfield, Proprietors. 1940 - SCHEDULE OF SALES - 1940 Planters Banner Planters Banner Planters Banner Planters Banner Planters Banner Date Day SALES Dat^ Day SALEIS Date Day SALES Date Day SALES Date Day SALES OCTOBER 16 Wed. 3 1 NOVEMBER 18 Mon, _ _ 2 3 5 Thurs. __ -3 1 1 Tues. 3 1 17 Thurs. 2 3 1 Fri. 2 3 19 Tues. 1 2 6 Fri. -2 4 2 md. 2 3 , 18 Fri. -—-1 2 4 Mon. 1 2 20 Wed. 3 1 9 Mon. _1 3 3 Thurs. _^_1 2 21 Mon. 3 1 5 Tues. 3 1 21 Thurs. 2 4 10 Tues. -4 2 4 Fri. 3 1 22 Tues. 2 4 6 Wed. 2 4 22 Fri. 1 3 11 Wed. .3 1 7 Mon. 2 4 23 Wed. 1 3 7 Thurs. —J 3 25 Mon. 4 2 12 Thurs. — -2 4 S/^ues. 1 3 24 Thurs. 4 2 8 Fri. 4 2 26 Tues. 3 1 13 Fri. _1 3 9 Wed. _—,4 2 25 Fri. 3 1 11 Mon. 3 1 27 Wed. 2 4 16 Mon. — ^4 2 10 Thurs. 3 1 28 Mon. ^ ^ -2 \4 12 Tues. 2 4 DECEMBER 17 Tues. .5 1 11 Fri. .2 4 29 Tues. 1 13 Wed. 1 3 0 Mon. 3 1 18 Wed. - „ _2 3 14 Mon. -1 3 30 Wed. 4 k 14 Thurs. —4 2 3 Tues 2 3 19 Thurs. *1 2 15 Tues. 4 2 31 Thurs. 3 1 15 Fri. 3 1 4 Wed. 1 2 20 Fri. :;1 3 Talley Bros, 0. B. Wagoner, Proprietors-H. A Averette, Book- J,F. . Barfield, Auc. Banner and Planters DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA ACGIES FACE FLORDIA RAITLERS Continued from page 4 Section Section 2 Livtegatone game scheduled for| last Saturday was ,originally dt signed td reveal Exactly whalj type of ^material was in the As g'e camp, but at was cancelled oi rcqnest of the Salisbury eleyei| Practice sessions with long ant arduous scrimmages have givonj however, sufficient insight int[ the working of A. and T. gric machinery to effectively estimait its potency. -Exactly 55- le.tter men are cu^ striving for Starting positions it the Aggie lineup by game Saturday. Twenty-two of thesJ are backs and the rest linemenj There are backs of all type.ij triple threats, capable punter uncanny passers, linfe smashers! and swivel-hipped runners., T'nJ veterans. Sam Bruce, .one of t afl greatest kickers and C. I. A. Al quarterback; Eddie Moore, earial wizard'; George WaltTl ,Timmy Watson and George Mayij elusive halfbacks; are havinir J tnugh time maintaining superiorl ity at their old positions.'' I Outstanding frosh threa*^s 1x1 the backfield include Francif White, William l^rowns and GeoJ "Iteau” Brummel, halfbacks; ana tho incomparable Ave Perkina and Willis PowelL fullbacks. It may be the forward wall which will tell the story in th^ Aggies’ favor This week-end. Th( locp.ls were especially strong M defense last year stopping fcur»'J nia.1or teams on the goal lin j several times. The forward walj thus far developed by the Teclv men is a granite like one a. ground taotical offensives wi^ experience diffieuUy in orossui it Excopt for the absence of first Hiring linemen, two of whpj are losb by graduation, the lin| compo.sition remains about th‘ same. Veteran linemen who at certafh to see action' Saturda; include Howard Hunter and Geo Irima, cndsj.Joe. Garvln, JeiSA Banner, and Geotge Wilson, tac kies; “Dutch” Clarke and Be, Scott, guards and Ed Nance, c*’ ter. Blossoming forth ** outstuui^ in^ candidates for starting pos tions on the line and certain •jli; gibles to start against Flond? aro the following rookies; Wm^ "Glammour Boy” Lee and Ho^ ward White, guards; Chirle^ l4ynn and John Petty.iahn, tackle Bob Lane, center; and Roy Geai ing, the Monterio cousins, Jn Burney, - and.. Etnie X>ewis,. ends. | tmM